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Everything posted by Janitsu.6284

  1. There is no "built-in gear checker" and it will probably never the case : it's against the tos right now, even if a dev said that. Yes, I am aware. My post was satirical because I have little to no faith in Anet ever fixing these actual issues, rather than trying to make the game as casual as possible.
  2. But Anet said on stream that the best way to check someone's competence in fractals is by gear checking them? I don't see an issue since this game has a built-in gear checker and allows said thing in their ToS. Or at least so I'd expect since those comments were made.
  3. Firebrand is a weak healing build. Also, Chronos can easily AFK and give out both alacrity and quickness if they so wish. What's so hard about renegade, chrono or firebrand is dealing adequate DPS while giving out those boons.
  4. I wholeheartedly agree. I think it's really nasty how these people are destroying the lfg raiding scene with their evil intentions. Other site that I absolutely DESPISE is the Discrubtize (dT) website. People are not letting me play my celestial druid dps build. Little do they know, I can actually EASILY outdps anyone (if they have gg'd before starting the boss). Keep up the good fight brotha! ????✌???
  5. and lie with chat code generator. Truth is that, people peaked in their knowledge and skill at around 20 ESS. Most players experienced the largest growth between 1 ESS and about 20 ESS. The difference in player skill between a 20 ESS player and a 200 ESS player was so marginally low that it didn't really matter aside from if you really cared that much about completing your nightly fractal run a few minutes faster than normal. And yeah, that mentality brought in a lot of really really unnecessary toxicity actually. @Fir.7932 Mark my words, having no ESS KP for this big fake imminence front will reduce toxicity in very significant ways. As mentioned in the other thread, the second biggest skill gap is between playing with and without a healer, not in being slightly faster in pressing buttons between 20 ESS and 100 ESS. And again, it seems like you encourage the idea that a player couldn't play with no healer unless they had some crazy amount of ESS, which is simply not true at all. If players were trained with no healer from the get go, they'd just get used to it, like they do with anything else in any other video game. Considering that a player was telling the truth and not fake pinging, KPs do speak for a certain amount of experience, yes. But there is an awful lot of this KP thing in specifically GW2 fractals, that is a big fat illusion of grandeur. Sorry it's just true. No, I am saying that it requires a ceratin amount of practice, one that will almost never happen at sub 100 KP groups. Even beyond that, many players never try or want to get good enough to play without a healer. As such, at 300+ KP level, players are communicating a specific type of playstyle, and gating for players who want to play the same way. Not gating clear experience. Yeah I'm just pointing out, you'd be surprised that there ARE people who want to play at that level who could play at that level, but they can't because they only have 20 ESS and the older players gate them, rather than teach them in a single run how to do it. It may have taken the first gen of fractal players 300 KPs to be able to play at that level because they had to engineer the knowledge on their own. But now that gen 1 is at that level, they could be teaching that knowledge to players and allowing them access to it much much earlier than 300 KPs, but instead they choose to imagine that it would impossible for anyone to keep up with them unless those players also had 300 KPs. Consider the idea behind that.What about the older players who do not want to teach newer players and want to get their dailies done in one easy go? I am not saying that teaching isn't a good idea and I am all for teaching people, but most of the time it's not worth it for a few reasons: people who want to learn only want to learn to a certain extent where they are comfortable in the dailies (therefore, usually don't want to consider doing fractals without a healer for example)it takes a lot of time to actually get people comfortable on their prestacking, precasting and openers. It takes a lot of pulls and a lot of time; something I want to avoid in dailiesyou need consistency for fractals, if you are teaching someone, in ideal world you'd be running with them daily for a few weeks. If the setting changes too often, it sort of waters down the teaching. This is why teaching pugs is rather annoying and why I'd recommend training discords and guild for that reasonI think that it is important to acknowledge the fact that some people just want simple, easy dailies the way that they want them. KP used to (to some extent) signal how people want to do them and at what skill level. Was it perfect? No, not by any means. Was it okay-ish at what it did? Yes. Since there was no alternative to it really.
  6. KP is not an accurate indicator of skill, however, it's the best that people had. I don't think it's discriminatory, everyone has the same chances to acquire said KP and are free to join any groups with the KP that they had. It was literally the easiest solution to the issue that is the lacking LFG system that doesn't give you any idea of anyone's actual skill without using items that can be count as KP. This is an issue in GW2, since a lot of people would rather join groups of their skill level with ease, than join a group of lower skill level and have to do more work for their rewards and for the content. Faked KP does not reflect a person's skill, either. I reckon the percentage of people faking KP is similar to those buying their titles. I think it's harder to fake KP due to the fact that you'll need a macro to do so convincingly. The other issue with titles is the fact that once you have done it once, you'll already have the title and therefore it only shows you that you have done it once. Not that I don't agree, KP is a bad system due to the faking of KP and the fact that you get an RNG amount of it (my friend and I who started doing CMs at the same time had a KP difference of around 50 at the 60 day mark).
  7. One of the few things that set fractals and raids (and with raids, strike missions) apart from one another is the fact that you are able to prestack boons and that way be sure that you will have enough boons for a set amount of time. This allows for some nifty strategies (such as swapping boon duration gear for damage gear) that, in my humble opinion, make the fractals so interesting. This is due to the fact that you can do multiple small adjustments to the build or the gear that you are using with the prestacked boons to be able to take your gameplay to another level. This can shave off A LOT OF time when it comes to fractal CM bosses (as well as other encounters) and makes it much more fun to upkeep boons for a set amount of time. Please change the Sunqua Peak fractal to not strip the boons in the beginning, if there is no actual reason for it to do that, so it follows the "unwritten rules" of fractals.
  8. KP is not an accurate indicator of skill, however, it's the best that people had. I don't think it's discriminatory, everyone has the same chances to acquire said KP and are free to join any groups with the KP that they had. It was literally the easiest solution to the issue that is the lacking LFG system that doesn't give you any idea of anyone's actual skill without using items that can be count as KP. This is an issue in GW2, since a lot of people would rather join groups of their skill level with ease, than join a group of lower skill level and have to do more work for their rewards and for the content.
  9. KP reduces toxicity in the LFG system, whether people like it or not. There are plenty of training Discord servers / in-game guilds that are more than happy to hold your hand through the CMs. If you don't have the willingness to learn CMs prior to setting a foot in them, I don't think it's content that you should be doing either. I voted "yes", but with that vote I am simply implying that a way to show someone's expertise (to a certain extent, 300+ KP has not been a guarantee of skilled people for a long time) is important to make groups that don't vary in skill too much.
  10. If you click on any of the weapons that need a Tengu Echo Blade, it won't show up as a craftable item.
  11. this is not a bump, merely another message just to raise awareness ?
  12. Now that we have actual proof in the newest patch notes that Anet indeed has the ability and willingness to fix bugs regarding Revenant and its elite specializations, I'd like to request that the other common bugs regarding build templates would get fixed. There is nothing more detrimental to one's gameplay than having jumbled up icons after swapping builds or having to guess which hotkey does what due to the icons shuffling up or showing duplicates. One of these bugs was supposedly fixed in an earlier patch as well, but it is still very much in the game. Please address these bugs with the same speed and determination as you addressed the Soulcleave's Summit bug, which was, for once, a bug with a possibly positive outcome.
  13. The Bottle of Coconut Milk does not have a spot in the material storage and therefore it can't be deposited. This means that on top of being relatively hard to get (have to have Sandswept Isles on a character and do the Renown Heart there on the day when you are about to purchase them), transferring them to a character that is a cook is also extremely redundant and slow. The item should be considered a material.
  14. If you think that LI or KP is an issue, chances are that you are not capable of doing content that gives you said things. This means that you would be an anchor to a group. Asking for an LI or KP is the only way we have as of now to measure some sort of skill or understanding of the basics of the game. The huge difference between "all welcome" -groups and "250 LI" -groups (who usually have at least a half-decent comp as well) is so huge, that there is nothing that will ever make me surrender to the monkeys of LFG system that believe they should be allowed to be carried in every single piece of content they attempt to do.
  15. I'll have to pop in to say that this is ultimately false. Most of Renegade's damage comes from Citadel Bombardment and Chilling Isolation are quite large chunks of your DPS in general. This is since you get to use them under the "Exposed" effect. And you hardly ever interrupt your rotation in good groups, since your rotation has set points that you reach for and has a priority rotation. There is a huge difference between Renegades that pull 6k cleave as opposed to 28k cleave on Siax. All in all, Renegade requires quite a deep understanding and knowledge of the minigame with energy and knowing the timers of the group and adaptability to pull its weight and more. Optimised rotations hardly ever work in fractals as they are shown on golems.
  16. I stop you right there. Thats not a decent group. Thats a bad group. Decent would be dps player having 24k+ and berserker 22k+ while ren at 15k. 10-12k with npng.Alacrity is really hard to calculate. It is needed to get one wolf pack / lightning storm in each phase a lot of the times which is often needed to skip phases which will reduce kill times greatly.Burst suffers a lot without those skills into breakbar. Also this really isnt a good ren. dropping the ren today would've cost you way more than 15% since it was npng day.On ensyl the ren should really achieve 15k+ dps with normal instabs. Also fb needs higher boon duration without alacrity which could force some diviner pieces if he isn't playing leechbrand. Ye, sure....Obviously the grp wasnt super hardcore. Npng definitely added more value to the rengade today.But saying 12k or 15k on ensyl is a number to be aimed for is absolutely ludicrous.9k renegades are the highest of highest end I have seen in frac pugs so far. For some reference: Sure, that video is a year old now.....but this is as optimized a comp as you can essentiall get even today.Fractal Gog on everyone, MUCH higher than needed AR (for extra stats), Class-specific boon stacking beyond the scope of any PuG grp ...etc.etc. And that renegade had sub 15k on ensyl....and thats with all the mentioned things above. 189 AR, Fractal God, Frost Spirit, Bane Signet, Frostbow precast, even tactics banner. Not a very realistic pug experience at all. If you want to see a video of a relatively okayish group with npng where renegade scuffed most of his dps by canceling / other reasons, here you go: Renegade is a necessary support for the group. You bring ferocity, might and alacrity to a group that would otherwise lack all of those. In addition, you make the kills easier and faster by healing and dealing with mechanics (healing gives scholar rune uptime → increased dps from dps players). On top of that, a good renegade can be a decent part of your damage and very important to your bursts (on non-npng days, you can burst Enso/MAMA for 50k DPS in first phase). AND IN ADDITION TO ALL PREVIOUSLY SAID THINGS: Renegade can solo breakbars and on CMs it does like half of the defiance bar damage. Can you tell me, if the renegade in that video is running full diviner or full zerker?Cause the quantify video I posted earlier, states that it actually is full zerker. This and @Nephalem.8921 s comment from earlier actually make me second guessing my experiences so far.Like whenever I have a renegade in my grps, they usually end up doing between ~25% and ~33% of my dps.If Diviner (!) Renegade actually can reach about ~60% the DPS of a full DPS class.....I have developed an actual biased towards the class, since I cant remember to have EVER seen that before.Renegade in said video (me) is running 40 % BD in it, which is a bit safer than none. The DPS is quite lowish due to obvious mistakes and NPNG however. In pugs I run 80 % BD and still deal 14k-15k on non-NPNG days due to knowing when to burst and how to burst. I wouldn't say i'm a great player and barely play rev but here's an example of rev dps/skill breakdown for 99CM MAMA, Siax and Ensolyss, reminder that they're full pug runs on NA, not speedrun/static/resetting boss, running full diviner, force+impact and pack runes. Okay, thanks alot for sharing that.If that is the dps potential of a full diviner renegade, I stand corrected after all.This is so odd tho. As said before, whenever I have a renegade in my grps, they are barely above the healer in the meter.Guess I had a totally wrong impression then.Cause a 7k renegade is really not worth having then. This is mostly caused by the fact that people don't know how to properly utilise renegade and don't know what do on the class. The other reason for low DPS renegades is simply the fact that they are hold to no standards at all due to pugs not knowing capabilities of the three support classes (BS, rene, qFB/hFB) and therefore not expecting more, so they can just basically AFK through an encounter. Most of the people doing solely CMs and T4s for the farming rather than improving will always have worse numbers than people who post videos on YouTube. It's up to the rest of the group to actually hold them to a certain standard.
  17. I stop you right there. Thats not a decent group. Thats a bad group. Decent would be dps player having 24k+ and berserker 22k+ while ren at 15k. 10-12k with npng.Alacrity is really hard to calculate. It is needed to get one wolf pack / lightning storm in each phase a lot of the times which is often needed to skip phases which will reduce kill times greatly.Burst suffers a lot without those skills into breakbar. Also this really isnt a good ren. dropping the ren today would've cost you way more than 15% since it was npng day.On ensyl the ren should really achieve 15k+ dps with normal instabs. Also fb needs higher boon duration without alacrity which could force some diviner pieces if he isn't playing leechbrand. Ye, sure....Obviously the grp wasnt super hardcore. Npng definitely added more value to the rengade today.But saying 12k or 15k on ensyl is a number to be aimed for is absolutely ludicrous.9k renegades are the highest of highest end I have seen in frac pugs so far. For some reference: Sure, that video is a year old now.....but this is as optimized a comp as you can essentiall get even today.Fractal Gog on everyone, MUCH higher than needed AR (for extra stats), Class-specific boon stacking beyond the scope of any PuG grp ...etc.etc. And that renegade had sub 15k on ensyl....and thats with all the mentioned things above. 189 AR, Fractal God, Frost Spirit, Bane Signet, Frostbow precast, even tactics banner. Not a very realistic pug experience at all. If you want to see a video of a relatively okayish group with npng where renegade scuffed most of his dps by canceling / other reasons, here you go: Renegade is a necessary support for the group. You bring ferocity, might and alacrity to a group that would otherwise lack all of those. In addition, you make the kills easier and faster by healing and dealing with mechanics (healing gives scholar rune uptime → increased dps from dps players). On top of that, a good renegade can be a decent part of your damage and very important to your bursts (on non-npng days, you can burst Enso/MAMA for 50k DPS in first phase). AND IN ADDITION TO ALL PREVIOUSLY SAID THINGS: Renegade can solo breakbars and on CMs it does like half of the defiance bar damage.
  18. how about forget that reaper even exist? hard agree with this message
  19. In the current state, underwater combat isn't exactly fun for anyone and has a lot of problems regarding perspective and physics underwater. Most importantly not being able to use your skills underwater makes the underwater fractal feel like a drag and locks you out of certain playstyles completely. Currently, Renegade is basically locked into using Mallyx and Jalis (due to providing boonstrip and stability) and can't even take Kalla or Ventari underwater. What's more, is that the possible instabilities (according to Guild Wars 2 Wiki on November 7th, 2019) are as follows: This means that you have a 33 % chance of having No Pain, No Gain in the fractal, which forces your Renegade on Mallyx in meta compositions. Not to mention the fact, that there is a high chance of getting a more meaningful and subjectively annoying instability instead of getting an instability that's a laughable joke at its best. My suggestions for fixing the underwater content, making it easier for people without actually proper groups and fractal knowledge and making it more proactive and less of a hassle in terms of compositions and traits are these: Increase the number of possible instabilities in the underwater fractal to make sure that you are not always met with a No Pain, No Gain, Afflicted and Vengeance combo.Make all/most of the skills available underwater! There is no reason you should be punished for playing a profession that harshly. This would also do some damage control regarding the fact that some professions lack proper underwater weapon skills.(3. Re-think underwater combat as a whole and make it more enticing and make underwater gear more attainable. As of now, getting proper underwater gear is a hassle and there is not really a good reason for it to be so much harder to come by than your regular gear if you want to include underwater content in the late game game modes.)
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