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Post Launch Untamed?


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Shortbow still a random auto attack changed to a skill you need to ground target. 
Pets abilities cannot be toggled to be auto casted making it the weakest pet spec as when downed they don't use abilities and when up they don't use abilities unless you micromanage them. 

is there even any changes at all to this terrible spec that only gimps ourselves? 

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41 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Shortbow still a random auto attack changed to a skill you need to ground target. 
Pets abilities cannot be toggled to be auto casted making it the weakest pet spec as when downed they don't use abilities and when up they don't use abilities unless you micromanage them. 

is there even any changes at all to this terrible spec that only gimps ourselves? 

Pet abilities usually keep being usable while in downstate, is it not the same for untamed?

It should theoretically improve ranger in downstate, since as an untamed you can control the usually pet-activated CC abilities yourself, for example to interrupt stomps.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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6 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Pet abilities usually keep being usable while in downstate, is it not the same for untamed?

It should theoretically improve ranger in downstate, since as an untamed you can control the usually pet-activated CC abilities yourself, for example to interrupt stomps.


Well, when I tested it in SB, on down the beast knocks down. In Untamed, it didn't. 

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34 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Pet abilities usually keep being usable while in downstate, is it not the same for untamed?

It should theoretically improve ranger in downstate, since as an untamed you can control the usually pet-activated CC abilities yourself, for example to interrupt stomps.

Sadly you can't as it seems. The autos from the hammer do more damage than most of the skills, Hammer#2 is very underwhelming. 

Adding the casting time most of the skills make no sense to be used in PvE. 

The dual thing still does not feel good at all. Ambushes in hammer kinda works because the skill is overbloated and last 2 seconds so it's kind of visible,  still the 2 seconds timer does not make it enjoyable. 

Cantrips mostly feel useless. After equipping them mostly stay untouched except the shadowstep. The rest including the elite do not feel impactful or useful. Many times in group events I really missed some kind of group utility. 

Pets feel mostly feel useless because you keep'em with the goo on as the shadowstep allows the pet to stick to target. I haven't tried the new pets yet, still looking for the white tiger. 

Untamed really feel bad, the fact you have to micromanage everything is not good and it does not give a reason to be used over any other spec including core. I tested core and even that feels so much better than untamed.  

Damage is on the low side: In PvE in zerker gear does not respond very well. The only skill that feels useful is thump, it is responsive and if in normal mode you can see the impact in the defiance bar. 

The skill 4 is superweird with that jump in slow motion and no leap associated to it. 

The skill 3 still feels superbad because the chain is very weird too with that second hit which no clear animation and  no close gap so you aren't sure if you are casting the second hit or one auto. 

It is just a mess. 

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It's still not great in PvE. I haven't seen any changes yet but axe ambush and life siphon on ambush skills. 

The untamed mechanic isn't very fun to play, it feels like a worst soulbeast. 

I wish the devs would have followed the idea of Ranger/Warrior dual spec, with a gameplay closer to Berserker, where you would activate the untamed mode, rampage everything for a limited time, with crazy ambush skills, damage boost and everything, and then have a cooldown, or an 'adrenaline" bar to increase with your pet skills for example. Could have been a lot more fun. 
The lack of unleashed pet skills is concerning, you could have specific pet skills per pet type. 

Also, the main issue is due to the low base damage of the ranger. It was heavily buffed thanks to soulbeast, but now the core ranger seems to really suffer from that on that new spec.

I'm fairly disappointed that we haven't seen any changes yet, specially with the announcements that we will see changes in 6 months which is a long time. 

For me it's a big disappointment with this expansion. Really wish they have some changes in stock for untamed before july because it's the most lacking spec by far at the moment. 
Thanksfully, Willbender is very fun to play, but feels a bit overpowered, being able to give alacrity and celerity with your elite might maybe lead to Willbender stacking. Still have to try if it's viable though. 



Edited by ShakingMonkey.1743
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7 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

The dual thing still does not feel good at all. Ambushes in hammer kinda works because the skill is overbloated and last 2 seconds so it's kind of visible,  still the 2 seconds timer does not make it enjoyable. 


The tooltip says it should be 4 seconds now. Hadn't time to play with it to confirm.

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I am just waiting for the honey moon phase to go away, so all that peeps with weird builds in oPvE try to play game modes where the build matter. 

I am very dissapointed with the spec more and more the time passes. The damage for unleash pet skills in pvp are another big question mark in my book thou.... 

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11 hours ago, InsaneQR.7412 said:


I'll tun this. Its not bad. Has perma regen, good prot uptime, decent stab, good mobility and sustain. Decent damage. Pretty on par with my Boonbeast build tbh but with more AoE and less stability.

Ya know, at this point I don't think I could play an open world build that doesn't include a ranged option. Also, that is still less tanky then a true solo build for SB and does less damage and relies on the pet. With how badly designed pet AI is, not sure why people even want to try Untamed at all. 

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2 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Ya know, at this point I don't think I could play an open world build that doesn't include a ranged option. Also, that is still less tanky then a true solo build for SB and does less damage and relies on the pet. With how badly designed pet AI is, not sure why people even want to try Untamed at all. 

Ilmean i always have a ranged weapon on my second gear set just in case.

The pet draws aggro surprisingly well and i can keep it stuck to a target also quite nicely by constantly teleporting it across the battlefield.

I think it performs worse against a single target compared to SLB but against multiple targets it performs better. Way batter actually just because it has way more cleave and AoE CC.

Survivability wise i think they are pretty much on par.

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Am liking it a lot. Boon rip really pulls it's weight vs tons of EoD mobs that walk around with protection and now resolution as well like it's never going out of fashion. Core nor soulbeast can't do jack bout that.
Awesome survival as well - tons of cc, immortality heal skill, protective elite, and anti-projectile field for your pet.

That being said there are quite a few pain points:

1. all 3 grandmaster traits heavily favor power builds doing next to nothing for condition builds.

2. Same story for hammer. This is THE weapon for the spec, that has 10 skill total yet 0 damaging condition output.

3. Bit lacking in support - soulbeast which is the top dps spec for ranger has some on top of base package in terms of stance sharing. But untamed stays pretty tamed here...

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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People just complain way too much. They just want an easy, play with one hand build like someone here lol. Just enjoy what your stuck with and if you don't like it, move on to another class. If no one plays Ranger, it will alert Devs and hopefully it gets some love.


2 cent rant aside, just reading the grandmaster trait Fervent Force before testing. I was hoping that it would also include pet's disable to proc the trait. The amount of build it would open if it would :). 

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On 3/4/2022 at 12:22 PM, gogogodofwind.9630 said:

People just complain way too much. They just want an easy, play with one hand build like someone here lol. Just enjoy what your stuck with and if you don't like it, move on to another class. If no one plays Ranger, it will alert Devs and hopefully it gets some love.


2 cent rant aside, just reading the grandmaster trait Fervent Force before testing. I was hoping that it would also include pet's disable to proc the trait. The amount of build it would open if it would :). 

Yea I feel like all the people who complain about this class don't quite understand it yet. I've been playing with it in all the game modes and I'm liking it so far, it'll have a lot of potential once all the decent players optimizes it.


In wvw/pvp I think it's it works just fine, I'd say it plays a lot more like core warrior or herald, it's pretty mechanically heavy but once people start getting good at landing all the CC combos it'll be a monster. Down side is, you don't have much utility or mobility unless you take certain weapon sets.


In open world PvE you kinda just steamroll through everything, specially with your elite which you can recharge even faster with that one trait recharges your cooldowns every time you land a cc. Haven't gotten a chance to play it in more serious pve settings and I'm not quite sure how to optimize its dps quite yet but ranger isn't really great at power dps anyway.

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