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Specter is what Chrono wish it was.


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I wouldn’t say Specter is what Chrono should have been, however, I will say that Chrono does need to be looked at again and so do the traits. I had also mentioned in several posts that our wells, with the exception of gravity well, should be able to go off at the Mesmers location, sort of like what the Scrapper has. 
It would just make things better for distributing boons without having allies missing/walking out of the wells. 
I also have to agree with the person who mentioned that quickness + alacrity should be provided with each well.

Other than that, I haven’t personally played the Specter and nor do I need to, but I hands down prefer our wells more. Our traits just need to be geared towards more boons/healing.

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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Actually, no, that's all part of the same criteria. If Specter is MORE like how you want to play and it's your primary criteria for choosing a class, that doesn't mean Chrono should be more like Specter. 

There is NO rational argument for how Chrono should be because Specter does what you think Chrono should do. 

Again ill give you what you always tell other people, you personally don't know how the devs think or work perhaps it was their intention to remove something on one class and give it to another or perhaps its to recycle old stuff trying to make something new you personally don't know their agenda. 

Yes there is no RATIONAL argument for how Chrono should be but from the past years of QoL changes or issues chrono has because you know it is a e-spec that has been in the game for a much longer time then Specter, seeing how Specter performs with the QoL or issues fixed on this class that was perhaps asked or requested or needed change for chrono, that is where comparisons are made.

But hey perhaps those who PvE or PvP and have played the game countless hours that sees this class with similarities of changes are clearly blind because you seem to know everything and always need to come up with some remark like you do in every forum post. 

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5 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Again ill give you what you always tell other people, you personally don't know how the devs think or work

I don't need to know how they think or work to know Anet gives us choice and class variety to choose from ... and that's not a mistake, it's intended. 

Again, Specter design is not related to Chrono design. What Specter does is irrelevant to how Chrono works. If Specter 'does it better' than Chrono, then people have the option to play it, WHATEVER that "IT" is. 

Chrono needs work? OK ... but not because Specter 'does it better'. That's actually a pretty important thing to understand because what is 'better' than something else is not a reason to change  what is intended to be a wide range of diverse classes in this game. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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18 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I don't need to know how they think or work to know Anet gives us choice and class variety to choose from ... and that's not a mistake, it's intended. 

Again, Specter design is not related to Chrono design. What Specter does is irrelevant to how Chrono works. If Specter 'does it better' than Chrono, then people have the option to play it, WHATEVER that "IT" is. 

Chrono needs work? OK ... but not because Specter 'does it better'. That's actually a pretty important thing to understand because what is 'better' than something else is not a reason to change  what is intended to be a wide range of diverse classes in this game. 

Again taking a small part of my quote and writing nonsense trying to make something out of it is wasting both my time and your time. 

Chrono has been out for a much longer time with more played time in both PvE and PvP, over the years it has been nerfed things removed with no real QoL changes or compensation. Therefore many post has been made and suggestions to improve Chrono in ways to balance out the things that were taken away from Chrono. Even if it means nerfing one area to buff other areas.

Specter comes and those who posted and awaited for some changes for Chrono suddenly sees a new E-Spec with all the changes that were asked and maybe more can't help but make the comparison.

Again its not that ANET is not giving us choices and class variety to play no one literally no one said this so I don't know why you keep posting this like some broken record. 

"OK ... but not because Specter 'does it better'. That's actually a pretty important thing to understand because what is 'better' than something else is not a reason to change  what is intended to be a wide range of diverse classes in this game. " No this doesn't create diversity what this does is it kills one spec's viability if something else can do it better and out perform. In result it goes back on what you said of "ANET giving us choices and variety to play" because of viability. 

With this post I'll end my part of the discussion here because its clear we are both not swayed by each other. Perhaps you enjoy being a forum warrior but I enjoy playing the game more. 

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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19 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Again taking a small part of my quote and writing nonsense trying to make something out of it is wasting both my time and your time. 

.... I enjoy playing the game more. 

Then I suggest you play the game because there isn't a point in trying to argue that Chrono should be changed because people see what they want Chrono to be in Specter. That's just an irrelevant argument. I would also LOVE for all the specs and builds I play to be on some specific classes I love the theme of as well ... but the reality is that this isn't reasonable ... so like you an everyone else ... I have to decide to adopt classes I'm not in love with to play those builds ... or not. That's just expected and reasonable. 

Again ... Chrono needs changes? OK .. but not based on what Specter does. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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Can you people stop feeding this obsessive troll? For those of you that can recall, it has existed since the forums debuted in vanilla GW2 and since then you'll probably find a religious posting history of being a contrarian in several threads across several parts of the forum if you just pull up the posting history.


Stop letting it completely derail threads to make it all about himself as he usually does.

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5 hours ago, Zenith.7301 said:

Can you people stop feeding this obsessive troll? For those of you that can recall, it has existed since the forums debuted in vanilla GW2 and since then you'll probably find a religious posting history of being a contrarian in several threads across several parts of the forum if you just pull up the posting history.


Stop letting it completely derail threads to make it all about himself as he usually does.

He's correct in this thread, though.  Well... mostly.  Part of the reason for e-specs is to stand out among the others.

To tell my own little history with mesmer, at first I didn't much like it.  It had a lot of tricks, but its damage strategy was basically to run away while phantasms did all of the work.  I basically never played the thing, but I liked how the character looked.  So, I shuffled my professions around: my mesmer became my ele, my thief became my mesmer, my engineer became my thief... it all gets complicated, and I did it mostly because I wanted to main a hot chick (judge me fairly).  Then HoT drops, and suddenly the chronomancer is ripping through the game like it were wet tissue paper.  On top of all the previous utilities, I now had the ability to keep up permanent alacrity, permanent quickness, and a reset button on demand.  Chrono became my most played spec for most of HoT, while also being my first fractal toon.

See, the playstyle of the mesmer changed, which is what made me like it.  I still like chronomancer to this day, and I find mirage to be mediocre for various reasons.  Even if I end up not liking the virtuoso, I'm just going back to playing chrono.  I didn't like the Specter that much, so I'll just play the chrono.  The only thing that would get me to stop playing chrono is if it were nerfed into oblivion and fundamentally changed.




That all said, something to consider is that these specs are beta.  We're comparing the modern day chrono, after receiving years of nerfs to try and reign in this monster, to the Specter fresh out of the gate.  If Specter really does turn out to be the big new hit, expect draconian nerfs in the near future of EoD.

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I think that in ideał world specter would be a Mesmer class. In gw1 Mesmer and necro were kind of Close due to heavy use of hexes, so this dark shroud is something I would actually see on Mesmer. Unfortunately in gw2 realm Mesmer either has clones or is a dagger spitting slow glass cannon with no deceptive/punishing utilities nor traits.

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2 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

I think that in ideał world specter would be a Mesmer class. In gw1 Mesmer and necro were kind of Close due to heavy use of hexes, so this dark shroud is something I would actually see on Mesmer. Unfortunately in gw2 realm Mesmer either has clones or is a dagger spitting slow glass cannon with no deceptive/punishing utilities nor traits.

I agree, which is something I feel when it comes to hexes, they should’ve kept for the Mesmer as a base and then introduce the clones/illusions within an elite spec since Mirage is heavy on having them up at all times for deception etc… Hexes are essentially a reverse barrier but if they didn’t want to introduce something like that, they could easily make the hex as a debuff on the enemy that triggers conditions/cc/boons etc… when struck by the Mesmer themselves. 
Sort of like what the Specter got with their Rot Wallow Venom trait.

I had also mentioned months ago that Anet should’ve incorporated the special effect they gave to the Bloodstone Mesmers, where upon defeating them, reveals the REAL Mesmer. That would be a perfect elite skill or a good mix of Shroud + Clone/Illusion.

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6 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

I think that in ideał world specter would be a Mesmer class. In gw1 Mesmer and necro were kind of Close due to heavy use of hexes, so this dark shroud is something I would actually see on Mesmer. Unfortunately in gw2 realm Mesmer either has clones or is a dagger spitting slow glass cannon with no deceptive/punishing utilities nor traits.

I could see a mechanic like that working. Make traits and skills that normally generate clones fill the shroud bar instead. Shatter traits would work on skills 2-5 in shroud, kind of like the inverse of what they did with shroud skill traits for Scourge.


Mind you, another idea I've mentally toyed with is a mesmer equivalent to tomes. Instead of the tome appearing with full pages but you lose any pages you don't use, you stack pages in lieu of clone generation, which you can then spend after activating a 'tome'. That would require a lot more skills and might be more complicated to pull off overall, though. 

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