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Wvw restructuring a roamers worry


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I read all this with choose your wvw guild for a *season*, but here is a question, that I'm sure quite a few people might have.....amongst the roamers, havoc players, those who prefer smaller scale over big zergs...

There is a lot of groups, that form up for fun runs..those groups often consist of players that are all in different wvw guild, for different reasons, other friends, time zones.

Those guild may not end up in the same alliance, may as guilds, not even like each other....

So here is my worry (i know, long lead up, bare with me)...and yes it's a genuine worry of mine personally as well cause I happen to run in such a group.

 We'll be forced into a matchup alliance with the wvw guild we choose, in the case of such a group, not likely to be the same guild, nor alliance.

So basically..that system ruins such groups...at least from what I read so far.

Is there any consideration for such friendships/groups at all? Or are we just kittened once these alliances come into play??

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Worlds are not alliances. You are confusing them for each other.

The consideration for players from various guilds ending up on the same world is alliances.

Unfortunetly the new info shed zero light on how that actually work, what the restrictions are. It will undoubtedly lead to players reorganizing themselves though. Not everyone will be happy. That's impossible. 

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I didn't misunderstand worlds for alliances, my worry is exactly that! A group of players, who aside from their group are also in various wvw guilds who are very unlikely to end up in the same alliance, due to their respective guilds and what alliances those guilds would make


4 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Worlds are not alliances. You are confusing them for each other.

The consideration for players from various guilds ending up on the same world is alliances.

Unfortunetly the new info shed zero light on how that actually work, what the restrictions are. It will undoubtedly lead to players reorganizing themselves though. Not everyone will be happy. That's impossible. 


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5 minutes ago, Catryona.9280 said:

I didn't misunderstand worlds for alliances, my worry is exactly that! A group of players, who aside from their group are also in various wvw guilds who are very unlikely to end up in the same alliance, due to their respective guilds and what alliances those guilds would make

Which is... a random bunch of players. People keep saying that WvW should be Guild Wars - maybe it's time to hold the community to that. You create a new guild and call yourself a real group. Or you dont and remain a random bunch of players that's gonna go their separate ways by choosing their own WvW guild. Maybe you find the same alliance. Maybe you dont.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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22 minutes ago, Catryona.9280 said:

I didn't misunderstand worlds for alliances, my worry is exactly that! A group of players, who aside from their group are also in various wvw guilds who are very unlikely to end up in the same alliance, due to their respective guilds and what alliances those guilds would make

1. You can encourage your primary guilds to stay grouped together.

2. Some of you could join each other's guilds.

3. You can make a new group guild and make that your shared primary guild.

4. Some of you could make alt accounts.

5. You can make new friends via your new alliances.


We've all been through this repeatedly whenever we make friends across links. It's nothing new.

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Worlds are not alliances. You are confusing them for each other.

They did not. Alliances are a coalition of guilds. If those do not reach the maximum number of 500, the remaining spots will be filled with people from anywhere. The whole thing together is called a "shard."

The OP and their friends won't be able to continue to roam together if they end up on different shards, since they are in different guilds that might end up on different shards if they aren't part of the same alliance.

52 minutes ago, ASP.8093 said:

5. You can make new friends via your new alliances.

Alliances are not a permanent thing, so you might likely be forced to make new friends every eight weeks in said scenario.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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32 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

They did not. Alliances are a coalition of guilds. If those do not reach the maximum number of 500, the remaining spots will be filled with people from anywhere. The whole thing together is called a "shard."

And now you're confusing them.

The world (or shard as they call it) would be filled with multiple alliances, guilds and randoms up to a population goal (Anets average world was stated at 2500 players but no one knows). The alliances only contain guilds that specifically join them. There is no such thing as them being filled with randoms up to 500.

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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

And now you're confusing them.

The world (or shard as they call it) would be filled with multiple alliances, guilds and randoms up to a population goal (Anets average world was stated at 2500 players but no one knows). The alliances only contain guilds that specifically join them. There is no such thing as them being filled with randoms up to 500.

Ah, you are right. I read the entry in a hurry earlier and obviously remembered this part wrong. Eek!

So that means that guilds who like to stay together will form alliances that cannot be broken up by ANet (as long as they don't exceed the maximum number of allowed players per shard)?

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17 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

So that means that guilds who like to stay together will form alliances that cannot be broken up by ANet (as long as they don't exceed the maximum number of allowed players per shard)?

Yes, starting in the phase 2 beta. 

Note that the maximum number of players in an Alliance is not necessarily the maximum number allowed in a shard.  An Alliance could currently have up to 500 players, but shards will likely be bigger.

Note also that phase 1 may have multiple beta weeks if things go wrong--they plan to get the matching system working smoothly before introducing the actual Alliance feature in phase 2.

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23 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Couldn't you all just form a guild strictly for alliances?

I don't think one guild is enough for them.  They want to stay stacked together with all the other GvG guilds.. or maybe it's the off hours K-Train guilds.


Either way the point of the changes is supposed to be to even out the ability to overstack like that.

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2 hours ago, Sviel.7493 said:

Note that the maximum number of players in an Alliance is not necessarily the maximum number allowed in a shard.  An Alliance could currently have up to 500 players, but shards will likely be bigger.

Yes, we will see in a few months.

Glad to hear that Alliances can be permanent.

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