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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. They need you to be on port spot for some reason.
  2. Heh good one Huh? I am not ranger main or anything. Well nothing I said was lie, I just didn't tell the whole truth :)
  3. I am in EU btw, so there is a language barrier.
  4. I was getting double capper people in plat1-gold3 matches :/ I agree that you can change stuff midgame with good planning but why go that far? Getting a friend is a better way of winning than trying to convince people in /team.
  5. Soloq is already hard since you can get matches like 1v5, with duoq it becomes 2v5.
  6. You are right in one thing: most of the accounts in the leaderboard are either fake plats or alts. Thing is, a few of them aren't any of those. In a way, pvp and pve are similar in this fashion. Really good players are way better than any gold or even plat players since (excluding build carry) the learning curve is so high. Also, Doesn't this apply for everyone? I also win more when I am queueing with a friend who is on par with me.
  7. I will use easy words, maybe it will help you: If a good player doesn't duo with another good player, that means they will probably get 1 more bad player in their team. Now I am asking you:Are good players forced to carry relatively bad players? Because that's what soloq brings.
  8. You also mentioned it here: Solo queue only season implies good players are also solo queueing which means they might potentially be forced to carry 1 (in 2v2) or 4 (in conquest) people. Also, pretty rude of you.
  9. I should've mentioned I meant on open field, not on node. LR weaver doesn't even use teleport so it can't catch up with a kiting ranger.
  10. Average mesmer player doesn't use them anyway.
  11. Core mesmer is overpowered with a lot of invulns (which are also reflects when traited), conditions (especially torment and confusion) and sustain. They even do some power damage. For 2v2, they can go 4 signets + blink and be unkillable while kiting with staff and blocking with scepter. Even moa is good because it refreshes every round. If their teammate gets downed they can rez easily with the feedback trait. Not to mention every distort shares aegis.
  12. It does 2.5kish per proc afaik, if traited correctly.
  13. They aren't high risk high reward at all, they are just lucky builds.
  14. There is a reason mostly salties play those builds :lol:
  15. They said mini seasons might sometimes change to 3v3 and sometimes to 2v2
  16. Ranger hard counters most LR builds.Stone shield is a soft counter to rangers.
  17. More skills means more powercreep, which we don't want in pvp and wvw. That's why I limited to a one-handed weapon. Also other two handed weapons mesmer can't currently use are bows and rifle so they are all ranged. Warhorn is a bit more melee oriented.
  18. Are good players forced to carry relatively bad players?
  19. About natural healing: if it gives barrier before casting, would interrupting it put it to full cd instead of 5s? Because it should. Otherwise you could self interrupt for 2500 barrier per 5 second.
  20. I would be pleased with this design as well, but I would make some changes. Still, luring people into traps would be fun.
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