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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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I'm regretful about the utter lack of constructive feedback during the last "few" pages. Instead of making suggestions to improve the event, people rather flat out reject engaging with the new content the game offers. I do hope that we're able to come back to the topic at hand and submit suggestions again to improve Dragons End. Here are some ideas I have in mind:

  • People raised the concern that the event is far too long. A solution to that problem would be to reward people with stacks of the contribution-buff upon doing the escort-event-chains prior to the boss fight. You probably still need to do a few events prior to sscorts, but it would still severely shorten the time you need to spend on the event. You can do without the 5% extra damage by having every region on high, but doing without the 20% extra damage is quite harsh. Sure, you could also scrap the entire preparation phase to begin with and in turn nerf Soo Wons HP by a ~20% to make up for the DPS-buff, but that could ultimately lead to people being afk during escorts, thus "invalidating" active gameplay.
  • Another problem is squad building and squad composition. I actually do recommend slightly increasing the player limit on EoD maps to make accomodating a full squad easier. You could also change the squad building process to automatically organize the squad in parties (of five in GW2s case) - which is actually the standard in most other MMORPGs. The commander of a squad should also be more visible if you aren't on their map. Since the player limit on EoD maps is rather low, it's often quite difficult to get into maps - especially when it's not visible whose map you need to join.
  • I also recommend a harsh nerf to waystations in order for people to use their CC skills conciously. In return, you also need to harshly nerf the defiance bar damage needed on Soo Won - to a level where people can't "accidentally" break her defiance bar but also to a level where some conciously used CC is sufficient. There also needs to be an even harsher nerf to whirlpools since their defiance bars are way overtuned.
  • There were already suggestions to fixing the RNG aspect of the fight. I still think that adding some hard and soft CDs and mechanic caps per phase will solve the problem - like: have a certain amount of tails and/or swipes per 20% phase at maximum and/or put a "mechanic" CD on Soo Won so breaking her defiance bar won't lead to a "punishment phase" where her Exposed debuff gets eaten up either by a tail or by a swipe mechanic. You may also translate tail damage into boss damage at a certain rate.
  • Last but not least, you need to vastly improve the rewards. 5 Memories of Aurene simply aren't sufficient for more than at the very least one hour of work if you can get the same amount in 15 minutes of Dragonstorm.

I really hope that this event won't get nerfed into oblivion. It's a very good culmination of what people experienced prior to Dragons End in EoD. There aren't any new mechanics besides greens during the fight, so people should find it rather intuitive. I do believe that just selling the mount for 200 writs is the wrong move in the long term, but I guess that's something that can't be changed. At the very least, I hope that you won't listen to the people who merely want to "play" the game as some sort of interactive movie. You did a great job with Dragons End after all.

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1 hour ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

Just adding in case people are unaware.

You have to do a strike for the collection to unlock it after the event.

A main advertised feature behind a raiders meta and a strike mission.

I’m regretting buying this xpac now. Anet has shown that this new direction is just misleading advertising and severe lack of awareness of its player base. 

This is nothing like the roller beetle.

I actually really like the meta, I however don't agree with the turtle being locked behind it and how abysmal the reward from the meta is win or lose. I also don't agree with the turtle AP being locked behind the strike mission...but in all fairness the strike mission is extremely easy, if you did the story version then you definitely can do the strike version. Not much of it has change and it's a very easy strike mission.

Also...it's definitely easier then the Skyscale in a different sense. The meta itself isn't hard for the most part.

Edited by Veka.8710
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18 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

Just adding in case people are unaware.

You have to do a strike for the collection to unlock it after the event.

A main advertised feature behind a raiders meta and a strike mission.

I’m regretting buying this xpac now. Anet has shown that this new direction is just misleading advertising and severe lack of awareness of its player base. 

This is nothing like the roller beetle.

I have to agree.


I think a change in marketing tactics is in order OR a change to allow players to select the level of play they want to play. I think clearer labeling of the content expectations and less blurring of lines. Start labeling releases as "Open World / Living World" and keep the content to Pre-EoD  content levels. and "AreanaNet/Challenging / Hard Core" content and keep the base level at EoD and higher to the contentedness of the l33tz.


Nothing in here states the game is meant for challenging content! It speaks quite literally to the solo, group, PvEr and casual who might also want to meet and play with others! I kept hearing "make it easy" and "What you want to play, where you want to play when you want to play it" and "we want the player to feel like the hero" . That is nothing like this release. If the "unique game experiences" are all going to be balled up into "challenging" content then maybe AreanaNet should start looking at other games and how they offer game mode difficulty choices?


One option is to build game release so the player actually gets to pick the level of play they want to play the content in. THAT is the BEST design. Have choices for Solo, Normal, Hard, Challenging, Elite, Grenth level modes. Group play is with Normal-Grenth.


Because this goes beyond JUST the Battle for the Jade Sea! I have finished story and map comp for all of EoD. As we went through we found similar levels of requirements for the other content in the release.


I made a choice years ago between Guild Wars and another game. The sole reason Guild Wars won that battle at that time was no monthly fees. EoD is forcing a reconsideration of that choice especially now that the other game no longer has a sub fee. The choice is becoming very hard to remain. I realize I am but one player. I will make no difference to Guild Wars 2 if I remain or leave.


So I make this plea AreanaNet, Please....Please add player choice levels for game modes in future releases. I know many have asked on the forums before for level selection choices in strikes, raids and other content. This one feature added to Guild Wars 2 can truly put you at the top of the industry.


Sadly we have already made the choice that EoD content is not for us. I hope Guild Wars 2 future includes more play styles than what EoD does. Because EoD is just for "Hard, Challenging, Elite, Grenth" level modes. There is very little content for PvE Open World at more Pre-EoD play levels.

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13 minutes ago, Veka.8710 said:

I actually really like the meta, I however don't agree with the turtle being locked behind it and how abysmal the reward from the meta is win or lose. I also don't agree with the turtle AP being locked behind the strike mission...but in all fairness the strike mission is extremely easy, if you did the story version then you definitely can do the strike version. Not much of it has change and it's a very easy strike mission.

The Meta is hard, unless you missed the current 48 pages you'd know that. Reports are in that it is highly dependent on luck and even prepped groups fail due to RNG. 
It is not easier than the Skyscale, especially when you bring in return achieves. Skyscale.....scratch that.....every other mount was, at most, time. Not once was I forced to do a raid-like meta or strike. Hell, even the box art mounts from PoF were part of the story. 

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6 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

The Meta is hard, unless you missed the current 48 pages you'd know that. Reports are in that it is highly dependent on luck and even prepped groups fail due to RNG. 
It is not easier than the Skyscale, especially when you bring in return achieves. Skyscale.....scratch that.....every other mount was, at most, time. Not once was I forced to do a raid-like meta or strike. Hell, even the box art mounts from PoF were part of the story. 

It isn't hard - the only "hard" part is RNG screwing you over. The rest consists of basic game mechanics. That's why people should post suggestions about fixing the RNG-aspect.

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34 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

 submit suggestions again to improve Dragons End.


Mine have and so have others. I could make them more clear but then End of Dragons wasn't very clear in its information either.


But yeah suggestions are all over this post.


Question is will they be heard? Will they have impact? Our fear is they won't. Our hope is they will or we wouldn't have said anything at all.


Here is another suggestion: Make all content that is harder than Pre-EoD Open World content Instanced content with CM's and add higher level CM's to befit "Hard, Challenging, Elite and finally  Grenth"

Another one is to stop locking mounts behind challenging content.

Yet another, stop putting RNG on things it doesn't work (there is no true randomness in coding every one above a tech or who has had basic computing 101 knows that) and players don't like it.


I'm sure those have been mentioned before. Question is will it do any good?

Edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710
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Just now, Raizel.8175 said:

It isn't hard - the only "hard" part is RNG screwing you over. The rest consists of basic game mechanics. That's why people should post suggestions about fixing the RNG-aspect.

Truly? I don't think it can be fixed because of how integral the RNG is. If that was removed or scaled down to the point where it was able to be dealt with by pugs, that kills the difficulty. The rest is just stay out of fire and remember to split / jump / die in a whirlpool. Hardly inspiring.

It should not have been implemented with RNG, its a flawed concept that is inherently antagonistic design because it punishes even those who spend time preparing.

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4 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

It isn't hard - the only "hard" part is RNG screwing you over. The rest consists of basic game mechanics.


No, "Basic" is not the proper word for this. Dodge is basic, pressing keys is basic. Knowing when and how and what to drop boons, condi removes, or stack Stability. No not basic. Advanced / Challenging play levels yes but not basic! Use of comms, coordination + previously mentioned is above and beyond what even AreanaNet was willing to put into the game! There is no built in voice service, Commanders on a map do not automatically get to have audio to the map! No not even AreanaNet was willing to put the effort into EoD!

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8 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

Truly? I don't think it can be fixed because of how integral the RNG is. If that was removed or scaled down to the point where it was able to be dealt with by pugs, that kills the difficulty.

Everything that is too hard for pugs should not be part of the open world but should be put in instanced content.

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22 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

The Meta is hard, unless you missed the current 48 pages you'd know that. Reports are in that it is highly dependent on luck and even prepped groups fail due to RNG. 
It is not easier than the Skyscale, especially when you bring in return achieves. Skyscale.....scratch that.....every other mount was, at most, time. Not once was I forced to do a raid-like meta or strike. Hell, even the box art mounts from PoF were part of the story. 

RNG does not make it hard though, the concept of the meta is easy, the mechanic of the meta is easy, I usually run it with an organize group and we've had more win then lost we do however lose at times due to RNG but that does not make the meta hard, it makes the meta hard to complete due to the RNG.

I'm not disagreeing with you in terms of the turtle being locked behind that meta buddy, so no need to be an unpleasant person about it.

Edited by Veka.8710
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Propably just sum it up:
- You need to DPS like crazy up to 70%
- You need to break each cc bar. This is the blue one. You learned it in the previous quests. DPS is totally NOT impornant while this blue bar is up. Shatter it like a heart!
- When the announcement in the voice comes that tail is producing bubles or the tail is up. Ignore the head and run and kill the tale.
- Red/Orange fields are evil. This is a core thing in this game. Do not face tank it. Go out of them and than DOGE into them when an attack releases. This makes you evade any damage.
- Kill the thornhearts in the middle phases. This is vital, because they throw constantly engeryballs at the group which knock you down. And than guess what? You have to doge an attack. Yep, you're dead. Hence: Kill thorn hearts.
 - When there are greens, all must be covered by at least one player.
- Did I mention doge, cc and tail already?


There is no way to fail this if people learn that. No RNG at all. All an exact patterns all across the fight.


- If you fail to doge = dead = no dps = problem
- If you fail to kill the tail = a lot of cc = people can't do stuff = no dps = problem
- If you fail to cc = lots of aoes that deal damage, boss gets non attackable for a short while = people will get downstate = no dps = problem
- If you fight the boss naked and with vitality and toughness stats, well how would you dps?

And so on 😄 That is the fight

Edited by Rhokaz.1975
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19 minutes ago, Veka.8710 said:

RNG does not make it hard though, the concept of the meta is easy, the mechanic of the meta is easy, I usually run it with an organize group and we've had more win then lost we do however lose at times due to RNG but that does not make the meta hard, it makes the meta hard to complete due to the RNG.

I'm not disagreeing with you in terms of the turtle being locked behind that meta buddy, so no need to be an unpleasant person about it.

Nothing of what I put there was unpleasant towards you.

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1 out of 15 are extremely poor numbers.

People keep saying that you need to know what to do... they completely and utterly forget new players in the map. 
I could perfectly know what to do, and the guy next to me as well. But what about everyone else?

The biggest gripe I have with this meta: you need to rely on those you cannot rely on. 
You need an entire map knowing what to do, the margins are WAY too tight. 

have 5 or 10 people not knowing mechanics because they bought EoD, slapped a booster and wandered into the map...
have 5 to 10 people doing achievements and not the meta....
have 5 to 10 people not knowing CC or their damage output....

The whole map pays for those... and that should NEVER EVER be the case in Open World content.

The minute you say Organized... you disregard those 5 to 10 people.

For NO meta in this game, do I need to be in a squad, let along in Discord. Yet this meta people keep talking about Group comp in Squad, talk about discord communications...

I am sorry, but if this meta needs to rely on THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE which discord is, to be succesful, there are problems. 

I should be able to join the meta, NOT in a squad, NOT in Discord, NOT have the 10% map bonus because I happen to port in around escort and that should NOT significantly lower the chances of a succesful end... It is NOT INSTANCED CONTENT.


This is not about casual vs elite, this is not about them vs us... this is about the lack of variables in this content for it to succeed.


"we are seeing the number of succes going up" they say... when organized groups are running it in optimized gear, optimized groups with discord communications and succeed end after end.

What is the PUG succes rate of this meta? 

You got those numbers?



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7 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:


For NO meta in this game, do I need to be in a squad, let along in Discord. Yet this meta people keep talking about Group comp in Squad, talk about discord communications...


Well, sorry... Triple Trouble also requires decent coordination. You can't always design content based on the lowest common denominator. If you do, you're going to be creatively bankrupt at some point of time.

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11 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

Nothing of what I put there was unpleasant towards you.

"unless you missed the current 48 pages you'd know that"

47 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

It isn't hard - the only "hard" part is RNG screwing you over. The rest consists of basic game mechanics. That's why people should post suggestions about fixing the RNG-aspect.

I 100% agree, was in a run last night where we failed due to an RNG we thought it was a bug since they lessen the chance so we decided to do another run right after and beat it, it was a really bizarre run since the last 20% was super chaotic.

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16 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

1 out of 15 are extremely poor numbers.

People keep saying that you need to know what to do... they completely and utterly forget new players in the map. 
I could perfectly know what to do, and the guy next to me as well. But what about everyone else?

The biggest gripe I have with this meta: you need to rely on those you cannot rely on. 
You need an entire map knowing what to do, the margins are WAY too tight. 

have 5 or 10 people not knowing mechanics because they bought EoD, slapped a booster and wandered into the map...
have 5 to 10 people doing achievements and not the meta....
have 5 to 10 people not knowing CC or their damage output....

The whole map pays for those... and that should NEVER EVER be the case in Open World content.

The minute you say Organized... you disregard those 5 to 10 people.

For NO meta in this game, do I need to be in a squad, let along in Discord. Yet this meta people keep talking about Group comp in Squad, talk about discord communications...

I am sorry, but if this meta needs to rely on THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE which discord is, to be succesful, there are problems. 

I should be able to join the meta, NOT in a squad, NOT in Discord, NOT have the 10% map bonus because I happen to port in around escort and that should NOT significantly lower the chances of a succesful end... It is NOT INSTANCED CONTENT.


This is not about casual vs elite, this is not about them vs us... this is about the lack of variables in this content for it to succeed.


"we are seeing the number of succes going up" they say... when organized groups are running it in optimized gear, optimized groups with discord communications and succeed end after end.

What is the PUG succes rate of this meta? 

You got those numbers?



Anet does have those numbers, and when they realised they can't sell Turtle Skins to 99% of the playerbase, they thought they better put it on a merchant to retain the multitudes of players either leaving Cantha to never return or leaving the game. 
Cause the thing is, once people are done in Cantha, they won't return. At least we have the Piñata in PoF to make people visit the first map, but most PoF area's are empty. So with how badly designed this worst open world meta the game has ever seen before its in over 9 years running life it won't matter soon as the entire event will be dead. They took the worst parts of previous expansions and put them in this one in a jumbled mess. 

What they need to do to have anyone complete this meta again in a few months:

1. Remove Whirlpool mechanic entirely. Fight has enough mechanics. 
2. Pause the timer when fighting the champions that need to die at the same time. 
3. Have the Tail do some damage to the boss on its death so that you are rewarded for beating the tail, if it does 2%, it would mean more kills and people still doing all required mechanics. 
4. Increase the timer by 10 mins, have the original timer be gold, second timer at 5mins be silver and third timer be Bronze. 
5. When CC bar is broken, stun the boss so it can't instantly go into tail or bite and stop being able to be attacked. I still see it constantly do this, as the bar breaks, it swaps sides.
6. Have it spawn one or two Thorn hearts on add phases, remove the RNG that 5 can spawn or 0, have this as a mechanic but make it normalised, then make none spawn <20% cause that is already chaotic enough. 
7. Improve rewards immensely - which is already being done hopefully. 
8. Let the fight return your EMP charges when you come back, give it memory on active abilities as you made the CC bar so strong you need the Table EMP on the entire raid to beat it, OR make it that it only goes into CC break bar mode awhile after phase changes so people have time to recharge. 

Do those things (Or had done them before release) Would have been a better gamming experience for the entire player base. We'd all have the Turtle, and we'd all have "enjoyed" this final meta. 

Edited by Gorem.8104
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3 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

Well, sorry... Triple Trouble also requires decent coordination. You can't always design content based on the lowest common denominator. If you do, you're going to be creatively bankrupt at some point of time.

Triple trouble wasn't a main end game meta. It was out of the way, able to be triggered by guilds at will, had specific achieves and rewards (ascended gear for example) and it was optional. This meta was meant to be their "finale". 

Open world is lowest common denominator. There was nothing stopping them from making a strike out of this instead that was hard for 50 players with worth-it rewards. Imagine if you got a mini Kuunavang, Armor skins based off Factions, Title, Ascended Gear, Legendary currencies for the new set, etc. Could of even hyped for a world first and stuff but no. Just one silent road block for a turtle.

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En 20 intentos solo lo complete 2 veces y fue uniendome a grupo de Hardstuk, en realidad no creo que las mecanicas esten mal pero sí el RNG, la aleatoriedad (sobre todo en el ultimo 20%) de los corazones espinozos es lo que lo hace increiblemente frustrante. Por otro lado, el problema mas grande que yo veo en este meta es la recompensa, ¿Como es eso que en el meta mas dificil del juego pongas en los cofres como recompensa chatarra y escencias de suerte? .___. eso es lo pero de todo, sinceramente no tiene mucho sentido pasar 2 horas en el meta (teniendo en cuenta que tienes que estaquear el buffo con los eventos para obtener la "mayor recompenza posible") sólo para obtener piezas de equipo sin identificar, chatarra y escencias de suerte. DF sigue siendo el rey de farmeo (junto con bosquellovizna) si no se mejora la recompenza, algo que incentive a hacerlo, la gente solamente sacara la tortuga, los logros correspondientes al meta y ya, no valdra la pena regresar a ese meta.

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7 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

1 out of 15 are extremely poor numbers.

People keep saying that you need to know what to do... they completely and utterly forget new players in the map. 
I could perfectly know what to do, and the guy next to me as well. But what about everyone else?

The biggest gripe I have with this meta: you need to rely on those you cannot rely on. 
You need an entire map knowing what to do, the margins are WAY too tight. 

have 5 or 10 people not knowing mechanics because they bought EoD, slapped a booster and wandered into the map...
have 5 to 10 people doing achievements and not the meta....
have 5 to 10 people not knowing CC or their damage output....

The whole map pays for those... and that should NEVER EVER be the case in Open World content.

The minute you say Organized... you disregard those 5 to 10 people.

For NO meta in this game, do I need to be in a squad, let along in Discord. Yet this meta people keep talking about Group comp in Squad, talk about discord communications...

I am sorry, but if this meta needs to rely on THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE which discord is, to be succesful, there are problems. 

I should be able to join the meta, NOT in a squad, NOT in Discord, NOT have the 10% map bonus because I happen to port in around escort and that should NOT significantly lower the chances of a succesful end... It is NOT INSTANCED CONTENT.


This is not about casual vs elite, this is not about them vs us... this is about the lack of variables in this content for it to succeed.


"we are seeing the number of succes going up" they say... when organized groups are running it in optimized gear, optimized groups with discord communications and succeed end after end.

What is the PUG succes rate of this meta? 

You got those numbers?




Not to mention in a game where 3rd party software is austricized and even a bannable offense. When it leads to having an advantage over other players. Yet that is exactly what it is doing now! Now there are tools to check and see how well your DPS is doing. Again those tools are in the "Special Forces" section of the game!


Yes! I wold love to see the numbers of PUG maps! I've been on many I know none of mine have succeeded!


Even IF the turtle is unlocked via a vendor to complete the collection to fully unlock it you'll still have to do strike mission that if are more than story level ISN'T going to get us our turtles still! On a mount that was supposed to be "easier and faster" to get .🤪


PUG's may be failing the meta and other EoD content but AreanaNet is failing PUG's & PvErs too!😔

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10 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

Well, sorry... Triple Trouble also requires decent coordination. You can't always design content based on the lowest common denominator. If you do, you're going to be creatively bankrupt at some point of time.


TT is something most people will never see or know exists. the EOD Story puts you into this area and tells you to do the meta. You cannot compare the 2. You need to actively go out of your way to do TT. 

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17 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

have 5 or 10 people not knowing mechanics because they bought EoD, slapped a booster and wandered into the map...
have 5 to 10 people doing achievements and not the meta....
have 5 to 10 people not knowing CC or their damage output....

There is no excuse for the CC though, one of the very first thing you do in EoD story was go to a golem that teches you about CC. Where the Dev messed up imo is that they didn't prepare people for that meta properly. There's way too many stuff that gets slapped on and it goes from 1 to 100 real quick with that meta. They should've added bosses and champions on the way to the meta boss that have the boss mechanic. Each champion as you progress adds on another mechanic that the boss will use, that way by the time you get to the boss you would know what to do (not entirely sure what I said make sense, sorry :x)

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2 minutes ago, Veka.8710 said:

"unless you missed the current 48 pages you'd know that

If you find that unpleasant then you must avoid confrontation in it's entirety. It's called pointing out the obvious.

The meta itself is poorly designed as the pain point is RNG, while also removing that removes the "difficulty". That is bad design. E.g. Tequatl, not much rng there. Easy once tacs are down. Bad design.

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21 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

1 de cada 15 son números extremadamente pobres.

La gente sigue diciendo que necesitas saber qué hacer... se olvidan total y completamente de los nuevos jugadores en el mapa. 
Podía saber perfectamente qué hacer, y el chico a mi lado también. Pero ¿qué pasa con todos los demás?

La mayor queja que tengo con este meta: debes confiar en aquellos en los que no puedes confiar. 
Necesita un mapa completo para saber qué hacer, los márgenes son MUY ajustados. 

tener 5 o 10 personas que no conocen la mecánica porque compraron EoD, colocaron un refuerzo y vagaron por el mapa...
tienen 5 a 10 personas haciendo logros y no el meta...
tienen 5 a 10 personas que no saben CC o su daño salida....

Todo el mapa paga por ellos... y ese NUNCA NUNCA debería ser el caso en el contenido de Open World.

En el momento en que dices Organizado... ignoras a esas 5 a 10 personas.

Para NO meta en este juego, necesito estar en un escuadrón, y mucho menos en Discord. Sin embargo, esta meta gente sigue hablando de la composición del grupo en Squad, habla de las comunicaciones de discordia...

Lo siento, pero si este meta debe depender del SOFTWARE DE TERCEROS, que es Discord, para tener éxito, hay problemas. 

Debería poder unirme al meta, NO en un escuadrón, NO en Discord, NO tener la bonificación del mapa del 10% porque me transfiero alrededor de la escolta y eso NO debería reducir significativamente las posibilidades de un final exitoso... Es CONTENIDO NO INSTANCIADO.


No se trata de casual vs elite, no se trata de ellos vs nosotros... se trata de la falta de variables en este contenido para que tenga éxito.


"Estamos viendo que aumenta el número de éxitos", dicen... cuando los grupos organizados lo ejecutan con equipo optimizado, grupos optimizados con comunicaciones de discordia y tienen éxito extremo tras extremo.

¿Cuál es la tasa de éxito de PUG de este meta? 

¿Tienes esos números?



Concuerdo en todo excepto en lo de el buffo del 10%, en lo personal odio cuando un mapa de meta evento y el propio meta es sacado adelante por 20-30 personas mientras los demas solo esperan para dar 1 golpe al boss final y se llevan la recompenza completa (que la recompenza en este mapa es una tonteria realmente) y esos staks incentivan a que todos participen

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2 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

Triple trouble wasn't a main end game meta. It was out of the way, able to be triggered by guilds at will, had specific achieves and rewards (ascended gear for example) and it was optional. This meta was meant to be their "finale". 

Open world is lowest common denominator. There was nothing stopping them from making a strike out of this instead that was hard for 50 players with worth-it rewards. Imagine if you got a mini Kuunavang, Armor skins based off Factions, Title, Ascended Gear, Legendary currencies for the new set, etc. Could of even hyped for a world first and stuff but no. Just one silent road block for a turtle.

In my opinion, it was a very good finale. You're finally fighting a real Elder Dragon - the first time since Mordremoth. Kralkatorik was a pitiful mess of hitting defenseless "weak points" and Jormag and Primordus killed each other - you only fought their so-called "Champions". We're two weeks into the expansion now. Things will most likely change. In most of the more or less organized squads I was in since the last patch, with some decent RNG we always had around 2 minutes left. I'd like to see some cautious changes first instead of having Arena Net "overcorrect". I'd be happy if they'd fix the RNG-aspect first so we as community can see if we then achieve reasonable results.

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7 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

Well, sorry... Triple Trouble also requires decent coordination. You can't always design content based on the lowest common denominator. If you do, you're going to be creatively bankrupt at some point of time.

I have done Triple Trouble plenty of times without using discord, without being in a squad. 
It only really requires some knowledge of the mechanics for most people (not everyone "needs" to do the mechanics to make bosses vulnerable) and some map communications to burn roughly at the same time.

What I mean to say, on this map the margins are too narrow. You should be able to do it with say 10% of people not even participating. You should be able to do it without the map bonus (I strongly disagree that decision) 

What about someone that just started EoD and decided to open the maps first? They don't even necesairily have jade bots, and therefor cannot get the offensive and defensive buffs.

I see a lot in mapchat "if you are not intending to do the meta please leave and go to a different instance"

Absolutely and utterly unacceptable. 

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