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Alternative path for PVE Legendary Armor

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All of the "PvE, but not raid" legendary armor "suggestions" so far have been flat out gimmes. Every single one, just "If I spend six months in PvE, gimme".
And every time a limitation or requirement is pointed out, the same "but that only applies to the minority" reply.

Sure. Open world PvE legendary armor. Each piece requires fifty successful completions of the Battle for the Jade Sea. Have fun doing the DE meta daily!

inb4 "but that's only for people who enjoy the DE meta!"

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12 minutes ago, titje.2745 said:

In guildwars 2 everyone can have legendary weapons

Actually they don't. Pretty hard to get a weapon if your are PvP only. As legendary crafting is locked behind Masteries. Check your Privilege. Probably similar for WvW.

As long as the collection takes the same effort as the other games modes People wont complain to much. But OW content is more laid back and people are more casual. And i doubt a Collection with an estimated time investment about 300 hours is what they want. But it is what PvP and WvW player need to do for there legendary armor. Also what some guys seem to miss, we are ALL in the Open World sometimes. 

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10 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

All of the "PvE, but not raid" legendary armor "suggestions" so far have been flat out gimmes. Every single one, just "If I spend six months in PvE, gimme".
And every time a limitation or requirement is pointed out, the same "but that only applies to the minority" reply.

Sure. Open world PvE legendary armor. Each piece requires fifty successful completions of the Battle for the Jade Sea. Have fun doing the DE meta daily!

inb4 "but that's only for people who enjoy the DE meta!"

Why not all the metas from each expanion offers some credits ?

Hot Dragonstorm , PoF (which is the hardest?- havent done anything ater season 3) , EoD  Soo?


For  a year , i dont have problem doing them


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On the whole this thread is going round in circles because some people refuse to accept that there are enough ways to get legendary armour already and want to concoct new paths that only suit them.

My view is this - if you are prepared to commit to thousands of hours of grind, then you also have the ability to learn a few simple mechanics and go to do raids. If you are hell bent on avoiding raids, you can do your PVE grind by going to WVW and fighting NPCs while flipping camps and stopping caravans. There is absolutely no requirement to interact with other players if you do this.  

If you don't want to learn raids and hate pvp/wvw so much that you can't go there, then your last option is to buy raid runs from sellers. Anet have already stated that selling raids is acceptable so why not spend that hard earned pve openworld gold on purchasing raid clears? Grind your gold however you want to reach the goal you're trying to 🙂

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10 hours ago, disco.9302 said:

On the whole this thread is going round in circles because some people refuse to accept that there are enough ways to get legendary armour already and want to concoct new paths that only suit them.

My view is this - if you are prepared to commit to thousands of hours of grind, then you also have the ability to learn a few simple mechanics and go to do raids. If you are hell bent on avoiding raids, you can do your PVE grind by going to WVW and fighting NPCs while flipping camps and stopping caravans. There is absolutely no requirement to interact with other players if you do this.  

If you don't want to learn raids and hate pvp/wvw so much that you can't go there, then your last option is to buy raid runs from sellers. Anet have already stated that selling raids is acceptable so why not spend that hard earned pve openworld gold on purchasing raid clears? Grind your gold however you want to reach the goal you're trying to 🙂

Instead of buying Raid runs (hm strange that most people offer this solution..) , why not a Open version one ?


Some might say , that the goals of most accounts here it to push people to pay Sell runs .

But what i know , i am a lonely peasant that will accept a "cut"


(i swear to ares, when you corner a raider , he goes behind the training guilds and guides.

And a raid-seller , hides behinds the raider....)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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5 minutes ago, disco.9302 said:

On the whole this thread is going round in circles because some people refuse to accept that there are enough ways to get legendary armour already and want to concoct new paths that only suit them.

My view is this - if you are prepared to commit to thousands of hours of grind, then you also have the ability to learn a few simple mechanics and go to do raids. If you are hell bent on avoiding raids, you can do your PVE grind by going to WVW and fighting NPCs while flipping camps and stopping caravans. There is absolutely no requirement to interact with other players if you do this.  

If you don't want to learn raids and hate pvp/wvw so much that you can't go there, then your last option is to buy raid runs from sellers. Anet have already stated that selling raids is acceptable so why not spend that hard earned pve openworld gold on purchasing raid clears? Grind your gold however you want to reach the goal you're trying to 🙂

This makes sense, but that’s not what they campaign - they want low effort legendary, preferably with components on TP so you can just visa/MasterCard it.

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16 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Why not all the metas from each expanion offers some credits ?

Hot Dragonstorm , PoF (which is the hardest?- havent done anything ater season 3) , EoD  Soo?

For  a year , i dont have problem doing them

Because all of them are idle difficulty, and only Soo even approaches anything resembling challenging content.

I see it didn't take long for us to get to the "let me idle in PvE for a time" response...

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9 minutes ago, Mik.3401 said:

This makes sense, but that’s not what they campaign - they want low effort legendary, preferably with components on TP so you can just visa/MasterCard it.

Not true there are 2 camps. Some want with it with Gift of Exploration and the like and doing achievements. The other want to do a 10 hour collection and farm octovine till the shinys drop. The latter is just way louder and probably not as numerous as they seem. But both camps are pretty vague in specifics which makes it pretty hard to evaluate how fair(free) these theoretical Legendary armors are.

The People  you are talking about are the reason I see so many god damm Sellers in the LFG and already swiped there card.

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10 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Because all of them are idle difficulty, and only Soo even approaches anything resembling challenging content.

I see it didn't take long for us to get to the "let me idle in PvE for a time" response...

All them are dificult . People had time to do them and learn .

What is the general moto around here ? Ah yeah" Tentraquil used to have the same dificulty until people l2p"

Lets offer the Tentaquil to have the same credits

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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22 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

All of the "PvE, but not raid" legendary armor "suggestions" so far have been flat out gimmes. Every single one, just "If I spend six months in PvE, gimme".
And every time a limitation or requirement is pointed out, the same "but that only applies to the minority" reply.

Sure. Open world PvE legendary armor. Each piece requires fifty successful completions of the Battle for the Jade Sea. Have fun doing the DE meta daily!

inb4 "but that's only for people who enjoy the DE meta!"

Oh, i gave some examples i do not consider that way (including some that would have required far more effort, and showcase the "game mastery" even more than the current sets) many times over throughout the years. It's just noone bringing that "you want it for free" arguments ever responded, because it did not fit their narrative. Eventually i stopped, because i realized people will still be picking the examples they want to strengthen their weak arguments.

Case in point: you're already doing that here.

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1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:

You think raiders, fractal enjoyers and WvW-slaves don't want ascended stats? They only people who would stop wanting/needing Legendary Armor would be casuals, OW-players and maybe Strikers. Which is kinda the point isn't it? Maybe a WvW player will use it as a stop gap and don't buy the third armor weight. And that should be fine.

But the point of the legy armor are not the stats. People don't get legy armor, and casuals dont want legy armor because of the stats. They want the legy armor for the convience they give. Legendary items are a QOL in the Game like Endless Harvesting Tools. Nothing more.

And taking this away from the legy amor would make it obsolet for most people.

And yes, i know a lot of people, inclusive me who raided a loooong time, and are still raiding with exotic stats on armor and Weapons. I can't talk for wvw because i know only one person who does wvw, and he does this only for the armor not for the wvw-feeling. The other one i know is a true casual and dosn't care for legy or even asc-armor.

And thats the point with all the legendary amor we have in the game, they all have their grind to them so you can choose which way you want to go.

But when you now want to take the grind away under the cover, this is not legendary amor because it has exotic stats BUT has the stat-swap what makes the legendary armor legendary. Because asc-crafting in this game is not expensive, so doubeling the price would not come close to the current paths of the legendary amor. Because yes, after the grind also come costs for all 3 current paths, for EACH part of the armor. And thats not a small cost.

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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17 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

All them are dificult . People had time to do them and learn .

What is the general moto around here ? Ah yeah" Tentraquil used to have the same dificulty until people l2p"

Lets offer the Tentaquil to have the same credits

"Tentaquil" got nerved like hell

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10 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

"Tentaquil" got nerved like hell

In the dps department yes , the poison need more ticks to kill you now .

It wasn't as hellish , when they choose 20 people from  the first row of the theater to participate in the live event .

The rest of the blow was healers from HoT.

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2 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

"Tentaquil" got nerved like hell

I keep pointing that out, but then the people asking for the DE meta to "remain challenging" just repeat that "Tequatl was initially hard, until people learned" again. So, apparently the nerfs don;t matter for thsi comparison. In which case we can use Tequalt, and HoT metas (which are brought up into that comparison equally frequently) as well.

So, let's make the requirement a token you obtain through Tequatl, HoT metas, DE (and possibly few other metas and events like marionette as well). Let's cap the rate you can obtain that tokens at 25 tokens per week. Let's make you require 25 tokens for a precursor armor piece (first precursor set obtained through collection) and 25 tokens per upgrading the precursor piece to legendary, and we have a pretty decent requirement.

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5 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

And yes, i know a lot of people, inclusive me who raided a loooong time, and are still raiding with exotic stats on armor and Weapons

I need some source for that besides your word, cause I have a hard time believing that.


6 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

But when you now want to take the grind away under the cover, this is not legendary amor because it has exotic stats BUT has the stat-swap what makes the legendary armor legendary. Because asc-crafting in this game is not expensive, so doubeling the price would not come close to the current paths of the legendary amor.

First of all i do not want it to "cost double then an exotic" that came from someone else. I made clear in my post a Explorer-like Progression would be a nice way to go about it. Also i wouldn't necessarily get that Explorer-set I purposed. I already own legendary armor for one weight and have not need for it. I personally want ascended stats on my build if i can help it. I just thought giving casual player the ability to stat swap with a reduced grind, at the cost of stats seemed like a neat compromised.

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37 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Instead of buying Raid runs (hm strange that most people offer this solution..) , why not a Open version one ?


Some might say , that the goals of most accounts here it to push people to pay Sell runs .

But what i know , i am a lonely peasant that will accept a "cut"


(i swear to ares, when you corner a raider , he goes behind the training guilds and guides.

And a raid-seller , hides behinds the raider....)

The argument is the same as the gem store scenario.

You can farm gold then buy gems with gold and purchase whatever you want from the gem store.

In the same way, you can farm gold, and purchase raid clears if you can't do them yourself.


I find it hilarious that that there is this idea that raiders are a different breed/race when most of them are just casuals like 99% of all GW2 players. The difficulty of raids is greatly exaggerated by those who don't do the content. If those complaining in this thread about the lack of openworld legendary armour put in as much effort into trying raids as they do into creating their long posts, they would be already halfway to achieving their goals.

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3 minutes ago, disco.9302 said:

I find it hilarious that that there is this idea that raiders are a different breed/race when most of them are just casuals like 99% of all GW2 players.

Yep. That is hilarious. Just not for the reason you think it is.

It is also a very clear (and very telling) example of how big the disconnect of raiders from the rest of the game community is.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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10 hours ago, disco.9302 said:

The argument is the same as the gem store scenario.

You can farm gold then buy gems with gold and purchase whatever you want from the gem store.

In the same way, you can farm gold, and purchase raid clears if you can't do them yourself.


I find it hilarious that that there is this idea that raiders are a different breed/race when most of them are just casuals like 99% of all GW2 players. The difficulty of raids is greatly exaggerated by those who don't do the content. If those complaining in this thread about the lack of openworld legendary armour put in as much effort into trying raids as they do into creating their long posts, they would be already halfway to achieving their goals.

Yes i can use my money to  buy Raid clears or  Gemstore items .

Why i cant spent those money to buy half the mats from the Trading post and scour the Open land for the rest , like any Legendary  ?


Why my only option is to buy Raid clears ?

Why not prohibit Raid sells , so my only option is to play the Oepn World for 1,5 year  or the Raid in the training guild  for 4 months ?

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9 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I keep pointing that out, but then the people asking for the DE meta to "remain challenging" just repeat that "Tequatl was initially hard, until people learned" again. So, apparently the nerfs don;t matter for thsi comparison. In which case we can use Tequalt, and HoT metas (which are brought up into that comparison equally frequently) as well.

So, let's make the requirement a token you obtain through Tequatl, HoT metas, DE (and possibly few other metas and events like marionette as well). Let's cap the rate you can obtain that tokens at 25 tokens per week. Let's make you require 25 tokens for a precursor armor piece (first precursor set obtained through collection) and 25 tokens per upgrading the precursor piece to legendary, and we have a pretty decent requirement.

I think you missed the part where people want to have a huge grind.  25 tokens cap per week but the precursor costs 200 per piece and a further 500 (per item) to upgrade to legendary. 168 weeks for the full set sounds about correct. Remember, all these openworlders live for the grind 🙂

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Just now, disco.9302 said:

I think you missed the part where people want to have a huge grind.  25 tokens cap per week but the precursor costs 200 per piece and a further 500 (per item) to upgrade to legendary. 84 weeks for the full set sounds about correct. Remember, all these openworlders live for the grind 🙂

The huge grind would still remain in the material and gold requirements.

I mean, i know you don't want to post any reasonable ideas but rather hope to kill the idea and salt the earth, but even for that you're going way overboard, don't ypu think?

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9 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Yes i can use my money to  buy Raid clears or  Gemstore items .

Why i cant spent those money to buy half the mats from the Trading post and scour the Open land for the rest , like any Legendary  ?


Why my only option is to buy Raid clears ?

Why not prohibit Raid sells , so my only option is to play the Oepn World for 1,5  or the Raid in the training guild  for 4 months ?

What any Legendary? You can´t  get Legendary weapons as PvP player. But what if i don't want play open world content. Why should weapons be locked behind a Game mode i don't enjoy. Why should i need to buy Weapons from the TP and be locked out of gen 2 Weapons completely. Why cant i buy Nevermore with ascended shards?

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10 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

What any Legendary?YOu can´t  get Legendary weapons as PvP player. But what if i don't want play open world content. Why should weapons be locked behind a Game mode i don't enjoy. Why should i need to buy Weapons from the TP and be locked out of gen 2 Weapons completely. Why cant i buy Nevermore with ascended shards?

If pvpers want some PvE weapons , they ask for it , in a thread .

Why should gear be locked behind a Game mode i don't enjoy?


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8 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yep. That is hilarious. Just not for the reason you think it is.

It is also a very clear (and very telling) example of how big the disconnect of raiders from the rest of the game community is.

I had the same opinions before and after doing raids.... Your vague comments make little sense but I guess you do you fam.


4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The huge grind would still remain in the material and gold requirements.

I mean, i know you don't want to post any reasonable ideas but rather hope to kill the idea and salt the earth, but even for that you're going way overboard, don't ypu think?

You know? rather presumptuous of you to think that you know something without evidence for this.....  

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