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Condizerker PvP Build


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Hi all,


Happy Holidays!


I've been having a lot of fun (and success) with this build in Ranked, and I thought I would pass it on.  The build itself is nothing new, but I was inspired to try it out again after watching one of Vallun's videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwcrxBHL9fI).  My build is a little different than the one he uses, but the concepts are the same.


Build:  http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKABw+l7lJwoYYsEmJeaX+tVA-zZwKlEKgIDhMTg6jAHGA


The Secret Sauce:

The key is to chain as many fire auras+detonations (via King of Fires) as possible while keeping the target CC'd.  Your ideal combo looks like:

Flames of War >> Bull's Charge (generates fire aura) >> Blazebreaker (detonates fire aura) >> Savage leap (generates fire aura) >> Headbutt (detonates) >> Berserk mode >> Flaming Flurry  

[From there, can follow-up with Final Thrust or weapon swap for shield bash to keep them locked while the burns tick].

This combo can apply 18-20 stacks of burning on the target while CC-locking them.  


Obviously, you won't get the whole combo off all the time.   And it's generally not advisable to lead with BC until after you've baited a couple dodges/CDs.  But it's a great lead in when you swap to a target that doesn't see you coming.  You'd be surprised how often you're able to get off the whole combo, even against good opponents.  And unless they have a stunbreak and a cleanse, 18 stacks of burning is pretty much gg.  The combo can almost one-shot the beasts on Forest of Nifhel, as well, making it a quick way to spot your team 25 points.  


For general use, trying use Flames of War >> Savage Leap>> Blaze breaker is your bread and butter, and then trying to use signet of fury to prime berserk mode.  This can then be used defensively as a stunbreak thanks to Savage Instinct.  Alternatively, it's primed and ready to use immediately after landing bull's charge or shield bash.



Excellent burst

Fairly good sustained damage output as well, thanks largely to Flames of War

Excellent CC

Fairly tanky

Decent sustain from adrenal healing and a bit of condi cleanse from cleansing ire

Matches up much better into Holo, Rev, ranger, and thief than most power Warrior builds



Mobility is meh

Watch out for projectile reflects, or you'll eat your own flaming flurry.  That's embarrassing...

Can be pretty easily kited.  You'll often have to back off against grenade-spamming engis, rangers committed to staying at range,  deadeyes, etc.  Fortunately you have some reflects thanks to Shield Master, but still...

You can run it without signet of fury, but I find I am most successful when I can control when I go into berserk mode.  Overall, dropping endure pain in favor of signet of fury usually isn't a huge loss, especially since Savage Instinct turns Berserk mode into Endure Pain-lite.  But it's still a loss of a utility slot that I wish I had back.

Not super strong against Necro or Guard or certain mesmer builds.  Still, your condi isn't affected by weakness, and high volume attacks like flaming flurry eat through blind and aegis more effectively than many attacks from power warriors.


Hope you guys have some fun and success with it!  @Morwath.9817 Thank you, too, for sharing your shoutzerker build in the other thread!  Lots of fun to be had with berserker, even despite its flaws.


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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I know you've been branching out into WvW some. You can use the engage attack from warclaw to hide animations. Try that to get FoW and SL off early.

I regularly am able to BC -> axe 5 in WvW and start out a fight with the enemy in rough shape due to the engage animation hiding BC for me.

Great idea. Thank you!

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Finally @CalmTheStorm.2364 you find the path for one of my beloved builds. You probably gonna reach it after some tweaks there and there. I'm really happy that you  and other are reaching it. Unleash the fireeeee!!!!

I will just point out one thing. Look at the background image of Berserker trait. And you gonna understand more about the class. The Torch is the fire that trigger you out.

Just to remember that I already said here many times about it. Berseker Condi is a monster on the Battlefield. There is many variants of the build and are more agressives one.


Edited by Broxxgar.6801
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7 hours ago, Broxxgar.6801 said:

Finally @CalmTheStorm.2364 you find the path for one of my beloved builds. You probably gonna reach it after some tweaks there and there. I'm really happy that you  and other are reaching it. Unleash the fireeeee!!!!

I will just point out one thing. Look at the background image of Berserker trait. And you gonna understand more about the class. The Torch is the fire that trigger you out.

Just to remember that I already said here many times about it. Berseker Condi is a monster on the Battlefield. There is many variants of the build and are more agressives one.


Thanks, Broxxgar! If you have other build ideas or tips and tricks, I'd love to hear them!

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I have played Burnzerker in WvW for many years. There are many variations of runes and sigils. You can try Speed rune for  more mobility or Antitoxin rune for more condi clear but Balthazar is is my main choice. Other runes can also work for different situations. Off hand sword can work in place of shield or even swap Defence for Arms for extra attack.  Here is a Celestial version with lots of boon duration and lots of quickness.  It has less burn of course but I enjoy playing it because the quickness makes it fun. Eternal champion can be swapped for King of Fires but I am usually diving into groups so extra defence helps. I run some boon duration food on that build also.  Celestial Version I suspect I will end up back with the version with Balthazar runes and dire/trailblazer stats - I always seem to return to this build.  Oh I forgot the sigils on the celestial build - Celerity, Rage, Agility and Smoldering


Edited by Rocket.3058
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2 hours ago, Morwath.9817 said:

Yeah and its not amazing. I have a better condi build myself ive been playing for years,and thats with bow - sw/wh,but he would say "Its slow",i'd say he's slow,i can insta burst ppl down with it,instead of jumping puzzling around ( Pindown while having sig of might up ( Unblock )  + Headbutt in + Burst + Blood reckoning + Burst again + Enable Berserk stance for adren + Swap Weap + Burst again, not many specs can handle this if you do it fast, i like to start off with bow burst myself inside a pindown + cc from headbutt ) . He also keeps using Shattering blow,which is a crap util to use in any mode,it doesnt follow target and the bleed isnt worth the util waste of space neither. He also keeps using Mending when there is no reason to do so while Berserk builds are ALL about bursting you would want Blood reckoning for double bursting. Grab WH instead of torch and youre a cleanse bot too with shake it off + Wh 4 - 5 while making good use of kiting with sword leap,add Berserk stance against blind hate spamm too ( And using it for adren gain )  while trying to land Pindown or any Burst. Double bursting with either sword or bow burst in teamfights,hurts,add in sig of might aswell for unblocks.

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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22 minutes ago, Broxxgar.6801 said:

Take a look on arms trait, you can play Berseker without discipline too. I don't know, but i think you can achieve 3k of Condi Dmg in WvW.

Dmg aint everything. You can also apply more dmg on a triple burst with blood reckoning. No need for arms.

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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12 hours ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

Dmg aint everything. You can also apply more dmg on a triple burst with blood reckoning. No need for arms.

I said to him to take a look, its up to him and you to do that. I'm not saying what is better or not. As condizerker can be played in so many ways.

Condi zerker can clean so many condi, if you put tactics and shouts. You gonna have a good member on your team.

This build should be called King Adalberd or Foefire Unleash hahah.

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3 hours ago, wondermuffin.9680 said:

Had Goku in an unranked game playing a condi zerker. I was amazed to see how long he survived in 2v1s. I am not a fan of condi builds, but will check it out!

Yeah, condi isn't my favorite either, but I have to grudgingly respect that it is probably one of the most effective things warrior can do right now in PvP.


Condi zerker isn't great in 1vX situations, as it's pretty easy to be CC locked and bursted down (don't usually have much access to stability unless you run eternal champion, and that is a huge DPS loss). However, it is fairly tanky thanks to Rabid amulet and having a couple blocks. It also has a little mobility with which to kite. Just as importantly, it is capable of some pretty hefty condi bursts which can put enemies on their heels and make them back off or play defensively.


Compared to power warrior, I've found that condi zerker plays better vs just about everything except Necro.

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11 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Yeah, condi isn't my favorite either, but I have to grudgingly respect that it is probably one of the most effective things warrior can do right now in PvP.


Condi zerker isn't great in 1vX situations, as it's pretty easy to be CC locked and bursted down (don't usually have much access to stability unless you run eternal champion, and that is a huge DPS loss). However, it is fairly tanky thanks to Rabid amulet and having a couple blocks. It also has a little mobility with which to kite. Just as importantly, it is capable of some pretty hefty condi bursts which can put enemies on their heels and make them back off or play defensively.

Run Savage Instinct and Headbutt. Use Shake it Off and Outrage. Use Tempest Runes. Roll Rousing Resilience. Now you are even tankier and can still take KoF. Bonus tank points if you take DorA.

11 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:


Compared to power warrior, I've found that condi zerker plays better vs just about everything except Necro.

Sad but true...

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5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Run Savage Instinct and Headbutt. Use Shake it Off and Outrage. Use Tempest Runes. Roll Rousing Resilience. Now you are even tankier and can still take KoF. Bonus tank points if you take DorA.

Sad but true...

All excellent suggestions. There is definitely plenty you can do to make yourself more tanky (rune of the undead is another excellent option, esp since it has a toughness to condition damage conversion and you're using rabid gear). Unfortunately, most of these come with significant DPS losses. Trying to find that right balance between damage and defense is tough, esp because it is so matchup-dependent.


Dropping cleansing ire for rousing resilience makes tons of sense, and I have run that, too. Personally, though, the things that beat me the most on condi zerker are other condi builds, esp Mesmer, Necro, and burn guard. That's why I've been running CI--with decent results, I might add.  Those matchups are still tough and probably still favor the other classes, but CI gives you a bit more counter play.

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1 hour ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

All excellent suggestions. There is definitely plenty you can do to make yourself more tanky (rune of the undead is another excellent option, esp since it has a toughness to condition damage conversion and you're using rabid gear). Unfortunately, most of these come with significant DPS losses. Trying to find that right balance between damage and defense is tough, esp because it is so matchup-dependent.


Dropping cleansing ire for rousing resilience makes tons of sense, and I have run that, too. Personally, though, the things that beat me the most on condi zerker are other condi builds, esp Mesmer, Necro, and burn guard. That's why I've been running CI--with decent results, I might add.  Those matchups are still tough and probably still favor the other classes, but CI gives you a bit more counter play.

Then split the difference. Swap for CI, but load up on stunbreaks and tempest runes. One great thing that Berserker does have is access to up to 5 stunbreaks on the bar.

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The moment im trying builds I always lose the mood of playing lmao and return to power.


Was kittening around with a zerker build too in unranked but funnily enough i was always pitted against a full guild party of triple necro, dual thief and my team was just pugs so you now, tough to kill with 2 thieves on you. But I must say I was eating the reapers alive with no interruption. Was running a Mace/WH Sword/Torch build for the funzies.

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