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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Why? Why? Obviously these are way more important and game-affecting than Power Block being double bugged or like Unholy Sanctuary not being 300s cd.
  2. All lifesaving passives other than this were nerfed to 300s cd.Why is this any different? It's actually one of the traits that would be ok with 300s cd since it still regenerates health while in shroud.
  3. Hypnotize yourself with this sound as the trigger. When you hear it, you subconsciously press V.
  4. I don't mean "shroud should be on 300 cooldown",I meant Unholy Sanctuary should be 300s cooldown. Reread what I wrote: "Shroud save should be 300s"
  5. And here are my opinions: Warrior - It needs a bit more damage but GS F1 needs to be staged like evis. Also hammer needs rework.Berserker - Needs a bit more damage.Spellbreaker - If GS F1 becomes staged, spb will get its nerf anyway. Guardian - Core is still the same bursty and sustainy thing. Basically a worse DH.Dragonhunter - Almost meta, just needs LB3 to be fixed.Firebrand - It's still the same unskilled AoE spam, whether it's balanced or not. Rev - It's just a worse herald lol.Herald - Meta. No idea what to change.Renegade - Same as Firebrand, unskilled AoE spam. Daredevil - Meta, it's good as it is. Rev needs to be nerfed so Thief can be compared with it. Engi - This class is still passive boonspam. It really needs its passives to be reworked. Also core engi needs better pistols lol.Holosmith - Meta with bunker boonspam. Ranger - The best 1v1er, no viable sidenoders (that can pressure enough) to keep it in check. Pets needs rework.Druid - I agree with Trevor here, CA needs buffs. Ele - This has a lot of very close (in terms of strength) builds, and all of them are pretty bad lmao. Needs a last push somewhere. Also nerf LR tywm.Tempest - It's at least not the pure heal tempest. Also nice to see conjure weapons seeing play. I think for a build that goes full cc, if LR gets nerfed, this will be very well balanced. Mesmer - Barely viable, but might be the easiest class to play aside from aoe spam classes.Mirage - A better condi thief. I guess this is what Anet wanted it to be? Power mirage is RIP though. Necro - Shroud save should be 300s cd.Reaper - Needs slight damage buffs in GS.Scourge - Anet needs to give this espec an identity. Is it a teamfight dps? A support?
  6. Damage mods didn't get much nerfs, some even got buffs.
  7. Portal Entre has 60s duration in PvE and 30s in competitive gamemodes.Portal Exeunt has 10s duration after you open both portals (I tested in HoTM). Which one are you complaining about?
  8. So you are talking about portal exit duration, like when you open two portals? It doesn't really matter. What matters is portal entre duration.
  9. tbh you can use it if you are good but had bad placements. Otherwise it's very bad in ranked, yeah.
  10. Oh, that's pretty similar to what I was playing for months. It's not that good though. Better off playing some different class.
  11. It's an ok starting point but aim for full viper.
  12. Mirage is just a viable condi thief Core is not fine, it's at best "barely viable".
  13. tbh daggers need a bit of buffing, at the same patch where pets get lower damage.
  14. To back you up, this is from wiki: "Movement Speed increases do not stack with each other—only the greatest value takes effect. For example, a character under the effect of Signet of Air (+25%) and swiftness (+33%) will only move 33% faster."
  15. Make a thread "Remove Shortbow 5" AFAIK, mirage was supposed to be a duelist thief.
  16. It's not about being good or bad. I just want a functional and non-clunky mesmer espec.
  17. Not "after", at the same time xD
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