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Virtuoso Blades should have different Formations [Illustrated Example]


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Overall I like the Virtuoso, however visually the stocked blades are too static. I feel like they could be reordered into different formations via an Attunement mechanic.


Basically you'd Attune between 4 different states. Each state would cause the Virtuoso blades to appear in different formations around the player. When in a specific Attunement you'd gain access to their corresponding Bladesong. Similar to how Tempest Overloads are accessed, just without the weapon swap cooldown.


Each Attunement would grant the Virtuoso different passive effects that aid in countering different playstyles. Moving between them would be necessary depending on the battle situation. Either the effect's interval or strength would be increased depending on how many blades are stocked.


Thematically this would work well with the Elite Specialization's musical concept. As you'd need to "Attune" before activating a "Bladesong". The existing musical states of Harmony, Sorrow, Dissonance & Requiem work as different paradigms that the Mesmer goes through during battle.

Edited by Mordeus.1234
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Beautiful concept art to start, however, in terms of the idea, I’m neutral towards it. We have to keep in mind that this is Anet, the same ones who have nerfed our entire profession, our elite specs and everything that’s made us unique into the ground. They give, but then they take a lot from us.


I like the idea of the Attunements, but if it’s just something to give it some visual flair and diversity, then perhaps they can do a community vote for how the Blades should look when they’re “stowed/floating.” Or when our character is idling, they can have the Blades move/dance around the player or take a new formation whenever the player exits out of combat.


The idea seems to give us some defence and a way to handle gap closing enemies, which I welcome because this elite spec doesn’t have any besides Psychic Force (Which needs its cooldown reduced, and perhaps its knockback range increased). We need more defensive skills, and more people should be more vocal while we are still months away from release to have Sword of Decimation + Rain of Swords merged. To have a proper "Psionic" skill, preferably one that is defence/mobility is something the Virtuoso needs.


What we’re getting is pretty much set in stone in terms of the Virtuoso Mechanic. The Bladesongs are good, mainly F1 in my opinion, and then F4 can easily be swapped with Blade Renewal, but I think the most Anet would do is make our Bladesongs unblockable and perhaps buff F2 + F3 and tweak F4.

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9 hours ago, Mordeus.1234 said:



Overall I like the Virtuoso, however visually the stocked blades are too static. I feel like they could be reordered into different formations via an Attunement mechanic. I've illustrated some example formations linked to each Bladesong. The idea being that each Attunement links to a different battle mindset and gives the Virtuoso an ability that counters certain enemy playstyles. The trade-off is that you have to specific in what you want to counter.


For example the image shows one to defend against stealth foes, one against rangers & one for general defence. This wouldn't require much of an overhaul but it would give the elite specialization some added strategy and play into the counter aspect of the Mesmer.



I like how Wildstar espers with the illusionary swords had them poiting up and fanned out. It was far more aesthetically pleasing than these horizontal blades we have now.

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3 hours ago, Daishi.6027 said:

I don't exactly get it, does this replace the shatters with an attunement mechanic?

An Attunement mechanic is added before access to the Bladesong shatters. Similar to how the Tempest's Overloads appear when you attune to their specific element.


However instead of the Elementalist Attunements acting like a weapon swap in function and lengthy cooldown. This one alters the ordering or formation of the Virtuoso Blades. Which gives some visual diversity to how the Blades appear while granting different defensive states designed to counter specific playstyles. Functionally it would be like attuning between different Herald's Facets or Signet skills, where you get a passive effect (attunement) and then an active one (bladesong). The Attunement cooldown wouldn't be like the Elementalist 10 seconds, and would be more like half of a second to avoid skill spamming. I guess it is a kind of weapon swap visually, since they also go from Missiles to something like a Shield in their formations.


Thematically the Attunements work as the Virtuoso shifting through different mindsets or paradigms. Or it could be seen as the Virtuoso tuning themselves to a different sound before activating their Bladesong. The existing Bladesong types of Harmony, Sorrow, Dissonance & Requiem work well because not only do they represent different sounds, they are also linked to a specific emotion or feeling. So the way the Blades exist should reflect these different 'feelings' when summoned, so Harmony has them feeling lightweight and in the air, while Sorrow has them move slower and to the ground, while Dissonance would have them a little chaotic and erratic.



5 hours ago, Zenith.7301 said:



I like how Wildstar espers with the illusionary swords had them poiting up and fanned out. It was far more aesthetically pleasing than these horizontal blades we have now.


I agree that the literal daggers are a little strange, especially how they don't move with the player. I prefer the organic look of something like the Shiro Revenant healing skill where they are more like shards that float. Maybe turning them into something like mirror shards would work, especially since it would tie the Virtuoso to past Mesmer aesthetics. If they also have irregular faceting then they'd pick up environmental lighting too.

Edited by Mordeus.1234
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I think it would look cool if they were all pointing up and spinning around the mesmer, kinda like noctis in FFXV or Vergil in Devil may cry with his Summoned swords.

I'm imagining the different shatters would like a wave of the hand to spin the blades around the body and send them to impale the target for the F1, 

congealing into a single massive blade for the F3

Spinning around as the mesmer as a shield for the F4

cant think of anything that would look nice for the F2

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