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Discord voice communication is a third party program

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Here is Anet's policy regarding third party programs, directly sourced from their official website:


->In general, our policy is as follows:

We do not permit the use of any program that gives one player an unintended, unnatural, or unfair advantage over another player. This includes programs that alter game balance in favor of one player over another, automate actions within the game, promote unattended gameplay, or have an adverse effect on other players.

The best way for you to assess whether a specific third-party program could have any impact on another player is to ask:

  • "Does this program allow someone to play faster, better, longer, or more accurately than someone who doesn't use the program?"
  • "Does this program allow someone to 'play' when he/she is not at the computer?"
  • "Does this program allow the user to gain unnatural or undeserved rewards?"

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes" or even "maybe," then we strongly recommend that you do not use the program. Doing so not only raises the risk that your Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 account may be accessed by a malicious third party, but it can lead to the suspension or termination of your account for violating the Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct.



-Using Discord (or any voice communication program) does in fact give one player an unintended, unnatural, and unfair advantage over another player who is not using voice comms (third party program).


-Using Discord does in fact allow someone to play faster, or more accurately than someone who doesn't use the program.


-Using Discord does allow the user to gain unnatural or undeserved rewards.


Because of this, Discord voice communication in any competitive game mode is considered a ban worthy offense.




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You might perhaps argue that it allows players to play more accurately, and that it allows for unintended advantage, but all other points are a no. And even those two points can be argued.

First, by pointing out that the real advantage is not in letting you "play faster, better, longer, or more accurately", but in improving inter-player coordination, which happens to not be on that list. Second, by pointing out that using discord does not confer any advantage over players that do not use that program, but just happen to be sitting next to each other.

But of course what matters most is the dev intention - the rule indeed does allow them to shut down pretty much any third party program any player might want to use alongside GW2, but it does not mean they want to do that. They have been known to make exeptions for some of those programs in the past, and stuff like Taco, dps meters and voice comms are on that list.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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Well just the fact they can play more accurately and that it creates an unintended advantage against players not using the same third party program, already warrants a suspension, based on their policy.


By relying on a third party program to improve inter-player coordination, that creates an an unnatural and unfair advantage to people not using it.


People who sit next to each other obviously do not use the program, so that isn't the issue. The issue is the use of the third party program on a global scale.

Edited by Nathan.5138
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7 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

Or, given that GW2 is intended as a co-operative game, they could just add access to a voice tool as part of the minimum spec, alongside Broadband and DirectX

Since the voice tool is not part of the game, third party voice communication programs are implicitly unintended by the developers.

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4 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

clearly OP is absolutely correct, ANet need to add Anti-cheat software to the game to check everyone's systems to see if they're running the Dreaded "Discord cheating system" and ban all accounts using it.

Let me explain how that is avoiding my argument, and how none of your points address what I am saying.

Adding an Anti-cheat software does not change the fact that voice comms give players an unintended, unnatural, & unfair advantage to players who are not using a third party voice communication program as well.

Using a third party program to improve response time and accuracy for players using it, should warrant a suspension, based on their policy.

Edited by Nathan.5138
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1 minute ago, Nathan.5138 said:

1) Twitch stream

2) YouTube videos

3) Go into their discord, and take a video / audio recording with all associated users

okay... i'm out.


you clearly had a lot of 'fun' celebrating last night and are still recovering.

drink plenty of water and get some rest.

Edited by Parasite.5389
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So basically what you are saying is "Ban all Guild Wars 2 streamers, all community members, all content creators and every one that plays Guild Wars 2, wether it be with one hand 2 hands feet or whatever body part they want to use" ?

Because in my opinion, people that use third party software to play the game despite having  physical disabilities you are accusing of cheating..

Edited by NoisyBoy.4218
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Firstly I don't think that voice chat is even in scope of the policy, because there is no direct interaction with the game. The overlays, game detection etc. may be an interaction, but it's not the part of this discussion.


Third-party programs are tools or utilities that interact with the game, but which have been developed by an individual or group other than ArenaNet.


Secondly, there is an official mumble api and if this voice chat program is okay for anet, why should discord, TS etc. suddenly be banned.



46 minutes ago, Nathan.5138 said:

1) Twitch stream

2) YouTube videos

3) Go into their discord, and take a video / audio recording with all associated users

I like the third option, so to denunciate some discord users, because of your extremly strict interpretation of a game policy, you propose to violate the real laws of some countries?

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2 hours ago, Nathan.5138 said:

"By your logic any graphics drivers or optimization tools for your graphics card would also be a 'Bannable' offense if they improve gameplay of one player over another."


That is a strawman argument. That is not what I am arguing.

You have no idea what you are arguing about to begin with

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Whether this is a troll thread or not, for reference, the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki has a full page devoted to the use of Discord while playing the game, including the Wiki's own server & links to other voice chat programs

I think it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway 😛 - ArenaNet has no problems with players using any of these programs.


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