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Everything posted by Biziut.3594

  1. Am I talking to You? No. About You? Still no. Funny to see how defensive You get over a post that have nothing to do with You tho. Speaks volumes. xDDDD
  2. Yeah. Just saw a topic. SotO armor is not even released and someone is already begging to make it buyable on trading post. So much for the statements "open world armor can be as todious and time consuming as you want, just give us ow lege armor". Xd
  3. My God. So much this. Can I quote this to any entitled whining I find? Pretty please! xddd
  4. There are many points of view. Just becouse you do not agree with them, it does not make them less valid. Ascended items are equal to the Legendary ones stat wise. There is no content in game that requires You to have legendary equipment. You can get Ascended by playing a single gamemode. As some ppls already said. Legendary requires You to show mastery over the whole game. (Yeah in theory, since some weapons are tradeable and GoB you can get by just flipping camps). But still, this is what they are meant to be. If you want skon from certain achivment, you do this achivment, if you want skin from raids, you do raids, if you want skin from fractals, you do fractals, and same goes for WvW, PvP, ect. And Legendary equipment is by all means nor diffrent. If you want something, You do what is required of You to get it. Other thing is the fact that Your needs are not the only ones. When I play a game, I have a need for exciting, challanging adventure with the awesome reward at the end that I can be proud of and show off. If someone get said reward for putting less effort than me, (Becouse boo hoo I don't like the content) than sorry, but you do not deserve it in my opinion. Becouse it will trivilize the effort I have put into getting where I am. Especially that, once again, it is by all means not required for you to play any of the game content. It is not restricting you from anything. It is only a vanity item. So to summarise. If you want the shiny? Do what is required to get it. You dont like doing what is required? You are perfectly fine not to, it won't restrict you from playing any content in the game you enjoy. Regards.
  5. @Sawyer.4127 I am curious about something. You advocate for the ability to get every prestigious item, by doing only the things one enjoy. What if all I enjoy about this game is for example, roleplay or gathering and crafting or if I only enjoy Queensdale of all the maps gw2 have to offer. Where does it stop. If I enjoy only playing on Queensdale, and the game force me to go to other maps with metas and events I do not like. Should ANet let me get all prestigious items only on that single map? How prestigious this items would be if they did? What would be so prestigious about HT cm title if I could also get it from a champion bandit in Queensdale? For now you can get an end-game equipment by literally doing dailies. Is there really a need to trivialize the prestigious items that one do not even require to play the game?
  6. There are. Two of them to be honest. Gen 1 and Gen 3. You can buy them off tp. Getting gold from any game mode you want. The diffrence in price one can explain as fee for GoB or other gifts.
  7. This is like 4th, "Gimme GoB" topic in like a week. Kinda not surprised ppls have a problem with flipping camps if they can't even use the search filter on forum. Xd
  8. I play this game very often to the point that I too finish my weekly in a day or two days. Still I think it's a terrible idea, since weeklys are not all there is to this game. I have to do daily, daily fractals, daily strikes and weekly raids. So even tho weekly can be fast, you still have plenty things to do in this game. Plus, you don't really need a weekly to go and do JP's or kill mobs ect. if you enjoy it.
  9. More places for build templates, I beg of You. I do not have place to store my fashion and builds. Please make it at least to the 10, altho the more the better. My wallet is waiting.
  10. That actully sound like much fun. ❤️
  11. Don't know how it exactly happens. When I have glider randomizer on, after some gliding, when drawing my weapons, both weapons and back item disappear. This persist until you change map only to show up again when you glide some more.
  12. Rebel long boots. On my charr male, each time i swap maps or equip this, colours on my tail switch or my tail disappears completly. You fixed sorcerer glider after a week, how is this not fixed from march. Many ppls paid for this with real money, so please, do something.
  13. +1 Cape do not animate while charr wiggle it's tail like the other capes do and flying with glider have a falling animation instead that of a glider.
  14. Oh, thanks. Haven't thought bout looking in the legacy tab. Kinda wierd tho. I saw they updated most of the builds for thief, and since this condi DE is doing best numbers than all of them (according to op) than shouldn't it be moved to recommended or at least viable ones? Welk, maybe they will soon. I would love to play it. DE is my fav spec and I was kinda sad when anet nerfed normal power dps when they shouldve only nerf quickness DE.
  15. Checked snowcrows. Couldn't find any condi deadeye build, not even speaking of one doing almost 50k, so if op would share it with me and it would turn out to be true, than this topic would be of much use for me. ^^
  16. What is the condi deadeye build with 48k? I would love to give it a spin! @Furball.1236
  17. As for content I am up for any stuff, easy or hard as long as it is not boring. As for teacup streamer... couldn't care less... ...Or maybe... ...depends... ...Can I have his stuff? xD
  18. Yeah, single target focused spec and it have lower damage than some aoe focused specs. They were supposed to nerf the damage of quick deadeye, not deadeye in general. Power deadeye was in the perfect place before nerf imo. Only support quick deadeye deserved nerf.
  19. @hmmz.4186 If you enjoy Specter, I found a fun little build. Basicly copy paste alac specter from snowcrows with the exception of relic and few utility skills. I picked chronomancer relic for quickness from wells and I changed trap skill and one poison to green and yellow wells. Now I am unkillable machine, with cool support/dps damage, access to both quick and alac and few other boons, okay mobility thanks to the wells, and nice health and healing. You might want give it a try if you enjoy specter, I am having a nice time with this build.
  20. Maybe an official letter from ANet. We are humbly informing you, that OW legendary armor has been delivered and equipped on your character. Here are some screenshots of you in this cool armor attached. Regards. Altho I am not sure if opening and reading a letter isn't a gatekeeping too this days. Xd
  21. Oh no, this word again. "Gatekeeping". LFG = gatekeeping, Raids = gatekeeping, Raiders = Gatekeepers, Flipping camps at WvW = boring gatekeeping, Losing matches in PvP = toxic gatekeeping, prize of exotic armor required for lege = gatekeeping. What is next and when does it stop? Rifts = boring gatekeeping, doing meta = gatekeeping, killing mobs = gatekeeping, playing the game = gatekeeping. Sometimes I think that ppls like you wouldn't be satisfied if they would get this armor for free, becouse you would need to still click a chest icon and that would gatekeep you somehow. Xd
  22. I usually do it becouse I am easly overhelmed when whole squad fills instantly, and I have problems organizing it then. Sometimes it ended up in me having to kick some peoples to make room for support, and since dps filled almost instantly, I had no idea who joined last, and sometimes I got so confused that some sub ended up without boon or heal. 🙂 So (at least in my expirience) it is for a convinience reasons. Altho if any dps joined me and asked if he could stay, I never refused them, just placed for the special sub for a time being. Other thing is with peoples like OP (no role, blunt entitled tone, not doing the role he/she stated). This kind of peoples I kick the second I spot them.
  23. It seems bugged, I do not get it once I done meta or fill the event bar, only elegibility disappears.
  24. You are just being nice to peoples, even tho you are not agreeing with them. It is a rare occurance on this forum it seems, so peoples are just surprised. We just don't do that here. Xdddd jk... or am I?
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