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Add pips to unranked as well.

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I've played this game sense launch. I have never had a worse experience with PvP until I decided to start playing again recently. Every time I've queued into ranked or arena in the past I've gotten teammates that at the very least understand the basics of PvP. Now? There is at least 2 teammate in every RANKED game that seem to have legitimately never played PvP before. In all my time playing GW2 it has never been this bad. The only explanation I can come up with is that they are PvE or new players that are queueing into ranked simply for the rewards and it has totally ruined the entire experience of the game for me. I can't really blame them its clearly what anet wants them to do. So why not let people get the rewards in unranked aswell? 

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The population is too low, and conquest is difficult to understand even for plat players lot of times.


I reached plat2 in soloQ with my rev, then I started a streak of matches with pve players in my team, core eles with pets, dagger/dagger core thieves and so on, I returned to g2...


I don't care of rank, but this explain a lot.


It's either a 500-0 game or a 0-500, only 1 match out of ten is fair and balanced because almost nobody is playing, so the matchmaker starts unbalanced games with people of different ranks or at their first pvp experience.


There isn't a tutorial on classes roles, rotations, it gets treated by noobs like a deathmatch, red means dead, nothing more.


I am up for removing completing conquest from pvp, it's up since beta and people still don't understand it, unless of course the usual 20 names who tryhard every single at and win every monthly, how fun.

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5 hours ago, TheAngryDuckling.5481 said:

I've played this game sense launch. I have never had a worse experience with PvP until I decided to start playing again recently. Every time I've queued into ranked or arena in the past I've gotten teammates that at the very least understand the basics of PvP. Now? There is at least 2 teammate in every RANKED game that seem to have legitimately never played PvP before. In all my time playing GW2 it has never been this bad. The only explanation I can come up with is that they are PvE or new players that are queueing into ranked simply for the rewards and it has totally ruined the entire experience of the game for me. I can't really blame them its clearly what anet wants them to do. So why not let people get the rewards in unranked aswell? 


Mileage may vary but for me ranked tend to be a lot more healthy than unranked lately. I'll admit this season i quit playing meme builds so i'm around gold 3/plat 1 where the games seem significantly better in terms of quality/matchmaking than in lower tiers of gold.


I also refuse to queue outside peak hours nowadays as if you get stuck with a serial-thrower/rager you can queue dodge him pretty easily. While in off hours you often play with/vs the same people no matter what. 


Meanwhile unranked is just a coin flip really.

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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Since I've suggested pretty much the same yesterday here, I'm totally for it.
I personally really like Stronghold for instance, but there's currently not real incentive to play Stronghold if you want to also have some progress other than "having a fun time" - which is often good enough but on the other hand I want to do something worthwhile too.
Or if you just don't want to have the pressure of laddering/getting flamed by people who are just there for the rating.


15 hours ago, TheAngryDuckling.5481 said:

The only explanation I can come up with is that they are PvE or new players that are queueing into ranked simply for the rewards and it has totally ruined the entire experience of the game for me.

Yea I've had numerous people in my teams and several guilds who announced in chat that they have finally gotten their last piece of loot/currency and said stuff like they are free now and will never go back to PvP. So this is most likely true to some extent.

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14 hours ago, grx.8714 said:

The population is too low, and conquest is difficult to understand even for plat players lot of times.


I reached plat2 in soloQ with my rev, then I started a streak of matches with pve players in my team, core eles with pets, dagger/dagger core thieves and so on, I returned to g2...


I don't care of rank, but this explain a lot.


It's either a 500-0 game or a 0-500, only 1 match out of ten is fair and balanced because almost nobody is playing, so the matchmaker starts unbalanced games with people of different ranks or at their first pvp experience.


There isn't a tutorial on classes roles, rotations, it gets treated by noobs like a deathmatch, red means dead, nothing more.


I am up for removing completing conquest from pvp, it's up since beta and people still don't understand it, unless of course the usual 20 names who tryhard every single at and win every monthly, how fun.

Sounds na, the last 2 seasons in eu were rly not bad, in this season, I had maybe 10-12 games that where absolut stupid but most of them where rly playable with players that know what to do etc... 

Yeah sometimes there were games were everyone was plat2/3 outside of 1 player for each team, but both got that player and it was not terrible (maybe for the lower players) 

I have to admit that most games we're played while prime time but the match quality was very decent 


Edit: yes pls add pips to unranked 

Edited by Avatar.3568
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19 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Sounds na, the last 2 seasons in eu were rly not bad, in this season, I had maybe 10-12 games that where absolut stupid but most of them where rly playable with players that know what to do etc... 

Yeah sometimes there were games were everyone was plat2/3 outside of 1 player for each team, but both got that player and it was not terrible (maybe for the lower players) 

I have to admit that most games we're played while prime time but the match quality was very decent 


Edit: yes pls add pips to unranked 

If add pips and cheststo unranked I would play it 24/7 over ranked, but then what's the point of ranked? Just titles who doesn't mean absolutely anything? And probably the toxicity on ranked will switch over to unranked because people wanna win for more pips are usual.

I had a Knight of the Arena necro in one game who was talking a lot how he got top 200 last season, how good he was while I was bad in our match.

I rewatched our match we lost, I counted 10 deaths for him who kept solo sidenoding our close and feeding an enemy ranger, then he moved to far and fed lot of kills there too, he didn't do a single team fight with us having a support, and me as rev I was trying to have my +1s plus helping team fights, but with him playing dumb like that it was impossible. I ended up with zero deaths anyway playing very carefully, while he gave the enemy free 50 points. So he has the title and I didn't get one, is him better than me?


Thia being sad 80% of population, already insanely low will move to unranked to farm gold, pips and chests, ranked will be left with the super tryhards who will have to wait 15 mins or more to get into a match, people will tryhard to win in unranked too for more pips and profit per day, toxicity will born.


So how in your opinion that would be a good addition?

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47 minutes ago, grx.8714 said:

If add pips and cheststo unranked I would play it 24/7 over ranked, but then what's the point of ranked? Just titles who doesn't mean absolutely anything? And probably the toxicity on ranked will switch over to unranked because people wanna win for more pips are usual.

I had a Knight of the Arena necro in one game who was talking a lot how he got top 200 last season, how good he was while I was bad in our match.

I rewatched our match we lost, I counted 10 deaths for him who kept solo sidenoding our close and feeding an enemy ranger, then he moved to far and fed lot of kills there too, he didn't do a single team fight with us having a support, and me as rev I was trying to have my +1s plus helping team fights, but with him playing dumb like that it was impossible. I ended up with zero deaths anyway playing very carefully, while he gave the enemy free 50 points. So he has the title and I didn't get one, is him better than me?


Thia being sad 80% of population, already insanely low will move to unranked to farm gold, pips and chests, ranked will be left with the super tryhards who will have to wait 15 mins or more to get into a match, people will tryhard to win in unranked too for more pips and profit per day, toxicity will born.


So how in your opinion that would be a good addition?

Because many players are only playing ranked for the pips, they don't care of the outcome since you will always get the pips. 


That your nec was top 250 is just showing how low the skillfloor is atm in this game. People run since 2 years unkillable necro and getting away with it and they even think they are good. 

In the end It would probably not making a huge difference, but from my experience, people get mostly toxic because their number goes down

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