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Trying to find a strike group is sapping all the fun of this game

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10 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Okay, let's go with an example, there is group asking for an experienced FIrebrand as a healer, you see that group, you dont know what a Firebrand is, how healing is done in the game and you haven't heard about the content this group wants to do. What is the logical step here?

  1. Look up what those are and how this content needs to be done
  2. Join the group regardless, get kicked, repeat this with a different group and finish this with coming to complain on the forums

Obviously, the first option is the way to go, if you don't know what a group is asking for and/or doing you don't join that group, and even if you join the group ask what they mean using those terms and such.
OP didn't say anything about being met with silence and getting kicked, but, if such thing happens it's because when you join a squad you mention the role you intend to fill and if the squad is also asking for KP/LI you ping that with your role.

People are correct in telling OP that he should have not joined a squad that he doesn't meet the requirements of. A squad's commander decides the requirements, if someone not meeting those requirements joins then the commander is allowed to kick that individual from the squad.

A group finder wouldn't really solve this issue, you queue up and get thrown in with randoms. The commander can still kick people, so it won't solve the KP/LI "issue". 
If the system is only used by inexperienced people then you throw 10 people together with varying understanding of the encounter and they'll most likely end up failing and getting frustrated.
Squads ask for specific roles for a reason, there'd be a need for so many different options to queue as, simply because there are many different roles.

Could you create the full acronym that is going in the LFG ? Should it be like :

Cm / 250 li / exp fb / hDruid/link feet/food ?

If i was the newer player , i would have  recognized only  the Druid part and joined in there anyway ?

Clearly  they are looking for a  Druid and for some reason , they want to see my feet (fetish?).

And if they ask me : "link LI" , i could tell them i have only passport


If people want to segregate themselves , they can freely do in the manual LFG , like now .

The commander can start the kick vote , and it will be the rest of the 4 to accept his decision , or report him for abuse of Power .

Many rules can be created specifically for auto -que , like no Harassing, no Afk , no sharing the Combat logs in chat ,  otherwise your account (and if you have any more) will be banned/can't use auto-que for 15 days (and scales) . Something to 'straighten" them .


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18 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

The selling hurts people who are forced to pay for a raid to get the kill proofs to then strike or raid normally.

If you have a group finder people will assume you are a noob and people will que to help others strike or raid like what happens in other games.

Honestly all I want is a redo of the LFG system since I want to see all active parties rather than having to go though the filters to try and find a group. Some Open World content spans multiple maps like bounties so why not have large LFG so I can see when a group is doing it.

No one is being forced to pay for a raid. Those are completely optional and approved by Anet. You do not need LI or KP to get into raiding, you need those to join experienced groups looking for other experienced players. Also, will this auto-lfg allow friends and guild mates to queue up together? Because if so, raid selling will still very much be a thing. And if not, then the system is a fail right off the bat. And no, people do not automatically assume that others in an auto-lfg queue are noobs. I've seen it first hand in ESO. People hate getting grouped with noobs and either demand the group votes to kick or they leave. And since the noobs often need someone to fill a specialty role since they are noobs and don't know how to do it themselves, this often leads them sitting in queue forever waiting for someone to come by that is willing to train them. All of this can be avoided with a simple lfg post.


Now as far as giving the lfg some sort of filter that only shows the categories have active lfg posts in them, that sounds awesome and I would be all for that. But so far, the lfg system we have is amazing.

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7 hours ago, Vidit.7108 said:

The auto-LFG idea isn't a good one but I don't need to fight with them about it. It's more constructive to try and explain to people what to do to play with people of their skill level with the tools that exist now.

That's something that was repeatedly done in this thread and yet each time it is being ignored just to revert right back into "auto lfg would solve all my problems" or "I don't know, but that's my opinion". I understand that some things are problematic for some people, but when they're being given the solution easly available in the game with current systems and they dismiss it with "why do you care" or straight up repeating "but auto lfg!", then it stops being a realistic problem with an attempt to look for solution, but just start looking like a scapegoat.

It's not like people here don't try to help and provide solution. It's just that those solutions are being intentionally ignored to pretend that implementing a slightly different (and way more random) system would somehow solve anything and magically teach players by itself.

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7 hours ago, BumboJumbo.1308 said:

If  you believe that entry level content, like strikes, that gets people engaged in basic mechanics can be gate kept in the lfg then for the love of God never complain about peoples skill level and never complain about lack of hard content.

Nobody has the ability to somehow "gatekeep" you from using current lfg. Join squads according to what you (and those groups) are looking for or straight up make a new squad with an inviting description. How is this an issue and how is this gatekeeping anyone?


7 hours ago, Luci.7018 said:

You can  oppose  them althought?

You cannot see , that something in the "Instance Community"  is not working and rather than iterate and waste money , we should use  something that creates toxicity 100% ...but is something that we must worry after the instance population is increased ?

For some toxicity is the "gatekeeping"

While other thinks that "not pulling your weight" is toxicity .


Both cases can be resolved by separating those 2 .

So just joining/creating groups with specific descriptions clearly stating they're looking for "experienced" or "new" (or even "everyone welcome!") isn't a solution for your problem... why exactly? Can you finally respond to that? What is wrong with reading those short, specific descriptions and joining according to what you/they are looking for?

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1 hour ago, Luci.7018 said:

Could you create the full acronym that is going in the LFG ? Should it be like :

Cm / 250 li / exp fb / hDruid/link feet/food ?

If i was the newer player , i would have  recognized only  the Druid part and joined in there anyway ?

Clearly  they are looking for a  Druid and for some reason , they want to see my feet (fetish?).

And if they ask me : "link LI" , i could tell them i have only passport

A usual LFG, where people ask for LI would look like "<Content> 250LI 2xHeal, 2xQuick, 2xAlac, 4xDPS" as an example. Now, if you don't understand parts of this chances are you don't meet the requirements. 

1 hour ago, Luci.7018 said:

The commander can start the kick vote , and it will be the rest of the 4 to accept his decision , or report him for abuse of Power .

Nope, the Commander can kick anyone, there is no kick voting in squads.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Nobody has the ability to somehow "gatekeep" you from using current lfg. Join squads according to what you (and those groups) are looking for or straight up make a new squad with an inviting description. How is this an issue and how is this gatekeeping anyone?


So just joining/creating groups with specific descriptions clearly stating they're looking for "experienced" or "new" (or even "everyone welcome!") isn't a solution for your problem... why exactly? Can you finally respond to that? What is wrong with reading those short, specific descriptions and joining according to what you/they are looking for?

What was your response to the OP , that he shouldn't join that group ?


What was your second suggestion to him , that he should have joined them and ask them? ( got booted twice) .


What was your third suggestion that he shouldn't join An Endgame Content ?


Clearly , we a auto-button , he wouldn't need to hear your 3 suggestions


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10 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

A usual LFG, where people ask for LI would look like "<Content> 250LI 2xHeal, 2xQuick, 2xAlac, 4xDPS" as an example. Now, if you don't understand parts of this chances are you don't meet the requirements. 

Nope, the Commander can kick anyone, there is no kick voting in squads.

What is the acronym for resto druid , or Quickness Brand ?

Then if the commander tries to kick a person for low dps or trying to save a spot for his friend i can OBS to make a video and report it to the GMs . Then he can play in the manual LFG

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2 hours ago, Luci.7018 said:

What is the acronym for resto druid , or Quickness Brand ?

Then if the commander tries to kick a person for low dps or trying to save a spot for his friend i can OBS to make a video and report it to the GMs . Then he can play in the manual LFG

Noone specifies the builds they are looking for. They want healers, Quickness, Alac and DPS. The combination doesn't matter.

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10 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Yes, if you don't meet the requirements don't join the group. That simple.

I had no second suggestion, I said that if the OP still joins the squad for some reason he can ask what those terms mean.

Where did I say this?

(Sobx change character , use the Unowen)

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52 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

What was your response to the OP , that he shouldn't join that group ?

Stop lying about what I said. I said that any player can join any squad according to its description [in order to have their desired experience]. Any player is also free to create their own group with any requirements (or lack of them) they want. Asking this question for... probably ~8th time: how is this a problem?


What was your second suggestion to him , that he should have joined them and ask them? ( got booted twice) .

Again, stop cutting my responses in half and then pretending that's what I said. What I said is: if they don't understand the terms used, then it's fairly logical to assume they can't fulfill the requirement. If they want to learn about what those terms mean, they could: a) join and ask (or not join and just ask in map chat -this is one of those things you're CONSTANTLY dodging btw); b) google (because if someone can find this forum and make a topic to rant about the issue, I don't see why they wouldn't be able to search for a gw2 term?).


What was your third suggestion that he shouldn't join An Endgame Content ?

That is not what I said at all, why are you so hard set on lying about what I actually wrote? I even know what you're refering to and it was what I already mentioned above: I said that any player can join any squad according to its description [in order to have their desired experience]. Any player is also free to create their own group with any requirements (or lack of them) they want. Asking this question for... probably ~8th time: how is this a problem?

Nothing about that is somehow an equivalent of what you just claimed I said. Once again: please stop lying and respond to what I actually write.

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7 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

You know how you avoid joining the wrong group?

Simply dont click on it if you dont understand what it is saying.


Yes because typing ""new"" or ""welcome"" in the lfg search bar is really really hard.

Yes but I want to see all the LFGs at once. Maybe let another website access the LFG api like the trading post does.

I hate having to go through each tab finding nothing to do.  It just needs to be more comprehensive. 

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7 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Again, define?

You do know you can search LFGs? And filter them, too?

You can put everything in the LFG into one list then filter them. I mean I program for a living and this is simple stuff. 

First removed the different tabs:

1. LFG lists all the available groups

2. The tabs can now be Filters like HoT or PoF for all expansion metas. 

3. That group will give details on the zone they are in the description. 

4. Let people search by name and or by filter.

(will do a separate post) 

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11 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Stop lying about what I said. I said that any player can join any squad according to its description [in order to have their desired experience]. Any player is also free to create their own group with any requirements (or lack of them) they want. Asking this question for... probably ~8th time: how is this a problem?

Again, stop cutting my responses in half and then pretending that's what I said. What I said is: if they don't understand the terms used, then it's fairly logical to assume they can't fulfill the requirement. If they want to learn about what those terms mean, they could: a) join and ask (or not join and just ask in map chat -this is one of those things you're CONSTANTLY dodging btw); b) google (because if someone can find this forum and make a topic to rant about the issue, I don't see why they wouldn't be able to search for a gw2 term?).

That is not what I said at all, why are you so hard set on lying about what I actually wrote? I even know what you're refering to and it was what I already mentioned above: I said that any player can join any squad according to its description [in order to have their desired experience]. Any player is also free to create their own group with any requirements (or lack of them) they want. Asking this question for... probably ~8th time: how is this a problem?

Nothing about that is somehow an equivalent of what you just claimed I said. Once again: please stop lying and respond to what I actually write.

Hmm , didn't you gave him the advice not to join or join and ask ? Which the OP did , and got booted twice without a response and how hates Strikes ?

Why are so against an extra auto-LFG ? Your propositions don't work and a auto-button removes the need to check for external informations  and instead focus on fun

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4 hours ago, Luci.7018 said:

But he shouldn't get in there and ask ?

And in end , joined and was met with silence and get kicked (twice) ?

Then he came to the forums , he wentin a crazy loop , where people saying that he shouldn't join them ?


All can be easily with a button .

PoF strikes failed too , but they where rebranded

I'm wondering since the first time it was mentioned here, what are those rebranded PoF strikes? Strikes were introduced with IBS and I can't remember anything rebranded (only the wintersday dungeon with Freezie was called a strike later).


The IBS strikes had an auto-grouping feature, have you tried how well that worked?

Hint: It was used so rarely (because of leechers, trolls, bad performance etc.) compared to the normal lfg, that it was removed from everything except the daylie later. DRM auto-grouping had/has equal problems.

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14 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

I said exactly what I again wrote back to you in the post you've just quoted.

As you can see in the screenshot you so willingfully provided, this is literally talking about cases where "someone doesn't understand what the description of the squad says". Nowhere there's anything about somehow "not playing higher-end content". Stop lying and start reading whole posts instead of singular words from them. Which part exactly do you need to have re-explained again?


Why are so against an extra auto-LFG ? Your propositions don't work and a auto-button removes the need to check for external informations  and instead focus on fun

The question is: why do you constantly keep lying about what I said by trying to cut it into smaller, out of context parts, while at the same time dodging what I'm actually writing? You literally did it again right now.

"Why I'm against it"? I already wrote you how "auto-lfg" doesn't fix anything of complaints made in here, but you also just dodged those posts and went back into "why not, just give me". It's like you're asking the question just to run from the answer right in your next post. I don't see how that's an attempt at having an honest discussion.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I said exactly what I again wrote back to you in the post you've just quoted.

As you can see in the screenshot you so willingfully provided, this is literally talking about cases where "someone doesn't understand what the description of the squad says". Nowhere there's anything about somehow "not playing higher-end content". Stop lying and start reading whole posts instead of singular words from them. Which part exactly do you need to have re-explained again?

The question is: why do you constantly keep lying about what I said by trying to cut it into smaller, out of context parts, while at the same time dodging what I'm actually writing? 🤔 You literally did it again right now.

I read your post , with the  either he should not  join or join and ask .

Why not create an auto-LFG to avoid your  2x scenarios , that don't work ?

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1 minute ago, Luci.7018 said:

I read your post , with the  either he should not  join or join and ask .

Why not create an auto-LFG to avoid your  2x scenarios ?

I'll just copy paste the fragment from the post you've just quoted and ignored again:

As you can see in the screenshot you so willingfully provided, this is literally talking about cases where "someone doesn't understand what the description of the squad says". Nowhere there's anything about somehow "not playing higher-end content". Stop lying and start reading whole posts instead of singular words from them. Which part exactly do you need to have re-explained again?

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I'll just copy paste the fragment from the post you've just quoted and ignored again:

As you can see in the screenshot you so willingfully provided, this is literally talking about cases where "someone doesn't understand what the description of the squad says". Nowhere there's anything about somehow "not playing higher-end content". Stop lying and start reading whole posts instead of singular words from them. Which part exactly do you need to have re-explained again?

I can see a person that say to a new player , to not join something if he doesnt understand  .

Why not create a button to remove the ability to accidentally join or protect him from things he doesnt understand ?

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9 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

I can see a person that say to a new player , to not join something if he doesnt understand  .

Yeah, if you don't understand the words in the squad description, the chances are prettty high (almost certain) that you're not specifically someone they're looking for.

Want to learn what it is? Ask in chat/forum/google it, whatever works for you. All of these are insanely easy to do and you still didn't tell me what's so problematic about that. When will you stop dodging?

They can also join any group that doesn't have these specific requirements, there are training/no req squads around.

They can also make thier own group and allow people to join it.

Once again, you never told me what's so problematic about any of this. I'll keep asking though, since best case scenario: you are really just missing those questions and maybe one day you'll be able to notice them and respond. Worst case scenario, it just shows everyone what you're doing in this thread is just dishonest.


Why not create a button to remove the ability to accidentally join or protect him from things he doesnt understand ?

Because if you want to group up 10 completely random players, you can already do that by clicking "advertise your group" and typing in "everyone welcome". That is also something you've been repeatedly told and ignored every single time. But just like above: I'll keep informing you about it, in case you've somehow missed it until now.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, if you don't understand the word in the squad description, the chances are prettty high (almost certain) that you're not specifically someone they're looking for.

Want to learn what it is? Ask in chat/forum/google it, whatever works for you. All of these are insanely easy to do and you still didn't tell me what's so problematic about that. When will you stop dodging?

They can also join any group that doesn't have these specific requirements, there are training/no req squads around.

They can also make thier own group and allow people to join it.

Once again, you never told me what's so problematic about any of this. I'll keep asking though, since best case scenario: you are really just missing those questions and maybe one day you'll be able to notice them and respond. Worst case scenario, it just shows everyone what you're doing in this thread is just dishonest.

Because if you want to group up 10 completely random players, you can already do that by clicking "advertise your group" and typing in "everyone welcome". That is also something you've been repeatedly told and ignored every single time. But just like above: I'll keep informing you about it, in case you've somehow missed it until now.

The person followed you advice , joined/kicked/didn't get a response .

And most likely there wasn't any other "welcomed" group

The advice doesn't work , so it's better for an alternate solution

What's wrong with an auto-button ? It does the same job as the current LFG and , new people are not gonna accidentally join somewhere they don't belong to .

The current manual LFG will stay ofc , for those wish to kill any boss in 4 min


Toxicity is valid argument , but its better to worry about  increased  population first.

Quick/Alacr , is not needed , but people are adaptive , just like people respecting in the healers in PoF Strikes .

Casual  will not meet  experienced people ..if they stop locking themselves ?

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Just now, Luci.7018 said:

The person followed you advice , joined/kicked/didn't get a response .

They didn't. They came here before I even had the chance to write it. He "didn't do what I said", since from what we see for now, he didn't even bother repeating what part of the description he didn't understand. If he did write it here, I'd gladly try to explain it to him.

And, agian, my advice about it is this:

Yeah, if you don't understand the words in the squad description, the chances are prettty high (almost certain) that you're not specifically someone they're looking for.

Want to learn what it is? Ask in chat/forum/google it, whatever works for you. All of these are insanely easy to do and you still didn't tell me what's so problematic about that. When will you stop dodging?

They can also join any group that doesn't have these specific requirements, there are training/no req squads around.

They can also make thier own group and allow people to join it.


Stop trying to -again- cut a small fragment from what I said and pretend that's all of it. And you still didn't explain how any of what I expained here is somehow hard to do.

Just now, Luci.7018 said:

And most likely there wasn't any other "welcomed" group

You literally can't know it, you're just making up fictional events to fit your narrative. Then again, as I already wrote multiple times, there's nothing in the way of any player to make their own "everyone welcome" group. Again, stop dodging this fact, just because you understand it's true, but it goes against your narrative.

Just now, Luci.7018 said:

The advice doesn't work , so it's better for an alternate solution

The advice was never used in the first place. And it definitely works.

5 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

What's wrong with an auto-button ? It does the same job as the current LFG and , new people are not gonna accidentally join somewhere they don't belong to .

Why do you keep asking this question, when you skip the answer anyways just to ask it again? Here's what you've just quoted:

Because if you want to group up 10 completely random players, you can already do that by clicking "advertise your group" and typing in "everyone welcome". That is also something you've been repeatedly told and ignored every single time. But just like above: I'll keep informing you about it, in case you've somehow missed it until now.


How do you "accidentally join somewhere"? Read the description and you won't have "accidents".

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

They didn't. They came here before I even had the chance to write it. He "didn't do what I said", since from what we see for now, he didn't even bother repeating what part of the description he didn't understand. If he did write it here, I'd gladly try to explain it to him.

And, agian, my advice about it is this:

Yeah, if you don't understand the words in the squad description, the chances are prettty high (almost certain) that you're not specifically someone they're looking for.

Want to learn what it is? Ask in chat/forum/google it, whatever works for you. All of these are insanely easy to do and you still didn't tell me what's so problematic about that. When will you stop dodging?

They can also join any group that doesn't have these specific requirements, there are training/no req squads around.

They can also make thier own group and allow people to join it.


Stop trying to -again- cut a small fragment from what I said and pretend that's all of it. And you still didn't explain how any of what I expained here is somehow hard to do.

You literally can't know it, you're just making up fictional events to fit your narrative. Then again, as I already wrote multiple times, there's nothing in the way of any player to make their own "everyone welcome" group. Again, stop dodging this fact, just because you understand it's true, but it goes against your narrative.

The advice was never used in the first place. And it definitely works.

Why do you keep asking this question, when you skip the answer anyways just to ask it again? Here's what you've just quoted:

Because if you want to group up 10 completely random players, you can already do that by clicking "advertise your group" and typing in "everyone welcome". That is also something you've been repeatedly told and ignored every single time. But just like above: I'll keep informing you about it, in case you've somehow missed it until now.


How do you "accidentally join somewhere"? Read the description and you won't have "accidents".

So he joined -kicked -come here to whine

Then 2 hours later , you said he should join , and don;t be afraid to ask

I am confused .. so your idea works ?

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4 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

So he joined -kicked -come here to whine

Then 2 hours later , you said the same thing , he should have done .

If you want to stop being """confused""", stop dodging what I write and respond to the whole post you're quoting.


I am confused .. so your idea works ?

Yes, my "advice" (not "idea") works, you just refuse to use it anyways. Duh, you even refuse to respond to it as a whole 🙄


And here's what will happen now: you'll repeat the same question again, to which I'll copy the whole post from above. You'll then ignore it again and go back into asking the same question while pretending "OP did what I wnted him to do". But as already explained above, he didn't. We still don't even know what words were not understandable for him and pretty clearly he didn't ask anyone what they mean.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If you want to stop being """confused""", stop dodging and respond to the whole post you're quoting.


I am answering truthfully  , but i feel you are trying to stall .

In the same time , why are you so against the auto-lfg ?


Edit:Toxicity is valid argument , but its better to worry about  increased  population first.

Quick/Alacr , is not needed , but people are adaptive , just like people respecting in the healers in PoF Strikes .

Casual  will meet  experienced people ..if they stop locking themselves ?

I cannot be carried , if all with me are casuals also

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1 minute ago, Luci.7018 said:

I am answering truthfully  , but i feel you are trying to stall .

In the same time , why are you so against the auto-lfg ?

I'm very clearly not the one stalling here, buddy. All the answers are already in this thread. For starters, go back to this post and respond to it as a whole:



btw, called it:


And here's what will happen now: you'll repeat the same question again, to which I'll copy the whole post from above. You'll then ignore it again and go back into asking the same question while pretending "OP did what I wnted him to do". But as already explained above, he didn't. We still don't even know what words were not understandable for him and pretty clearly he didn't ask anyone what they mean.


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