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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 8 minutes ago, Ezic.8325 said:

    Yeah, I already have crafted my exotic gear, I was just worried about the build stuff, like, this Viper gears have the exactelly stats that I need, but I don't know if I can turn my current gear into it.

    This is exactly what I want to know, like where did all this gold came from? I completely agree with all of you that the focus of a games is play for fun, and that is why I decided to not play competitive modes, because pvp can be a bit stressful to me, like you join to see how it is and is oblitarated by someone who is much more powerful than you, but in PvE I can enjoy the story, the map, and all the other contents, but right now I'm feeling like the stuff I'm doing isn't woth in terms of rewards, like I really like the idea of dungeons in RPGs, but when I tried a dungeon with my friends, It souded like I just wasted my time...I don't know if it make sense, I received some rewards and stuff, but I don't know what to do with them, and I don't want to make the wrong choices and be punished for that later...

    I totally will play for fun, just want to know the path, you know?

    Do not over think, you can't mess up anything ever. You can't take any wrong irreversible choices.

    The game showers you with exotic gear in expansion maps, you will sell it, delete it, you will salvage it. Already the first map of the first expansion (HOT expansion) has a vendor where you can buy exotic armour (no chest piece though) with selectable stats. You can select any stats you want. It costs 1 gold per piece and some map currency which you get literary from doing anything on the map.

    Wvw mode for example gives you a chest every bronze tier (which is like 1 hour of playtime every week) where you can select any exotic armour piece and select any stat. They also introduced stat selectable armour in wvw for a measly amount of it's basic currency which everyone that plays just a little bit of the mode have in 10s of thousands.

    These are 2 very basic examples of exotic gear you can get now, today in 1 hour or less. Any stats you want. But you don't know that because you havent actually played the game.

    Now about where to go. The easiest way is to follow the story. The story will get you through everything in order with some sense behind it. If you are not a story guy, you can skip the living world season 1 and 2 because those are just the story parts without anything added on and jump straight into first or even second expansion (Hot or Pof). Expansion maps and it's event are end game content - lot's of fun stuff to do.

    If you like dungeons you can try fractals (basically current dungeons). I would recommend you play some open world maps first. But if you really want to jump into fractals you can. Go into Lion's Arch, open looking for group menu, find fractals and tier 1 fractals, join group and play. The fractal portal is in Fort Mariner in Lion's Arch but if you join a group and someone enters first, you will get a prompt window so you can just straight join as long as you are in Lion's Arch. Fractals are good gold farm. Fractals have some specifics to them, like agony (not in tier 1 though up until fractal lvl 20 or so). So I would recommend watching a guide or ask around if you want to progress in higher tiers. 

    LFG (looking for group) is your friend. Also this website is your friend: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers. As you can see on the page most of the events listed there are on expansions maps.

    Best gold farms are in expansions maps. Also fractals, raids, festivals... But why do you need gold? To get gear? You don't need gold for gear. At least not as much that you need to farm for it. You know why people farm gold? To buy gems, to buy skins from gem shop. 

    Also pvp. Or what people here call spvp, structured pvp. There is no gear discrepancy. Pvp uses it's own gear system, everyone is equal. It's all about skill. But yeah you'll get crushed at the start but it won't be gear doing it.

    There is also wvw (world vs world) which is a large scale pvp mode. There you bring your own gear. Exotics are completely fine. Don't be afraid to jump into it, sure youll get crushed but everyone does  from time to time. Also you will find commanders there and some will advertise Discord channels you can join. I would highly recommend joining them on Discord. You will learn the most of the mode listening to commanders in discords. At least about the large scale battle dinamics.

    This game is HUGE. And it's not good at explaining itself and can get very complicated and inconsistent but is super fun. And its too much to convey in writing. Get into the game, start up an expansion story in your Hero panel. Have fun for the next 5 years.

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  2. My recomendation, take it or leave it.

    You reached lvl 80. Youre only actualy starting the game. This was the tutorial.

    Forget about ascended gear, forget about gold. You can buy exotics for a few gold (which I bet you have 5 times over at least in your material storage) and be ready for ALL content with exception of higher tier Fractals.

    With what you are intending is going into boring grind while skipping the actual game. You run the risk of getting bored before you even start playing.

    The more gameworld you discover and complete, the more knowledge about the game you acquire, the better your options to get gold and gear will get.

    Getting ascended at your point is a large project and you will have limited stat options. Getting ascended for me  is a matter of minutes. Its not only that I have a large bank. I have like 20 different options/routes unlocked I can take and can take the optimal based on which piece/stats I want. You have 2 routes which are long and/or expensive and limited.

    And in the end you will take the hard route for ascended and once youll get it, you will feel 0 difference to exotic gear you can buy right now for peanuts. And you will be broke to actualy buy stuff that makes a difference like mounts.

    Edit: same with gold. You are very limited with gold gains now. Discover world, get mounts, learn. I have never intetionaly farmed gold in this game, I have 5k gold in my wallet and like 10k if I sell my stuff, it all came as a byproduct of playing whats fun to me. I have a mule character, like 80 slots of ascended gear I will never need (because Im mostly legendary anyway), salvaged just as much or more, it all came as a byproduct of playing for fun.

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  3. I like good quality content. I don't care how they deliver it as long as it's good. 

    On the topic. I will always take the predictable scheduling over being kept in the dark. I don't think that is really a choice for most. But on the other hand, based on gw2 past experience, when Anet tries to get into some kind of constant long term plan it fizzles. And when they sporadically release a big expansion at a point when it seems its a make or break for the game it turns out great. Maybe they just need some good old crunch time, psychological pressure, mobbing workplace culture.

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  4. I'm not sure about the current meta status but both Ranger and Guardian LB have very good feel about it and work nicely in open world but are rarely the best weapon for instance content. Ranger longbow is generally a good weapon for pvp modes only not in large squads in wvw. I say rarely because these things change over time.

    Warrior LB is probably the best meta choice for instanced content right now but is a primarily condition weapon and like many warrior skills feels a bit clunky. So slower ramp up due to condition based dmg and a bit clunky - doesnt feel as good. Condition berserker is very good lately in all game modes and the latest patch was I think very good for berserkers in general (havent played much lately so not 100%). But this can always turn around.


  5. 12 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Yea, there is counterplay, and said counterplay keeps getting nerfed.

    Random pug rangers being ineffective is a red herring, and arguably so is spvp.

    I didnt mean specific game mechanics counterplay like strips. That is irrelevant. Counterplay as in doing what is neccesary to win instead of complaining that your way doesnt work.

    And I dont see how go play spvp is a red herring. If players dont like to play in big groups or are bothered by big groups or boonball meta, there is a whole game mode for it. Yeah spvp has its problems but its a much more controlled enviroment that at least tries to be somewhat balanced and fair. Wvw is sandbox mode with big player numbers. It will always gravitate towards big organised groups and some kind of meta comps.

    What boons are actualy good for, they provide a third and fourth role in a squad (booners and strippers). Remove boons and squad compositions might suddenly become way tigher as in top healer with best hps/cleanse output, top damage and maybe a utility role here and there because who doesnt love a good mesmer.

    • Confused 6
  6. 1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Yes, but these are separate issues we're talking about here.

    Good players will always beat bad players in the long run. That doesn't mean counterplay shouldn't exist, or the definition of good can be challenged.

    Game balance is like a safeguard. It does not exist to  encase players in padded walls and protect them from every possibility, but rather to put some reasonable limits on how badly things can degenerate.

    And yes, plenty of other games are trash. I don't play any of them.

    This is not about balance. This is about creating inbalances to beat each other. Its not a spvp controlled enviroment.

    There is counterplay, players just rather cry than organise and do whats neccessary. "buh buh but I want to have a chance against 50 man guild on voice with my skilled solo hunter"

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  7. Even without boons random pug groups would get completely crushed by organised meta comps on voice chat.

    Guilds will always find a winning tactic that gets abused to death (enemy death). If it means stacking 30 decked out frost mages for their aoe freeze spam followed by a squad of firemages for firestorm to anihilate frozen enemies. Or 20 longbow archers to snipe enemy guild leaders on sight making it mandatory for guild leaders to run the only warrior build with shield (in a game where respecing is super costly) that can reflect.

    This happens in all games. Gw2 is pretty mild about it. You can at least participate. In some games you wouldnt come close to the objective without being in a comped group.

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  8. I've played wow pvp for about 6 years religiously. No way was ever wow more varied than gw2. Not even close. Now wow arena was more competitive at some point and maybe that is why meta was more narrowly defined. But there were seasons or multiple seasons where the whole season you had only 2 team compositions that were viable. And by this I mean specific classes with specific builds. Extreme example was the early 2v2 meta (I think in TBC) when lock/druid were dominating and the only comp that had a chance against it was rogue/mage, maybe rogue/priest. And rogue/mage and rogue/priest only really had a chance if the lock/drud did a mistake. There was one guy that could make it happen on hunter with hunter/druid but he was literary anomaly and probably the best player at the time. Blizz didn't know how to fix (especially the druid) and just scrapped 2v2 from tournies.

    GW2 has great class variety in pvp. But like I mentioned if we had really competitive scene the top players would probably narrow it down. But I also doubt that meta would be anything like players think it would be right now and it would probably be nowhere close to soloQ meta.

    As for the CC diminishing returns that keeps getting mentioned. You can't compare wow cc to gw2 cc. First of all everyone in gw2 can equip cc breaks / condi removals. Anyone. This is not the case in wow. All skills in gw2 have CD. In wow some classes have breaks but only against specific CCs. Some classes have cleanses but again only against specific CC and those are not self breaks. In early wow it was literary possible by some classes to get enemy players in never ending cc chains. You even have cc like cyclone that can't be dispelled or broken by anything but pvp trinket. And it was very easy to sustain it because you have plenty of spamable CC without CD, no positional requirement for casting it beyond being in range and stuff like focus macros. Pvp trinket and DR were a must in wow. Even now you can get someone that has trinket on CD in a 17.5 sec CC chain with polymorph if there is no one that can dispel it. You can get someone in a 10.5 sec cyclone if his trinket is on CD and no one can do anything about it.  In gw2 everyone is able to counter CC and all CC skills have CDs so if you get into a long chain it is entirely your and your teams fault. 

    Edit: seems like since wod cyclone can be dispelled by mass dispel from priest and broken by mage and paladin block and bubble. Was not the case when I played till mop. still very limited dispells only by very high value, long cd spells for a spamable ranged cc.

    • Thanks 4
  9. 25 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:


    You just play only part of SOTO content and complain that it has not enough content.

    I never said I dont ever play cm strikes. I said Im not cm raider which means I dont consistently do full cm clears.

    2 instances per year with 2 modes each (which is hardly a new instance just a few number tweaks and a few new mechanics) is below indie games standard.

    And youre right I dont really play much soto content. Because much of it is kinda boring and low standard. Rifts, observatory strike even convergences are below the standard I would expect from gw2. Doesnt help that many of the assets, events are just old copies. Eod strikes kept me going for a year with at least weekly clears. I have very little interest stepping in soto strikes after just a few clears. And you can see it in lfg. Older content just has more traffic.

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  10. 2 strikes per expansion are just not enough. I really had high hopes after Eod strikes which were a nice step up from IBS. I really like those and the last one, OLC was my fav. But the Soto ones, not enough and a big step down from Eod. Cosmic is really just boring and Febe is ok. And thats it.

    I'm not a CM raider but I do enjoy normal strikes, fractals and sometimes raids. I'm still enjoying wvw and spvp but those dont get any development anymore also. And no, what we're getting in Wvw are not real updates. It's taking them literary years to implement a new matchmaking system and they just keep delaying and narrowing the scope. And while open world is fun for me, I do want something a little more challenging from a game from time to time.

    I'm not even sure whats the point of these strikes. The soto fights are so simplistic and partly rehashed story fights, it really shouldnt require a lot of dev time to get this out. And 2 per expansion is not enough to satisfy anyone that enjoys such content. I don't think they know  where to go with this. It's like they think they need to get some instances out for the sake of having them but they can only assign that 1 new guy in the corner that has some free time during making coffee to it and thats it. 

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  11. Gw2 has one big advantage over most mmorpgs. All content stays relevant because the max lvl and gear does not increase.

    You literary have years of relevant content ahead of you even if they stop development now (which they wont). And all is populated.

    Eod was not a bad expansion. Some parts were really good. Its just that first 2 expansion were so good and inovative for the game that its almost impossible to live up to them. And Eod was just a decent content expansion.

    As for the latest expansion. It has the same problem as Eod. Its just a content expansion.

    Really I wouldnt worry. It will take you a looot of time and content before you might feel the content drought some that are playing for years are experiencing. And you can always take a pause and come back without losing ground on other players because of how the game is designed.

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  12. I like the idea. But it should be specific and not too long. Like kill the first boss of a specific wing. An incentive for players to try to clear one encounter, not loads of AA for those that already do full clears. I think pretty much everyone is capable of killing one of the starter bosses. Also maybe groups would  form for just that one boss and it's much easier for more casual players to commit to one boss than the whole wing which is quite time consuming if you actually do progression. Maybe some would even like to push further.

    Oh and please no additional tabs/game mode choices. I play all game modes and this game mode selection is just a big step back for me. I actually need to choose in advance which modes I intend to play the next day/week which is just annoying and limiting. And I dont have the time or interested to play all 3 modes every day. I still think having all the options and a cap on daily/weekly AA gain would be much better.  I'm actually doing less dailies now than I did before.

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  13. Its the second event of this type in the meta chain and theres plenty of timer after the bar is full to get participation. Its also a pretty boring event.

    In addition I think this could be only the first part of the meta. We might get 1 or 2 additions. And based on how much repetitive events they are churning out lately (hello turtle tunnel) you might see a few additional repetitions in the future (I hope not).

    So I dont think you really want this event to be longer. 

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  14. On 12/4/2023 at 7:48 AM, Tiviana.2650 said:

    The point of playing them is to let the developers know what needs to be fixed in what area of gameplay. is it any wonder this game is such a clusterfark when people wont test anything and give feedback, then complain when it goes live gg

    We are paying customers not their employees. Nothing wrong with playing beta and giving feedback. Also nothing wrong with just playing for fun if they give the option of open beta. But in no way can you blame it on paying customers if they release untested product.

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  15. On 12/4/2023 at 3:30 PM, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    It is not that weird. We have tried the squad version with the guild ~ 2 weeks ago and got completely wrecked. We hoped it would scale as good as Dragonstorm, but that was not the case.

    Just out of curiosity. Arent public and private version the same. I never do public, only private but they seem very easy, comparable to DS. Or you tried it with 10 players?

  16. Winning in mmorpgs for me is either defeating an opponent player (pvp) or defeating an encounter (pve).

    A game is pay to win when you can swipe and get an advantage over fellow player. And I don't consider fellow player someone that already plays for years and had all that time to gear up. Fellow player is someone that has put similar amount of time and played at a similar level.

    Buying an expansion or sub is not a problem, because it's a clear entry payment. Pay to win is when you can pour extra money in the game to get advantage.

    Yes, gw2 is clearly pay to win for me. There is basically nothing worse than swiping for best gear (even if indirectly). It doesn't take as much from the game as with horizontal progression games though and spvp is completely fair which is basically the most important condition for me.

    Wow was not pay to win when I still played it. Don't know how it's today, I think you can now buy gold (not sure). It was more expensive to play, sure. But everyone that bought it and payed sub was on equal footing (excluding illegal practices).

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  17. On 11/28/2023 at 1:05 PM, Julischka Bean.7491 said:

    Give me things I can do myself so I don't get kicked out of every team there is 🙂

    Genuinely curious. Are you really getting kicked or you just think you would get kicked?

    Because I've been in raid/strike/fractal groups with players that obviously had no clue about the game. Like didn't know how to check how much toughness they have and what stats they are wearing and in the end we found out they have so much toughness on themselves that tank had to change gear to be above them. They were suppose to be dps. Tripping over every red circle...

    This is just one of the more extreme examples from wing 4.

    And we still got them through the whole raid wing and no one ever mentioned kicking. We only asked them to just lay dead where they were a risk to wipe everyone. 

    This community is generally very nice if you also act nice.

  18. 2 minutes ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    I wish there was less disingenuity in the appropriation of terms.  The term, Pay-to-Win, has very negative associations in the gaming community.  When first coined, it was in reference to the selling of combat power in games with PvP elements when that power was either not available in game at all, or available in game only via  massive grind.  Essentially, it referred to people winning in competitive combat with other players not through skill, but by virtue of having splashed cash.

    What happens in threads like these is that people use the term because: the game has done something that they don't like; the new thing can involve spending cash; and they want a term with the heaviest negative connotations to make their point.  Thus, the selling of HP unlocks is labelled pay-to-win when it meets none of the criteria from which the original meaning came.  This is disingenuous.

    Don't like something?  Fine.  Post about it.  Just stop misappropriating a term because you can't be bothered to come up with some new term to label the behavior you dislike.

    As for me?  There's a lot about GW2, particularly more recent GW2, that I dislike.  Selling HP unlocks, though?  Not even on my radar.  Obtaining HP in game is so trivial as to be inconsequential.  Could.  Not.  Care.  Less. 

    First of all I couldn't care less about HP unlocks. In truth I don't care what they put in gem stores at all as long as it doesn't give advantage in pvp. That is the only thing I would care in any game. Pve I couldnt care less if someone get ahead of me in pve.

    I agree with your post. But you can also look at it from another pov (my pov). You even mentioned "only available via massive grind". You can skip a lot of grind in gw2 by paying for it. And I don't mean cosmetics. Why should Anet and NCsoft get away with it just because it comes in small doses? We came through small doses to this situation in today's games with loot boxes and pay for power and pay 2 skip everywhere. There is no advantage for gamer customers to try to downplay these practices. Digging our own holes as they just become more and more natural. 

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  19. Just now, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Essentially, you have a selection of guns you can buy, they're.. junk, but if you spend real money you have the fancy shop where you can get weapons, grenades and other fun stuff for a certain time at a stupid price, more damage and special attributes and visuals. 1-2-4 weeks if I remember right and like ~10€ per weapon, atleast that was the price almost 10 years ago.

    So, it's like I have Twilight, but for 10€ you could buy ExtraTwilight for a month, which is let's say 25% stronger, allows you to change stats in combat and looks even fancier. I played some pretty stupid P2W games many years ago, 2010-2015 seemed to be the time of junk like that, but this is the one that's stuck with me.

    Yeah this is definitely the purest form of p2w and way beyond gw2.

    I still think many players regard any ability to swipe for power (directly or indirectly) p2w. The difference between gw2 and for example Diablo Immortal is that in gw2 you're skipping maybe 100 hours and in other games you're skipping time that is unrealistic to achieve for most players. Although that is somewhat relative for each player and their playing habits. 

    Anyway I don't hold it against gw2 because of it's power acquisition model and mostly horizontal progression. Still don't know why I would need to embellish it. In the end first legendary is a big goal for many and it's not a fast goal for a completely new player. The fact that you can swipe for it is not insignificant for some of them. Gw2 has mostly innocent options you can swipe for but in the end there are also a lot of options to improve your character and account that you can swipe for. 

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  20. 3 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    No, they are saying that swiping and buying gemstore junk won't give you an advantage. This is not APB where you could pay 10€ or more per month to gain access to weapons that are better than what people not paying have access to.

    Well thank you, you're the first one that actually gave an example. I'm not familiar with APB. Are those weapons not available outside of "gemstore", with additional time investment? Are we talking about buying DLC/expansions to get those weapons (like buying HOT for extra stat sets and elite specs) or are we talking additional transactions for paying customers? Basically are we talking the difference between b2p and f2p or additional investments specific to those weapons.

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