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Critters in Cantha


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59 minutes ago, Narcemus.1348 said:

A way of teasing that they are planning to remake the Zhaitan Fight into a Strike Mission for the Expansion?

Yeah, I’m anticipating something like this more than just a ‘random risen washed ashore yesss ago so have some randomly reused old enemies haha’


If there’s any dragon fight they’d remake, it there’s only one that people have spent almost a decade complaining about, it’s Zhaitan.  Either he may return or perhaps the DSD will be utilizing his power in some unforeseen way.  We may get another fight against him or maybe just a little more lore about the recycling of dragons domains of magic when one dies

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The Risen used ships to go all over Tyria. If I’m remembering correctly, Zhaitan’s forces were the main thing blocking travel by sea. It’s more than possible Zhaitan sent naval forces to attempt an invasion in Cantha too and were just never wiped out. Otherwise some remaining unchained Risen decided to hop in a boat and head south for whatever reason. If the jade has been absorbing magic from dragons’ deaths, maybe they sensed some of Zhaitan’s magic to the south and traveled there.

Speculation aside, it’s not entirely improbable for the risen to be in Cantha.

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