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Season 4 Episiode 1: Fahranur instance needs a full redesign

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This instance is miserably bad. The mob swarms are huge, and the final boss puts out damage and CC at a rate too high to dodge, even with DD. The instance REQUIRES being unfailable, as it virtually impossible not to die dozens and dozens of times. It's very unfun and uninteresting, and completely lacks the tension the story is trying to generate as you just end up face tanking, hitting every button possible, and repeating after each respawn as actually trying to play well makes things SLOWER, not faster, and doesn't result in fewer deaths anyway.

Even season 2, for all people complain about it, did a better job than this. Yes, the S2 encounters were bad signposted as to what to do, but once you had them worked out they were doable without resorting to just face tanking and rezzing. This need to be remade entirely. It's hands down the worst instance and the worst encounters set in the game (although as I am going in order it's possible I may change mind about that going through the rest of S4)

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It’s likely your first time, or it’s been quite some time since you did it, based on the numerous complaint threads you’ve been making recently. I suggest taking a look at the wiki and video guides if it wasn’t evident enough on what to do while doing the instance. There’s a lot of CC but it’s not required to worry too much about them unless you’re going for a specific achievement. 

It’s going to be the same for the next episode when you get to a specific boss within the next few days. 

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