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LB kneel skills for “balance”


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In the name of “balance”, I’d like to urgently suggest the dev team provide super powered kneel skills to long bow, that rival the Deadeye rifle kneel skills 20k, 30k, 40k... plus... damage potential.

To “balance” all this damage out with our mighty pets, just shave off 1/3rd of the total potential damage from various rifle equivalent damage shots for our longbow kneel skills.

Thanks for reading, and you’re very welcome for this super awesomely balanced suggestion!

Edit- And don’t worry, this totally fits in with our “keen eye”, “steady hand”, “unparalleled archers”... theme.

“Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows.”

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Nah, it makes no sense. Longbows are designed to be fired while standing. Firing from a crouch would just harm your draw length.

A tippy toes skill however would be perfectly logical and a perfect fit for Longbow. Since it increases your height, unlike crouch which foolishly reduces it, it would also come with the downside of drastically improved movement speed in exchange for more powerful Longbow skills.

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  • 2 months later...

@Swagger.1459 said:

@"Turk.5460" said:Wait does OP actually think Deadeye Rifle is in anyway a competitive weapon?

Not competitive you say?

No, it's still not a competitive weapon. You are hung up on a single gimmick move that hundreds of people on this forum have already explained is one of the easiest things to dodge/block in the game - if not the easiest. I find it incredibly fun, so I practically main the set now, but I will outperform myself in fights using Staff, D/P, and S/D. And longbow Soulbeasts hard counter rifle Deadeyes...

Why are you resurrecting a thread from over two months ago? Is that how long it's been since you last saw a DE? Because if it was as "competitive" as you seem to think it is, I'm sure you'd see quite a bit more in any game mode. Let it go, man.

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@Turk.5460 said:

@Turk.5460 said:Wait does OP actually think Deadeye Rifle is in anyway a competitive weapon?

Not competitive you say?

No, it's still not a competitive weapon. You are hung up on a single gimmick move that hundreds of people on this forum have already explained is one of the easiest things to dodge/block in the game - if not
easiest. I find it incredibly fun, so I practically main the set now, but I will outperform
in fights using Staff, D/P, and S/D. And longbow Soulbeasts
hard counter
rifle Deadeyes...

Why are you resurrecting a thread from over two months ago? Is that how long it's been since you last saw a DE? Because if it was as "competitive" as you seem to think it is, I'm sure you'd see quite a bit more in
game mode. Let it go, man.

Super! Then there shouldn’t be any problems with giving this “gimmick move that hundreds of people on this forum have already explained is one of the easiest things to dodge/block in the game - if not the easiest” to ranger lb right?

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@Turk.5460 said:Wait does OP actually think Deadeye Rifle is in anyway a competitive weapon?

Not competitive you say?

No, it's still not a competitive weapon. You are hung up on a single gimmick move that hundreds of people on this forum have already explained is one of the easiest things to dodge/block in the game - if not
easiest. I find it incredibly fun, so I practically main the set now, but I will outperform
in fights using Staff, D/P, and S/D. And longbow Soulbeasts
hard counter
rifle Deadeyes...

Why are you resurrecting a thread from over two months ago? Is that how long it's been since you last saw a DE? Because if it was as "competitive" as you seem to think it is, I'm sure you'd see quite a bit more in
game mode. Let it go, man.

Super! Then there shouldn’t be any problems with giving this “gimmick move that hundreds of people on this forum have already explained is one of the easiest things to dodge/block in the game - if not
easiest” to ranger lb right?

No? Because Ranger's LB kit is fine?

What game are you playing, because it's certainly not GW2. You need to stop, because exactly 0 people in this thread have agreed with your petty and bitter proposal.

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The charging with the deadeye should reset when lost target. If the target goes stealth, out of range or the thief change target the bar is reset.

To balance that i would:

  • reduce the amount of time to reach full charge. In wvw is pretty obvious when you have the target in your back.

  • Reduce the total damage that skill can do: first no player needs to do 50k damage in one shot, second full bar more often = more shots.

  • Also if thief could get a damage debuff depending on the initiative he has left would be great and to spend 1 initiative per sec while in stealth. That way maybe we can stop with the ridiculous amount of teleports and damage output that class can deal in a second.

The most funny thing is that with the actual engine, when they tp to you if there is more effects they get a second or so (4 dagger autoor 8k damage) before they are even shown in your screen.

PS: LB in ranger i think is fine. I still think Shortbow needs to have the same reach as the LB, just to give rangers an actual condi alternative for PVP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Swagger.1459 said:In the name of “balance”, I’d like to urgently suggest the dev team provide super powered kneel skills to long bow, that rival the Deadeye rifle kneel skills 20k, 30k, 40k... plus... damage potential.

To “balance” all this damage out with our mighty pets, just shave off 1/3rd of the total potential damage from various rifle equivalent damage shots for our longbow kneel skills.

Thanks for reading, and you’re very welcome for this super awesomely balanced suggestion!

Edit- And don’t worry, this totally fits in with our “keen eye”, “steady hand”, “unparalleled archers”... theme.

“Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows.”

But dead eye kneel skill sucks!!!! Why would you want ranger to be nerfed too??????

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@Turk.5460 said:Wait does OP actually think Deadeye Rifle is in anyway a competitive weapon?

Not competitive you say?

No, it's still not a competitive weapon. You are hung up on a single gimmick move that hundreds of people on this forum have already explained is one of the easiest things to dodge/block in the game - if not
easiest. I find it incredibly fun, so I practically main the set now, but I will outperform
in fights using Staff, D/P, and S/D. And longbow Soulbeasts
hard counter
rifle Deadeyes...

Why are you resurrecting a thread from over two months ago? Is that how long it's been since you last saw a DE? Because if it was as "competitive" as you seem to think it is, I'm sure you'd see quite a bit more in
game mode. Let it go, man.

Super! Then there shouldn’t be any problems with giving this “gimmick move that hundreds of people on this forum have already explained is one of the easiest things to dodge/block in the game - if not
easiest” to ranger lb right?

the only way to not die to this build is to dodge in the first second. Or play one of the classes that have an auto invuln (warrior, ranger, engi).

The video you linked requires full malice to get those numbers. When that video was made, you could mark a moa to get malice and go find someone to wreck. Now you need to stalk your marked target in stealth for 21 seconds in order to get full malice.

The video I linked requires soulbeast, sic 'em, and quickness. The amount of time to set up the soulbeast burst is maybe a second if youre bad? And blocks don't save you from soulbeast.

Where a deadeye needs 21s and a block does save you.I've personally have only been blind sided by a deadeye that marked and spammed 3. I rarely lose to a rifle deadeye in a 1v1 scenario.

And why would thieves play deadeye when daredevil is 10x better? Oh, that's right, there's less than 1% of wvw players playing deadeye. Take a look at how many rangers are out and about.

I personally stopped playing deadeye because soulbeast does it waaaaay better.

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@EDDIE WRECKER.1375 said:

@Swagger.1459 said:In the name of “balance”, I’d like to urgently suggest the dev team provide super powered kneel skills to long bow, that rival the Deadeye rifle kneel skills 20k, 30k, 40k... plus... damage potential.

To “balance” all this damage out with our mighty pets, just shave off 1/3rd of the total potential damage from various rifle equivalent damage shots for our longbow kneel skills.

Thanks for reading, and you’re very welcome for this super awesomely balanced suggestion!

Edit- And don’t worry, this totally fits in with our “keen eye”, “steady hand”, “unparalleled archers”... theme.

“Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows.”

But dead eye kneel skill sucks!!!! Why would you want ranger to be nerfed too??????

Because rangers are weird creatures and rather than coming up with something that could help the class, we come up with suggestions how to nerf ourselves instead. Bearbow is the only way to go and our only purpose in this game is to be a walking lootbag.

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@FrouFrou.4958 said:

@Swagger.1459 said:In the name of “balance”, I’d like to urgently suggest the dev team provide super powered kneel skills to long bow, that rival the Deadeye rifle kneel skills 20k, 30k, 40k... plus... damage potential.

To “balance” all this damage out with our mighty pets, just shave off 1/3rd of the total potential damage from various rifle equivalent damage shots for our longbow kneel skills.

Thanks for reading, and you’re very welcome for this super awesomely balanced suggestion!

Edit- And don’t worry, this totally fits in with our “keen eye”, “steady hand”, “unparalleled archers”... theme.

“Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows.”

But dead eye kneel skill sucks!!!! Why would you want ranger to be nerfed too??????

Because rangers are weird creatures and rather than coming up with something that could help the class, we come up with suggestions how to nerf ourselves instead. Bearbow is the only way to go and our only purpose in this game is to be a walking lootbag.

lol @FrouFrou.4958 , exactly what I said on 2 or 3 posts, where rangers asked to nerf their class ...

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Idea is bad, but just for the sake of logic;

How many longbow archers have you actually seen kneeling whilst knocking, drawing and loosing the arrow? You'll lose a lot of momentum and force which is needed to pull back the string of a longbow.A rifle on the other hand only requires you to aim and pull the trigger. Naturally kneeling whilst resting one elbow on your knee will make the aim more steady.

Food for thought

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@zalt.8937 said:Idea is bad, but just for the sake of logic;

How many longbow archers have you actually seen kneeling whilst knocking, drawing and loosing the arrow? You'll lose a lot of momentum and force which is needed to pull back the string of a longbow.A rifle on the other hand only requires you to aim and pull the trigger. Naturally kneeling whilst resting one elbow on your knee will make the aim more steady.

Food for thought

Except for the historical, and modern, kneeling archery facts...

And all facts aside... this is a fantasy made-up computer game world where you can shoot beams of illusionary magic from a greatsword (and like a billion other make believe things), so I don’t know how ummm... realistic we need to be here for counter arguments.

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