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Why are we holding a staff in hand if all spells come from the other hand ?

Zhaid Zhem.6508

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  • Zhaid Zhem.6508 changed the title to Why are we holding a staff in hand if all spells come from the other hand ?

He is talking about having a nice time with yourself, probably usually in private.


Now, regarding your question: In GW2, as far as I remember, weapons just help channeling powers. I guess that means that not all effect have to "originate" from the weapon itself. 

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This bugged me a lot in 2012 coming from GW1 where you actually attacked from the staff and cast spells by pointing it. But to be honest the only spells that really act that way are auto attacks, the other spells we cast are conjured in front of us with the magic as we kind of point or channel it out.

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I'm so glad that this is how it works! Look at some games where this isn't the case (I'm looking at you ESO) and the staff animations are absolute garbage. However, for ideas on how to do awesome staff animations that do come from the staff itself, Ritualist is the absolute pinnacle. Those animations where the rit is bending over backwards and doing all kinds of awesome movements is some of the coolest animation work in any game imho. Would love to see a bit of that flavour in some of the upcoming EoD specs

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