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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Though many modifiers now are vastly superior Lead Attacks is only in combat,Marauder amulet has 50 less power and 60 less ferocity,I don't even count other DA nerfs.
  2. All CC are 0.01 Backstab 2013: 2.4 (flanking)Backstab 2020: 1.8 (flanking) Hundred Blades 2014: 4.2 / 1.1Hundred Blades 2020: 2.8 / 0.8 Phantasmal Berserker 2015: 2.53Phantasmal Berserker 2020: 1.0 (0.4+0.6)
  3. He means "check warrior damage now and check warrior damage in core, then compare those two"
  4. If you do all that, then you have to talk about condi clear NERFS instead of buffs xd
  5. @Arheundel.6451 Why did you quote the original post twice though, do you want to make us (people who scroll with touch pad) suffer scrolling down? Even if you don't quote, your comments send notification to the person who created the thread xd
  6. IMO it just needs 2 spectral skills rework, wells rework and some trait changes. It is not about being meta or not. This is also not really about US, It's not even that good of a trait anyway.
  7. Well, you can just win vs AT sellers since they are practically 4 and a half people.
  8. Well, raid selling is also OK. You can't say this breaks any rules or ToS tbh.
  9. Practice social distancing.
  10. I just want all passives to be 300s. Also necro should get LF generation nerfs. Give it active defenses for all I care, but that build is unskilled passive zzzzzzz right now. And yes I was bronze at some point (with decay).
  11. I mean, the necro also made mistakes. He isn't even necro main afaik. Biggest one: insisting on the node instead of kiting
  12. Man I love it when mAT winners are considered bad
  13. It means forums are becoming even more of a joke the longer quarantine goes on lol
  14. You don't have to play ranged ranger. "range" in "ranger" doesn't mean "ranged" at all. You can check many dictionaries, rangers are like solo guardians of a natural place. They are natural guardians unlike guardians which are artificial guardians, while rangers are natural guardians which is why they have the druid espec which is also like a natural guardian of a natural place.
  15. I've been playing antimeta builds since forever. Never thought anybody would... make an ironic comment about that. It's such a basic skill.
  16. If bunkers are able to hold 1vX, then everybody would play bunker and sit on nodes since enemy team can't bring 7-8 people to deal with them.
  17. Yea the problem is the application, which I agree.
  18. Well if you play a damage sidenoder (warrior/ranger/mesmer?) or go vs bad necroes it doesn't mean you are good. If you go against other top players and win without hard countering bunkers, go join mAT.
  19. A bunker should not be able to hold 2-3 dps builds without extremely outskilling them. A bunker is NOT a 1vX'er (and nothing should be like that). It's just someone who can hold the node to relieve team from standing in it and dying. A bunker can 1v1 on far until enemy team rotates in, then the bunker should be forced to leave the node.
  20. GW1 Mesmer (whom everyone praise) had the exact same mechanic. Example 1, Example 2 It's literally mesmer's theme. It does not makes the game less fun, it makes the game fun on a meta level.
  21. Thief never dies anyway, but if you don't know the difference between a thief and a bunker necro I don't know what to say.
  22. Actually no, bunker > glass cannon. What kills bunkers is damage oriented sidenoders (like warrior and ranger) since they have CC and damage.
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