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Stop complaning and enjoy the game, here's how

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On 3/8/2022 at 1:33 AM, Sevens.9452 said:

one group did it with 6mins to spare (the post is gone so i cant link it)

and based on this analysis, rng only accounts for 3-5mins, so stop blaming rng, the meta's fine. and teapot is clearning the meta regularly at the moment


how many times have you done this boss? have you run it exclusively with extremely gate kept crowds or were you running it with average people...

ive done it enough times to 1 see soo won ton switch sides 5 times in a row causing almost a 5 minute dip in dps, then factor in the tail side swap their is atleast 1 - 2 minute where your not even dps'ing the boss cause the tail doesnt count to soo won's health then their is the champion fights with 3 minute dip of absolutely no damage to soo won and then the green circle where your 100% reliant on like up to >15 people  to get their kitten back just to continue the fight

thats almost 11 min  5 seconds of time your not full attacking the boss and dealing any big dps  

Edited by Shogen.5071
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24 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Like I said, if I want to do north I either have to get lucky and join a map in progress or first do south.  It doesn't matter that I get rewards just for participating if incremental gold is not my primary reason for being there.  You're welcome to disagree, but in my opinion DWC should have been two separate maps.  For the same reason (respecting player's time),

Nope, it's not just luck of being placed in the right map instance.  Open LFG tool, see if any squads are advertising north meta or the events leading up to the north meta.  Join those squads.  Same problem if a player who doesn't have a personal fractal level to do their daily fractals or in the olden days of dungeons requiring someone with story completion to open them, or the new strikes requiring the story chapter be done first before you can get all the rewards or wanting to do any of the HoT metas, or literally any of the newer living world meta events that aren't on strict timers.



32 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

DE should have been designed like DS, without the lengthy pre-event cycle + 30 minute prep timer.

This I can get behind along with a scaling reward structure for how well a map did + personal participation.



34 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

You may enjoy spending hours on a map because they give you gold.  Other players have different priorities when they play and there's really no benefit to forcing ever lengthier metas like this.  In my opinion, HoT did a much better job of respecting player's time.  You can hang out and earn gold by doing events or just show up for the meta.  Where they do have a lengthy, continuous meta (DS) they don't waste your time.  You just get in a meta map and get moving. 

I prefer that to the way maps like DWC and DE were designed to basically force you to be there for a very long time if you want to reach the final boss (or get lucky leeching someone else's map).  I say this even though I think the metas themselves are pretty good.  DWC south is a good time, honestly.  And DE has one of the most epic boss fights for open world I've ever seen.

Well, I mean, you can hang out in a lot of the maps, get a few rewards, or do the whole meta.  Drizzlewood doesn't really divert from this.  You can stick around, capture an objective, and get progress towards your rewards for that map, which are primarily the support achievements.

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2 hours ago, MechanicalMind.9126 said:


To be fair  i personally dont think Teapot gets it. I mean im glad hes trying to help people pass. But that in itself is the issue, if you have to hop on a discord and organize this much for an open world meta... i feel one has missed the point.  Metas havent been THIS involved all the way to this point. I mean sure auric basin is kinda coordinated but i have only seen that fail when theres not enough people on the map or someone burns a little too much. 


Also that one group that did it with 6 mins to spare was a discord group from Teapot lol... So yeah of course that was going to succeed.

I think you're missing the point, my friend.  If you were as well-groomed as Teapot and had such glorious neck scruff as he and his pals have, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. 😉

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2 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Nope, it's not just luck of being placed in the right map instance.  Open LFG tool, see if any squads are advertising north meta or the events leading up to the north meta.  Join those squads.  Same problem if a player who doesn't have a personal fractal level to do their daily fractals or in the olden days of dungeons requiring someone with story completion to open them, or the new strikes requiring the story chapter be done first before you can get all the rewards or wanting to do any of the HoT metas, or literally any of the newer living world meta events that aren't on strict timers.

Hmmm no, usually all groups are full and you either spend 30 minutes clicking join until you can join, or give up and play in a map that will fail. And in both cases for me it failed, either by joining a group after endless clicking or just giving up and playing in the map i was randomly placed.


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Looks like MightyTeapot had arenanet employees in squad helping, not sure if anyone else noticed that. Most of the people clearing Dragon's End meta are raiders, people that are used to this level of difficulty. Most of the playerbase in GW2 are casuals. Good luck to anyone that wants the turtle mount, although I am not sure why anyone would want it.

Edited by WeightTrainer.3219
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1 hour ago, Drakth.1875 said:

Hmmm no, usually all groups are full and you either spend 30 minutes clicking join until you can join, or give up and play in a map that will fail. And in both cases for me it failed, either by joining a group after endless clicking or just giving up and playing in the map i was randomly placed.


Never really had this experience.

Keep the turtle in the meta.

Fix the bugs first.

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1 hour ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

Looks like MightyTeapot had arenanet employees in squad helping, not sure if anyone else noticed that. Most of the people clearing Dragon's End meta are raiders, people that are used to this level of difficulty. Most of the playerbase in GW2 are casuals. Good luck to anyone that wants the turtle mount, although I am not sure why anyone would want it.

Good news!  There's apparently a patch that'll fix the issue that is leading to repeated (and apparently unintended) invuln periods on the boss.  This has an outsized impact on lower-performing squads because the longer it takes you to push phase transitions, the more opportunities the boss has to eat the timer up with this behavior.  I expect this will dramatically improve completion rates for lower-performing groups. 

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6 minutes ago, VPK.1796 said:

In 2 words : "git gud"

i dont know of any content, that they didnt have to nerf at some point, even the starting zones

arah, worldbosses, hot, pof...if its there, they prolly nerfed it. or just abandonded it.

the champ trains showed us why important stuff needs to be in controlled instances, putting it in OW

just encourages farming/botting/exploiting

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25 minutes ago, VPK.1796 said:

In 2 words : "git gud"

Right, that kind of toxic behavior/attitude is exactly what we need to avoid right now regarding this situation. Guess what? Many of us have tried to "get gud" by using other builds, buffs, food, anything we could think of but it never made a difference for everyone who has failed every single run so far.

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One thing for sure after this whole outrage after only one week. People can't say toxicity only comes from hardcore players anymore.
Seriously, there's so much bad faith here. There's already discords / guilds to help like Teq/TTS did before then. It's supposed to be positive for a... MMO... community, bringing people together and find new friends.


Not every discord group is toxic. Far from it.


Edited by Deihnyx.6318
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Hey discord is pretty neat, went with them and honestly it was a decent attempt at the meta.
But then we only got one breakbar early into the boss instantly after tail.

That is one breakbar for the entire boss.
2 tails at 20% also with some side switches, just because.

I call BS and I call the OP out on the BS because even their commanders say it's BS.
It took multiple attempts even with premade groups of people dedicated to success from this discord.
But hey, I did get the turtle egg, the turtle and am able to utilize experience gains again, now I am off to grind the mastery points so I can finally reach a point at which I can collect lvl up shards.

Edited by koxsos.6258
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