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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Why it doesn't say that on tooltip? Can I get a source on where/when do devs say this?Is it the same with thief stolen skill from warriors (doesn't say reflects projectiles, but it does), bad tooltip?
  2. Really? I want the source on that.It's pretty dumb to be honest, then fix the tooltip range to 1800-1900 on flat ground.
  3. Irrelevant (not saying you are correct), but bugs are bugs.
  4. Which has a bugged (1.8k-1.9k) range since who knows when While mesmer has bugged (less damage than intended) mirror blade, double bugged power block (3s icd, doesn't increase maul's CD).
  5. But any build utilizing solely burn is bad (burn guard and burn weaver)
  6. Zerker is as bad as knights Both amulets are bad, only saved by OP builds
  7. In most of MMORPGs I play, archer classes (with or without pets) have average mobility (can outrun slow specs) average/goodish sustainno damage mods except crit from stats (like from your armor etc) + increased crit chance (fury in GW2) if they have pet, they also have skills to make pet hit easier (but the pet doesn't do that much damage)all that combined, it has ok burst damage and ok sustained damagea subbuild/subtheme with DoT (especially poison and bleeding) Basically they are "give me everything, but in medium/small amounts". Currently, GW2 ranger has most of these but it has too much damage on pet with its modifiers.I suggest nerfing modifiers and adding another utility skill (for rangers that rely on pet for damage, like sic em and superspeed/quickness thing) so pets hit a lot more frequently (triggering on-hit traits like poison) while having less modifier stacked burst damage on one skill.
  8. That makes no sense, ranger can also take nonstunbreak utilities.
  9. Let's see, Nobody uses Signet of JudgementRev uses energy to stunbreak, but okNobody uses stompShake it Off has 75s cooldown btwNobody uses Utility GogglesNobody uses Bandit's DefenseMercy is fair enoughYou forgot it but Signet of Air has 25s cd, it's bad and people still use nerfed Twist of Fate on weaver and other stunbreaks in tempest/core. Do you know why nobody uses those stunbreaks? They can't afford to waste important utility slots with nearly no effect stunbreaks, unlike ranger who gets so much value (condi cleanse, fury and survival skills themselves have extremely good synergy with cleanse on petswap and 4 cleanse on heal) and runs 24s 24s 32s stunbreaks while traited.
  10. Man I love seeing people complain about burn guardian lol
  11. I want 1250 power 1250 condition 500 healing amulet
  12. Already explained for recent metas:
  13. It was pretty good in the meta just before the patch and in scourge/fb meta. It even had a point where you could play S/D, S/P and D/P. Thief is very good or very bad depending on the meta, it's affected more than any other class. Also "power thief"? Condi thief was never any good lol I could easily kill them 1v2 in my usual rating.
  14. It does, just not to bunker/duelist builds Mesmers, power heralds or other thieves die to thief easy. Rest of the meta are either hard counters to thief since day one or bunkers. It's funny when mesmer is bad and engineer is good, thieves also become bad. "Mesmer > Engineer > Thief > Mesmer", delete mesmer from the equation and you have "Engineer > Thief" :P
  15. I think "elite skills" aren't supposed to be as build defining as Grandmaster traits.
  16. I love using guardian focus 4 into engi shield and getting permastunned
  17. Most MOBAs have both teleport and stealth, so it's not "shouldn't exist" but more like "limited"?
  18. I love how thief died JUST AFTER holosmith (counters thieves) became S tier and mirages (countered by thieves) got less common lmao I think you need to read this
  19. Condi engi mouhahahahahaha XD are you for real XD hahaha guy a condi emgi hahaha what a joke... He means BLIND, CHILL and perhaps poison. "debilitating conditions" is not the same as "damaging conditions".Noone talked about condi engi, he is talking about Elite Mortar Kit.
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