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Few reccommendations for fellow ele players...


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Sadly the class has been nerfed once again without any regard for actual balance or class feedback and it should be clear at this point for everybody where we actually stand  :  it's not worth it....

Here I made a list of suggestions for fellow players, seeing the amount of drama happening on this forum...for your own sake...follow them.

1) Drop it already - Stop writing convoluted, drama filled threads where you waste time arguing with obvious trolls and griefers...nothing will change

2) Nobody cares - Simply speaking, nothing of what you write, propose, suggest, envision...will ever happen to this class, and after 10 years of writing the same buff proposals, it'd be time to wise up......

3) Stop getting out of shape - And change class, we play a videogame to have fun...not to prove anything to a bunch of randoms over the internet, play what's fun and drop what it's not, period!

4) Take a deep breath - And take this as a lesson...follow your brain and nothing else, you play to win and have fun...winning is fun, play what brings you that win in the most rewarding and easy way.

Now, this class is literally dead weight in your character selection screen and nothing short of a full rework will change that...a rework that will never happen by the way, don't hold your breath about that, with all this said...you can follow my suggestions or you can keep losing your mind on the forums and reddit, personally I stopped doing that years ago, when I could see already where this class was headed and so made the right choice of maining two additional classes, that's why you still see me in GW2

For your own sake...follow my suggestions, change class, ignore whoever calls you names for playing that class or that spec because.....nobody will you call anything if you lose always and easy ..and just go have fun, forgetting all this drama you will experience every patch.

C'mon guys..you really want to stick to something which is being designed now to be only good at killing a static golem in pve or "playing" full healer build in wvw for the giggles ?.....

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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2 hours ago, mtnjkbm.7452 said:

after 7k hours with my ele, be it tempest , weaver or core...fa, lr or condi bunker/healer, even trying cata with its scuffed playstyle, i can just say.. this is the best comment in this whole ele class thread collection.


its just not worth it.  





I had 4k hours, played the whole story with it, got platinum with weaver, played gvgs with tempest, I like to bomb zergs with staff, played T4 fractals with weaver, soloed bounties in the crystal desert... I feel like something is broken inside me, I never felt so disappointed in a thing I was so invested in since Star Wars The Last Jedi, which completely destroyed my Star Wars fandom...

Ele is fun, it looks good, it's a wonderful concept (besides Catalyst, that garbage has no concept) but other than that it's a horrible way to play the game, it's unrewarding, you have to constantly challenge yourself and get worse rewards than others...

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6 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Sadly the class has been nerfed once again without any regard for actual balance or class feedback and it should be clear at this point for everybody where we actually stand  :  it's not worth it....

Here I made a list of suggestions for fellow players, seeing the amount of drama happening on this forum...for your own sake...follow them.

1) Drop it already - Stop writing convoluted, drama filled threads where you waste time arguing with obvious trolls and griefers...nothing will change

2) Nobody cares - Simply speaking, nothing of what you write, propose, suggest, envision...will ever happen to this class, and after 10 years of writing the same buff proposals, it'd be time to wise up......

3) Stop getting out of shape - And change class, we play a videogame to have fun...not to prove anything to a bunch of randoms over the internet, play what's fun and drop what it's not, period!

4) Take a deep breath - And take this as a lesson...follow your brain and nothing else, you play to win and have fun...winning is fun, play what brings you that win in the most rewarding and easy way.

Now, this class is literally dead weight in your character selection screen and nothing short of a full rework will change that...a rework that will never happen by the way, don't hold your breath about that, with all this said...you can follow my suggestions or you can keep losing your mind on the forums and reddit, personally I stopped doing that years ago, when I could see already where this class was headed and so made the right choice of maining two additional classes, that's why you still see me in GW2

For your own sake...follow my suggestions, change class, ignore whoever calls you names for playing that class or that spec because.....nobody will you call anything if you lose always and easy ..and just go have fun, forgetting all this drama you will experience every patch.

C'mon guys..you really want to stick to something which is being designed now to be only good at killing a static golem in pve or "playing" full healer build in wvw for the giggles ?.....

some one is not an ele main. look we who play/have played ele for a long time know everything you're saying. not only have we seen it, but we have lived it. we have seen our favorite class get beaten down each "balance update". but guess what, it's toxic thinking like yours "Oh just change class" that will make sure ele stays dead. knock it off.


I have mained ele since I started playing in 2012. and I will continue to play ele and I will continue to make a fuss about this. because changing class is NOT THE ANSWER. I will stand and fight for the class I love

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At the very least try out another profession to get some perspective. The majority of other professions have 10% the complexity while having significantly better rewards. Better kit flows, meaningful traits, 3-5 button DPS rotations, 20k+ HP. I boosted a necro and it's been like a breath of fresh air in comparison. Every aspect of the game is more enjoyable and welcoming.


I loved ele bc of the theme and welcomed the challenges at first. But enough is enough. It's far too complex and punishing for quite literally no payoff. I tried raiding for the first time and I was getting 1-shot by mechanics that were meant to be healed through bc my 14k HP was still too low. At this point it's just a pile of hot garbage as a profession (but with great visuals).

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42 minutes ago, Stallic.2397 said:

Try another class


Or boycott the game in protest

and what would boycotting a subscription free game achieve. not playing will not hurt their wallets like a boycott is supposed to do.

1 hour ago, epothos.4831 said:

At the very least try out another profession to get some perspective. The majority of other professions have 10% the complexity while having significantly better rewards. Better kit flows, meaningful traits, 3-5 button DPS rotations, 20k+ HP. I boosted a necro and it's been like a breath of fresh air in comparison. Every aspect of the game is more enjoyable and welcoming.


I loved ele bc of the theme and welcomed the challenges at first. But enough is enough. It's far too complex and punishing for quite literally no payoff. I tried raiding for the first time and I was getting 1-shot by mechanics that were meant to be healed through bc my 14k HP was still too low. At this point it's just a pile of hot garbage as a profession (but with great visuals).

I have three of each class, so I have tried every class, every spec, every way of playing each classes. my main is still ele. just because the devs have favorites does not mean you should just give up on a class that has been apart of the series since the first guild wars. and switching classes will just mean that they will switch to another class to nerf into oblivion. fighting is the only option

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People keep telling others to just swap mains. After all that time? After everything I did on it? I did every story on my ele, only did map completion once, on my ele. Every achievement I got I did on ele. Yes we have been here before. I have stopped playing the game before. I even tried swapping mains once. Just couldn't keep doing it. After all those hours on the same character its not easy to just swap. My ele is my character I created on day 1. Never deleted it or restarted it. After all that work I refuse to change alts cause anet is bad at making classes playable. It makes me feel like they only play necro and guard cause those keep being op and hardly get nerfed. I doubt a single person there even reads their own forum. I played New World and they give AGS a lot of bad stuff that is deserved. But at least they read their forum and try to adjust. Anet gives 0% of care. 

Edited by Crashdown.7419
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3 hours ago, Crashdown.7419 said:

People keep telling others to just swap mains. After all that time? After everything I did on it? I did every story on my ele, only did map completion once, on my ele. Every achievement I got I did on ele. Yes we have been here before. I have stopped playing the game before. I even tried swapping mains once. Just couldn't keep doing it. After all those hours on the same character its not easy to just swap. My ele is my character I created on day 1. Never deleted it or restarted it. After all that work I refuse to change alts cause anet is bad at making classes playable. It makes me feel like they only play necro and guard cause those keep being op and hardly get nerfed. I doubt a single person there even reads their own forum. I played New World and they give AGS a lot of bad stuff that is deserved. But at least they read their forum and try to adjust. Anet gives 0% of care. 

It's my second time trying to switch mains and I feel everything you wrote. I also feel helpless, I love Elementalist, but with just a snap of their fingers they can make my favourite character worse and worse. And I have no face to associate with the balance team, all my hatred is directed at some ominous "balance team" that doesn't speak out publicly, they answer no questions, they don't explain themselves or their decisions, they don't do an AMA or even acknowledge the many, many problems stated in the forum. I felt as helpless as I never really felt before in a video game yesterday about a thing I really love but couldn't protect...

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1 minute ago, Mell.4873 said:

I would love to see an aura rework and a combo field rework. I think that will save Elementalist.

Don't forget a conjure rework/removal, a staff rework, a scepter rework, a good look at cantrips and some other utilities, an earth traitline revamp, a catalyst rework... May as well scrap and rework the entire class at this point.

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The problem is that every other class gets boring really easy when you main elementalist.


Nowdays I dont even play mages anymore, but in GW2 this class will always be in my heart. Unfortunately my other class got a terrible spec, even worst than catalyst speaking about open world.

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43 minutes ago, Mongk.2458 said:

The problem is that every other class gets boring really easy when you main elementalist.


Nowdays I dont even play mages anymore, but in GW2 this class will always be in my heart. Unfortunately my other class got a terrible spec, even worst than catalyst speaking about open world.

Worse than Catalyst in open world?....hm.

The only thing that comes in my mind would be Virtuoso bc it loses clones.

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3 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Worse than Catalyst in open world?....hm.

The only thing that comes in my mind would be Virtuoso bc it loses clones.


I meant gameplay wise and its bladesworn. I hated it so much. Catalyst is very clunky, yes, but at least some of hammer skills are fun in a place not so coordinated.

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