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Are any of the big items in EOD locked behind group content?

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I was never able to get the last mount in the last expansion due to health reasons. Chemotherapy has caused permanent numbness in my hands so i am a klutz. I did enjoy the s tory up to the point I was able to complete. (Stuck on the departing).


Have they spoke of what pve solo players will be limited to in the new expansion? Are mounts or anything advertised limited to group only quests?


*** please don't think i am complaining about group content. I am glad to see this game provided entertainment to all player types***

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Not much info at this time and will probably not much moreuntil after release. The only info we have is that EoD will combine solo friendly aspects as PoF did with the HoT focus of repeatable content. Anything more we will know after it drops, although see Emilie's comment above for more 

Edited by Randulf.7614
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The basic mechanics will be available to all. So you will be able to use the skiff and you will be able to fish.
There will be some rewards locked behind group content.The amount is unknown. What I do know is that each expansion has a theme in gametype.
HoT is  very much aimed at group content
PoF is aimed at exploration

That I've seen so far (but is this is more speculation based on the limited info out so far), EoD has a themepark idea (or festival terrain). With activities like fishing and skiffs and the limited amount of hostiles in the area; it gives this vibe, but that can just be the footage so far.

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On 10/8/2021 at 11:04 AM, Shiyo.3578 said:

This is a MMO, not a single player game. Why play it if you don't want to do group content?

I can't speak for OP but some people want to play an RPG but not be alone doing it. Actual, real players can enhance any solo experience. You can make MMORPGs and fill them up with practically nothing but single player experiences yet have an outstanding community. Runescape is a prime example of this.

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