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Dragon's End Meta - I Love It

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10 hours ago, Lukian Darkblade.8012 said:


I really don't mean it as bragging but more to show that I do have experience in the fight and how much I've enjoyed it so far to continue attempting the fight. For every kill, we've had at least 1 loss. The other points in your post are valid but I really wanted to share how much I enjoy doing this meta event.



I definitely agree with you on believe ArenaNet intended on people doing wisps this long. I point out many times to my squads that complain about people griefing that as long as we all use complete the other mechanics and have high DPS, the wisp time doesn't matter.



I actually have posts from years ago but it seems so long ago that those are no longer tied to my account anymore. I didn't want to stir up reactions. I wanted to share how much I enjoyed the fight and hope that my insight could help others see the perspective from someone who does enjoy it. Unfortunately it feels like the post was made to be a joke with all of the "Confused" reactions and on top of that, reading the additional negativity in this topic so far just makes me want to remove the post.



I think in total I've had 5 or 6 fails? Give or take 1 but I do know it's close to even on how many kills.



I definitely understand but that is also slightly my point. Seeing how ArenaNet has treated previous challenging content, this meta will almost definitely be balanced to make things easier for everyone. For now I just really enjoy everyone coming together to get the kill, but unfortunately many of the maps fail so it's all about making sure you get in with the right group or set one up yourself.



This is why I believe the Turtle Mount is locked behind the meta event. Otherwise, why really come do the 1+ hours worth of work? This way, people should always be doing the event unlike places like Dragon's Stand but we will just have to see what the future brings.

It says on your profile that you joined at the same time you posted, just sorta seems like you joined just to post that. 

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11 hours ago, Lukian Darkblade.8012 said:


I really don't mean it as bragging but more to show that I do have experience in the fight and how much I've enjoyed it so far to continue attempting the fight. For every kill, we've had at least 1 loss. The other points in your post are valid but I really wanted to share how much I enjoy doing this meta event.



I definitely agree with you on believe ArenaNet intended on people doing wisps this long. I point out many times to my squads that complain about people griefing that as long as we all use complete the other mechanics and have high DPS, the wisp time doesn't matter.



I actually have posts from years ago but it seems so long ago that those are no longer tied to my account anymore. I didn't want to stir up reactions. I wanted to share how much I enjoyed the fight and hope that my insight could help others see the perspective from someone who does enjoy it. Unfortunately it feels like the post was made to be a joke with all of the "Confused" reactions and on top of that, reading the additional negativity in this topic so far just makes me want to remove the post.



I think in total I've had 5 or 6 fails? Give or take 1 but I do know it's close to even on how many kills.



I definitely understand but that is also slightly my point. Seeing how ArenaNet has treated previous challenging content, this meta will almost definitely be balanced to make things easier for everyone. For now I just really enjoy everyone coming together to get the kill, but unfortunately many of the maps fail so it's all about making sure you get in with the right group or set one up yourself.



This is why I believe the Turtle Mount is locked behind the meta event. Otherwise, why really come do the 1+ hours worth of work? This way, people should always be doing the event unlike places like Dragon's Stand but we will just have to see what the future brings.

The biggest issue with Guild Wars 2 is they release new content/maps and new metas with the content, but after a while either rewards get hard-nerfed, or the event itself gets some kind of change that no longer makes it worthwhile to even bother doing unless you need it for an achievement or storyline. Once that is finished, most people leave and never go back.

It always happens, and has continuously happened with the first 2 expansions, and living world story/maps. It will happen again to Dragon's End unless they rework the reward drops and map-meta drops to make it worthwhile for players to come back and complete them regularly. I'm not saying to make players filthy rich off these metas, but it's clear the formula is not working very well, and creates empty or severely low populated maps once everyone else has moved on.

That is the problem that needs addressing the most, as it's the #1 reason players become unhappy with the game based on my time playing over the past 5 years and my own experience as well. I finish the content and move on, rarely ever going back.

Edited by Caitybee.3614
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On 3/5/2022 at 12:10 AM, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

It says on your profile that you joined at the same time you posted, just sorta seems like you joined just to post that. 


Yeah, unfortunately I have been away from the forums for so long at this point that it seems all of my old posts are nowhere to be found. Not really sure why. That being said, I never posted much anyway but I did have some.

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On 3/5/2022 at 7:06 AM, Caitybee.3614 said:

The biggest issue with Guild Wars 2 is they release new content/maps and new metas with the content, but after a while either rewards get hard-nerfed, or the event itself gets some kind of change that no longer makes it worthwhile to even bother doing unless you need it for an achievement or storyline. Once that is finished, most people leave and never go back.

It always happens, and has continuously happened with the first 2 expansions, and living world story/maps. It will happen again to Dragon's End unless they rework the reward drops and map-meta drops to make it worthwhile for players to come back and complete them regularly. I'm not saying to make players filthy rich off these metas, but it's clear the formula is not working very well, and creates empty or severely low populated maps once everyone else has moved on.

That is the problem that needs addressing the most, as it's the #1 reason players become unhappy with the game based on my time playing over the past 5 years and my own experience as well. I finish the content and move on, rarely ever going back.

I mean. To be fair. At least HoT metas remain relevant with reasons that may or may not be given by EoD metas. Legendary crafting, insanely rare infusion drops and maybe a specific rune. Legendary crafting is given, infusion probably is though I doubt anyone had a drop yet if it exists. LS maps have issues. PoF was also a bit of a mess. But a ton of metas in core and HoT are alive and well being done round the clock by one or more maps. 

I do fear that DE is turning off people so hard as to abandon it entirely. Similar to PoF. Gating turtle behind it was a terrible idea. Even more terrible to have it be the start. If anything, it should have been the end of the turtle collection so people could get back into playing through the metas on the other maps and the first two strikes. Increasing difficulty slowly as they try to unlock it. Before having to do DE meta. Which would've given time to hardcore players to figure out the event, given ANet more time to tune it (which has always been necessary for metas. Including DE by fixing the two wisp glitches), would've guaranteed that everyone have gotten back into playing the game and would have turned it into the glorious finale ANet seemingly wants it to be.

Instead, most people never did any of the other content. Metas on other maps, strikes, etc. Having only followed the story, done some fishing or collected insights and then start with DE. Making the glorious finale only the finale to the story but the beginning of the EOD journey. 

Collection should've started unlocked or be unlocked in an early story step. And been the secondary guide through the expansion. Leading people through the open world activities and arborstone content the story didn't explicitly cover. Ending with DE as final step to charge the turtle cannons or something like that. The inclusion as is, is just super awkward. and leaves you with a very suboptimal mental state once you finally get to work on the collection. 

Edited by Erise.5614
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There is a very easy fix, for hardcore players that like the current state and for casual players, just enable the map private squad or public squad like dragonstorm, add much more time for public squad, you can keep you hardcoare timer.

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I'd like to add my voice to this too. While I agree it's a bit of a shame that the turtle has been locked behind it for players that have more difficulty or just don't want to play harder content, and should maybe be moved from it, I am *loving* the meta.  


This is what I was hoping for, and a little disappointed by admittedly, on PoF release. These metas were the most fun I've ever had in GW2 when we had them in Heart of Thorns. I've been waiting for this for years, and bar a few teething issues, it's honestly everything I'd hoped it would be.


The amount of people complaining honestly really worries me a bit, because... I understand that not everyone likes this kind of content. I understand it's frustrating to have something gated behind it like the turtle. But.. I've been waiting for something like this for so long, something truly challenging to complete, fun to command, with a risk of failure, but when you do make it, with great rewards. We have so many easy open-world events, and I've been made to play along with them without needing to do anything more than boring 1-pressing for years if I wanted any shinies. It's nice to have something that's truly my thing in open-world for once.


I for one am genuinely grateful for the meta, and I hope it can remain in GW2's future as a truly satisfying thing to complete that takes investment and effort.

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On 3/5/2022 at 6:10 AM, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

It says on your profile that you joined at the same time you posted, just sorta seems like you joined just to post that. 

And even when, what would be so bad about this? I saw many post in the years where people just joined the Forum to hate or love on anet. Theres a start for everyone. It's sad how people get attacked for liking something ...

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4 minutes ago, Spyritdragon.6048 said:

But.. I've been waiting for something like this for so long, something truly challenging to complete, fun to command, with a risk of failure, but when you do make it, with great rewards. We have so many easy open-world events, and I've been made to play along with them without needing to do anything more than boring 1-pressing for years if I wanted any shinies. It's nice to have something that's truly my thing in open-world for once.

I like challenging content, too.

But the thing is: To make a fight really challenging for skilled players it has to be designed and balanced carefully. You can not do this in open world maps. Too much variables. Thats only possible in instanced content where you can balance around a fixed number of players that all have the same goal. And thats what a lot of squads are doing now. They try to cheese the multiserver system with map hopping to get the squad in a fresh, empty, exclusive map instance. Anet should have put the fight on the platform in a 50-player instance. That would have also valued player time much more. Because if you fail you can just "/gg" and try again learning the fight without doing those several hours long pre-events that are not really challenging but boring if you do them more than 10 times.

And about the rewards: I have the egg and got the other rewards. Beside the egg there are not really good rewards that reflect the time that players invested in this map meta. There are other map metas that give much better rewards.

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On 3/4/2022 at 2:18 AM, Lukian Darkblade.8012 said:

Hello everyone,


My name is Lukian and I have been commanding attempts in Dragon's End since day 2 of EoD. I lead the Guild Requiem and together we have 4 confirmed take downs on the final boss. One of which with over 5 minutes left on the timer. (I only mention because I am very proud of this accomplishment but don't mean to brag.)


I love Guild Wars 2 so I definitely have a heavy opinion on the game and what is released. Even with that love, I never really post onto the forums, but, after reading through a lot of the topics and seeing the negativity on this meta event (even in the topics of people trying to praise the event) I wanted to share my own thoughts on everything.


So far I would place this meta at the top of my list, being my now favorite meta in the game. That being said, I can definitely see myself getting worn out quickly as it takes quite some time to complete and right now, you may not always get the kill. All that said, I am thoroughly enjoying such challenging content. A meta event like this has brought many people throughout the community together to create strategies on how to get kills easier and/or make things easier for everyone. I much rather being able to do this, than just be able to run through the meta with my eyes closed. The feeling of glory and accomplishment every time we are able to land the kill is just amazing.


Even with the love for this event, I know that somewhere in the future it will be nerfed to make things easier for everyone. I'm hoping that sharing my thoughts will help to show the ArenaNet that there are many of us in this great community that love this type of content. I really hope to see more of these types of meta chains in the future for sure.


My only ask to everyone out there that is upset due to its difficulty is hold out for now. Try joining in a group that is strategizing and/or working their hardest to get the kill. Eventually this meta will get the nerf you want but for now please let us enjoy the challenge we have in front of us. Let's all enjoy the game together!


Thank you ArenaNet for such an amazing journey through Guild Wars 1 up till now. This game and community will always be such a huge part of my life.

I think it's great that there are people who love it and got a win right away.  But...would you still love it if you were like some people who haven't had a win, and had 20-30 straight losses?  It's a fair question.  I don't dislike the boss fight itself but I don't want to spend literally a weeks worth of hours to do it .I have done it 12 times now.  The first time obviously I was just scared because I had no idea what the mechanics were and neither did most anyone else at that point.  But I figured out how it worked fairly quickly and enjoyed it the next 4 times or so.  But then spending all the time...because you have to get in the map to even do the meta since the ones in LFG that aren't fresh are full and you can't join them because you can't get on the map.  So that is waiting time right there, then an hour for the pre, and 20 minutes for the fight only to lose.  That makes you love it less real fast after doing it multiple times.  Not to mention having the turtle apparently makes the event smoother, but you can't get the turtle unless you complete the event.  In life the things I enjoy most I don't want to sit and do repetitiously 30 hours a week, because that sucks the enjoyment out of it and it becomes a chore.

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