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Everything posted by Biziut.3594

  1. @hmmz.4186 If you enjoy Specter, I found a fun little build. Basicly copy paste alac specter from snowcrows with the exception of relic and few utility skills. I picked chronomancer relic for quickness from wells and I changed trap skill and one poison to green and yellow wells. Now I am unkillable machine, with cool support/dps damage, access to both quick and alac and few other boons, okay mobility thanks to the wells, and nice health and healing. You might want give it a try if you enjoy specter, I am having a nice time with this build.
  2. Maybe an official letter from ANet. We are humbly informing you, that OW legendary armor has been delivered and equipped on your character. Here are some screenshots of you in this cool armor attached. Regards. Altho I am not sure if opening and reading a letter isn't a gatekeeping too this days. Xd
  3. Oh no, this word again. "Gatekeeping". LFG = gatekeeping, Raids = gatekeeping, Raiders = Gatekeepers, Flipping camps at WvW = boring gatekeeping, Losing matches in PvP = toxic gatekeeping, prize of exotic armor required for lege = gatekeeping. What is next and when does it stop? Rifts = boring gatekeeping, doing meta = gatekeeping, killing mobs = gatekeeping, playing the game = gatekeeping. Sometimes I think that ppls like you wouldn't be satisfied if they would get this armor for free, becouse you would need to still click a chest icon and that would gatekeep you somehow. Xd
  4. I usually do it becouse I am easly overhelmed when whole squad fills instantly, and I have problems organizing it then. Sometimes it ended up in me having to kick some peoples to make room for support, and since dps filled almost instantly, I had no idea who joined last, and sometimes I got so confused that some sub ended up without boon or heal. 🙂 So (at least in my expirience) it is for a convinience reasons. Altho if any dps joined me and asked if he could stay, I never refused them, just placed for the special sub for a time being. Other thing is with peoples like OP (no role, blunt entitled tone, not doing the role he/she stated). This kind of peoples I kick the second I spot them.
  5. It seems bugged, I do not get it once I done meta or fill the event bar, only elegibility disappears.
  6. You are just being nice to peoples, even tho you are not agreeing with them. It is a rare occurance on this forum it seems, so peoples are just surprised. We just don't do that here. Xdddd jk... or am I?
  7. Yeah, kinda disappointed too. It's very okaish, and I say it generously. From the things that I didn't saw anyone mention, I also do not like... - Mobs, that are, just like map features, reused from other maps. I do not think I saw a single mob that uses a new skeleton, only the mesh is diffrent. Even the first big bad, this demon Cerus, is just a Deimos with his chest hands deleted and two spiky things on back added. - Dialouge no longer acknowledge your gender, now when anyone talks about you in 3rd person, you are no longer he/she. You are them. Yeah two dialogues for genders, so hard to do. - Last little detail that pains me the most, the new skyscale fireball attack. I think I was most hyped for this one. This skill do not have any animation, your skyscale just sits in the air doing it's usual idle, not even bothering to open his jaw and actually breath this fireball out. It just appears out of nowhere and this is it. And we have 2023... On the brighter side, I like some skins, altho this is pretty subjective matter, new daily system looks to be a nice thing, with rewards being skins, emotes, charges. Other than that, well I can't think of any more positives, so this should speak for itself. Would say that it is good to see Zojja, but it's just not Her. All whiny and defeated and submissive to this other wizards. She was a Boss a** kitten, in base game, and now I do not recall hearing any good line from Her. Well, thats my three pennies. You are not alone mate. I certainly won't buy an upgraded edition of next expansion and will definitly think twice before I preorder it... if I will even buy it that is.
  8. I can understand the bugged Silent Surf, but whats wrong with Sunqua? It's a normal fractal and if you do it on CM it is shorter than most since you start at last boss. I love when fractals with CM's are daily coz I can finish my run faster. So it is a big no no from me.
  9. Who needs breather when we do not have any great underwater content. What we really need is a LEGENDARY FOOD. Bacon pancakes! Chicken parma! Banana of Penetration! Doner kebab! Tears of your fallen enemies!
  10. I know, sadly. I just don't care since we talk here about guild wars. Call me a boomer but I'm not really a fan of this streamers cults nor streamers themselves.
  11. I like it, it works for me perfectly and I am glad that they took the part of gw2 I enjoy and made it into dungeon content. Please do not walk it back.
  12. What Kharmin said. I'll only add that you don't have to actually win the matches to get your precoursors. You only need to play.
  13. About anything, yes, about everything, as You seem to be, not so much. It's a forum, most peoples will discuss how to improve the game, what we are suppose to do? Say, X thing is good and works well, and pat each others shoulders all the time?
  14. Topic means lately. IBS was released few years ago. Let this topic die or be closed already, it's already ran it's course several times and serves only as a bickering battlefield from time to time.
  15. Man no point quoting this posts I am afraid. They wrote this five years ago xddd
  16. Well, once me and my friend did one of this internet iq tests for fun. I mean the ones with 5 question + paid SMS. We got whole 130. You can imagine how trust worthy this test was tho. With the way this guy write I can imegine this might be the same case with His 109.
  17. I do not think You Tubers are the best autorithy when it comes to the things this game / balancing needs. ANet have their data, it's their game, and even tho we all know how the balance is looking in this game (hell I am a mostly deadeye thief myself), in my opinion responsibility of balancing the game lies in ANet and ANet only. We (youtubers included) can only whine or be happy about it for some feedback and constructive criticism.
  18. So true. Still hold my hopes for both of this and some more to be implemented.
  19. No argument there. I guess it's kinda rethorical question from me, becouse I already know the answer. Numerous peoples here from both sides in numerous topics on emotes are stating that emotes hold no power on both ArenaNet and community. So knowing if this is all the same ppls putting confused smiles won't change a thing. Punishing peoples for using confused emote repeatidlily is bad eighter. And if someone think that peoples will stop using this emote only becouse his name will be visible on it than he is wrong too, as I already don't have issue to tell who and when I gave this emote, and I think I even said it in this exact topic before. And if there is no reason to add something, than this shouldn't be added. Coz u know, you can use this time on something that actually matters.
  20. One down, anyone else who will finally tell me why this assumed ten peoples spamming confused emotes should have their names revailed, why should anyone? It's already settled that Arena Net do not make their decisions based on this few confused faces (surprising right? Xd ) And quoting the Healers argument... So yeah, wanting something "bad" to happen to the theorytical peoples spamming confused emotes as a punishment is not a great argument eighter imo. Why than?
  21. But you want something to happen to them right? This is why you want this implemented? To see something bad happen to them? If this is not the reason after all than maybe you will finally give me one? Why do you want to know the names of this ten peoples. Mind that I ask you this question for the fourth time, and you still didn't gave me any consistent answer, other than blurry remark that you want them punished/ something bad happen to them. Why do you want to know the names of this peoples? Why do you want the whole community to know them?
  22. Forget the Armor. The question was why do you want to see the names of the "Confused Peoples"? You answered... So becouse some peoples were spamming Confused Emotes for 8 years, you want something bad happen to them, and you think this bad will happen to them if community will be able to see their names?
  23. This isn't an argument for adding such thing. So you want peoples to see the names of the peoples using confused faces, becouse you want to see them punished or hurt for using them?
  24. This is not answering my question. Skyscale, Turtle, Armor all is being implemented despite getting confused emotes from (as you presume) the same peoples. So great, ANet do not make decisions basing on that few confused emotes. So asking the same question again. Why is it so important to know this ten peoples names?
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