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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Unevadable ccs are important for this game, it's on classes that especially need it. You can also jump over some of them without getting CCed.
  2. Those chronomancers and their 20ish bleeds with only one skill, am I right?
  3. Guardian has been mostly meta in all 3 gamemodes, At this point it really needs some very hefty nerfs. You can't use base instant cast virtues in DH and FB. Hopefully this doesn't count as a "tradeoff" in Anet's eyes, because if it does, it's RIP.
  4. WoW has a mana system, right? So they will spam the strongest skill. In GW2 we have cooldowns instead, except for thief, firebrand and revenant.
  5. Your account name is really explains what you write. Mirage = B or B+ at bestChronomancer = Worst traitline right now, in entire game. Yes, worse than renegade, druid, berserker.Mesmer = C+ at best but I'd say it's C
  6. Someone in this thread is thumbs upping everything lol. Poll is stabilized for now I think. 2nd option won as expected, would be fun and interesting if 1st option won though. Remember, buff mesmer.
  7. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Empowering_Misery this is 75% of good heal skills, not 50%.Nobody uses Jalis but https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soothing_Stone is very strong. The problem with Infuse Light is, you also have a backup heal skill however bad it is (they aren't that bad). Defiant Stance or AED is only one heal skill.
  8. It's still fine, might need adjustments here and there but spellbreaker and core warrior are good. Even burn berserker is okayish.
  9. Exactly! 50 is a bit OP for sure but 49 would be great.
  10. Every good DH (plat+) I know says DH is pretty good except LB3. Just adding this here so there is no mistake.
  11. How to kill a mirage?1) Wait until they use their dodge2) Target on the real mesmer (they have 1 stealth and axe3 as target-breakers)3) ???4) Profit Jokes aside, only 2 people I know play condi mirage good. In 2v2 or conquest, I always hope I get a mirage on opposite team because it's such a free kill.
  12. Dueling + Chronophantasma + Phantasmal Duelist = 20 bleeds And people tell me it's bad lmao
  13. There is only one good condi build, condi herald. Rest of the condi builds are plain bad, even core necro, burn weaver and burn guard.
  14. What's a mesmer? New espec for thief?
  15. I agree with you: I think all we need to do is reducing root duration + lowering its HP by 33%.
  16. Since you didn't quote anyone, I think at least the second part is directed towards me? Well, this is a joke thread.
  17. 25 february patch, immob giving thing's hp is still same while damage is less.
  18. Past is irrelevant in this context. If something is too strong, it needs nerfs. Likewise if something is too weak it needs buffs.
  19. Well at least mesmer gains a purpose with this design
  20. You can change your build even if it looks locked, without templates.
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