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I understand mesmer mains but..

Grand Marshal.4098

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2 hours ago, Obliviscaris.6937 said:



Again, and I mean this in the most respectful way possible, No. I don't know who you think  you are, and if I sound belligerent, it's because I absolutely am. I've been a diehard Mesmer player since 2005. I'm not assaulting anyone's character, I'm assaulting the cognitive dissonance that's pervading this section of the forum spearheaded by people who do not want things to improve, and who are unfortunately okay with mediocre (being generous here) class design.

The narrative you're trying to push is going to only damage chances  of Virtuoso getting the fixes it needs IF by chance the developers decide to stop ignoring the huge amount of feedback provided on the official forums. So no, I'll say what I want within the boundaries  of the code of conduct. 

I'd love to log in and play but it's frankly depressing, because the developers do not care, and despite our (long time veterans) best efforts, people refuse to understand. The toxic positivity is damaging and is enabling bad decisions. 

Screw it, I'll be banned for this post. Whatever. I'm out.

Honestly couldn't have said it better myself thank you for this, I am not one to jump onto another class because its meta i play mesmer because its my main and ill stick to it till the very end, but when you have people who don't even have 1/4th of the experience you have with mesmer and is making comments like they know it all, its really sad that veterans are drowned out.

You have people who didnt even touch mesmers because of the "dislike" of clones coming here making remarks because of how much they enjoy virtuoso, congrats you enjoy a spec of MESMER but know nothing of. Quite sad where the game is heading but luckily there are other games out there to enjoy.

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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Truth be told what is happening to GW2 is following the same suit as WoW, only thing ANET can be proud of is that there is no sexual harassment cases on them. In terms of being disconnected with the playerbase this is 100%. I understand that GW2 is not a sub game so resources are limited, but you cannot honestly tell me that from the first beta till release that there are STILL issues from the FIRST beta still persisting on release and that its ok.

Y'all need to redistribute talent from your visual artist team to the balance team because I feel terrible for everyone else that worked hard only for the balance team to screw it up this badly. Its like you don't even play your own game.

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35 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Y'all need to redistribute talent

i remember very very early on in the games life... like.... first few days.... maybe even betas...

i got scolded by someone on the forums telling me there were "different teams, what are you talking about, blah blah" when i made a mild-joke-not-really-joke about "good thing they're fixing a bread food buff rather than fixing ~~~~" whatever it was that i was complaining about, 99% sure it was skill/balance related but..... yea......


"different teams dude different teams"

meanwhile, the balance team:

makes virtuoso an actual thing and calls it acceptable 

like if it's their job?? what else are they even doing???

are the class designers/singular person on the job-probably-from-what-the-output-looks-like just.... doing other stuff in the game and can't be bothered to look into anything at all?

i mean seriously come flippity floppity on 


3 hours ago, Obliviscaris.6937 said:

I'd love to log in and play but it's frankly depressing, because the developers do not care, and despite our (long time veterans) best efforts, people refuse to understand. The toxic positivity is damaging and is enabling bad decisions. 


i feel this on a spiritual level

Edited by Alpha.1308
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11 hours ago, Obliviscaris.6937 said:



Again, and I mean this in the most respectful way possible, No. I don't know who you think  you are, and if I sound belligerent, it's because I absolutely am. I've been a diehard Mesmer player since 2005. I'm not assaulting anyone's character, I'm assaulting the cognitive dissonance that's pervading this section of the forum spearheaded by people who do not want things to improve, and who are unfortunately okay with mediocre (being generous here) class design.

The narrative you're trying to push is going to only damage chances  of Virtuoso getting the fixes it needs IF by chance the developers decide to stop ignoring the huge amount of feedback provided on the official forums. So no, I'll say what I want within the boundaries  of the code of conduct. 

I'd love to log in and play but it's frankly depressing, because the developers do not care, and despite our (long time veterans) best efforts, people refuse to understand. The toxic positivity is damaging and is enabling bad decisions. 

Screw it, I'll be banned for this post. Whatever. I'm out.

I have nothing against you, i never said you did. It was the other guy who attacked the author. 
I understand you feeling and also do want Virtuoso to be fixed. I mostly have problem with people saying a cloneless spec is bad. I enjoy playing Virtuoso and nothing about how the class plays need to change, I mostly want to be completive enough to rival my Chrono rotation.

A lot of the kit is underperforming because traits are not interacting between Core and Virtuoso well. It needs a lot of fine tuning and then it should be fine, I would like another pull like the Chrono ultimate.

Edited by Mell.4873
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8 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Truth be told what is happening to GW2 is following the same suit as WoW, only thing ANET can be proud of is that there is no sexual harassment cases on them. In terms of being disconnected with the playerbase this is 100%. I understand that GW2 is not a sub game so resources are limited, but you cannot honestly tell me that from the first beta till release that there are STILL issues from the FIRST beta still persisting on release and that its ok.

Y'all need to redistribute talent from your visual artist team to the balance team because I feel terrible for everyone else that worked hard only for the balance team to screw it up this badly. Its like you don't even play your own game.

I work in programing and that's not how talent works.

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On 3/4/2022 at 5:56 AM, Infusion.7149 said:

Wow the hostility.

In all seriousness though virtuoso is bad in WVW due to the projectiles. In addition , dagger in general has a deficiency in the speed of dagger 3. There isn't any compelling reason to play it over power scourge at the moment even after nerfs to scourge ; if you want to boon rip without gravity well or "infinite target" shield 5 tides of time it is a losing endeavor especially when the bladesong is piercing rather than AOE around mesmer and the target.

GS would prob be taken in pvp over dagger in pvp lack of sustain then again that weird delay and lack of mobility isn't helpful either. At least chrono can escape by  taking the place of its clone and at least mirage has some mobility to escape attacks.

What the heck are you meant to do with virtuoso?

Edited by Axl.8924
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6 hours ago, Axl.8924 said:

GS would prob be taken in pvp over dagger in pvp lack of sustain then again that weird delay and lack of mobility isn't helpful either. At least chrono can escape by  taking the place of its clone and at least mirage has some mobility to escape attacks.

What the heck are you meant to do with virtuoso?

It's pretty clear it's an openworld PVE spec. The only other place you'd run power is on a power oriented raid such as Keep Construct/Conjured Amalgamate/Vale Guardian. Of those instances people normally ask for chrono due to CC. I suppose it is also workable in fractals if you have a power comp as it bursts harder due to blade generation out of combat.

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I feel Mesmer in General in all its  specs needs some very fine tuning and upgrades. Like most Veterans I played Mesmer every since GW1. I love mesmer and the concept of it, even with the changes from GW1 to 2. If you look at the Patches notes Mesmer is always nerf and doesn't get the quality of love like some classes do. We are one of the hardest classes to learn and understand and if I say so one of the most Iconic classes of the game. I want Mesmer to be better, I want to be able to play any spec or any game mode its want without having it be ok at best.  I know Anet want to see more class diversely but why is it Mesmer's who are punished for playing a class they like/love just because we doing well one area when other classes are doing great in all three... It just not fair.. I don't mean to belittle people other classes I just wish the balance of this game was better. It makes me so sad that I can pop on to new Necro spec and melt enemies but when I'm Mesmer its takes more skill and having boost my stats to do even somewhat OK damage.  -_-

Edited by psi.9304
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I think what really needs to be asked is if the reason why Virturoso is considered bad in WvW an indictment of poor class design or an indictment of the trash state of WvW.  Unless you are roaming/skirmishing, there are really only a few class/builds that could run with a zerg and be considered viable/helpful.. 

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