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Have teleport and speed hacks been given the green light?

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5 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

people like to Underestimate the Quantity of players who play the game they also like to believe they arent getting banned at all.

They can Spam ban Singular players using bots, however it generally is pointless to tackle bots in such a fashion. finding the code and building against it generally works out better.

Dude the same highly notorious people that everyone knows have been cheating like this for 10 years and are still here playing. They have been caught COUNTLESS times in screen records.

This is not incompetence on Arenanet's part. Clearly some kind of a deal has been struck and they have protection.

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4 hours ago, myun.6395 said:

The only cheats in this game are teleports, speedhacks and macros that uses all instacast skills to make them being used at the same time.

I'm actually not too sure about that in 2022.

I've seen some highly suspicious weird new things within about the 2 or 3 seasons.

One thing to note, which could be hack or possibly some kind of in-game exploit that is being kept a secret by a few, is seeming attribute inflation. I've definitely seen some people dealing a lot more damage than they should be and straight face tanking a lot more damage than they should be, while using the very same builds that other players are using. And no, I'm not talking the difference between a g3 on a Spellbreaker and a p3 on a Spellbreaker. I'm talking like all p2+ players in comparison when running a certain build archetype, but there is just this one particular guy who somehow seemingly hits twice as hard and takes half the damage as anyone else, and he isn't doing anything differently at all.

When you know the game inside & out, sometimes you can tell when things feel OFF concerning incoming and outgoing damage.

One person told me that they had heard that there was a way to stack and wear two amulets in pvp. I have no idea how true this is but if it were true, it would certainly explain some of the things I've noticed within maybe about the past 6 months or so.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I'm actually not too sure about that in 2022.

I've seen some highly suspicious weird new things within about the 2 or 3 seasons.

One thing to note, which could be hack or possibly some kind of in-game exploit that is being kept a secret by a few, is seeming attribute inflation. I've definitely seen some people dealing a lot more damage than they should be and straight face tanking a lot more damage than they should be, while using the very same builds that other players are using. And no, I'm not talking the difference between a g3 on a Spellbreaker and a p3 on a Spellbreaker. I'm talking like all p2+ players in comparison when running a certain build archetype, but there is just this one particular guy who somehow seemingly hits twice as hard and takes half the damage as anyone else, and he isn't doing anything differently at all.

When you know the game inside & out, sometimes you can tell when things feel OFF concerning incoming and outgoing damage.

One person told me that they had heard that there was a way to stack and wear two amulets in pvp. I have no idea how true this is but if it were true, it would certainly explain some of the things I've noticed within maybe about the past 6 months or so.

There is a few exploits and ways of tricking the system. Wearing double amulets is not one fo them. Neither is any other form of damagemanipulation possible! The only cheating that is possible is Telerpothacks and i have heard of speedhackers aswell. That is because playermovement is calculated player-side. Your computer send the information where you are to the server and the server will think that you had a lag and will just correct your curren location.

Everything other is calculated serverside and there is no way on earth that any cheat can have a effect on that.

Concerning the dude that seemingly does to much damage... He must be doing something right. Small things can have a HUUGE imapct on the actual damagenumbers. Most notably striping Protection from the target. Some people have mastered this. He could also be good with setting up burst while he has alot of might. The damage difference between just going for the burst, and stacking 15 might and stripping your protection ,before you burst, is a damage difference of almost 40%.

I bet all my money that there is infact no damage/stat cheats in gw2. It is simply not possible.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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15 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

There is a few exploits and ways of tricking the system. Wearing double amulets is not one fo them. Neither is any other form of damagemanipulation possible! The only cheating that is possible is Telerpothacks and i have heard of speedhackers aswell. That is because playermovement is calculated player-side. Your computer send the information where you are to the server and the server will think that you had a lag and will just correct your curren location.

Everything other is calculated serverside and there is no way on earth that any cheat can have a effect on that.

Concerning the dude that seemingly does to much damage... He must be doing something right. Small things can have a HUUGE imapct on the actual damagenumbers. Most notably striping Protection from the target. Some people have mastered this. He could also be good with setting up burst while he has alot of might. The damage difference between just going for the burst, and stacking 15 might and stripping your protection ,before you burst, is a damage difference of almost 40%.

I bet all my money that there is infact no damage/stat cheats in gw2. It is simply not possible.

But they aren't doing anything different or more skillful. That's what I'm trying to thoroughly get you to understand, as well as anyone else reading this.

I have 23,000 something matches played in Guild Wars 2 over the course of 10 years. I know this game well. I've been fighting top players who use or don't use simple public hack programs for years. I know these players well and how they play and at what levels of skill cap they play their specs. I know these players so well, that when they are on alts, I can identify them by their playstyles.

I'm telling you right now, that something new is going on lately beyond general public speed/tele hacks. There is currently something happening that is inflating damage given and reducing damage taken past realistic levels for the builds being ran when I see it happen. Also important to note that when I see it happen, it is often on players who actually aren't good. These are the kinds of players who are very visually sloppy and are in no way out-playing top players on those classes, yet somehow everything they do seriously hits like twice as hard as normal for absolutely no reason. And of course like I said, I've also noticed cases where someone is way more sustainy than they should be for the build they are running.

The most recent example of this, which was caught on stream actually, was against a random Spellbreaker in an AT. No one knew who this guy was and we are a team who ATs like 4x a day and have been doing that for a few years now. Keep in mind I seen this guy once and never again. He was very clearly running a typical Strength Spellbreaker build. He has Magebane Tether "check". Easy to see he is using Warrior's Sprint so he is running Discipline "check". He has Bull's Charge & Mending and gets the physical buff when he uses these skills so he is running Strength "check". He has a Dagger/Shield & Greatsword "check". Guy is running a Strength Spellbreaker. The only thing that is debatable is what amulet/rune/sigils is he running? I was not the first person in the match to notice something felt very off with the attributes on the Spellbreaker. Someone on my team had said: "What is up with this Spellbreaker? This guy is trucking me and I can't deal damage to it". At first I thought: "It's probably just a good Spellbreaker". Then I end up engaging it in a 1v1 on a node and I notice first off that the player is sloppy, he's actually not good compared to some of the better Spellbreakers we have in NA. But when he HITS me with anything, I'm getting blown up like he has an invisible raid team behind him tossing full buffs or something. This guy's dagger autos were dropping 3ks 4ks and his bigger strikes like GS#5 was virtually one-shotting me with like 90% of my health bar on single strikes. So I'm thinking: "Ok, this has to be like Berserker Amulet/Eagle Rune? Must be double damage mod sigils? Even so, I've never seen a Spellbreaker with that build structure hit this hard unless it was in a team fight and he had 25 might, I had 25 vuln, and he had a plethora of additional buffs on him, and even then, I'm not so sure I've ever seen a Spellbreaker hit this hard in pvp in general. I then notice that he is inordinately sustainy for absolutely no reason at all. The guy is like as hard to kill as Vaans, but he isn't dodge rolling anything or using his defensive skills like Endure Pain or Full Counter wisely at all, he's just literally walking into all of my attacks and getting slammed but he isn't taking much damage. We were in Skyhammer at the time and I was on a side node. At one point during this 1v1 I had to kite up the jump pad to get away from this guy. While up on the platforms my full burst came off CD and I landed an entire full nuclear Sic Em One Wolf Pack burst on this guy, the actual full burst, because he was that bad of a player. I precasted Barrage behind him so he wouldn't move out of it because it wasn't hitting him. Then I popped Sic Em/One Wolf and LB#4'd him into the Barrage and began Rapid Fire. The ENTIRE actual full burst hits this guy. He had no stun breaks, he laid in the whole thing and got nailed. I sat there and watched the damage numbers come off this guy's head and this is when I realized something was really off with whatever it was that was happening. I watched a Strength Spellbreaker who was not in Rampage mind you, who had to have been wearing Berserker + damage rune to achieve his damage, who was not using Balanced Stance to ignore crits, sit in a full nuclear Sic Em One Wolf burst, and only take about 3,000 damage. The guy wasn't good or doing anything different. Something was wrong with his attributes that match.

Anyone who knows me on NA who's played against my Soulbeast, knows that what I described is simply not possible. Even if the guy had been running Rabid + Dolyak + Rousing Resilience AND had Protection on, he should have taken a lot more damage than 3k from that full burst. That full burst can bring a Core Necro with full shroud and full health down from full shroud, down from full health into downstate, and then halfway cleave the downstate bar in one go before the burst ends, considering someone actually gets caught in Barrage + Rapid Fire at the same time, which he did. And keep in mind he did not use an invuln. This guy face tanked the entire full burst, takes 3k damage while clearly running Strength Spellbreaker + beyond Serk level damage output.

Go ahead and explain to me. Go for it. And don't respond with: "Oh you were seeing it wrong somehow" because we streamed it. Quite a few people reviewed it and commented on it actually. Also my teammates also claimed the same thing, that the Spellbreaker's stats felt off. One of them compared it to: "Being a lv 60 and trying to fight lv 80 things in a lv 80 area". I agreed with him fully because that is exactly what it felt like. Like he somehow had pve modifiers as a monster creature and we were too low level to be fighting it.

I'm not even claiming this is a hack dude. It could be purposeful exploit or just a game bug. I don't know. Albeit a rare thing to see, I have seen two or three instances like this within about the past 6 to 8 months, where I was 100% sure that something was seriously wrong with the attribute scaling of a particular player.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

There is currently something happening that is inflating damage given and reducing damage taken past realistic levels for the builds being ran when I see it happen.

Nothing to do with damage should be handled client side. I don't see how this is possible.


4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

It could be purposeful exploit or just a game bug.

It's probably this.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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29 minutes ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Nothing to do with damage should be handled client side. I don't see how this is possible.



But are there possibly other ways to tinker with damage handled client-side through indirect means?

For example, the scaling of lv 80 player vs lv 80 monster as opposed to the kinds of modifiers that are in play when a lv 60 player is against a lv 80 monster. There are modifiers in play there that actually have nothing to do with attributes or normal damage equations. Are these modifiers handled client-side?

Not arguing with you, just wondering if someone has found a way to jank around with client-side mechanics to create some kind of alteration like that, that would increase damage dealt and reduce damage taken, that isn't actually a direct damage or sustain hack. If you see what I mean. If a person could somehow make the game think they were character level 100 let's say, and if the pvp code read that the same way it does in pve, it would grant level difference modifier to inflate the damage the lv 100 is dealing to the lv 80s and the lv 80s would deal probably half the damage they should be dealing to the target being read as a lv 100.

Hack or bug, either way, I've seen on three very distinct occasions now where I was 100% sure that a particular player had greatly enhanced damage & sustain. One of the other times I've seen it which was some months ago now, it was happening on a Core Ele running Dagger/Dagger looong before Dagger Off-Hand was buffed. This guy was one-shotting people on a Dagger/Dagger Ele left & right and was face tank sustaining similar to what Bunker Mechs are doing now. It didn't make any sense at all and again, I was not the only person in the game that noticed it.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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6 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

It’s not that they have been given a green light, it’s that Anet doesn’t do anything about it.

You guys need to reread the TOS.

Where it once said: "We promise to provide a fair & competitive environment for everyone" it now reads: "Arenanet can take any action or no action against reports and they don't need to explain to you why". This is pretty much other words saying: "We can do whatever we want and no one has any rights beyond what we want to do". This is why some people get suspended/banned for small things or first offenses but others are allowed to break the TOS in profound ways in plain sight for all of us to see for 10 years straight but somehow they're still here playing each and every night.

What drives their decision making? I'll save that discussion for a different time. One thing is for sure though, some people in this community are somehow protected and no matter what they do, they are never punished for it.


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