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More Info on Strike Missions, Balance, and Rewards in End of Dragons

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5 minutes ago, aeris.5846 said:

See the date of the log. Compare to how many LI earned from that point.


Not going to go through all of them, top dps on Cairn has not raided 1nce 2021-06-28. Can't see beyond 2021-06-14.


Similar picture on most, except for those with main accounts where the alt account LI/LD hardly matter.


Even with 200 LI/LD less on each, that is NOT a beginner raid squad. That's a guild raid squad with semi experienced players. Neither of these players would have any issue clearing T4+CMs in a scourge group within 30 minutes of practice.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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2 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Even with 200 LI/LD less on each, that is NOT a beginner raid squad. That's a guild raid squad with semi experienced

I had 273 LI at this time. 1033 today. That not 200 less. 🙂 For many of them, you can divide current LI number by two.

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6 minutes ago, aeris.5846 said:

I had 273 LI at this time. 1033 today. That not 200 less. 🙂 For many of them, you can divide current LI number by two.


Fair enough, but given most haven't raided consistently one would now have to go through each one.


That was also not the point I was trying to make. I was just stating that getting into fractal CMs or raids is far more subject to issues beyond gear or gold, most notably socializing and connections.


It's pointless to argue over which is easier to get into on the basis of gold reward (there are other things one could compare, for example fractals do build players better up, to some extent).


For raids, the rule of thumb is: the first 50 LI/LD are the hardest. That's not as well replicable for fractals, though maybe getting DwD NHLB might be a good comparison. Either are a ton easier with help and that is gear unrelated (and to some extent balance related and how well content can get "exploited" or made easier at the point in time of starting).

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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39 minutes ago, aeris.5846 said:

You can. I organize training raids for that.


Some experienced player, half the squad totally new in raid just picked up from LA even with kitten stuff.

And no problem.


where i see the claims about it beeing a semi/experienced group, why do you post logs older than a year? Just post some logs of a recent training run...

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9 minutes ago, Senfdieb.3985 said:

where i see the claims about it beeing a semi/experienced group, why do you post logs older than a year? Just post some logs of a recent training run...

I give those logs because I remember there is ppl with totally crappy gear on those.

But if you want more logs, the training organized this sunday. This is a guild (in fact more alliance than guild :D) evening. The previous logs was not from guild but from LFG.

Edited by aeris.5846
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1 hour ago, Senfdieb.3985 said:

I just was curious if that training was a one time thing, but you proved me otherwise 🙂

It depends. You need something? We organize.

We have some recurring training, but not with all the same ppl each time. Just open as many squad as we have coms, balancing group for barely same level in all (usually 3 XP each squad), run in raid. Profit.

Sunday training was just someone coming into discord. "Hey, i want to try raid, something planned?" and some hours later we are 8 from our alliance with 2 pug to fill to kick the Cairn kitten 😄

In all cases it's one off squads, not stable ones.

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11 pages later, is Anet going to address this or pretend it doesn't exist and not care? 
I mean I know they already labled their fanbase as toxic players cause apparently all of us are both here and reddit so they apparently don't need to listen to anyone cause we are all toxic players on all sides, but still it'd be great to see them actually communicate more then once. 

You can't say "open communication" if all you do is post one update post and then don't followup and pretend the entire playerbase doesn't exist. "we want to give you more info" THEN DO THAT. 
One opening post does not count unless you are a whiteknight shill. Follow ups are what counts. Tell us "We have heard you and are instead going to do the logical thing which is to not nerf CM's are hard and bring the cost of buying clovers back to how they were" 

its seriously not like we are asking for much when its what's already in the game and they are actively removing older content rewards to push newer content. The hardest 5man content GW2 has on offer is being removed and they are using excuses to get away with it. Could just imagine after this they will follow with removing daily fractals cause how dare we do any 5 man content right? 

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11 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

The hardest 5man content GW2 has on offer is being removed and they are using excuses to get away with it.


- Remove MCs from one of the hardest challenges of the game.
- But sir, our playerbase will be upset/angry.

- Give clover vendors to other content for double MC prices.
- But sir, they barely use the fractal vendor. "Only a very small number of the Mystic Coins consumed each week are used to purchase Mystic Clovers from the fractal vendor. Nearly all coins consumed per week go into Mystic Forge recipes for Mystic Clovers or are used directly in legendary crafting."

- Just do it!

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OMG, just noticed this thread, and i'm just laughing at the sheer ridicule of Arena Net trying to justify the MC change by mathematically proving it was totally unnecessary and petty.
And that they flat out lied on the original article when they said that "Currently, Challenge Mode fractals are one of the largest single sources for Mystic Coins entering our economy, as each boss in Challenge Mode 98, 99, and 100 has a small chance to award either 1, 2, or 3 Mystic Coins."

Honestly, i'm mad at myself for believing this company could change. And congrats on fooling me into paying for the pre-order. Nice move.

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3 hours ago, ReaverKane.7598 said:

OMG, just noticed this thread, and i'm just laughing at the sheer ridicule of Arena Net trying to justify the MC change by mathematically proving it was totally unnecessary and petty.
And that they flat out lied on the original article when they said that "Currently, Challenge Mode fractals are one of the largest single sources for Mystic Coins entering our economy, as each boss in Challenge Mode 98, 99, and 100 has a small chance to award either 1, 2, or 3 Mystic Coins."

Honestly, i'm mad at myself for believing this company could change. And congrats on fooling me into paying for the pre-order. Nice move.


Oh yeah that was hilarious actually. The original article made it seem like most MC's that exist come from Fractal CM's which sent MC prices up. Then they post this and we find out that actually Fractal CM's are about 1%ish of the total gained MC's. (as its amongst 7% of everything else after daily logins) Proving themselves wrong and proving that the change will only hurt the dedicated players who do CM's for no reason at all and will have no effect at all on the market and are only doing it actually to force people off old content and to buy the expansion. The only sense made is that for a single player (without alt accounts) it could be a way to get more MC then they wanted you gaining. Which means they don't like the individual experienced good player. 

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9 hours ago, ReaverKane.7598 said:

OMG, just noticed this thread, and i'm just laughing at the sheer ridicule of Arena Net trying to justify the MC change by mathematically proving it was totally unnecessary and petty.
And that they flat out lied on the original article when they said that "Currently, Challenge Mode fractals are one of the largest single sources for Mystic Coins entering our economy, as each boss in Challenge Mode 98, 99, and 100 has a small chance to award either 1, 2, or 3 Mystic Coins."

Honestly, i'm mad at myself for believing this company could change. And congrats on fooling me into paying for the pre-order. Nice move.

Yeah, it's ridicoulusly sad. They stated that it's only the largest POSSIBLE source one CAN earn. I hope the changes will bring more MCs in the marker, but if MCs was around 1% from CMs then why the kitten they remove them? This excuse is so hilarious, even with the explanation that no one source should provide gold, MCs and clovers at the same time. We are talking about a content that's only played by a few players and it's "very difficult and exclusive" so I don't see a real reason other then they want to force experienced players to the new content.
I also did the math and long story short: as a single player I can earn all MCs (56) I need in a month (28 days/4 weeks) to get all 56 clovers from fractal vendor now, but after EoD to get the same amount of clovers (56) I cannot get the 112 MCs in a month.

Although technically you can buy more clovers (weekly 10 from fracs and raids, 5 from strikes, total 100 in a month) you can only earn 90 MCs (maybe some more with the regular daily frac chests, wvw and pvp tournaments are not included).
So duck me and my legendary progression...I will only buy MCs from TP if they go under 1g (with this double clover price BS).

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11 hours ago, Banryuu.2156 said:

Yeah, it's ridicoulusly sad. They stated that it's only the largest POSSIBLE source one CAN earn. I hope the changes will bring more MCs in the marker, but if MCs was around 1% from CMs then why the kitten they remove them? This excuse is so hilarious, even with the explanation that no one source should provide gold, MCs and clovers at the same time. We are talking about a content that's only played by a few players and it's "very difficult and exclusive" so I don't see a real reason other then they want to force experienced players to the new content.
I also did the math and long story short: as a single player I can earn all MCs (56) I need in a month (28 days/4 weeks) to get all 56 clovers from fractal vendor now, but after EoD to get the same amount of clovers (56) I cannot get the 112 MCs in a month.

Although technically you can buy more clovers (weekly 10 from fracs and raids, 5 from strikes, total 100 in a month) you can only earn 90 MCs (maybe some more with the regular daily frac chests, wvw and pvp tournaments are not included).
So duck me and my legendary progression...I will only buy MCs from TP if they go under 1g (with this double clover price BS).

I doubt they'll go under 1g. We've probably only seen the first half of this thing. Because the second half is in all the new MF recipes that will launch with the expac, especially in the fact that each Legendary is multiple, and i doubt they won't have a Mcoin cost in those.

In the last two years the cost went up by 1g, and the trend isn't deflation, quite the opposite.

Honestly i'm sitting on a bit over 2k MC, and i could be farming more from CMs, but meh. So i'll be ok, i think, i'm not really concerned with the MCs themselves, just what this actually represents in the philosophy behind the game, and its direction. And basically what i'm seeing is that the same attitude and decision making that lead to company having to fire 1/3 of their work force roughly, and the botched Icebrood Saga are still being implemented in the team.
The same kind of "you're wrong, we're right" mentality towards the player base that was displayed after just about every time Arena Net messed up, from Season 1 to Mountgate, that exact same attitude is patent in this thread, which means, nothing changed, the promises that they'd be more open and more communicative were just a marketing scam to sell pre-orders for the expac.


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50 minutes ago, ReaverKane.7598 said:

I doubt they'll go under 1g. We've probably only seen the first half of this thing. Because the second half is in all the new MF recipes that will launch with the expac, especially in the fact that each Legendary is multiple, and i doubt they won't have a Mcoin cost in those.

Well, I hope there won't be another Mystic Tribute. 77 clovers for sure, maybe some MCs for collections like HoT elite spec weapons or upgrading the jade bot, but I really hope the legendary weapons won't need another additional 250 MCs cos' then the prices will go up for sure.

Edited by Banryuu.2156
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Anet: "So we decided to ignore everyone, pretend comments against this didn't exist and go ahead with what we were doing anyway, all feedback to us is toxic feedback doesn't matter if positive or negative or constructive" Just like when they nerfed wvw participation and they ignored all of them, now they ignore all of the fractal players. Open communication? ayyy 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Strike CM rewards are still garbage, please do something about it. Not even 1% of the players will do KO CM with the current rewards when 1 T4 daily give better rewards with less effort, time and isn't weekly gated. EOD meta rewards except Dragon's End are still terrible too. Please tell your rewards "team" to play the game or get in touch with the community because they are clearly not doing their job properly. At least put antique summoning stone/ambergris/t6 mats on strike CM please if you're so afraid of  giving 1% of the players base game too much liquid gold.

Edited by Hazell.2065
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  • 6 months later...
On 12/13/2022 at 5:31 PM, gashen.3874 said:

could you please make the thruster control unit for the turtle unlock purchasable from some vendor or other.

there is no way on this planet that i am going to be able to do the kaineng strike mission

thanks for your time

Why not?

press y go to strikes

Start a squad type **For turtle** and go in with the 9 other people.

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