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Guild hall defence events


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I think it would be fun to have guild hall defense events where some force appropriate to the guild hall's location would attempt to retake/take over the guild hall and the guild members have to defend it.  The current guild missions haven't been updated for a while so something new and different for guild members to do as a team would be a nice change.

You could have events that you trigger, ala the guild missions, and/or you could have a slow infiltration where you have to periodically clear out the growing infestation of enemies in order to access various parts of the guild hall.  For the triggered events perhaps the enemy opens a portal into your hall and attempts to capture it ala the periodic incursions by the awakened into core Tyria.

Maybe as you use the guild hall facilities and the guild hall gets improved the guild hall builds up points that turn into invaders, as though the more use you make of the hall the more desirable it becomes to be invaded.  Then, in addition to guild hall decorations you could have guild hall fortifications or defensive mechanisms that help you defend things like your waypoint and your material synthesizers.  Scribes would need to produce plans for different types of fortifications and there would be a cost to build and upgrade them.  Unless you defend/maintain the fortifications and defenses they will eventually be destroyed by the attacking forces.  Maybe the opposing forces, if allowed to get entrenched for too long, build their own fortifications that you have to destroy.  Or they might capture your fortifications.  Maybe you can recruit guards or mercenaries that defend your hall in your absence, I'm thinking of the various levels of guards and keep lords and legendary defenders you see in WvW.  These of course would need to be paid on an ongoing basis.

It would be better to have all this in a more open map but for now guild halls are what we have for larger group instances.

Edited by blp.3489
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I don't think guild halls are a good fit for your idea.


The whole game is based on the idea that the passage of time will not invalidate things players have earned. If you take a break, the equipment you have got and the character you have developed will not be invalidated. The same should go for the guild hall you have built. "Forcing" players to actively maintain their guild hall to keep it functional and/or keep it from being overrun by monsters just doesn't fit.



People should play this game because they enjoy playing it, not because their achievements will be destroyed if they don't. There's too many other games out there already that keep you hooked by threatening to invalidate what you achieved if you don't show up regularly.


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So I can go along with a ‘guild mission’ such as ‘defend your guild hall.’  But it should be more like the current guild missions in that, it doesn’t have a long term impact on your guild hall.


Losing aspects of a guild hall would be met with an incredible amount of vitriol..


But spawning an event that scales based on the number of guild members in the hall, along with the level the guild is, would be a nice option.

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I think you are right that the guild hall version should be restricted to events triggered by the guild, ala guild missions.  The guild halls aren't really suited to building fortifications and such, that would be better done on a larger map.

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Since failing the event is not an option that have any meaning, that means Anet must design it as something that 100% of the time is successful even if you fail. Which is a boring event.

As long as there is a finite number of invaders your guild is going to eventually kill them all off.  You could have the rewards depend on the time to kill everything off, if your guild all gets together and massacres them quickly you get bigger rewards, if it takes a long time to kill them off you only get the usual per kill rewards.  That way the guild gets rewarded for high group participation.  It seems to me that guilds really need something to do collectively and the labyrinth seems to indicate people enjoy massive mayhem, why not make it available on demand to guilds?   In the mean time, hopefully WvW alliances will spice up guild membership.

I'm curious what happens if an awakened portal opens in Tyria and no one responds.  Do they eventually pack up and leave? Or do they stay until someone eventually comes and kills them?

Edited by blp.3489
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30 minutes ago, blp.3489 said:

I'm curious what happens if an awakened portal opens in Tyria and no one responds.  Do they eventually pack up and leave? Or do they stay until someone eventually comes and kills them?

If you're referring to Joko's minions, they will "wreak havoc" but disappear once the timer on the event runs out if they aren't defeated.


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