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Everything posted by Biziut.3594

  1. ANet already said that they gonna implement old rune effects in form of relics with the upcomming updates. We'll see if they do. As for relic system overall, I am not a big fan of it eighter. I'd rather stay with the old one, especially after watching the power creep that came with relics. So Yes. Making relics balanced and working plus bringing old effects is next of the priorities ANet should focus. Kinda. More options is always a good thing. As much as I don't mind the seperation between game modes, more options (especially for the more abandoned content like dungeons, raids, all jumping puzzles in case of PvE ect.) would be a nice and welcome change imo. I do not play Warrior so I do not know what exactly is wrong with this particular skill, but yes sure. If it is a bug and is even acknowledged by ANet than this is too an issue that should have priority and be fixed. So yes. You actually brought up many problems that in my opinion deserves more devs resources than some red dot or few clicks in WV. From myself I will only add profession balance, power creep, some love for WvW and PvP. Especially PvP, poor darlings haven't seen a good update in ages, and I don't even play PvP. Only WvW.
  2. Aww, I am happy for You too. Just heed my words and try not to care about such meaningless things too often. It will do no good to Your mental health. And God knows that we have enough of more important things to care about. God blessing to You dear.
  3. I doubt someones gonna pay me for that, but hey! At the very least I might loot Legendary Spike from Him, and add it to my bank... To my big pile... Of legendary spikes... xd
  4. Wait. You guys getting paid? My character during this dialogue started sobbing. I kill dragons, champions, demons and what do I get? Nothing! Instead I got a hangover and a huge hole in my pocked when my gold used to be. Like what is this, we do not even get vouchers for free food at the pact barracks table. My character literally cried when Navan paid for His dinner from pity during this one story step, where even tho we saved the world multiple times, we were considered a terrorists. Xd
  5. Have You guys all been in the mushroom cave at Jahai recently? Sounds like a one of this lines giant mushroom would say. Xd Please do continue tho, I love it... ❤️ ...even tho it kinda scares me.
  6. Well @Fueki.4753, what can I say. Looks like one person annoyence is another person benefit in this particular case. ( @Lucy.3728) Is it worth ANet time and attencion? Imho, not at all. If I would have to choose between wiggly chest and WV app thing, I would probably side here with Lucy. Sometimes the wiggly chests don't let You live. Other example of them being an inconvinience would be Amnytas meta, especially when they reward you with just xp. But still, I would rather ANet focus on more pressing matters at hand than fixing something that is not broken. After all if they were to go and change every single thing that annoy someone, we would probably play HoT or PoF now and not 4th expansion. Especially taking under consideration that some annoyences contradict each other. ^^
  7. Don't care enough to observe what mounts peoples are using, but imo any observarions and assumptions are not really valid, since as someone already said, not everyone have access to PoF and raptor might be for them the only option. So assuming anything like that without having any actual, reliable data is pretty pointless. For me personaly, before era of skyscale I've been using Jackal pretty often. It's great for treversing terrain that have a lot of pits and holes, it's also great to navigate narrow spaces with a lot of turns, but the best spot where Jackal shines imo is when you have to get up some hilled terrain. Raptor jump won't let you climb anything, and that ability of Jackal helped me during many races or when just treversing hard to navigate terrain with a lot of obstacles. With one of the bond skill You can even "fly" with Jackal for a linited time, which is a great adventage over Raptor too. Not to mention that You can avoid fall damage with it completly. If anything I would say Raptor is inferior now, as there is no thing Raptor does better than both, his upgraded version named Roller Beetle, and Jackal. Also Raptor's only adventage over Jackal is being just slightly faster, which I can't even notice without perfect racing conditions that let this single adventage to shine, but still, now everything falls short before Skyscale (maybe with the exception of the beetle and sometimes griffon). As much as I love using other mounts, I acknowledged that during normal gameplay I am just using Skyscale and Beetle mostly without thinking about it. I use other mounts only for some races and mostly when I just think, "oh I have this nice skin for this mount, let's ride it a little for fun". To summarise, no I don't think Jackal needs any buff. I would rather see more maps made with the specific mount in mind, like new SotO maps are made with Skyscale and Griffon in mind. For example some water themed map for Skimmer, or some magical land with the main theme being portals for Jackal, or some map that would finally encourage us to use Springer instead of Skyscale. (But since rabbit is so inferior to dragon, I personally can't think of any idea).
  8. Well. It's a way to reward players for their long term dedication. It may be flawed by, how you noticed, someone not playing at all and still getting them. But all in all this presents aren't that much of a deal anyway. It's just some dyes you can buy from tp, one armor and weapon set of skins, one novelity and one infusion. Thats it I think. You don't need this at all to enjoy the game and play it's content. So I don't think it should be changed in any way. Edit: oh theres also unending tray of "poor people food" and six exclusive to birthday dyes. Still imo dedicated players deserves this bit of respect at the very least. As I said above, it's not a big deal and you can play the game to it's fullest without it.
  9. Degraded is your opinion. In my opinion it's an upgrade. It's convinient, it have nice unique rewards and I can pick the reward I need/want at the exact moment, plus If I do not need certain reward like for example t5 mats I can always spend my AA on liquid gold. Making 5-10 clicks daily to claim the reward is annoying for you to the point to complain about it on the forums? I am surprised You can stand using your PC at all than. By other things I meant, balancing the game and professions and adding more content that the game needs, cuz I'd rather see the game expanding than stand still becouse someone is upset about having to CLAIM THE REWARD. Xd
  10. @Julischka Bean.7491 Sorry for Your loss. A little late for advice, and don't even know if You'll be willing to give a try, but it might be something in case of worst JP scenario occuring for ye. (I mean having to do jp solo without a way to cheeze it with a mount). So, with thief, daredevil, You are able to wield a staff. Fifth skill of this staff called "Voult" I think, is a target aoe skill that makes Your thief jump on the spot You target. It saved me from having to do a risky jump more times than I can count. It's not perfect and won't cover all jumps, but it's safe to say that it will let you skip most of them. ^^ Take care of yourself, sending warmest hugs. ❤️
  11. Meh. First world problems part 104826 imho. WV works fine for me and I like it the way it is. I'd rather see resources spent elswhere and on more pressing matters.
  12. Yhh, golem golem golem golem. Can You let ANet finish adding the relics, and than complain or remind? They already said they're not finished with turning old runes to relics. Just give ANet some time, and be patient. Posting and necroposting won't make it any faster.
  13. Not a fan of it personally. I am more fan of SAB themed mounts and stuff, but sure why not. You might want to ask on the special topic on the top of the list, named Item ideas and Sugestions or something.
  14. Basicly what other says. It is wintersday. Plus at the time you started this topic is kind of a time when most peoples are eighter at work or at school. Look up LFG again on late afternoon and the evenings, it tends to be more crowded at that time. Well, no. Just as I said. LFG is more lively at the evenings, especially with wintersday going it's doomed to be a little more dry than usual. When I am back from work I never have the issue of finding ppls for any content I want to do. Other solution for you op might be just making Your own group. Many peoples have like You, that they prefere to wait until something pops up and then gets disappointed when it doesn't. When I am off work and I can't find any group I just make my own and for more popular content like fractals/strikes and even dungeons it fills rather quickly.
  15. This is my wet dream. I would shower ANet with $ and gold.
  16. Fourth one kinda is wearable already. Exist as charr version of town clothes outfit. Top looks kind of diffrent and it don't have gloves but pants look pretty much the same if I remember well. Also plus for this idea. I would add many other outfits from other races too to the bunch. It could do well as some chaeper outfits for let's say for example 100 - 200 gems each. Or even more if they would make it work like town clothes outfit, that is you have diffrent look on each race. I am not working in the graphic, so I don't know how hard it would be to port this clothes to our characters as outfits, but I can imagine it would be easier than making a new outfit from scratch. Edit: @Mattia.2153 tagging You becouse it seems your topic was merged with gem store requests. ^^
  17. Ye I agree with @SoftFootpaws.9134 here. It's way better to raid with the guild or if You have kp than joining some more kp requiring groups where You can be more sure commander knows what he is doing. I had similar situation in Strike two days ago. When commander had all roles on a silver plate, with every player stating it, but he was like in rage or something, asking why peoples are not stating the roles, despite them clearly doing so. He was so confusing, he finally said that we are stupid and we don't know how hard commanding is and are only there to leech. After saying this he just left. I quickly stepped in before someone could follow Him and thus disbanding almost ready squad, and organised it in less than a minute. They were super expiriences peoples and we cleared this strike with hardcore players speed, so I really don't know what some of this players deal is. Maybe just a bad day. Don't let them get into Your head. Just block and move on. ❤️
  18. Be careful, or Your name will change into ToxicPotato or GatekeepingPotato, becouse this is what stands for truth for some peoples these days. xd
  19. Yes and this floating balls are as fashionable as hanging multiple cables of christmas lights on yourself and than lighting yourself on fire. So if it is fashion you are going for, than you are better off skipping on accesories as a whole.
  20. Oh so we are the ones that supposed to give you arguments why this is a bad idea? Or maybe it should be you who should try convince community why your sugestion should actually be implemented. Just becouse You don't like the arguments me and other players gave You, doesn't make them any less valid. I watched first two pages of this topic, and literally no single commenter agrees with You. And if that don't make You rethink than maybe it's not the game flaw but a flaw in your thinking, know at least that You actually made no effort to convince anyone, becouse your whole initial post can be described with "Tickets toxic, gimme gimme best for free, if u disagree u toxic too". As I said. Legendary are long term goal that helps (among other things) to keep players engaged in the content. Lacking this legendary does not gate you from participating in anything game has to offer. (Edit: especially in fashion wars xd). You are good to go with Ascended and even Exotic gear.
  21. But even if LFG system is flewed becouse of the sellers You mentioned, and other things. It's not an argument to avoid adding more variety of content into WV. It's an argument to look at LFG and make some changes. Strikes are already inside the WV, and sellers are posting in there as well. So the harm You see is already done. Peoples will be aware of sellers one way or another. Your solution is kinda like fixing the broken sink by avoiding using it, instead of changing the broken pipe. As for dungeon rush, isn't it like You can spam the same single path to get the main reward? So putting single DRM as an alternative, do not really change anything imho.
  22. Ikr. But he is totally right. Those toxic skirmish tickets whispered me the other day and called my look ugly, my dps weak and my mother a kitten. Xd
  23. Omegalul. So you just want legendaries for free. If You don't want to do what is required to get the shinies, than simply don't do it, and go do what You enjoy instead. If You don't enjoy anything in this game, apart from some shiny trinkets, than by all means, do go back to WoW. Long term goals, helps to keep peoples engaged in content, it's healthy for the game, and in GW2 Legendary gear is not even required to do any content. You can run just as easy in Ascended or even Exotic.
  24. Agree with all peoples that answered You op. From myself I will only add that legendaries are a long term goal, they are supposed to take time to get them. If You don't have time to play, than thats kind of a "You problem", not the game itself, especially when You take into consideration that You don't need legendary to perticipate in any content in the game. Exotic are fine enough and Ascended is the same stat wise as Legendary. Only diffrence is QOL and that wierd balls.
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