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My Druid is sad


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Druid to this day is my favorite ranger spec but I can't seem to enjoy it particularly in PvP modes. It's just subpar as a support. The skills need work or something.. I don't what it is. I'm able to be somewhat effective but it takes a lot of effort. But I'm constantly oppressed by the "meta classes" who just bully me constantly and it's not fun. I really wish as a Druid I still had some presence in a team like in the HoT times. I like Soulbeast as well but it's an entirely different thing. And Untamed is terrible. And I don't enjoy Longbow anymore.


Back in the earliest PvP seasons (1-3) My placement was around Gold 3/Plat 1 most of the time. Nowdays I'm stuck in Silver 3/Gold 1 no matter how much I try to carry my own weight and support my team and play objectives. I'm very skilled as a Druid and I'm very knowledgeable about all it's workings but it seems I can't make a difference about my situation.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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When a single Healing skill (Engineer's Med kit) outperforms your entire profession mechanic, your staff and trait line, at that point you know something is wrong with balance.


In practice, you don't take Druid for its raw healing potential (that gets outperfermed by other classes) which is clearly not the original intention when they released this spec, that's another issue right there.


Druid was never that much of a support in sPvP, it was always a side noder/dueler that was carried by a 10s CD stun break and Bristleback/Smokescale pet damage with godly selfsustain. They failed in their original design intent once again.


Druid has been in desperate need of a redisign/revamp for years.


Edit: Cool avatar btw.

Edited by Khenzy.9348
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If Druid gets a decent revamp I might reinstall the game, and I might buy EoD. Maybe. Then I can play it along with Soulbeast.

The atrocity that is the Untamed will probably need another 2 years in the ANet oven.

Btw, just curious, did Karl design the Untamed? I highly suspect he did.


Edited by mistsim.2748
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