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[Forum Feedback] Over merging of threads.

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14 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

A "Suggestions" subforum would indeed solve the problem.

There used to be one on the original forum.  But from what I recall it was closed because they felt suggestions on various topics PvE, WvW, PvP, etc were easier to follow in the appropriate forum.   That I understand.  Of course that does not solve the issue when suggestions (or even some other topics) are being pushed into merged threads for the reasons we have discussed above and how it makes discussions among players on those topics disorganized. 

I certainly understand the need for a level of organization.   But I also feel that some discretion should be used before things get moved or merged in order to allow actual discussion.

Edited by JustTrogdor.7892
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14 hours ago, Blue D Phoenix.7260 said:

Wouldn't it be better to move it into a subforum instead? Or does it take too much resources? 

This is actually a brilliant idea although I can see the value of both systems.
The pros of the current system is that ideas can be added to a thread that works like a list, making it easier for developers to thumb through them.  It helps mitigate forum clutter and ends potentially inane or disruptive arguments. 
The cons are that the current system ends discussion and thus refinement of concepts. People's ideas are clustered together even if they are unrelated; there's no organization. 

The pros of adding a suggestion sub forum is that there could be more freedom but also organization of the ideas. Concepts can be discussed and refined.  The potential to have developers choose some idea every few months from the forum and have them vote on it based on community desires would be a great move to involving us again. 
The cons are yet another section to moderate. Potential for disruptive or inane arguments. The thread ballooning in to overwhelming amounts of posts to sift through. 

I personally agree that taking away the discussion aspect of suggestion threads damages the spirit of the forum and results in sometimes redundant things being added to the master thread. However, I can also see the value of paring down the clutter. 

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14 hours ago, Blue D Phoenix.7260 said:

Wouldn't it be better to move it into a subforum instead? Or does it take too much resources? 

I'm not sure this would work in current setup. We have subforums by discipline; "pvp", "instance pve", "LW"... Many if not majority of topics are suggestions of some kind. Basically we have suggestions and we have complaints (and those are suggestion of some kind anyway). 

Many threads are already moved by devs which means it's not completely clear to users where to post. Add more forums and it will be just more confusing.

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On 2/23/2022 at 2:03 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

The problem is that sometimes the person slinging insults or devolving into arguing about arguing also seems to be against the thread’s discussion. 

There will be legit discussion going on, then someone comes along and rapidly posts every other post and the thread gets locked. And like many trolls, some are clever at not breaking any forum rules while doing it. A poster stirs up a storm, and the thread takes the consequence instead of that person.

Owh, yeah, it's just lovely when a person comes along who, instead of just stating their opinion starts trying to invalidate other people's opinions one by one. 
It's even better when they start making stuff up about imaginary data and imaginary people backing up their statements.
😅 😅 😅


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2 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

You need to update your post. Fishing threads need their own sub-forum, now that they no longer are in the realm of suggestions 😜.

Thought that as well, but that would be some ministry of truth level of manipulation. 😉
I think now that fishing has become a reality, the "GW2 needs fishing NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-Threads have come to an end. Maybe "GW2 fishing so bad, fix plox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-threads will become a thing after EoD launch.

Edited by lokh.2695
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