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Trying to find a strike group is sapping all the fun of this game

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Tried to find a group do the do the Kaineng daily, it would be my first strike. Joined a few groups, but they seem to speak in code and when I expressed my newness, I was ejected. This has happened twice so far and I really hate the elitist group members that gate the game content because they want shave a few seconds of their personal best.


Just venting my frustration at people that spoil what should be a big of fun. 

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Go on metabattle and/or snowcrows and get a meta build. Test it at the golem in Lions Arch Aerodrome if you don't have arcdps.

There's several main roles in strikes:
* heal firebrand ("healbrand")  = also abbreviated HB provides quickness some might, fury and healing ---  this is run with a DPS alacrity source such as condi alac mechanist , condi alac ren (ritualist or celestial) ; condi alac mirage
* "(DPS) quickness" = quickness harbinger / scrapper / StM chrono (seize the moment) ---

* heal mechanist ("hmech") = heal mechanist with alacrity, might, fury output --- typically run with DPS quickness source
* "alac" or alacrity source = alacrity renegade (power/condi) , mechanist , mirage , or specter
* druid = self explanatory, a druid that heals their subgroup (party) and supplies spirits for the group --- you run this when you have both DPS quick and DPS alac
* BS = berserker or bladesworn warrior with banner of discipline and banner of strength to boost overall squad damage output , less common with a condi composition

See also https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Dak393/Raid_Guide#Lingo

Watch a guide so you know what to do instead of eating every mechanic. Don't be the "DPS" soulbeast that joins and does 3K DPS when every DPS quick/DPS alac does 10K+ and you will be fine. Strikes are generally more relaxed than raids unless you are doing an "exp" harvest temple since the failure rate on that is higher.

Kaineng overlook isn't a good first strike whatsoever by the way. You were ejected likely because people were expecting a smooth clear and not to carry a new player , that's why you felt they were "speaking in code". If you want help then you should be joining "everyone welcome" , first timers" or "training".

Edited by Infusion.7149
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5 hours ago, Sai Edge.9306 said:

Tried to find a group do the do the Kaineng daily, it would be my first strike. Joined a few groups, but they seem to speak in code and when I expressed my newness, I was ejected. This has happened twice so far and I really hate the elitist group members that gate the game content because they want shave a few seconds of their personal best.


Just venting my frustration at people that spoil what should be a big of fun. 

Wait until they bring an a group finder (queuing) and then it should get better. I bet they will do this at some point since they are setting up a trinity you could que as either support, dps, healer or tank. I'm willing to bet they will simply the tanking system and make a focus mechanic.

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10 hours ago, Sai Edge.9306 said:

Tried to find a group do the do the Kaineng daily, it would be my first strike. Joined a few groups, but they seem to speak in code and when I expressed my newness, I was ejected. This has happened twice so far and I really hate the elitist group members that gate the game content because they want shave a few seconds of their personal best.


Just venting my frustration at people that spoil what should be a big of fun. 

I've cleared that strike 1/1 with a < 3k dps core necro.

Just make your own group and get a healer, 1 alac, 1 quickness in each subgroup.

aka... Go spend 300g and farm 250 badges of honor! Yay for gatekeeping BASIC MMO grouping tools behind expensive purchases(for a new player)

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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I'm going to guess you wanted to do this strike mission specifically for the turtle collection. If you want to get into doing strike missions you should start with atherblade or one of the first three Icebrood Saga strike missions. They are more at an entry level.

Anet has definitely made a mistake in requiring it for the collection but that's neither here nor there.
Here is my suggestion. Find a group of people that want to do the strike for the turtle. This is where you are likely to meet other players who are new and there is a chance it will be guided by someone who knows what they are doing. FYI here is a simple guide for the 5 phases of the fight so that you can generally know how the fight works.
Phase 1. Stand behind Li in melee range at all times. He will do a big sword swipe that covers the arena, it can be dodged. However he will dash to a new part of the arena after that, if you are in the path you will probably instantly go down.
Phase 2. Three enemies spawn back by the starting platform. Ritualist, Mindblade and Enforcer. Whoever is closest to the Enforcer and Mindblade when they spawn and attacks them first gets "focused" and will be followed around by one of them. This status gets lost during a special attack and regained on a new person afterward. Players typically fight them in this order Ritualist>Mindblade>Enforcer. Some groups have the Mindblade brought over to the ritualist to do cleave damage and kill them both at the same time. If the Enforcer and Mindblade are allowed together they become harder to kill and must be separated. 
Phase 3. Li has two new mechanics, three roman numeral icons will appear on the heads of three players. These three players need to stand both apart from each other and away from the group. Usually they stand on one side or corner together and the rest of the players need be on the opposite side. Li will then do a beam attack if it hits anyone besides the people with the numbers everyone in the beam goes down. I think if the first phase goes on long enough this might appear but it definitely appears in phase 2. Sometimes, the commander or someone in squad chat will call out "numbers" when it happens if people aren't moving into place.
Second mechanic is when Li goes to do his big sword swing 5 people will be given an orange aoe marker, they have to dodge the sword swipe or they will go down when the aoe goes off. If they stack with other players or another player with an orange aoe they will probably just die instantly regardless.
Phase 4. A sniper and golem spawn on the other platform. They essentially share hp and players don't really like to do the mechanics associated with part of the fight so just keep in mind a few things. When the sniper leaves the battlefield they will target a random player who will go down when they are shot. If you are that player don't stand on top of the other players or you all go down. The mech focuses on the person closest to them, don't be this person. Don't stand in any aoes during this phase, there are two different green aoes and it's just better that you stay away from both until you know what you are doing. The golem has a laser beam attack do not stand in it. It's also better as a newbie player if someone goes down don't be the one to try and res them unless you have a skill you can use from a distance.
Phase 5. Li will now do the numbers attack from anywhere on the field but typically the corner. Li will also change over to a the orange AOE attack after each numbers attack. The big swing with the orange aoes now spawns a green aoe, if you don't have an aoe already group with the players who also don't behind Li, otherwise the targeted player will go down. 

You now know basically as much information about the fight as someone who has cleared it once. There are some other details that don't matter much unless you know your class really well and have a very organized group of experienced players. Players that know what they're doing really well can clear this fight in 10 minutes. I'd say each new person adds 3-5 minutes to that clear time. Don't be discouraged if you're there for half an hour and everyone has died twice.

If the LFG group says something like "Daily Exp" what they mean is they want someone who has done that specific strike before, don't join that group or they will kick you. Please don't ever join a group and expect though that someone will explain these fights in detail, they're somewhat complicated. Sadly, little of the information about this fight's mechanics will help you clear any of the other strike missions.

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12 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Wait until they bring an a group finder (queuing) and then it should get better. I bet they will do this at some point since they are setting up a trinity you could que as either support, dps, healer or tank. I'm willing to bet they will simply the tanking system and make a focus mechanic.

Considering how professions have DPS and support builds a queue would only work if it locks you into your build.

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21 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

aka... Go spend 300g and farm 250 badges of honor! Yay for gatekeeping BASIC MMO grouping tools behind expensive purchases(for a new player)

....what? You don't need to spend anything to "advertise your group" in lfg strike mission tab.

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4 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

You do if you want to be able to kick, move people, place markers, ready check, etc. It's absurd.

Especially with strikes being the only instanced content in EoD one would think that they could have upgraded the basic squad creation with all of the commander tag features, except for the player limit increase and maybe the actual tag icon.


Regarding the OP: I am terribly distraught to read that some players trying to have fun kept you from having fun. Clearly it would be much better for you to get your way, as opposed to them getting theirs.

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9 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

You do if you want to be able to kick, move people, place markers, ready check, etc. It's absurd.

Back in the day, we had dungeons, and later we got fractals. These are 5-instanced "high-end" content made for 5 people. A party for that has no leader, no ready check, no sub-grouping, nothing of the sort. It's a fully democratic group of people.

If you think about it, strikes and raids are - basically - instanced "high end" content made for 10 people, so from that perspective it's reasonable to expect that they need only the same features as 5-man parties. So from that perspective a commanderless squad is perfectly reasonable as it is.


The fact that those that decided to pay out 300g and some other stuff gets functionality above basic party features is, imo, irrelevant.

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6 hours ago, Zohane.7208 said:

it's reasonable to expect that they need only the same features as 5-man parties. So from that perspective a commanderless squad is perfectly reasonable as it is.


The fact that those that decided to pay out 300g and some other stuff gets functionality above basic party features is, imo, irrelevant.

Wait, are you defending Anet intentionally locking basic MMO grouping features (thus making the game harder to get into as a new player) behind a 300g + 250 badge purchase?

My god.


12 hours ago, Ombras.2853 said:

Oh, no. I have to play the game to get gold, and I have to get gold to play advanced pve content.


No other game does this. It's bad for new players. Stop defending bad things.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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19 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

You do if you want to be able to kick, move people, place markers, ready check, etc. It's absurd.

But you said you need to pay 300 gold to make your group. Except you don't, you can make and advertise your group any time you want.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Wait, are you defending Anet intentionally locking basic MMO grouping features (thus making the game harder to get into as a new player) behind a 300g + 250 badge purchase?

My god.


No, I'm not defending Anet locking basic MMO grouping features behind a paywall" - I'm arguing that the rich set of features that the commander tag gives are not in fact basic features.

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OP can join guilds that do strikes especially those training / no experience required runs.


Go to snowcrows and find those dps builds that have difficulty of 2 stars and below for a start. Eg scourge, condi virtuoso, condi mechanist and condi soulbeast.

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12 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Wait, are you defending Anet intentionally locking basic MMO grouping features (thus making the game harder to get into as a new player) behind a 300g + 250 badge purchase?

My god.


No other game does this. It's bad for new players. Stop defending bad things.

The commander tag is not for new players btw. 

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On 4/16/2022 at 7:56 PM, Sai Edge.9306 said:

Tried to find a group do the do the Kaineng daily, it would be my first strike. Joined a few groups, but they seem to speak in code and when I expressed my newness, I was ejected. This has happened twice so far and I really hate the elitist group members that gate the game content because they want shave a few seconds of their personal best.


Just venting my frustration at people that spoil what should be a big of fun. 

Joined what groups? What code were they speaking in? Did the LFG mention stuff like "HFB, alac, qDPS, ping LI/KP" and you joined as a DPS on a random whatever, and couldn't engage with them at all? Because that squad was very clearly not looking to take and train a newbie.

Why didn't you write down the code, and come here asking about what they were talking about that, instead?

Newbie squads pop up on the LFG all the time. They get shouted out in Arborstone, too. Try joining one of those.

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Not being sarcastic here.

But do you really think a new player would be in need of a tag, or should be allowed to command anything (even just a group composition)?

New players should take their steps slowly and learn: the game basics, their profession, the differences between classes. Slowly moving to easy end game content (like Dungeons or t1 Fractals), THEN trying something more challenging.

At that point, you’ll have enough gold to get a tag yourself… but it’s still recommended to let a experienced commander take care of the job, for obvious reasons.


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On 4/16/2022 at 10:56 AM, Sai Edge.9306 said:

Tried to find a group do the do the Kaineng daily, it would be my first strike. Joined a few groups, but they seem to speak in code and when I expressed my newness, I was ejected. This has happened twice so far and I really hate the elitist group members that gate the game content because they want shave a few seconds of their personal best.


Just venting my frustration at people that spoil what should be a big of fun. 

I hope some day too , the Programmers remove the requirements to complete that instance to "finish" the tutrle

Edited by Luci.7018
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12 hours ago, Ombras.2853 said:

…is the turtle something you need to play any content in gw2?


Hence, why should it be a “free gift” instead of something you have to earn?

Not to mention how the turtle strike is stupidly easy.

If new players are guided to  those  kind of players , 15 days after they started the game (10 core and 5 in EoD) , they might get a wrong impression of the GW2 community as a general .


Better yet , instead of the LFG  ,  place new people directly  in a Trainning Guild

Inside their guild panel "G" , will be  a  mechanic that has open participation "Join Button" for beginners , every 10 min , like the  the 2-hour PvP tournament , but in our case Strike 1>2>3 .

They create the rules, instead of the company..-_-


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Skilled people will use the current LFG


Edited by Luci.7018
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2 hours ago, Luci.7018 said:

If new players are guided to  those  kind of players , 15 days after they started the game (10 core and 5 in EoD) , they might get a wrong impression of the GW2 community as a general .

If new players are just blindly trying to rush into more advanced content solely because they want any optional reward ASAP, then how can they be surprised about not knowing basic/crucial things about the game they apparently just started playing?

2 hours ago, Luci.7018 said:

They create the rules, instead of the company..-_-

During leveling process, probably right before you can enter the first dungeon in the game, it is explained to the players how to access LFG. There's also that "advertise your group" button in there. Any player is already able to "create the rules" for their own group/squad. What exactly is wrong with that?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 4/17/2022 at 1:27 AM, Mell.4873 said:

Wait until they bring an a group finder (queuing) and then it should get better. I bet they will do this at some point since they are setting up a trinity you could que as either support, dps, healer or tank. I'm willing to bet they will simply the tanking system and make a focus mechanic.

This would be horrible actually. The only place in this game with such a queue system is PvP, and now that game mode is plagued with more bots and trolls than it ever has before. The only people that benefit from from a queue system are the people that aren't normally welcome in groups to begin with. Not to mention it would likely face the same issues that ESO's system has, where you wind up with fake tanks and healers that are just looking for a quick queue.


I'm willing to bet what happened to the OP is they joined a group that stated they were looking for exp players and got kicked due to not meeting the group's requirements. That doesn't make that group toxic or elitist or anything, it is simply a group of players wanting to enjoy the game their way, just like casual players forming a casual group will look for other chill people and make take it slow because they enjoy that.


The LFG system gives players the freedom to create or join a group with other like minded players instead of being forced to play with others that don't mix well together. 

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