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Everything posted by Demonhead.7584

  1. Yes. it seems so. I remember there was a post recently about W11 not being able to run GW2. Essentially support said that despite the operational requirements stating Windows 7 or better, it didn't include W11.
  2. It's not just with paypal sadly, some Credit Cards are seeing this issue as well. I used to buy gems once or twice a month, but I've stopped entirely since the issue OP stated occurred on 5 to 6 purchases. I share OPs frustration.
  3. This seems like a UI bug. Send a message to support if the issue persists after rebooting the game. And no, re-installing the game will NOT lose your characters. They're saved to your account 😄
  4. The WvW window may say you're in Darkhaven at the moment because Magumma is a link server that is (as the name suggests) linked to Darkhaven. You can see details if you hover over the "Darkhaven" name inside the left-half of the WvW Window. It should give you a drop down of all servers that are connected to Darkhaven for the next month or so (Or until next "re-link").
  5. This tbh. I've saved about 2 ish stacks of WvW potions on the off chance that we'll be able to get some good looking EoD armours via reward chests! Can spam them out quick 😄
  6. Had this a few times now. I was told that it's triggered when they suspect "High risk activities"...despite having used the same method of payment for literally years. I've had to go to them repeatedly, unfortunately for the OPs error. Luckily they're fairly quick to respond.
  7. My character ended up standing atop my Warclaw when I was using the chain pull... https://i.imgur.com/u0jFWD4 https://i.imgur.com/mrBHBPe It looks like he's doing a boogey, it's quite funny actually.
  8. I got for both eyes, put both infusions on my legendary back piece, the blue ones look really neat on my thief 😄
  9. This is probably good enough for your intentions. Just remember to get some agony resistance for the higher-tiered fractals, and you'll be good to go!
  10. If you look carefully at the green giant creature, you can see Kurzick-styled gauntlets, as well as leg pieces (referencing Guild Wars 1 Elite Kurzick armour), it's pretty neat!
  11. You can try your luck with Gw2 Support. State your issue in a ticket, and it's possible they'll refund one for the gems.
  12. The full sized blue-whales you can see in deeper ocean areas!
  13. Tool-tip for for Well of Gloom doesn't show the Stealth details when traited with Shadow arts (for Concealing Restoration)
  14. There is a cooldown on stealth-attacks. Backstab, for example, has a 1s CD if you miss.
  15. Unsure if this is just a 'me' issue, but I'm getting 400-1.5k ping in WvW. It's only in WvW, oddly enough, and specifically when fighting groups of 5 or more. Curious if others are facing a similar issue. It's particularly bad in the BL's. PvE and PvP. are both without any major issue, and ping stabilizes at about 240 - 250. Am in the SEA region. Other games are not giving anything more than 250 ping either.
  16. Getting crashes when talking to the Guild Hall Market place vendor
  17. Lightning elementals always have rocks in them..! https://imgur.com/o2RJzi0
  18. Was quite a funny bug. All the terrain became low-poly suddenly... ! https://imgur.com/a/dKngByY
  19. This! It's even more a shame that most hammer skills do so little damage because they're very often CC focused ) :
  20. As title asks, will I be able to keep my pips for ranked, if I use a beta-character?
  21. Agreed! Hoping that scepter has a unique take, maybe it offers us an AoE melee option, so perhaps it forms like a whip or chain using shadow/some other magic, and isn't a stereotypical "caster" wep!
  22. Well, since the Guard elite spec is out now (The Willbender), and that it's taken the Cross-sword emblem, what do we think is left for thief?
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