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The Mechanist NEEDS the toolbelt skills


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When the jade mech is not active the mechanist should have access to the toolbelt skills. (the summoning/deactivation of the mech should be done with F5 (like Photon Forge))

Otherwise the mechanist loses all the following skills, which is quite unreasonable:

  1. Bandage Self (Main Healing Skill)
  2. Healing Mist (Stunbreak)
  3. Rumble (Stunbreak)
  4. Superspeed (Stunbreak)
  5. Toss Elixir S (Stealth)
  6. Toss Elixir B (Stability)
  7. Toss Elixir C (Condi Cleanses)
  8. Grenade Barrage
  9. Incendiary Ammo
  10. Toss Elixir H (traited it's a condi cleans)
  11. Regenerating Mist (Water Field)
  12. Static Shock
  13. Toss Elixir R
  14. Toss Elixir U
  15. Launch Personal Battering Ram
  16. Rocket Kick
  17. Mine Field
  18. Detection Pulse
  19. Throw Napalm
  20. Net Attack
  21. Surprise Shot
  22. Rocket
  23. Big Ol' Bomb
  24. Throw Wrench

Other suggestions are welcome. Lets try prevent a disaster from happening by talking some sense into the heads of the devs.

Edited by santenal.1054
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5 minutes ago, AsheR.1687 said:

The mechanist doesn't lose all of those skills listed. They showed that the mech can trigger static shock. There may be other interactions with the mech skills while he is active. Hard to say at this point.

Static Shock (toolbelt skill) is not Static Discharge (trait) . (They showed that all mech skills work with Static Discharge)

Edited by santenal.1054
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It needs to not be completely reliant on the mech for everything. Loss of toolbelt isn't an issue to me because you get skills when you use the mech so it's the downtime on the mech that is an issue. Is anyone honestly thinking of using med kit with mechanist? That makes no sense to me.

Everything about it reeks of lore/theme first and mechanics second. The paragraph-long lore heavy trait descriptions give it away.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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I am curious to see how it plays on Tuesday, but given what I've seen in the livestream I have very ambivalent expectations for this new spec. The spec is cool in design, but actual implementation seems to have glaring issues. And this isn't a first for the Engineer... Hello, 2015 Scrapper's wonky mobile gyros! 


From a balance standpoint, the total removal of the toolbelt (Engineer's defining mechanic) seems very poorly thought out. These toolbelt skills heavily factored into play in all modes, and without them Mechanist could very well struggle to be competitive with other classes. Additionally, can you imagine running with this thing in a WvW zerg (especially if they decide to give it a CC bar in this mode)... It's a dumb, giant moving target that will get nuked instantly in zerg fights. Hello, perpetual 100 cd on mech. 


I can only hope that the mech gets so over tuned that it still performs okay despite its likely clunky AI and to make up for the awful tradeoff that is the toolbelt removal.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, of course we still keep the harshest trade off of all elite specs in the history of this game.

Meanwhile they completely remove the little trade offs untamed had so it is now literally a ranger+ spec. I guess giving up something to get something just applies to some classes and untamed gets to ignore their trade off philosophy.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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