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Guys I think I like WvW...


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...but I have a few questions.

When should I change from a roamer build (condi herald) to a zerg build (backline hammer)? Like, how many people? Or are there different circumstances?

Also, did I use "zerg" right there? What does it mean?

How long does it take to go for a piece of WvW legendary armor? 

What should I take from skirmish boxes?

Best reward tracks?

What should I level with those skill points? (Already got warclaw and basic glider)

How often are those reveal/no build trap thingies used?

...Any other tips and tricks you feel like sharing?


To me it seems like a nice blend between the difficulty and diversity of conquest pvp and pve, yet it feels pretty calm throughout. It's not stressful, and I have fun taking random camps and grouping up with random commanders.

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55 minutes ago, JekthAvid.1408 said:

Also, did I use "zerg" right there? What does it mean?

How long does it take to go for a piece of WvW legendary armor? 

What should I take from skirmish boxes?

Best reward tracks?

What should I level with those skill points? (Already got warclaw and basic glider)

Zerg is a StarCraft reference...I guess you used it right? but not every sized group is a "zerg".

Full Legendary takes approx 22wks, maximizing your Skirmish tickets per week.

Dealer's choice. I take Testimonies of Heroics at the moment - stocking up on Hero Points for the expansion.

"Best" for what? The non repeatable tracks can be the most "valuable" - more clovers, etc.....at the moment, I do the Hero Armour reward track - so that I can start purchasing precursor pieces for the Legendary Armour (and because I currently own no Ascended armour). It's all about what is useful to you.

After unlocking the Warclaw and your Glider, I'd personally recommend putting 20 points into Provisions Master to unlock Auto Loot. Beyond that, it really depends on what you value.

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1 hour ago, JekthAvid.1408 said:

1) When should I change from a roamer build (condi herald) to a zerg build (backline hammer)? Like, how many people? Or are there different circumstances?

2) How often are those reveal/no build trap thingies used?

1) When you are organized in a way that it makes sense. It requires some understanding and knowledge of the game so it is maybe not the ideal answer for a new players. As an alternative, maybe have a look at the squad (in which you are). When you are at the commander and you are in a party line of the squad consisting of 5 players, you are probably organized. So, better play with a zerg-build. When you are just 10 random people and a tag, play the roamer build. When you are off the tag, play roamer build.


2) seldom

I see most often the siege blocked. Maybe carry some around. The other traps are maybe something if you got more experience.

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I stockpile the skirmish boxes, opening them for budget food and dyes when I have "too many". Otherwise, I normally open them for hero points if I need a specialization on a new character. I also stockpile the daily wvw reward track experience potions (the ones from spvp also) in case I need to finish some reward tracks fast.

For reward tracks I usually do the Domain of Istan, it gives basic crafting materials (leather in particular, but also ore, wood and cloth). For the final box, I choose kralkatite ore and trade it for trophy shipments (which give t6 crafting mats): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trophy_Shipment

You might want to do the Gift of Battle reward track a several times first though, if you aim for crafting the wvw legendary armor. It takes 1 a piece unless I misremember (so you should need 6 gifts of battle). Also checking the one-time reward tracks is not a bad idea, some of them give a high amount of mystic clovers compared to normal reward tracks.

For skill points I suggest you take the ones that are always active, provision master, supply capacity (might want to wait on the final tick as it costs a lot), build speed, siege bunker, damage to guards/defense from guards. Then the siege siege (IMO catapult, flame ram most imprortantly). After all these I'm leveling the defense siege.

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14 hours ago, JekthAvid.1408 said:

...but I have a few questions.

When should I change from a roamer build (condi herald) to a zerg build (backline hammer)? Like, how many people? Or are there different circumstances?

Also, did I use "zerg" right there? What does it mean?

How long does it take to go for a piece of WvW legendary armor? 

What should I take from skirmish boxes?

Best reward tracks?

What should I level with those skill points? (Already got warclaw and basic glider)

How often are those reveal/no build trap thingies used?

...Any other tips and tricks you feel like sharing?


To me it seems like a nice blend between the difficulty and diversity of conquest pvp and pve, yet it feels pretty calm throughout. It's not stressful, and I have fun taking random camps and grouping up with random commanders.

A few answers:

1. Zerg usually means at least three partially full groups (11-15 players). But the idea is enough players that they can use their basic skills that individually don't do too much, in coordination as a force multiplier—usually enough to hurt or sustain against even significantly higher numbers of uncoordinated players. 

2. Reward tracks are divisible into repeatable tracks and one-offs. It's worth doing the one-if's or the repeatable tracks at least once because the first time has the highest rewards. After that you can run through the armor or weapon reward tracks—but the Living World season tracks (especially for IBS) have a lot of raw materials and also reward you with those map's currencies in case you ever want to get those currencies without having to farm in PvE. 

3. NPCs in WvW can hurt quite a bit. So can siege. Get the skills that make you do more damage and take less damage to/from those NPCs and siege. Then, get some basic levels of damage boosts for basic siege weapons (especially the ones that deal with damage to walls like catapults). Last, you may want to pick up the skill that makes picking up supply faster. Don't worry too much because you will end up with more than enough points to get everything soon enough. 

4. If you are planning to roam around you will benefit from a roaming partner who knows what they are doing. Bonus if the partner can help you disengage when you get outnumbered and need to run away. Think about roaming in terms of your personal objective (like helping a keep upgrade) and in terms of being able to assist your team with scouting. You aren't there just to win 1v1 or 1v2, you are there to frustrate the other team. Which basically comes down to reading the map and guessing where enemy roamers will go next—then intercepting them so your team doesn't lose critical objectives. 

Most of all: just enjoy yourself and try a variety of things. Sure you will die but that's not the worst thing. Always take a 1v1 and try to improve your skills with that in mind.

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On 9/6/2021 at 5:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

How long does it take to go for a piece of WvW legendary armor? 

What should I take from skirmish boxes?

Best reward tracks?

What should I level with those skill points? (Already got warclaw and basic glider)

How often are those reveal/no build trap thingies used?

...Any other tips and tricks you feel like sharing?


To me it seems like a nice blend between the difficulty and diversity of conquest pvp and pve, yet it feels pretty calm throughout. It's not stressful, and I have fun taking random camps and grouping up with random commanders.


Best advice for legendary armor is that there are indeed time gated bits and bobs (based on rank, skirmish tickets). Check those out so you know what you're getting into and decide if this is the right legendary pathway. I'd definitely advise reading the wiki on requirements and tallying up what you'll need (rank, skirmish tickets, materials). That's for both for getting the armor pieces and/or crafting. It may take 22 weeks as someone said to get the skirmish tickets, but the materials required to obtain "pre-cursor" armor pieces and craft may not. WvW isn't exactly a legendary armor crafting mats rich source either, so can help planning ahead and doing some targeted pve to make up short falls.

Also, can get conflux  x2 and warbringer as other WvW legendary items too to achieve in interim if materials rich already/in advance and not able to start legendary armor.


Best reward track choices are individual, check regularly to ensure you're on the track you choose - as ending one without having pre-selected it as repeating always puts me onto Shiverpeaks one, which is irritating. Once you get going you'll whip through the reward tracks fast enough to be able to basically work through them all. Just read the rewards and sub rewards to help inform your choices based upon your aims (e.g. getting conflux will require gift of battle reward track, but perhaps not repeat it 30 times unless its the other rewards you need. One or two tracks give a few extra memories of battle per track completion). Use birthday buffs that give 100% XP gain to help move things along, and join in a zerg yourself every now and then for fast XP gain (fights/capping) to help out. You'll pick up some potion looking WvW XP track completion thingies - I tend to stock pile those incase I suddenly realise "Crap, not done that track, need X fast..." and then blow them on completing tracks immediately. Individual choice.


Skirmish boxes, you don't have to cash them in if you don't know what's best to use them for. Personally I use them to help guild claim items (upgrades for keeps/towers/camps), but I've got a few thousand unopened at present precisely for the "oh crap, I could do with...". You'll certainly build them up enough to decide yourself what's best, or collect and be able to immediately take advantage when you do.

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On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

When should I change from a roamer build (condi herald) to a zerg build (backline hammer)? Like, how many people? Or are there different circumstances?

Condi Herald tends to take a nose dive around 15 - 20 players per side. Assuming there are at least a couple supports, even around 10 per side it won't be particularly effective.
That said, anything works in a PUG (=pick up group) zerg, so just play what you find fun. If you play it well, you can contribute with anything.



Also, did I use "zerg" right there? What does it mean?


"Zerg is a slang term for a group of low-level gamers who depend on overwhelming numbers to achieve victory, rather than relying on technique or strategy."
Generally, it means a large group of players. That number may vary from person to person, but typically 20 and up would be a zerg. People often like to say "blob" as well when the zerg gets particularly large. A blob is usually like, 50+.


On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

How long does it take to go for a piece of WvW legendary armor? 

A full set takes 22 weeks. Scroll to the bottom where it says "WvW armor set". Below that you can see the time gate. Skirmish Tickets are awarded at a fixed number per week. 


On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

What should I take from skirmish boxes?

What ever you feel you need most. Nothing is of immense value, but depending on how good you are with your Gold I'm sure you could turn a profit with enough Badges of Honor.
Personally I recommend selling Unidentified Dyes en masse if Gold is what you want.


Best reward tracks?

Not certain on that one, none of them are particularly great. Personally I like to keep Istan on repeat for Volatile Magic because you can buy Trophy Caches with that currency (an item that contains a random assortment of T5 and T6 materials). I would say the answer to this question is subjective, but I'm honestly not positive if there is a true "best". I just don't think the difference between any of the tracks is very significant. 


What should I level with those skill points? (Already got warclaw and basic glider)

I think it's best to get; Warclaw, Gliding, Supply Master, Build Master, and Defense Against Guards first and foremost. After that, what ever you like.
Supply Master and Build Master help your group a lot. Defense Against Guards just makes life easier overall - 20% damage reduction from NPCs + Resolution on hit is pretty good.


How often are those reveal/no build trap thingies used?

Relatively often if you know the places to put them. Spots that are unavoidable are obviously best, but if you can predict where a group is moving you can also try to place it in that path ahead of time.
Putting Supply Traps outside of Supply Camps both before and after a group captures it is always a good way to be a pest.


...Any other tips and tricks you feel like sharing?

Be considerate of others and focus on the game not on winning.
Different people find different ways to enjoy themselves in WvW. Some people have stronger opinions than others on how it "should" be played, but so long as you're not going out of your way to sabotage your team, do what ever the kitten you want.

Edited by Shroud.2307
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On 9/6/2021 at 5:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

What should I take from skirmish boxes?

Best reward tracks?

What should I level with those skill points? (Already got warclaw and basic glider)

How often are those reveal/no build trap thingies used?

...Any other tips and tricks you feel like sharing?


To me it seems like a nice blend between the difficulty and diversity of conquest pvp and pve, yet it feels pretty calm throughout. It's not stressful, and I have fun taking random camps and grouping up with random commanders.

Skirmish Boxes

  • Many of the items are useful - I like the |Guild Upgrades, but they are not efficient because many are useless - nobody wants Hardened Siege or Armored Dolyak or gate turret upgrades, for example. So it's a Lucky Dip.
  • People used to take the dyes to sell on the trading post (the value was good because you need a stack of them for one of the Legendary weapons) but I believe they're not as valuable anymore (I may be wrong).
  • The last I knew, people were taking badges because they could exchange them for another token in the guild hall and sell that one on the trading post.


Reward Tracks - it depends what you need;

  • Obviously you want the Gift of Battle for the Warclaw and then the Warclaw track itself.
  • There is one that gives exotic gear at the end with selectable stats. I think that's the WvW unique one.
  • I collect tokens from the Season 3 reward tracks because you can get ascended trinkets, which are not easy to find elsewhere (this may have changed - I know the Bjora maps have one each), and are considerably cheaper than making Legendary trinkets. The Bloodstone ones even have a way or changing stats.


What should I level with those skill points? 

In this order...

1. Warclaw just 1 point - get it started asap.

2. Gliding just 1 point. Later you will want top tier one, it's good but there are other priorities.

3. Provisions Mastery tier 4. For the Autoloot. You will also want to buy that yellow box from the guy at spawn - from that you can buy traps in the field (when Big Spender is a daily, just buy 2 traps).

4. Choose between Guard Killer, Defense Against Guards, Something to do with Supply.

After that just put more points in those - forget mastering siege, there are plenty of old-timers who are masters of everything - you really need to get your supply masteries up to par as soon as you can. This is why WvW is so welcoming - everybody is useful, even if they're just here to carry Supply and take damage.


Reveal and Supply Traps can be huge in WvW. The former is good to highlight enemies on the map, not just to stop them being in stealth. You can also use it against stealthers in small scale fights - for example against a thief that's ganking people at your spawn point. Beware though, deadeyes can just remove the effect.

Supply traps are huge, you can save your keep just by planting five of these behind a door the enemy is attacking.


NOTE: You can place ONE reveal (aka stealth) trap and ONE supply trap at a time. If you place another of the same type, the previous one disappears. Each will last for one hour or until you leave the map.


Also: the Thrown reveal item is VERY difficult to use because you have to be within range of enemy attacks, so you'll probably die trying unless you're in stealth or they are distracted or sleeping.

Likewise with the Siege Disabler, but it's usually worth dying if you can delay the enemy. With the Warclaw you can be back at the objective before the effect wears off and ready to use another one. Cheesy AF, but Anet /shrug.



The main tip I have is to save your Skirmish Tickets for Legendary gear. 

Edited by Svarty.8019
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On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

...but I have a few questions.

When should I change from a roamer build (condi herald) to a zerg build (backline hammer)? Like, how many people? Or are there different circumstances?

Its more of at what point does a team focused build becomes better than a roaming build. If you have 15 people and squad up. Then sure run the backline build, but you may still get decent mileage out of the roaming build. 20 ore more people? I'd think the backline build would shine more.

On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

Also, did I use "zerg" right there? What does it mean?

How long does it take to go for a piece of WvW legendary armor?

Each piece requires different amounts of tickets, so each has a different time gate. 22 weeks for the whole set though. Start with helm, gloves, boots, shoulders, and then legs and body rather than do it all at once.

On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

What should I take from skirmish boxes?

Testimonies to unlock hero points, free siege, free food items, dyes if you want that.

On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

Best reward tracks?

Do all the unrepeatable ones first as they offer better rewards, doesn't matter which order really. Then do the triumphant armor tracks, then the gift of battle track. If you need dungeon tokens do those tracks as needed.

On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

What should I level with those skill points? (Already got warclaw and basic glider)

Your favorite siege type, supply capacity, and repair master would be my picks.

On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

How often are those reveal/no build trap thingies used?

Reveal is rare for me, though a good defense will drop the siege disablers as often as they can.

On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

...Any other tips and tricks you feel like sharing?

You will die. Its okay. Pick yourself up and move on. Don't be a d!ck. You can jump into haystacks on RBL to survive long falls for faster map travel, you know there is one because there will be a hay bale where you can jump from.

On 9/6/2021 at 12:42 AM, JekthAvid.1408 said:

To me it seems like a nice blend between the difficulty and diversity of conquest pvp and pve, yet it feels pretty calm throughout. It's not stressful, and I have fun taking random camps and grouping up with random commanders.

It can be super chill. There are some really great fights that can happen, and you'll meet tons of fun people to play with. I find the most fun is when I'm roaming with 2-4 other guildies with Discord on.

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