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Everything posted by otto.5684

  1. That would be so broken. People Affection and vallun would just stomp every 1 and everything. No new players are gonna come back if they r solo q. I think ranked team vs ranked team is fine. But not a team vs solo qs. It worked out fine in the past... Only reason ive heard its bad is exactly the reason you say, ultimately peoples egos take a bruising when facing better players, brings them back to reality that they're not as good as they thought. I prefer to learn from those experiences just as I did when facing vallun/naru duo a few seasons back.You cannot have team que in solo que ranked. Either splits the ques or stick to what we currently have.
  2. More diversity. Most classes have 1 competitive build (if so) and the margin between meta and none-meta builds is humongous. We are down to only 1 competitive condi build, scourge. Condi builds should be playable too... Balance has been sliding backwards over the last 6-8 month. Devs seriously need to get their act together.
  3. @sephiroth.4217 as Shiyo said, it surely needs PvE buffs. Also, I almost never see ele with MH dagger in sPvP. Even if you can manage to make it work, that does not mean it does. Unless you can demonstrate that a large enough number of ele players can compete using MH dagger to the highest levels in sPvP, then it is not viable.
  4. Normally don’t have a problem with it. Like most similar skills that require time, ie hundred blades, you have to wait until your target is CC’d. That being said, I mostly just play WvW so take what I say with a grain of salt. I know WvW plays differently. SPvP it does not work. It has tracking issues and the odds of pulling the complete chain with interruption are pretty low.
  5. The entire game is in decline. Is sPvP less popular among active players? I dunno, but most likely it’s popularity among active players did not change.
  6. Talking about mobility, almost all builds in PvP have access to either based increased movement speed and/or swiftness, with almost limited to no sacrifices. on top of other movement speed skills. I am not aware of any build on any class, except guardian dps, that use movement speed runes. Why is guardian excluded? Just quick comparison of heavy armor classes, guardian is the least mobile, has the least ways to block or evade damage. Also, with the exception of FB playing axe with CC on symbol, guardian also has the least effective CC capability. And of course, lowest HP pool. Is all this balanced against guardian having higher heal capacity? Fuck no.
  7. If you are experienced in MMOs, no need to restart from level 1. I have not played WoW to give clear comparisons. I would say pick something you like thematically and stick with it. Guaranteed you will be fine. There is not any class that I would call highly deficient in any game mode and I do not think you are aiming for top level PvP next month. when you are experienced enough you will know what works and what you want to play.
  8. OP is typically top ten ranked guardian, so yes this is PvP directed. I do agree with you that symbols do not necessary need change. But guardian as a whole does. The current design does not work at all in PvP. RI was a bandaid. Now that it is gone, we need real solutions.
  9. Sword, I think it needs a slight damage buff in all game modes. Zealots defense, plus the self root, has issues with tracking. LB, well, I gave up a long time ago. Way too slow to be effective in any context. And even when played right, damage is not there. GS: merging the projectiles from GS2 would be good. I do not have issues with GS3 as a skill. I would love it’s base CD to be 10 secs to help mobility. I disagree regarding AA. Back in the day (before RI nerf), I played zeal/radiance/valor, 10k chains was real, with 4K 3rd hit. What we currently lack is stats to pull damage. Low HP is one. No swiftness or 25% movement speed is two. Most classes do not have to make such a trade off (if any at all). GS5 needs something to hit more reliably. Mace: I think the AA is now okay. The symbol is the problem. mace 3 also sucks. It is good that Anet is started moving mace to be more of a bruiser weapon, but it needs much more to be effective. Scepter and staff AA, I really do not understand why Anet designed them so they cannot hit anything that moves. Scepter would be PvP viable if the AA can hit shit. Focus, I dunno if it needs a buff. I think moving the trait that supports it from minor adept to minor master, in Valor, would be a huge improvement. This way it competes with the aura instead of smother boon. Shield, I like the skills, but CD is long. A bit Lower CD could would go a long way. Hammer, guardians worst weapon. Slow, sluggish and easy to outplay. Needs a rework, AGAIN. As for symbols. Well.. they do not factor for much. I think the only effective symbol is GS cuz of the damage. But the amount of effort to get an enemy to eat the damage is monumental considering the output. All the other ones can be ignored, except the CC on axe if traited.
  10. You lost me at the word “collection.” I do not do fetch quests masquerading as content.
  11. We all knew arc divider is going to get nerfed. The question if any of berserker issues will get fixed. Will see next patch.
  12. Considering that both herald and berserker are worse after the update, if Anet is thinking of any rework of DH, no thanks. Just buff some outdated traps and traits. Nothing else.
  13. I do not think sword is bad in any game mode, but it is outdpsed in all PvE content. GS has much better cleave. Scepter is better single target. Axe is better condition. It is not far off from any of the other weapons (like mace, LB and hammer) and it offers good mobility tool. I think a slight buff to AA with buff to sword 3 could make it an alternative to GS, scepter or axe in PvE.
  14. I do think rev burst was kind of fine, but it isn't just because of the low sustain, it's because of the class mechanics... Rev is the ONLY burst class that uses the same resource for offense, defense, and mobility. So when a rev goes all in with that insane burst (which by the way has pretty easy telegraphs if you have your graphics set right) and doesn't kill the person, they can't defend themselves. It's not the same as when a thief/holo/mesmer/war/soulbeast unloads on somebody and then kitten vanishes/elixer s's/distorts+blink+stealths/endure pain+fc's/signet of stone's away... I should also note that for many of those other classes, they don't even have to use a skill to escape safely because a trait in a line that they'd take anyways provides it for them. I'm not saying that I don't think Rev burst was too high (especially in pvp where you don't have all the extra bonus toughness/hp on people like WvW has), but I think, if anything, it was somewhat justified and honestly the most balanced out of all the burst classes. It has real counters like blatant wind ups on skills, a reliance on boons, and the fact that every ounce of burst you put forth costs you that amount of defensive survivability... Compare that to how a holo or soulbeast can mask their blatant burst skill animations with stealth, drop someone in the middle of a team fight, and instantly escape. If they want to tone down rev's burst, they need to tone up their ability to do damage while defending themselves, or slight damage nerf after slight damage nerf will eventually push rev back down to bottom/meme tier where they were at before Incensed Response and the OH Sword rework saved them from being the outclassed joke of PoF. All in all, with the exception of Roiling Mists, I don't even think these nerfs are that bad... But they are a scary precedent and a little bewildering that they were the only balance changes and completely lacked any explanation behind them (which is allegedly supposed to be anet's new direction). Seems more like it's just anet reacting to infometric trends of Rev's rising use in sPvP (without considering all the reasons why, most notably the mirage nerfs making mirage less used) and trying to bandaid fix it without any sort of logical balance/compensation, which is how they always end up killing a class. I do not think Anet prompt changes with little thought and understanding are new. It has been the theme for like the last year now. This is just continuation of fail balance trend.
  15. I am pretty certain when people refer to over warrior over performing they mean SB not berserker. Also, holo, FB and souls beast were not touched (plus SB). Outside of pushing rev out of meta, not much has changed.
  16. Lol.. I am all for might stacking nerf (even though rev is not the only culprit in here), but Roiling Mists?! The trait has been the same since rev was released 3.5 years ago. Now it is a problem?! Man, devs have been sucking for the last 4 patches. And again, instead of fixing the million broken things they are still tinkering with herald. In 10 years they might get it right.. probably not. Seriously, this grandmaster trait is now a joke ! Now it's only 10% more critical hit chance...Righteous Instincts was nerfed to 25%, which was still better than ours, and it provided might.Roiling Mist is now only providing 10% CHC and nothing more. I guess it is time to choose Charged Mist now...Yes yes, I can't compare 2 professions but still, the difference is so huge I can't stop from comparing. The comparison is not remotely valid. Give guardian 17K base HP and 100% uptime on swiftness and then will talk.
  17. Unrelated to the OP, GS is also guardians best weapon in PvP if you are power playing dps.
  18. I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts My analysis of GS isn't relevant to your suggestion. im telling you that gs dont work you are telling me that it is working tell me how No, I'm telling you it doesn't work for you. For lots of other people it works just fine. That's a player skill issue, not a weapon design issue. So you cant tell me what are the all benefits from all 5 skills bc they suck :D the disign is terrible GS is one of the better designed weapon on guardian. All skills are useful in a way or an other.But I won't try to explain it to you, because I have the feeling you'll ignore all I could say and just reply "GS don't work" You cant tell me how they are useful bc they are not only 3 is useful and maybe 5 the other spells are stupid who the hell will stay in ur 4 or in order to use 2 you need gap close ability if you are chasing someone and do 2 they just need to walk away no even dodge this is how stupid gs 2 is and need to be if its not prove me wrong and tell me how good it is and what are the benefits from all 5 skills :) There is ample explanations why GS is well designed. You just choose to ignore it. You also choose to ignore that few month ago, guardian power dps with GS was in a good position, and the changes the occurred since, none of which were to GS, are the reason for the current lack of performance. There are good reasons to bark, but you are barking at the wrong tree. "There is ample explanations why GS is well designed" im listenig give me examples what you can do in certain situations with every gs spell and how you can beat anything 1v1 :D Before the nerf to RI, I won most of my 1v1 encounters with all ranger variants. I almost always won against condi mirage (pre-nerf). Almost always against ele and thief. Most the time against necros. 50/50 against rev and holo. Only class I struggled against solo is warrior SB. Heck, I once won solo against one of the highest rated revs playing zeal/valor/radiance. Though, I have very surprising news for you (not really if you a semi competent guardian player) Core Guardian using GS is not a build that excels solo. It is meant to be played mid as cleave and point deterrent. It is not a bruiser build and never was. And if you play it as such, you will not do well. And I keep repeating this, but one more time won’t hurt. Guardian has significant deficiencies, from outdated designs to unnecessary nerfs to highly outdated weapons. GS was not the issue, is not the issue and buffing will not resolve any issues.
  19. I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts My analysis of GS isn't relevant to your suggestion. im telling you that gs dont work you are telling me that it is working tell me how No, I'm telling you it doesn't work for you. For lots of other people it works just fine. That's a player skill issue, not a weapon design issue. So you cant tell me what are the all benefits from all 5 skills bc they suck :D the disign is terrible GS is one of the better designed weapon on guardian. All skills are useful in a way or an other.But I won't try to explain it to you, because I have the feeling you'll ignore all I could say and just reply "GS don't work" You cant tell me how they are useful bc they are not only 3 is useful and maybe 5 the other spells are stupid who the hell will stay in ur 4 or in order to use 2 you need gap close ability if you are chasing someone and do 2 they just need to walk away no even dodge this is how stupid gs 2 is and need to be if its not prove me wrong and tell me how good it is and what are the benefits from all 5 skills :)There is ample explanations why GS is well designed. You just choose to ignore it. You also choose to ignore that few month ago, guardian power dps with GS was in a good position, and the changes the occurred since, none of which were to GS, are the reason for the current lack of performance. There are good reasons to bark, but you are barking at the wrong tree.
  20. I think what the devs were thinking is you lay it on your trap then pull the enemies to it. Needless to say, this design no longer works.
  21. The thing is, if you're not an overhealing Ventarispammer, the skill will never be as good as your elite spec is... And even then, losing Soulcleave is a much, much bigger loss of healing than you gain from the extra energy in Ventari. And as for dps/burst pvp specs, you're simply losing too many damage modifiers by not taking Herald or Ren, and no amount of extra energy can make up for that... (And obviously alacrigades have to take the Ren trait line for Orders, so it's a no go for them.) Honestly tho, I think this skill is doing exactly what Anet intended it to do--give leveling Renegades an extra oomph, and providing a reprieve to all the less experienced/less good Rev's who constantly fail at conceptualizing proper energy management. And in those regards, I'd say it's a pretty big success... Well for people that like to experiment with builds like I do, taking an elite specialization line is definitely not always a better option. Playing with core legends in particular, you won't necessarily be gaining more just from the traitline. It is not always about dps and not always about numerical optimization, but creating a build that overall gives you the most optimal play for the playstyle you are going for and legends you want to play with. In plenty of situations, a core line will serve better than an elite traitline. I mean really, core Revenant has some phenomenal core traits that can contribute tremendously to one's success, and just for the simple fact that they are "core" does not make them inherently worse. Personally, I think the Herald traitline is a bit lackluster if not taking Glint. I find it boring and unimpactful, and if I am playing solo, I would rather have Ancient Echo over Facet of Nature. As an example, if I am playing a Shiro/Mallyx condition build, am using Invocation and Corruption already, and am after better defense, I see little use in choosing Herald over say, Retribution or Salvation, unless I am wanting to use the shield. I find it a bit narrow-minded to assume that choosing an elite specialization is black-and-white a better choice. There seems to be a bit of a condescending and elitist undertone from some posts here regarding those who play the core class and I don't really get why. There is more than one way to play the class. If you like playing core from a fun factor standpoint, that's awesome... Fun is subjective, and nobody can (or should) tell you how to have fun. That's also what makes it a bad measure as to something being "good" tho. Is Ancient Echo good because it's fun? Maybe to you, but again that's subjective... The OP started this thread saying that it feels terrible and monotonous to use, which again is subjective. All I'm saying is that from a strictly empirical standpoint, Ancient Echo isn't better for a single role, spec, or legend combination than taking an elite trait line is... And maybe for some people min/maxing and pushing your class to its true potential isn't what they find fun, maybe they like (or at least don't mind) it taking a longer time to kill mobs or do hearts or whatever... Gives them time to appreciate the enemy animations and model designs and whatnot. Like the difference between people who buy a sports car and like to see what it can do, vs the people who like to take it slow with the top down and creep on the scenery. What was I hoping for is that ancient echo gives life to bruiser rev. It is very good with Jailis. But not good enough to be played competitively in PvP. PvE wise, there is not any space for add to add much, since all roles are covered between herald and renegade. I think lower CD could be big for its viability. That plus some reliable retribution buffs could make bruiser core build a reality. Could just play a warrior.That is like saying scrapper and SB are the same. There are 5-6 roles that any build will fulfill and 9 classes with base 27 variations of elites and core. I am pretty certain bruiser builds are not exclusive to warriors.
  22. The thing is, if you're not an overhealing Ventarispammer, the skill will never be as good as your elite spec is... And even then, losing Soulcleave is a much, much bigger loss of healing than you gain from the extra energy in Ventari. And as for dps/burst pvp specs, you're simply losing too many damage modifiers by not taking Herald or Ren, and no amount of extra energy can make up for that... (And obviously alacrigades have to take the Ren trait line for Orders, so it's a no go for them.) Honestly tho, I think this skill is doing exactly what Anet intended it to do--give leveling Renegades an extra oomph, and providing a reprieve to all the less experienced/less good Rev's who constantly fail at conceptualizing proper energy management. And in those regards, I'd say it's a pretty big success... Well for people that like to experiment with builds like I do, taking an elite specialization line is definitely not always a better option. Playing with core legends in particular, you won't necessarily be gaining more just from the traitline. It is not always about dps and not always about numerical optimization, but creating a build that overall gives you the most optimal play for the playstyle you are going for and legends you want to play with. In plenty of situations, a core line will serve better than an elite traitline. I mean really, core Revenant has some phenomenal core traits that can contribute tremendously to one's success, and just for the simple fact that they are "core" does not make them inherently worse. Personally, I think the Herald traitline is a bit lackluster if not taking Glint. I find it boring and unimpactful, and if I am playing solo, I would rather have Ancient Echo over Facet of Nature. As an example, if I am playing a Shiro/Mallyx condition build, am using Invocation and Corruption already, and am after better defense, I see little use in choosing Herald over say, Retribution or Salvation, unless I am wanting to use the shield. I find it a bit narrow-minded to assume that choosing an elite specialization is black-and-white a better choice. There seems to be a bit of a condescending and elitist undertone from some posts here regarding those who play the core class and I don't really get why. There is more than one way to play the class. If you like playing core from a fun factor standpoint, that's awesome... Fun is subjective, and nobody can (or should) tell you how to have fun. That's also what makes it a bad measure as to something being "good" tho. Is Ancient Echo good because it's fun? Maybe to you, but again that's subjective... The OP started this thread saying that it feels terrible and monotonous to use, which again is subjective. All I'm saying is that from a strictly empirical standpoint, Ancient Echo isn't better for a single role, spec, or legend combination than taking an elite trait line is... And maybe for some people min/maxing and pushing your class to its true potential isn't what they find fun, maybe they like (or at least don't mind) it taking a longer time to kill mobs or do hearts or whatever... Gives them time to appreciate the enemy animations and model designs and whatnot. Like the difference between people who buy a sports car and like to see what it can do, vs the people who like to take it slow with the top down and creep on the scenery. What was I hoping for is that ancient echo gives life to bruiser rev. It is very good with Jailis. But not good enough to be played competitively in PvP. PvE wise, there is not any space for add to add much, since all roles are covered between herald and renegade. I think lower CD could be big for its viability. That plus some reliable retribution buffs could make bruiser core build a reality.
  23. I think Tengu is he only possible additional race. They have an existing city on the map and can be integrated with the main story.
  24. It does about 400 damage when enemies hit you, that cannot critic. The damage it does is not much of a factor. In PvP it does even less damage; about 50% of that. The only time it’s damage really shine is against enemies that deal damage through a chain of multiple hits.
  25. You have an argument here, it's just for the wrong thing. If the traits are bad, you fix the traits. Not something unrelated like Greatsword. If anything, it could do with some more damage but that's about it. You don't go re-working it. It's a good skill, just overshadowed by powercreep.Warriors GS2 is a kitten horrible skill if you can't lock your opponent down, like if Bull's Rush is on CD. What is more easy to change 1 thing on 1 weapon or to completely rework traits and we saw from 2012-2019 they did changes and nothing work just dont tell me GS guard is good bc is not Fixing the traits is far more important, cuz it impacts all weapons not just GS. And GS and sword are the best performing weapons in PvP for dps builds.
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