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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. Some years ago anet considered to implement what you propose together with a class based mmr, so they but up a poll and the majority of the players voted against it. Because of this I guess it's not so likely that they will change the current system.
  2. This would only be true, if the exchange rate was fixed, but as it's variable and driven by supply and demand, it does matter on which side you add additional drops.
  3. Yes, it was a popular way to farm keys, but the easiest maps like Bloodstone Fen were already changed a long time ago because of that. This change most likely happend, because there have been people who were using illegal tools to farm keys on a HoT-Maps.
  4. Yes, it seems to be restricted to lvl 80. At least on my alt accounts the mail only appeared when I switched from low lvl chars to a lvl 80 char.
  5. As far as I remember the problem was that they couldn't change single maps which are part of the PVE-world-map separately to PvP- or WvW-balance without a large rework of the underlying system.
  6. Haven't played the current season yet, but can't you switch skills etc. via hero-menu anymore?
  7. This is not a new PvP-Mode, this is called mini-season. Since over a year, there are 2-3 week long mini-seasons (2vs2 or 3vs3 deathmatch) beween the main 5vs5 ranked seasons, to give some variety in the time that was just a break between the seasons before. If you prefer 5vs5, it will be back in two weeks, or you can play unranked in the meantime.
  8. They were already limited to one harvest a day back then. But as the ascended plants only need to be replanted, if the instance owner harvests them, the owners just invited other people and all their alt accs and never harvested them themself. This made the whole ascended seed system completely useless and the ascended cooking material much cheaper. As this wasn't intended by anet, the ascended crops were changed to instance owner only.
  9. It won't only matter for tp barons and flippers, i guess a lot of other players won't be happy too, if their hard earned gear, their deldrimor ingots, or whatever loose e.g. 90% of it's worth suddenly. Selling boxes of ascended gear would also be a problem with all the skins which aren't meant to be sold (like raid-boxes etc.) But I agree that there should be a better solution for unneeded ascended gear, but my idea would be a good materialsink for balls of dark energy or something like that.
  10. It may just crash the market of everything that's connected to ascended equipment completely.
  11. It's hard to tell, if it was a bug or a mistake of someone without being there. Have you checked if the elegibility buff (yellow symbol in your buff list) which appears during the fight against skovald was there till the ende?
  12. Were all people in the group from the same region? Afaik sometimes when the login-servers don't work like they should, lfg-entries can be shown in the wrong region too, which would explain this problem.
  13. If you mean the ice-field, it can now be bought from the Koda-vendor which was added today.
  14. The commander-system won't prevent grieving, in content where you need to be in a squad, it actually had the same problems as the old group-leader system. That's why a kick-protection during boss-fights was added to raids later and also the whole raid-loot-system was reworked (the same systems was used for strikes too). In some places like the forging steel vision the old problems still appear, so this system won't help in group-content outside of raids and strikes. I agree with the problem with blocked people joining, but whose blocklist will be used for groups/squads without a commander?
  15. You mean something like this - https://fast.farming-community.eu/bags/icebrood-bags
  16. The requirements have been reduced because a bunch of weapon collection achievments has been moved to the "rare collections"-category (where such collections normally belong to), see here:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/126411/game-update-notes-april-6-2021
  17. Since a patch last year it doesn't matter anymore, if your bar is locked by any masteries. As soon as xp can't be used for a mastery bar, they go into the spirit shard bar, which may be hidden in the background but still works.edit: Patchnotes - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2020-01-14#General_2
  18. Arcdps offers an option for profession specific keybinds, I haven't tried this option myself, but maybe it can help a bit.
  19. You will be excluded from achievements and even Masterypoints. From the very simple Tyria-Mastery thank God not, because a skipp-button was long part of the game and had never represented a problem. Ok.... then do the story... Being ‘locked out’ of other content is present in ANY single part of the game, I.e. sPvP, WvW fractals, dungeons, raids etc.. With the difference that it was very long, without problems possible to skip the story ...So why didn't they continue that way?Please do not answer, I know. We see it every day here in the forum, how all the forum veterans defend the laz**** of Anet ^^''.Well have a nice day, am not out of an Obtena-discussion-circle.The reason given by anet, why they didn't implemented a skip-option in later stories is this one:
  20. Sadly I can't answer that question, but I just want to add, that you also have to take care of the Black Lion Chests, as their influence on the price of the sets tends to be bigger.
  21. It's not available yet. Till the next chapter 3 additional factions will join (Kodan/Skritt/Olmakhan), very likely one of the will sell the item (I guess it will be the Kodan).After it's added, you can normally buy it from the faction vendor (Support Mark Vendor) for 2 weeks and afterwards from the Seal Vendor.
  22. Actually there were two preview/Beta weekends for PoF, one for PvE and one with Elite-Specs for PvP
  23. There will be 3 more faction vendors, maybe one of them will sell them (Kodan?).
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