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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. If they remove the pet entirely on druid, then sure it MIGHT be comperable with chronomancer :p
  2. I think "exp" is "expansion" not "experience" since he mentioned "last exp".
  3. Reveal removal is also bad though, I can't remember one game where counter counters are healthy.
  4. Yeah this post is about those "lingering" on stuff like 20s retaliation, 2s block, 5s blind, 7s reflect etc.AoE skills except reflects etc, however, are not in this post's range.
  5. I don't get it, I mean the only problem is long duration AoE shocking aura. I'm all in for shorter duration shocking auras with shorter cooldowns.
  6. Thing is, they are supposed to be THE counterplays. We don't need counter-counters.
  7. Technically retal counters pulsing aoes and blind/aegis counters treshold aoes. I get where you are coming though.
  8. Counterplay to them exists, I am not saying they are too strong. I just want those skills to BE the counterplay instead.
  9. They aren't explicitly counterplay skills, they are skills that you can use both defensively and offensively. This is kinda off topic but I'd say they should do less evade/blind and less damage than usual skills because they are very versatile.
  10. @Leonidrex.5649 I am glad we are on an agreement.
  11. They are fine but their "counterplay" way of playing is missing.For example, guardian has very high retaliation uptime, when do I use my multi hit skills? Instead of this, the guardian should pop his retal when he sees my multi hit attack animation.
  12. Also it's not only mesmer. It affects warrior, guardian and to a certain extend ranger and daredevil.
  13. I am talking about a specific family of builds (aurashare support tempest), not tempest in general.
  14. I think this game has quite a lot of very well designed counterpressure skills and effects like shocking aura, blocks with counterattacks, projectile reflects, retaliation and more. However most of them either have high duration, high cooldown and/or are very easily accessable. In my opinion, the best way these can be fixed is the philosophy of "short effect short cooldown" because this actually brings reactive gameplay. In that manner, I propose these changes: Retaliation traits and skills should give way less duration and those skills should get CD buffs. If necessary, add short retaliation to defensive skills and remove it from offensive skills.Aurashare trait in elementalist should share 75% of the initial duration. Auras, especially shocking aura, are very good ways to peel for your team and they should stay like that.Projectile reflects should have way shorter duration (around 2s max) with shorter cooldowns. They should never be passive and invisible like that one mesmer trait.Skills that block one attack and do a counterattack (like mesmer scepter 2) should have at most 1s cast time, preferably 3/4s. Buff their damage for compensation.Similar to retaliaton, aegis and blind durations should also get nerfed while some of the skills that apply those can get CD buffs. If necessary, add those effects to other fitting skills.
  15. @Azure The Heartless.3261Why should tempest be able to kill you while slotting at least 2 defensive traitlines + mender amulet + defensive rune? Tempest is a very fun to play support espec (unlike firebrand). Currently only thing annoying/too strong is shocking aura. it's a very good peeling skill with aurashare and should stay like that. However it has become like retaliation, a specific counter-effect made boring and strong with high uptime.
  16. That was long ago though. Never say never :P
  17. PvP community is so small that nearly everyone knows everyone else. Other than that, top players usually stream or you can see what they play in queue/hotm arena etc.
  18. I think he means "Mesmer had 5 or more representation on only 5 seasons out of 21."
  19. tbh give ranger back some damage and make pets pure utility (boonrip, cc on f2, blind, immobilize, weakness, condi cleanse etc) OR make the ranger utility focused and pets do the damage but AI is kinda problematic so don't do that.
  20. I don't care if tempest can heal or give 3-4 types of cheapish boons on short cooldowns, but I care if tempest is a cc beast.You say it's squishy and it kinda is, but consider how less damage is after the patch.
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