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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. You can submit your ticket anonymously on the support site - https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/requests/newIf you are sure that you haven't activated the SMS-verification yourself, your account may have been hacked.
  2. There are two different windows, "Unclaimed Loot" and "You are Encumbered", which one was it?Seems it only works for the second one, at least for me. I actually like the change as it saves a lot of klicks when opening bags or unids, and it's easier to use a larger inventory-window now.
  3. Wintersday is good, but not the only way. You can farm events with many mobs on the livings story maps where you can buy the karmic retribution buff (like the pre event of the specimen chamber on sandswept islands), or you can do the living story daylies (4500 karma per daylie), fractals also give a good amount,...
  4. Such systems already exist for raids and the "real" strikes. Forging Steel uses the same (at least regarding the kick-protection, don't know about the loot from the chests), but as there are phases in which the group is out of combat, kicks are possible during the run.The question is, if more protection systems will only bring a positive outcome for such a long strike (or vision, however it's called).
  5. Some are available (Candy, Quartz, Sprockets), but not all (e.g. the Pinata is missing).
  6. Most of them are available in lions arch (Hooligan's Route), depending on the fesatival they don't offer all the thing available during the festival (like the dragon bash weapons etc.), but at least a bunch of things.
  7. Sadly arcdps can't show healing-numbers, because it can't be read from the game, same for cc etc.
  8. Yes, blocking is a very limited tool. It can't prevent you from grouping up with someone you have blocked. That's only partially right, it does help a bit, because if you block this sort of commanders, you won't see their squads in the lfg anymore (only counts if the blocked person is the commander). For groups, I think it works too, but only as long as the blocked person is alone in the group. You do see them in lfg, we got afew blocked people joining our raid groups.Yes, they can see you, but that's not what I wrote. For the lfg only your own blocklist counts, so only if the block was mutual, they won't see your lfg.Not the best solution, but the flaws of the block-system are another story
  9. Yes, blocking is a very limited tool. It can't prevent you from grouping up with someone you have blocked. That's only partially right, it does help a bit, because if you block this sort of commanders, you won't see their squads in the lfg anymore (only counts if the blocked person is the commander). For groups, I think it works too, but only as long as the blocked person is alone in the group.
  10. It's an event that occurs at the mine and leadfoot, the pre-event is the one, where you have to collect the intel. But you should take the explosive instead of the EMP i think.
  11. You confused the OP calling them reward tracks, which they are not, even if they function in a similar way. That's why I wrote, that they work like a reward track, the post that confused the OP wasn't from me.
  12. No, in this case, they are PvE. There are the repeatable achievments like "Death to the corrupted" which work like reward tracks. You get commendations for kills, events and can also buy some daylie at the vendor on the drizzlewood-map.
  13. Well, I'm glad it worked for you. Nothing I try works, Refill button is always grayed out. Thanks. Did you use the accept button first, or can you provide some screenshots, maybe we can se better what's happening?
  14. Maybe something that should also be mentioned, your account-birthday and the present depends on the chars. As your account is a few years old, this may be important too.
  15. Seems the update was unstickied, they are now recording from home: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110653/an-update-regarding-voice-acting-in-guild-wars-2/p1
  16. Afaik the mastery buffs crafting experience, not the normal xp. Crafting xp is used for leveling the crafting discipline.
  17. I think using realistic buffs and conditions would be better to compare the dps for group-content, as some classes can buff themself much better with their meta-dps-builds or don't rely on group buffs as much as others.Even without buffs, etc. 9k sounds a bit low. I don't know the unbuffed benchmarks of all classes, but at least for some, this may even be <50%. This may not be enough, at least for the standard of a bunch of raid- and cm-groups.
  18. I don't know if there is one that shows the math, but there is at least one that shows the result - https://silverwastes.loltools.net/
  19. The achievement has remained the same all the way back to vanilla, where given the lack of power creep of HoT and PoF, it was by far the hardest. There is nothing to "fix". The achievement works as intended. You can now:A. Get gud and finish it now.B. Hope for more power creep with a future expansion and try again. Wasent there a bug with poison core thief that made her really easy.As far as i remember, the bug was, that it was possible to kill her with lifeleech, while she is normally invulnerable. But 8 orbs wouldn't have worked with this bug, because after 3 you would have to fight here the normal way.
  20. Stopping F2P-players from accessing ranked won't help against people who are botting or hacking to farm gold, because they already need/use paid accounts (as F2P- accounts can't transfer the gold/items). It may help against some match-manipulators, trolls etc., but it won't solve the main-problem you mentioned. The best solution would be more monitoring and more bans. stoping f2p players from ranked will help(with a propper ban politics), yes to transfer gold you need to have a full acount but mechanics that use mass botters is create various f2p acounts----> bot -----> acumulate worthy gold amount------> wait a prudential time------> upgrade acount -------> transfer if you remove f2p from ranked(and apropiate ban politic) they have to risk paid acounts, you remove the 0 risk factor to boting more monitoring and bans have 0 efect if f2p acounts are in ranked because if you get caught and banned you simply have to create a new f2p acount, bans only have efect in real players with real acounts in that they invested time, in use and trhow f2p acounts bans have 0 dissuasory efectI don't deny, that proper restrictions for f2p may be usefull, but at the momentary state, bans would be more important. Botters don't seem to care, if they loose paid accounts atm, as many post about them mention that they use PoF-classes.Ideally the bots (no matter if paid or f2p) should be detected as fast as possible, before the can even reach a high enough level to play ranked or they cause any harm in one of the other gamemodes.
  21. Stopping F2P-players from accessing ranked won't help against people who are botting or hacking to farm gold, because they already need/use paid accounts (as F2P- accounts can't transfer the gold/items). It may help against some match-manipulators, trolls etc., but it won't solve the main-problem you mentioned. The best solution would be more monitoring and more bans.
  22. 2 armor sets, 4 backpacks and 6 weapons should be the right numbers, at least that's what I have (7 year old acc too). Maybe you have some unopened chests somewhere?
  23. Masks are mostly medium skins, but there are skins for all 3 weights too, like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer%27s_ScarfMaybe that's what you are looking for.
  24. WvW uses a link-system as attempt to balance the populations. Crystal Desert is currently linked to Tarnished coast, but the WvW-window only shows the mainserver of the link (the server with a larger population at the date of the linking). The links change every 2 months (last rest of the uneven months).If you hover your mouse over the servername next to the pie-chart in the wvw-window, you can see the names of the linked servers (linked servers have a + next to their name).
  25. Are you sure it was a sword, the description sounds a bit like one of the renegade skills - "Racorclaw's Rage" - https://imgur.com/a/IvM2gdE
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