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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. About 1) Player commanded cc skills like gazelle f2 or diversion are fine. Otherwise I agree. About 2) I think the exact opposite is needed, they should make rez traits have special effects instead giving increased revive speed. About 3) I don't think condi is a big problem, considering power variants for 6 out of 9 classes are better. (Remaining 3 are mesmer, revenant and weaver)
  2. First time hearing this, lol, so I get damaged when I distort into scepter 3?
  3. Mirage still has 1 dodge, and that's 1 dodge too much.
  4. Well I guess technically it doesn't "break stun".Also this would be a very good opportunity if things get out of hand with 1000 threads: Anet could just fix the tooltip and state that "distortion is fine" :P PS: Distortion share on inspiration (0 damage traitline btw) was nerfed because pve people said "distort sharing can be used for skipping boss mechanics".
  5. Well its clear that its more than just people, I get removed and put in the time-out corner alot. Believe me I don't care what anyone thinks, I just get aggressive and don't care about peoples feelings either.. So I've learned to either keep it to myself or merely give em the "Scram, your bothering me." treatment. Did you people know?GW2 forums has a personal message feature :)
  6. You guys already crying about Chrono has no instant shatter and no f4, but you should get rdy, the bronze propaganda has already a new agenda! The new placard slogan is: "being able to attack while invuln is per se and always broken", no matter of the class environment, no matter of different class mechanics and strengths, no matter that classes which have an invuln without skill lock out are since game release desinged around that feature by having implemented weaknesses at other places and no matter how different in reward (other invuln skills with skill lock out have very strong addition rewards like stunbreaks or full reset of the whole class mechanic or additional skills like aoe stealth) and differences in accessibility (no additional attunement swap cd, no clone requirement). Also no matter that the ability to attack while nearly untouchable (like attacking while dodging) is not that far away in its strength from a complete invuln (without the additional trade off to prevent point capture) and this does not get reduced on other classes.Means get rdy for your f4 on ALL mesmer specs (future ones included) will be next target to get a skill lock out for the invuln duration. And if not this will always be an argument to justify any other nerf to Mesmer because it will be the only class having this ability left. Means if Anet will not follow the bronze propaganda this time (what is unlikely looking at mesmer balance from the last year or more) the next placard slogan in this forum is already predictable: "Don't cry about any nerfs mesmer mains, you are able to attack while invuln, you are broken by design". How do you guys value this new feature in terms of its lvl of nonsenseness and lvl of contradiction of the class mechanic compared to the nonsense one dodge change? xD Distortion's tooltip says "you are immune to conditions and damage" but it also gives immunity to cc for some reason lolBut yes, I also think people will probably cry about distortion next.
  7. You see it in boon/condition bar obviously. Also Odik is one of the best mesmers left in this game. It's easy way out calling people noobs.
  8. I agree that it needs to be nerfed, maybe shorter cd shorter duration (endure pain treatment) or longer cd same duration (someone explained why this is spammy).
  9. Nice vid as always. Liked the BGM choices. I still miss my power chrono :(
  10. A dark mesmer seems fun. I'm not sure about conjuring stuff but I guess it can fit mesmer in some way.
  11. Well I just want more threads in mesmer forum in general. I didn't have any bad intentions or something in my reply.
  12. Those are okay changes, but I still think pets should do less damage and have more utility. Who would have thought, casual 50% nerfs destroyed the damage output?
  13. Regular taunt is okay imo, you can stunbreak out of it or condi cleanse it.A special effect would be too strong and you know how it goes: casual 50% nerfs.
  14. Edit: I changed some stuff so it has more synergy with non-bunker builds now.
  15. Oh I totally get what you mean, especially now that mesmer is getting short end of the stick with its especs I also want a functional and more offensive elite spec now. Illusions are too baked into the class, but this is a very interesting idea. If I had the guts, I would design my concept without clones but I am a coward :P
  16. My concept actually adds 8 skills (F5, 5 skills when you are transformed, 2 weapon skills) instead of 2, considering you have F5. And don't worry, you can make a pretty good power build if my concept passes through (I bet it would be more fun than playing clunky chrono or one dodge mirage). This would probably play as a more "immobilize into burst" type instead of burst from stealth, which is way more healthy for the game in general.
  17. So it wasn't just me. What the frick happened here?
  18. Reduce it to 10s cooldown, rework stealth trait (why is this a thing even) and buff energy gain by a lot.
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