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Missing Exotic fish humphead wrasse

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I have completed all other cantha fishing collections but for some reason this exotic level fish is not happening. I have catch 40 plus exotic Dragonets and Sunscale strikers. I have full food buffs masteries and 100 lures and bait. And I am making sure its daytime in game. Anyone else have an issue with this?


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24 minutes ago, Discobizkit.6531 said:

Also I am using non specifc 100 bait because catching leg sail fish is easier than getting this one lol.

I suggest using a specific bait, but making sure it's not one used by fish in Seitung such as Sardines or Shrimplings. That way it removes all of the Sardine/Shrimpling-only fish from the possible pool of fish you can get, raising your chance of getting the Humphead Wrasse.


I had to catch this thing twice, because I got my first one (for the Seitung Province Fisher collection) before I unlocked the elite spec collection that needed it on my account. I used Glow Worms to get it since I had a bunch of them the mixed bait bags.

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I had similar issue with Mud Skate from the Krytan Fisher achie, used over 300 lures trying to catch it. Then I logged in with another character and got it from the first fishing hole on my third cast. Maybe it was just RNG trolling me but no harm trying with another toon.

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Something does seem off about the exotic level fish in general; at least for me they are far harder to land than anything else. 

For instance, the Blue Dorado--haven't been able to land it in I don't know how many night cycles (using glow worms so as not to accidently catch anything else) and I've gotten ascended fish, 1g 'trash', and even bait cages with like 25 mackerel in them.  At like 600% fishing power which should be more than enough for an exotic.  And...nothing 😂.

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49 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Something does seem off about the exotic level fish in general; at least for me they are far harder to land than anything else. 

For instance, the Blue Dorado--haven't been able to land it in I don't know how many night cycles (using glow worms so as not to accidently catch anything else) and I've gotten ascended fish, 1g 'trash', and even bait cages with like 25 mackerel in them.  At like 600% fishing power which should be more than enough for an exotic.  And...nothing 😂.

I've made the same observation, it's indeed the exotic quality fishes that are most often the hardest to catch.

As for fishing power: haven't noticed much difference wheter you are eg. 50 points over the required power or 200 points over it. On the easier areas I've stopped using lures since they are not needed to fish and do not influence what fish you catch like the baits do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I echo this re Humphead Wrasse being very difficult to catch, I've completed 6 maps and this is the last fish for the 7th, and I've spent about 4 whole day cycles with no luck.   Tried many different baits, tried varying %s for lure, tried with and without food buffs.  It feels like I'm doing something wrong as nothing else has been as difficult in comparison.

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I finally got this in the daytime using shrimpling as bait.  I doubt that matters but I wanted to target other specific fish in the meantime.  Yes, this one was much more elusive--the fish for my other spec weapon collections came quickly and easily.

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  • 4 weeks later...
9 minutes ago, TristisOris.2165 said:

done this achi twice before, very fast, but now can't get this fish for 5+ hours. Or description wrong, or chance is broken.

already tired from bugs everywhere..

It's definitely not a general bug as I caught said fish this weekend.

Are you always trying to keep your Fishing Power high? You can get an additional buff several times per day for one hour from the southeastern heart vendor in Seitung Province, and there is also ascended food that increases Fishing Power. Plus, try not to switch maps too often to keep the tier bonus high: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fishing_Power

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3 hours ago, TristisOris.2165 said:

dude, i dont need 10 legendary fish in row.

Yes, but with low FP you won't catch any Exotics, either.

I always keep my FP between 625 and 725 and didn't have trouble with any rarity except Ascended, which seemed to take the longest for me at that FP.

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  • 8 months later...
11 minutes ago, RDBuck.6098 said:

This achievement is a freaking waste of time I have every bait that game would give and my fishing power is 575+ I mean seriously doing meta events is alot easier than trying catch a ingame fish for a Damm achievement come on. I been fishing for 3 days for 2-3hour for Damm thing.

Have you tries not using any bait for the Humphead Wrasse. From my experience the ones with any bait listed tend to drop more often when I use no bait. I also regularly recommend that in SP to people complaining in map chat, they do it, and all of a sudden catch it. Yes, this interaction has happened more than once.

Sauce: I'm a Cod Swimming Amongst Mere Minnows.

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