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Suggestions for some WvW things.

Avion Blade.4869

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Against accidental or on-purpose uneeded pulls:

- Have it automatically go off at 25% gate/wall health instead of being pulled, recharge time is same. It will no longer be pulled by anyone. (if inner/outer keep, it applies only to inner).


Boon Meta is Fine, buff Boon strip skills on all classes.

- Add +1 to the number of boon strips for all classes per pulse from long cooldown pulsing skills. Add +2 boon strips to non-pulsing, long cooldown boon strips. Add +1 boon strip to short cooldown non pulsing skills. (short is less than or equal to 30 sec). This buffs any scale anti-boon fighting. Knowing the quick reapplication of boons from boon builds, this buys time for the player(s) fighting against it. It opens up more gaps in opponent's rotation for counter play and will also lead to new builds.


Remove Tower Anti-Cloak Radar, remove stationary sentry anti-cloak radar.

-  Original Sentry and Tower no longer has radar, instead: The sentry will throw a target painter at any opponent on sight (cooldown is 60s). This allows players to counter the stealth detection of the stationary sentry, by dodging the throw. It is unblockable. If the opponent is already cloaked, he will not try to throw one, because he cannot see him and has no aggro. This allows surprise attacks to have more of an impact rather than being spotted because you moved close to a guard; and it does not remove the purpose of surveillance from sentry, it only places the cloak and detection after his painter lands, rather than on sight detection.


-  To replace tower sensor, Add ONE cloak-detecting mobile point-2-point moving guard near towers. This allows for counter play.  This allows cloak builds to work after defeating the mobile cloak detecting guard (this guard is a non-upgrade and his respawn time is same as original sentry). This mobile guard acts like the original sentry, but is stationed and patrols near towers; detection radius is same as original sentry. Allows for teams to send only 1 person to assassinate the guard, then the rest goes in for the covert ops. 1 detection guard per tower. 


Add small World EXP for staying inside home territory (does not apply to corner spawn points)

- Grant 25 WvW XP per 5 minutes if the player is at a team's territory when the 5 minutes end. Sure some may be afk, but at least give credit to scouts who stay at camps. Some people like doing watch-tower stuff.


What do you think?




Edited by Avion Blade.4869
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25 minutes ago, Avion Blade.4869 said:

Against accidental or on-purpose uneeded pulls:

- Have it automatically go off at 25% gate/wall health instead of being pulled, recharge time is same. It will no longer be pulled by anyone. (if inner/outer keep, it applies only to inner).


Boon Meta is Fine, buff Boon strip skills on all classes.

- Add +1 to the number of boon strips for all classes per pulse from long cooldown pulsing skills. Add +2 boon strips to non-pulsing, long cooldown boon strips. Add +1 boon strip to short cooldown non pulsing skills. (short is less than or equal to 30 sec). This buffs any scale anti-boon fighting. Knowing the quick reapplication of boons from boon builds, this buys time for the player(s) fighting against it. It opens up more gaps in opponent's rotation for counter play and will also lead to new builds.


Remove Tower Anti-Cloak Radar, remove stationary sentry anti-cloak radar.

-  Original Sentry and Tower no longer has radar, instead: The sentry will throw a target painter at any opponent on sight (cooldown is 60s). This allows players to counter the stealth detection of the stationary sentry, by dodging the throw. It is unblockable. If the opponent is already cloaked, he will not try to throw one, because he cannot see him and has no aggro. This allows surprise attacks to have more of an impact rather than being spotted because you moved close to a guard; and it does not remove the purpose of surveillance from sentry, it only places the cloak and detection after his painter lands, rather than on sight detection.


-  To replace tower sensor, Add ONE cloak-detecting mobile point-2-point moving guard near towers. This allows for counter play.  This allows cloak builds to work after defeating the mobile cloak detecting guard (this guard is a non-upgrade and his respawn time is same as original sentry). This mobile guard acts like the original sentry, but is stationed and patrols near towers; detection radius is same as original sentry. Allows for teams to send only 1 person to assassinate the guard, then the rest goes in for the covert ops. 1 detection guard per tower. 


Add small World EXP for staying inside home territory (does not apply to corner spawn points)

- Grant 25 WvW XP per 5 minutes if the player is at a team's territory when the 5 minutes end. Sure some may be afk, but at least give credit to scouts who stay at camps. Some people like doing watch-tower stuff.


What do you think?






#1. Completely disagree. Anything that encourages the game playing itself like this should be discouraged. Why should players get rewarded with an automatic EWP pull when nobody on the server bothered to even scout the structure to begin with? Pulling invulns/EWPs at the right time should be rewarded, and pulling them at the wrong time should be punished, just as they currently are. Trolls are trolls and having them pulled unnecessarily can be frustrating, but this is an issue for all tactivators and I don't agree with your solution to this. At the very least there should be a confirmation prompt and even an explanation of what they do. I remember when I was a WvW noob, I saw the tactivators at home keep on SMC and just pressed them all because I had no idea what they did. 


#2. Agreed that some boonhate got overnerfed, but don't do any blanket changes like ANet already did when they nerfed stuff. Look at skills individually and consider their overall power level, and adjust accordingly. As an example: the fact that Necro's dagger 3, a single target skill on a kitten weapon, got its boonhate nerfed is completely laughable and shows a lack of them considering nuance and context in their big balance patch. Adding +1 to pulsing boonstrips/corrupts sounds pretty insane and unnecessary though tbh. I also think that some boon application absolutely still needs to be looked at, and while we are at it, this horrible perma superpseed meta.


#3.  If I had it my way, I would remove Watchtower completely. But I agree that being permanently marked should be removed from it, and I do quite like your idea of having it be a mobile stealth-detrcting guard. I don't think sentries are an issue because they are very killable and can't be tiered up, and having such a feature increases their value, which is currently very low. Perhaps lower the duration it marks you for, or have the marked effect disappear after you kill the sentry or cap the ring.







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2 hours ago, Avion Blade.4869 said:

Against accidental or on-purpose uneeded pulls:

- Have it automatically go off at 25% gate/wall health instead of being pulled, recharge time is same. It will no longer be pulled by anyone. (if inner/outer keep, it applies only to inner).

If you want this, then why not simply disallow EWP unless the inner wall/gate is 25% or less? All the pros of your suggestion and none of the cons.

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For #2, I generally agree with increasing boon strip, however, be careful about applying universal changes, they almost always go wrong. +1 boon rip on single target skills? Great! +1 on aoe boon strips? That is a very dangerous line today tart walking. 
The idea I prefer is to add more ways to combat boons. For example; spell breaker currently has Disenchantment, which prevents boon application. The problem? It’s only available on Winds of Disenchantment. Expanding where and how it’s applied could be a very cool way to help combat boons. More mechanics like this could give more counter play to boons.

Theres also issues with the boon meta. It shouldn’t go, but it needs to be somewhat altered. Super speed spam is something I would define as problematic. Boons being concentrated on a handful of classes is also problematic. 
The good news is Anet has acknowledged and said they intend to better balance many of the present boon-meta issues! So that will be nice.

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I think there needs to be damage to a structure before you can pull the EWP or any tactics for that matter. As far as EWP's once pulled they need to automatically be spammed in map chat, of course this is only possible if they implement the damage before pulling. Also need to find a way to prevent supplies being consumed by a single player whose sole purpose is to grief a world...everybody has them and everybody seems to know their name or accounts....well that is everyone except Anet who doesn't give a crap. Maybe some limit on how many supplies can be used at any given time at any particular spot?


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Less passive things, more active things, please.

Adding additional Boonhate on everything that already has it means;
Path of Corruption: 3 Boons (5sec recharge AOE Corrupt with Reaper and Soul Reaping btw)
Corrupt Boon: 3 Boons, 2 charges (6 Boons total)
Nightfall (Reaper GS 4): 8 Boons (2 per pulse, 4x)
Well of Corruption: 10 Boons (2 per pulse, 5x)
No class should ever have this much power. Necro already has too much of an impact due to how reliant groups are on Boons for sustain. Among the various problems this causes, it also means Necro is harder to balance and will often be nerfed by no fault of its own. Access to Boons and support in general need to be tuned down. Necro does not need to be tuned up.

I still feel that Watch Tower should be off by default until the objective is contested. That means if you pass a Tower with Watch Tower, you won't be detected unless you aggro the NPC's or damage the structure, at which point Watch Tower will activate.
And while we're at it, Quentin Lake and Langor in EBG need to have their Watch Tower radii reduced, because you cannot get in to Danelon without being Marked.
No other camp is like that. You can sneak in to Pang if you go the long way around near the keep then circle back and go through the Ogrewatch entrance from the hill. You can sneak in to Rogue's if you go through the lake hugging the keep and pass behind the Sentry.

Homeland XP buff sounds okay to me if it's small, but maybe make it more dynamic? Like, enemies in your homeland get more XP for killing, and players in their own homeland get more XP for defending? Not personally a fan of giving only one side a XP boost because it just means camping that BL when Outnumbered would be a significant boost and easy AFK farm. Give the enemy side a reason to challenge that.

Edited by Shroud.2307
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