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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 18 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    This is a false dichotomy.

    There’s clearly some false entitlement in some posts.

    But “this avenue isn’t fun for me and I’d like a different path with different challenges” is legit customer feedback.

    Saying that everyone who doesn’t just accept the devs design choices wants everything handed to them is just a straw man.

    I would say its a thin line between entitlement and legit request. Often request is for easier path not only different path. 

    This is a game, games have rules, games are competitive, games have winners and losers. In such games rewards are the status that distinguishes players between each other by progress, challenges they completed. Not accepting the design rules in games is just strange to me and very quickly becomes very tedious. Imagine a competitor that wants the first place reward for 10th place because legit customer feedback. You dont want such players in your team because very quickly they will hold the team back. 

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  2. 42 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

    But this it the final EOD meta that was described als the culmination of a 10 years arc. And that this open-world content is (more or less) ignored by the majority of the playerbase and even the majoriy of open-world players is a massive failure on Anets side.

    The final Open-World EOD-meta, the culmination of 10-years story and open world, should be a fight/meta/design that is so good that it is done from open-world players more than all the other map-metas for a long time. But it is not and this is a big failure.


    If you check the availability of jade statues on the TP and correlate the price with the amount of people that finish the metas, which I think you can easily do, you will see that the least played meta is Kaineng, the most played is Seitung and Echovald and Soo-Won close together in the middle. 

    I wouldnt say its forgotten. It seem it sees plenty of play.

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  3. Maybe just focus less on the goal and enjoy the ride. Because if you go through the story and the maps and you explore a little bit you should have pretty much everything at the end unlocked naturally. If Hot seems to hard for you go for Pof first because there you will get all the mounts and hero points are very easy (EOD  similar or even easier).

    And once you are familiar with the game and have more resources from the 1st play through getting alts up to speed is a matter of a few hours.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Yes. One asks for content and rewards for themselves, and want to deny them for others. Another asks for something for everyone.

    I dont remember one thread (doesnt mean there arent, just not common) where someone asks for specific reward to be less accessible. Sure there are clashes when something is announced and how the reward structure should look like. But seeking to additionally lock something specific behind X.

    Every time a new reward comes to the game there are threads from players feeling the reward should be easier to get for them. And no, this is not good for everyone. Some actually like to play a game and not get everything handed to them. A game like this should have unique rewards for specific challenges otherwise what is the point of rewards. It stops being a "reward" at that point anyway..  Might as well just sell everything for 2 copper and call it a day. Everything for everyone.  

    And this is not only ow vs raid or casual vs competitive or whatever divide some see here. You see players ask for less OW grind also. It only comes down to 2 types; players that feel entitled enough that a game should be changed for them and players that play the game as it was designed and try to overcome it. You know kinda what a game should be, overcoming a challenge, winning vs other players, solving a puzzle...

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  5. 12 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    Im really excited to see when these Steam players hop into the game and find out that if Arenanet adds a minimum gameplay requirement to get something they are gonna get 100 posts of the same 30 guys about how bad thats it, and that this is their solo-casual game and nothing else.

    They maybe start running away once they see this forum. It is already so tiring for the rest of us.

    And also its really funny that this so well called "casual players" tends to be the more toxic ones when Arenanet add 5% of variety or engaging content to the game.

    Most are not casual anyway. Its actually quite strange trend on these forums. Its quite obvious many spend way to much time on the game, quite hardcore and still call themselves casual when they want easier rewards. 

    And naturally they are the majority because they say so. 

    Hardcore entitled players would be better term for many. 

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  6. I dont think its fitting for a reward that is aimed at veteran players (havent read the announcement but this discussion is portraying it in that way) to be narrowly set in just one game mode. Possibly in a game mode that is the starting mode, the first thing you encounter in a game. I would imagine a veteran player to prefer getting challenged in a new way or at least plenty variety instead of semi afk killing some world boss for the 1000th times. 

    At least it could revitalise some old content that had been forgotten for some time like dungeons. It would be great if it would fill some of the harder dungeon paths. I havent been here for the golden age of dungeons and while I got them done it would be nice if more people would run Arah. 

    It would be also good because we expect plenty of new blood with Steam release and those players will be looking for variety of content. Having more veterans in playing all types of content will be beneficial for the health of the game. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Serdude.6513 said:

    The tldr version is: I don't need them.


    I've played this game since beta, my buddy let me make a character on his account to play while he was at school and I loved it so much i eventually bought my own game to play at the same time as him. We both ran around and (at the time) 100% the map together. No other MMO made exploring feel this good, and it was all done without mounts, which in other games just served to clutter the world and trivialize the journey (in my opinion).


    So when PoF came along and flat out made it not possible to progress without the mounts, I resented that. 


    And before anyone gets upset that I want them to take mounts away, it's the natural progression of an MMO to grow and add ways to traverse quicker. I just want the option to explore the world on foot. Even if it ends up being exasperating and frustrating.

    I dont want to judge your preferences, do as you please. But, post POF maps are designed with mounts in mind. Mounts dont take away from exploration because exploration is tailored for mounts. 

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  8. A build is always linked to the gear. If you change gear, dont expect to have similar performance. Details like runes and sigils are often more important than it seems at first glance.

    There is no universal gear set. If you had to pick one, celestial is probably the closest. But you are making a hybrid build with celestial so there are prerequisites or you might end up using only half of the stats which will be a big setback. Celestial is also not cheap. 

    When making or picking a build be very specific what content you want to play. Build more often than not dont translate well between modes. By modes I mean pvp, wvw, ow, raids/strikes, fractals. 

    LI builds are often made for raiding enviroment, dps or boon support/dps roles. These are specialised roles. LI just means less input required to play at a specific lvl. Don't be surprised if you take a raiding dps build and get 1 shot in open world. So we are back at pick a build for the content you want to play. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    I am sadly almost certain that gw2 pvp might be not as appealing than we think it is... 

    Yesterday i showed a buddy some pvp footage. He is playing alot of other games, but he was watching for 3 minutes then turned to me and said:


    And i felt that. That is one of the reasons why esports failed. Its godawful to watch cuz its so friking spammy. When you are not the one acting its almost impossible to properly graps whats going on.

    Its a bit off topic.  But this is the primary problem of this game in all areas. Over the top flashy effects and animations. Its not that its way overly spammy (it is a bit).  As soon as you have more than a few players in one spot everything becomes a flashy unreadable mess. 

    I used to play a lot of mobas and also watched plenty of videos. Even if I watched a game play video of a game I didn't play I had a good idea how the fight goes. Here a spectator doesnt have a clue. 

    Btw its not just animations and spam, its also sound effects. Sound effects are important for competitive games, what you dont see you might hear. The specific sound effects are fine but clarity is also needed.  Mech for example is one big sound mess. 

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  10. Disagree. Shield gens are often the only way to get some siege up. You can have more numbers, better players and better organised and you will still not be able to get up a single siege if enough players are just mindlessly spamming on you. And you cant even hit them back. If you deserve to defend the structure you should be able to do it in a fight (you have the defending buff anyway). Walls are there to delay to get a defending group together and prevent small groups to just sneak big objectives.

    If you want to prevent supply snowballing there are better ways to do it. 

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  11. On 8/6/2022 at 4:26 AM, Labjax.2465 said:

    I was realizing recently that's part of why I've enjoyed more traditional trinity healing roles because they are situational and reactive, rather than static rotations.

    This is as far from the reality as possible. The traditional trinity mmorpg I've played had way more static and one dimensional healing role. It was a role I've always hated because it was so boring. If you were the tank healer you basically healed the tank all the time, maybe cleansed a bit or provided some passive buff. 

    In gw2 healing is much more dynamic. It's the first game I actually enjoy healing. On my healing Firebrand I provide quickness, fury, might, swift. I can reliably cleanse if needed, I can reliably provide stability if needed. I have a unique dmg buff I weave in. I can reflect projectiles if needed and I can bring great CC. I have pulls. I have on demand proactive dmg mitigation via aegis and I have burst heal combos. I actually do dps. 

    In wow I was looking at raid UI 90 % of the time spamming cheap heal and changed to big or aoe heal every once in a while. 

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  12. 5 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    When Gen 3 Legendaries were revealed you could see quite some people say that they will be cheap because they look the same/they look like Gemstore skins.
    This Reddit post comes to mind whenever the price of Gen 3 is mentioned. 

    I think a random guy on the internet saying legendaries will be cheap should not be something Anet considers when introduces and balances new craftables into the game. I think impact on economy and appeal of new maps at least should take precedence. 

    Maybe I just make a reddit post "I think gen3 legendaries will be expensive" and than all is fine.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Basically, gen3 was considered to be budget legendaries, barely passable only due to getting several skins in one package, and being relatively cheaper compared to previous sets. Turns out, they aren;t any cheaper (quite the opposite), and you have to pay extra for those additional skins - and not a small amount either.

    Considered by who? Some posters on the forums?

    I always thought that gen3 would be somewhere in the ballpark of previous generations just because they dont want to reduce the production of previous versions. And skins, especially with unique animations and effects will always be expensive in this game. Its what drives the economy.

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  14. 14 hours ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

    It's almost like game could check what boons you have available on your current build. Not the point though. Works well on WoW, with way better and harder raid design and classes can do several roles as well. I'm not here to discuss how it should work, if Anet ever wants to do it - they will do it. Thing is - it is proven to work on other MMO games.

    Have you raided in any of those games?

    Wow LFR is completely nerfed. It can technically be called a raid but you can also call GW2 open world meta events raids by some parameters. Its a preview mode.

    Wow from the start had very defined roles. A holy priest could only be a healer, same with resto shaman. There were very few "specialisations" that could mix it up (feral druid, frost DK for example). Gw2 paradigm is the complete opposite. 

    Wow has done a great deal of simplifying their group compositions post woltk (maybe post cata, its been a long time). GW2 is more similar to wow's early raiding days. You had 5 man subgroups which had very strict compositions based on buffs required for the group. Tank group, melee or white dmg dps group, caster group... For example you wanted a shaman with windfury  in your melee dps group, a shadow priest with your casters, mana users, lock with imp with your tank... At some point the whole 25 man raid was strictly defined. Blizzard changed their paradigm substantially to simplify compositions and accommodate LFR. "Bring the player not the class." It is also much easier to do this with a vertical progression game because all the old content is obsolete anyway and only the latest raid matters.

    GW2 to function like that would need a complete shift in the design. I think many players would go nuts if Anet suddenly decided that Firebrand, Druid and Tempest are strictly healers from now on and no one else can heal anymore.

    I am not saying one design is better than the other. They are just different. I like old wow and gw2 better because I enjoy making unusual builds and alows for much more group composition experimentation. But it definitely has a downside in its complexity and group building where one player's build impacts other builds in the party. 

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  15. 8 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    I am.
    It can go one of two ways:
    1) Won't work, because we have several times more roles than "heal, spank, tank". We have hybrids, we have dual role builds, and then we have people handling special boss mechanics. This slot is for a healer, and this one for a tank? Can you make a tank heal slot? Can you set your build tags to satisfy the tank heal slot? How about chrono tower? How does the game check?
    2) Will work, by virtue of changing the entire game, every encounter. Which is either an absolutely massive amount of work, or just a huge amount of work dumbing everything down. 

    It wouldnt work for raids. Fully agree.

    For normal strikes it could work. You could simplify it and just have 2 spots for healers and 8 dps. Normal strikes are easily done without boon synergies. Woj, BS and HT would probably fail a lot but others would be just fine. Would I use it, probably not for strikes because right now its easy to get a fast and quality group for them. But having such a system in place you can use it also for dungeons and T1 fractals where this would work perfectly.  It just depends if this would actually increase player participation in those modes. Because if you want to join groups now its not really a problem.

  16. I was in favour of auto lfg before I started doing squad content. Now I see it wouldn't work very well with the existing encounters. While we dont have "official" roles, in reality we have more roles and no real way to determine who does what by algorithm. Even if auto lfg would disregard boon supports (which would be a big disadvantage for the squad) and just go healer, dps and tank (where needed) you have other encounter and tactic based specialised roles. They would need to greatly nerf or even change the encounters. 

    I'm not inherently against auto lfg. Now the strike public instance implementation was just bad, so its really a bad example. You need a queue system here.  They could improve the system for normal strikes and see how it goes. I would still prefer the current system where you have some control over your composition, its fast and more social. Never liked or really used wow lfr, the encounters were so nerfed anyway that it was more like a preview mode than anything worth playing.  

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