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DRAGONS End Map meta, and the toxic playerbase mixed with casuals

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So to start of with this meta has outright soured the whole experience of the expansion. never have I played a meta or an mmo where ive failed 21 times in a row because of a freaking mechanic and timer

so hear are some suggestions to fix said map for both the elitest and the casuals

  1. Elitest should get a closed instance so they can form a squad made for a challenge
    Rewards should be scaled accordingly
  2. Casual should get more lee way on the timer extra 5-10 minutes would be ideal on and open instance for pug squads  
    Rewards should be scaled down accordingly for the easier mode

    i think these two changes would alleviate the problems and generate less toxicity
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Im against rewards difference, they should be in-line with other metas, or ppl will go  back to drizzlewood/dragonfall.

Meta-reward is one things that killed POF maps very early, and they fixed it too late.

The Turtle was best if locked behind some scavenger hunting or a gold sink. Without offense, this mount is too much appeal to childish crowds, thats why the meta difficult is bringing tons of more complaints and problems than other metas in the past, that have same process(started harder, than where balanced later).

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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5 minutes ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Im against rewards difference, they should be in-line with other metas, or ppl will go  back to drizzlewood/dragonfall.

You mean the meta has good rewards? Or good rewards only if you don't fail it (right now you likely will fail it, unless you pick your group in LFG very carefully)?

I did the meta 3 times (it failed each time at varying degrees), rewards were abysmal.

Anyway + for the closed instance for the sweats. This is the first time I've read in open world map chat players being called trash/garbage/noobs in this game. Its usual in wvw and spvp, but in open world it actually made my jaw drop.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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7 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

You mean the meta has good rewards? Or good rewards only if you don't fail it (which right now is highly unlikely unless you pick your group in LFG very carefully)?

I did the meta 3 times (it failed each time at varying degrees), rewards were abysmal.

Anyway + for the closed instance for the sweats. This is the first time I've read in open world map chat players being called trash/garbage/noobs in this game. Its usual in wvw and spvp, but in open world it actually made my jaw drop.

i'm favor of remove turtle to other stuff, and make it a normal "loot" map.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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30 minutes ago, yourexcellency.1458 said:

As soon as the majority of the player base have their turtles this meta will be dead anyway. 

make it a "loot" meta. its was expecting from EOD.  everyone is bored wit DWC, Dragonfall, silverwastes. 

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57 minutes ago, Necrosian.1359 said:

Or now really, done few times a month by those who need it and left to rot

I was referring to the period of time where nobody really did it except for like a few guilds. The meta was essentially abandoned by the player population. 

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2 hours ago, yourexcellency.1458 said:

As soon as the majority of the player base have their turtles this meta will be dead anyway. 

Due to the level of anger and disappointment I've seen from the community over this meta; it is already dead. As soon as they implement a change to make it easier to obtain the egg, people will get it, and I'd say 90% won't look back. It has already guaranteed the death of this map.

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8 minutes ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

Due to the level of anger and disappointment I've seen from the community over this meta; it is already dead. As soon as they implement a change to make it easier to obtain the egg, people will get it, and I'd say 90% won't look back. It has already guaranteed the death of this map.

Absolutely. They would really have to have some amazing incentives to go back. 

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36 minutes ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

Due to the level of anger and disappointment I've seen from the community over this meta; it is already dead. As soon as they implement a change to make it easier to obtain the egg, people will get it, and I'd say 90% won't look back. It has already guaranteed the death of this map.

Already dead? And here I am looking in lfg for a map only to find all maps full and the new maps instantly filling when commander tags up and I try to join the map. Yes. Dead map indeed 👀 I’m sure they will make it better for casuals like myself soon. The meta itself is amazing. Just need better balance. Git gud won’t work in open world meta 

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