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I really hope Anet Trolls us Rangers.! Heres how.

Firebird Gomer.9563

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Ok I main Ranger (only cause there is no Dervish which totally should be a Ranger Elite Spec). Back when the game first had its beta I made a Ranger I looked at the skills and pre-made a build that if not for meta I would likely still want to use. Just back ground of how much I love my Ranger. Oh and Anet Trolled me first. When I chose Ranger I had been playing another MMO and maining heals of which I was terrible mostly because of ping. Anyway when choosing to come the GW's 2 (there was no choice I was always coming here.) I totally wanted to stay as far away from any class that could potentially become a heal class (because I really was bad at it)... You see where this is going right.... My Thoughts "Ranger is a DPS class I'll never have to deal with healing"...... BWHAHAHAHHAHA...  First Elite Spec.... Druid.... Heals.... FACEPALM... LOL



Anyway ONTO what this post is really about, I really hope that when Anet does show us the teaser picture for the new Ranger Elite Spec, imagine if we really are getting a hammer that they put the head of the hammer at our feet and blocked out so you can not see it at all and then have haft of the hammer stand up like our Staffs do when we hold them but in our off hand position. Imagine the total confusion where we all think we are getting a off hand staff. I mean this in a totally fun way and I really hope that Anet Trolls us like this somehow. It would make for the greatest laugh.

Edited by Firebird Gomer.9563
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They havent... Read the post properly and you can see what I am saying I think it would be funny to make the Hammer look like a staff in our off hand in the teaser picture that they should do like they did for Mesmer, Necro and Guardian.....


And in any other MMO style game with archers or Rangers, Rangers are FURTHERMOST from healing.... Think of it this way 9 years ago there was NO lore saying Rangers were Druids as such only that they could summon Druid like spirits  via a Nature Ritual, and thats where I was coming from when I first started playing GW's 2  9 years ago 😃

Edited by Firebird Gomer.9563
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2 hours ago, Firebird Gomer.9563 said:



And in any other MMO style game with archers or Rangers, Rangers are FURTHERMOST from healing.... 



Sry that you felt trolled, but for me and many others, Rangers are at least a third healer. They are survivalist, use the power of nature and herbalists. 


Rangers are also blessed with survival skills that help keep them alive by causing regeneration of health.




Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled survivalists with traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation




Many are skilled in woodcraft, stealth, wilderness survival, beast-mastery, herbalism, tracking, and sometimes "nature magic" or have a resistance to magic


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranger_(character_class)#:~:text=In lore%2C the way rangers,Goddess of Earth and Nature.


Edited by Aleksander Suburb.4287
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1 hour ago, Aleksander Suburb.4287 said:


Sry that you felt trolled, but for me and many others, Rangers are at least a third healer. They are survivalist, use the power of nature and herbalists. 


Rangers are also blessed with survival skills that help keep them alive by causing regeneration of health.




Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled survivalists with traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation




Many are skilled in woodcraft, stealth, wilderness survival, beast-mastery, herbalism, tracking, and sometimes "nature magic" or have a resistance to magic


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranger_(character_class)#:~:text=In lore%2C the way rangers,Goddess of Earth and Nature.


You seem to have missed the words "IN ANY OTHER MMO" 😃 Guild Wars yes is different but Im sorry having played Guild Wars 1 and having played a Ranger (admittedly NOT my main. That was Dervish. But I could play every class.) in that game I NEVER EVER healed anyone as a Ranger and that was going Monk secondary (which was only for the res skill).... I KILLED things... I wonder why that could be... OH YES because Ranger was a DPS not a healer.... SHOCKING!


Interestingly in the last link you posted only 2 times does it talk about healing and only once in all the ranger type classes in those games does it talk about a healing class ranger... Funnily enough from a game called Guild Wars 2 and it was a Druid.... None of the other games mention healing on rangers... 😲


Also https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Nature_ritual

Please show me the healing skill from the nature rituals I seem to be having a hard time finding them. I am old tho and my eyes suck. But funnily enough they don't suck enough to be able to get glasses according to my optometrist .


I also at this stage i have found 2 skills from the ranger that could do a regen heal on an ally. Not really a heal as such but at least a regen.


Healing Spring.

I am still checking tho there are an insane amount of skills to read. I'll let you know if I manage to find more. Or you can let me know 😃


Going back to the main point of this post tho.... I still think it would be an absolutely great joke if Anet trolled us with a blacked out picture that had the hammer (that everyone says we are getting) upside down making it look like a staff.

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14 hours ago, Firebird Gomer.9563 said:

Imagine the total confusion where we all think we are getting a off hand staff. I mean this in a totally fun way and I really hope that Anet Trolls us like this somehow. It would make for the greatest laugh.

I think the same thing happened with the first Virtuoso image being revealed. Many people thought it looked like a spear, but then when the image was fully revealed it became clear that the top of the "spear" was actually the shoulder. Maybe they did it on purpose, and maybe they'll do something similar again. Or maybe they only did it for the first reveal. I guess we'll see 😄 

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3 hours ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

I think the same thing happened with the first Virtuoso image being revealed. Many people thought it looked like a spear, but then when the image was fully revealed it became clear that the top of the "spear" was actually the shoulder. Maybe they did it on purpose, and maybe they'll do something similar again. Or maybe they only did it for the first reveal. I guess we'll see 😄 

Actually you are right. I had forgotten that Anet did that. Im sure that it was more than an accident. But it really did create a conversation about the weapon. So I really hope they do do it for Ranger. In fact it makes me wonder if they will do it for another class as well.

Edited by Firebird Gomer.9563
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I mean, ranger in FF14 turns into a bard that is a support/buffer/healer so idk.

I am pretty sure that you are referring more to the idea of HUNTERS than rangers - two very different concepts that unfortunately gets mixed together very often.

A ranger in it's traditional and current meaning is someone that has the experience/expertise to survive, protect and care for natural environments (often, but not exclusively, forests). In fantasy environment this usually includes nature magic. A good example of the "core" idea of the ranger can be found in games that are focused around the class fantasy concept from DnD, Pathfinder or similar "rule books". These CRPG rangers have ALWAYS (as far as I am aware at least) had access to healing spells. The only reason that I can see as to why the MMO-RPG genres have chosen to ignore the ranger's supportive ability would be that most of them want to hold true to the Holy Trinity (DPS, tanks and healers) - and since ranger would lean further into damage than healing, they chose to focus on these elements. GW2 has never been interested in the Holy Trinity, and thus they have been able to allow rangers to keep their supportive element.


A hunter on the other side is someone that is effective at tracking and killing prey. They do not necessarily care about nature at all - although most games usually have hunter classes connect to nature in some way. Most people would say that a hunter is a more specialized sub-class of the ranger that focuses more on the hunting parts of the ranger than it's bond to nature. I feel like this is the part of the ranger that you seem focused on, as a hunter would most certainly be more DPS oriented in a game setting than a ranger.


I mean - when speaking of MMORPGs you are definitely correct. Rangers are usually damage dealers. However, I think sticking to the general rules of MMORPGs is pretty boring in general (and often plain incorrect, lorewise) - and I appreciate the fact that Anet moves beyond the traditional MMORPG standards to move closer to the CRPG gameplay style. This is one of the very reasons why I favor GW2 before any other MMORPG.

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57 minutes ago, Dezember.1295 said:

I mean, ranger in FF14 turns into a bard that is a support/buffer/healer so idk.

I am pretty sure that you are referring more to the idea of HUNTERS than rangers - two very different concepts that unfortunately gets mixed together very often.

A ranger in it's traditional and current meaning is someone that has the experience/expertise to survive, protect and care for natural environments (often, but not exclusively, forests). In fantasy environment this usually includes nature magic. A good example of the "core" idea of the ranger can be found in games that are focused around the class fantasy concept from DnD, Pathfinder or similar "rule books". These CRPG rangers have ALWAYS (as far as I am aware at least) had access to healing spells. The only reason that I can see as to why the MMO-RPG genres have chosen to ignore the ranger's supportive ability would be that most of them want to hold true to the Holy Trinity (DPS, tanks and healers) - and since ranger would lean further into damage than healing, they chose to focus on these elements. GW2 has never been interested in the Holy Trinity, and thus they have been able to allow rangers to keep their supportive element.


A hunter on the other side is someone that is effective at tracking and killing prey. They do not necessarily care about nature at all - although most games usually have hunter classes connect to nature in some way. Most people would say that a hunter is a more specialized sub-class of the ranger that focuses more on the hunting parts of the ranger than it's bond to nature. I feel like this is the part of the ranger that you seem focused on, as a hunter would most certainly be more DPS oriented in a game setting than a ranger.


I mean - when speaking of MMORPGs you are definitely correct. Rangers are usually damage dealers. However, I think sticking to the general rules of MMORPGs is pretty boring in general (and often plain incorrect, lorewise) - and I appreciate the fact that Anet moves beyond the traditional MMORPG standards to move closer to the CRPG gameplay style. This is one of the very reasons why I favor GW2 before any other MMORPG.

Hey. Thanks for a well argued and well reasoned reply. Please simply read from the all caps section down below till the end of the post. I will state that in the MMO's I have played that Ranger is a playable class they have called them a Ranger and they were DPS. Again you are correct about healing on Rangers except that is more self healing than other players healing.


HOWEVER... And here is the big crux of my reply to you and others that have brought up my belief that I was trolled and why everyone seems to feel that they have a right to have a go at me and that need tell me I am wrong.


THIS POST WAS NEVER ABOUT THE DRUID OR HOW I FEEL ABOUT IT (by the way I am allowed to feel however I want on the matter as are you)..... FACEPALM.... I do find it INSANELY hilarious that people can be like a dog with a bone where they ignore everything else even when it will lead them to getting hurt or dying because all they care about is the thing they are focused on and not what ever someone was truely talking about.


The point of this post is about Anet posting a teaser picture of the Ranger with a hammer in a way that hides the hammer and makes us all think something else.


So could you all very nicely let go of something that is NOT the point of the original post and instead perhaps actually talk about what the teaser picture could be or have which is funnily enough is what the post was about.

Edited by Firebird Gomer.9563
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3 hours ago, Firebird Gomer.9563 said:

The point of this post is about Anet posting a teaser picture of the Ranger with a hammer in a way that hides the hammer and makes us all think something else.


Maybe they could make it so that the top of the hammer resembles a shield? (the rest would be hidden behind the Ranger). 


If they did this I would be so disappointed, because I've always wanted shield for Ranger 😛 I think I prefer to recognize the new weapon right away and not be tricked by the concept art x) 

Edited by TheLadyOfTheRings.9148
forgot to add something else
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1 hour ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

Maybe they could make it so that the top of the hammer resembles a shield? (the rest would be hidden behind the Ranger). 


If they did this I would be so disappointed, because I've always wanted shield for Ranger 😛 I think I prefer to recognize the new weapon right away and not be tricked by the concept art x) 

I've always wanted a Scythe for my Ranger. I know I know there is no Scythes in GW's 2 doesnt stop me wanting it LOL. So of course your allowed to want the shield, I just think at the moment its too early for the shield to be handed to the ranger. I know that sounds weird but it just feels to early I dont know why but it just does.

Actually if they chose a wild looking hammer head and it pointed away from us forwards and then with the haft pointed back behind us they could indeed make it look like a shield. To be honest I really want the hammer. It could be used in a wild way. A SCYTHE WAY. Lots of big swings and knockdowns or knock backs or launches and cleaves. Limited amount of course. I'll stop with the Scythe talk now 😃 Unless you bring it up 😋 Did I mention I like Dervish in GW's 1 LOL


48 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Another one, lat the silhouette hold it really high up the grip with just one hand, so it looks like an axe.


Bonus points for people not believing it's ranger because "rangers already have axes" 😉


HAHAHHA that would for sure drive people crazy! They would be like what are Anet thinking!!!! lol

I'd probably think it was a Scythe..... Oooops Nope no more about that word!

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2 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Yeh i share that sentiment, i am so exhausted of Anet trolling on rangers. It becomes a point when it is just so tiresome.  

Actually that is a sentiment stated by players of all the classes of Guild Wars 2 it is not a Rangers only thing. Funnily enough each class think that only they are trolled by Anet. Try reading other classes sometime you'll see...

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1 hour ago, Firebird Gomer.9563 said:

Actually that is a sentiment stated by players of all the classes of Guild Wars 2 it is not a Rangers only thing. Funnily enough each class think that only they are trolled by Anet. Try reading other classes sometime you'll see...

I don't see why this thread should be about other classes thou. This is in the ranger subforum. 

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3 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

I don't see why this thread should be about other classes thou. This is in the ranger subforum. 



Are you serious..... YOU bring up the idea by hinting that Anet only trolls Rangers. I counter that with the fact that everyone thinks that their class is trolled by Anet. AND you comeback with this answer, which is a wonderful way to try to deflect the facts. I think you are just trying to change the topic by being deliberately argumentative. So AGAIN and for the last time pay attention to what the MAIN point of the post is about. I wont be answering YOU at all anymore. You can certainly add to this post and I hope what you do add will be ON TOPIC.


I will however be answering anyone else who is ON TOPIC. And that topic is about the Ranger teaser picture and how they can hide the weapon by making it look like something it's not and how they can create a conversation for Ranger and the new weapon like they did (accidental or not) for the Mesmer.

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and some of us are saying we would appreciate if anet would stop trolling with the profession and gave us a clear picture of what is coming. 


If they really appreciate the players input even maybe explaining a bit in advance what the new spec is about so we can give them some feedback.

If suddendly they say "we are giving you a pet focused new spec to play in wvw" i am sure some can let them know that will be good only for pve and they could forget about wvw.


Same situation as with the glyph of stars, the nerf to pet stats when using druid because rp reasons or warhorn#5 "buff" among other stuff. You see anet has a very long record of trolling with the ranger playerbase and some of us would appreciate otherwise.

Edited by anduriell.6280
somebody is very confused in thsi thread...
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Anet trolling with rangers, because druid, based on other mmo experiences. Nice!
There was 3 year for realizing, Rangers in gw2 is Not a damage class. Expect the sword, that was bugged, our weapons damage wasn't big. Longbow was trash (in close range, bad at mid range). Rangers were control and support classes, with many immobilize, push, pull etc  could give you permanent regeneration, apply long uptime protection, vigor, fury, might, longest duration water field, res skill, aoe res skill, one of the best aoe healing in game, aoe condition remove. 
But Rangers got bad reputation, because too many though rangers are dps class, but cannot even make a decent dps build. (like using bow while in melee, using running signet while not moving, etc...)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/24/2021 at 7:02 PM, enkeny.6937 said:

Anet trolling with rangers, because druid, based on other mmo experiences. Nice!
There was 3 year for realizing, Rangers in gw2 is Not a damage class. Expect the sword, that was bugged, our weapons damage wasn't big. Longbow was trash (in close range, bad at mid range). Rangers were control and support classes, with many immobilize, push, pull etc  could give you permanent regeneration, apply long uptime protection, vigor, fury, might, longest duration water field, res skill, aoe res skill, one of the best aoe healing in game, aoe condition remove. 
But Rangers got bad reputation, because too many though rangers are dps class, but cannot even make a decent dps build. (like using bow while in melee, using running signet while not moving, etc...)

You forgot to add all the nerfs to the class so it could support less because somebody at anet decided that "ranger would be a a single target selfish class"  when it wasn't designed to be played like that. 

* mobile spirits gone

* ranged traps gone

* most burst traits and utilities gone (keen edge or the pulsing elite for example) 

* Pets can't keep up with the power creep in  game. 

* etc... 

I would love to see the devs to take the class seriously for once and give us something that feels good to play with. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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On 9/22/2021 at 11:25 AM, BadSanta.6527 said:

i dont get why people so uppset with hammer , i think it may turn out to be great. gw1 ranger used hammer as their meta buid

New players who hadn’t have time to get tired of the same build and ranger pewpew weapons. 


I think hammer (or any melee weapon properly designed for pvp) would be great.  Ranger lacks actual build variety on melee. 
I am afraid this is not looking good being the latest one and seeing how the other specs had turned out

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2 hours ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Im not really a fan of the whole hammer idea. Imo hammer is just a slow clunky weapon used for cc, now dual mace would be a nice fast bruiser spec, or mace MH shield OH for a defender spec. 

Dual weapons in one espec - warrior personal thing, I think 


and mace + shield — zero chances, because two different type of weapons 

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