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Seriously This matchmaking designed for put you in same cycle...


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16 minutes ago, FortyTwo.8697 said:

You are exactly the kind of person we have been talking about. You are your own worst enemy. Sure, the matchmaking has some issues.

I respond this before here is my answer recommend you to read this.Because You are the exactly same person have no clue about me but just sending copy paste prejudice accusation.Did you even read my post?You are admitting matchmaking is problem.You talking about new players  and old players leaving to pvp as well because of this unfair mm.Also if you do not care about pvp why you are here?You know why new players leave to pvp ?When they put against unfair matches . More experienced players kill them easy and lock them to Home node.I'm sure you don't mind that.


"Oh no I'm not focusing my gameplay right?Just pulling  a chair and coaching to teammate right?Also didn't I said I don't care your comments already.Oh yeah definitely  a new player said I want to improve and I didn't care right?"

Edited by Carnage.6751
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You're right for everything is MM .. This MM is designed like this : For a while it gives you better players to the team and you have for example 10 win in a row and then it gives you worse players to the team and you have for example 10 losses . It's because, for example, in the top 10 there is not a player who was lucky and just got a better team .. someone could be mega lucky and get 20time in row good team and then they would be in a good place . So the game wants to avoid it and that's why it gives you that trash in the team. This is one of the reasons why GW PVP is so toxic instead. It's like someone sent you to play the NHL but you never played hockey at such a good level. Your teammates would not be very happy for you and they would probably be toxic for the loss. I have played 12,000 pvp games so I know what I'm talking about . So the only thing you can do to make it happen is to give a big carry to your trash team when you have to lose . And when you have winstrike you can't lose a single game between .. that's the only way to improve your raiting.But pvp is a completely dead gamemode the further the game less people mainly because of this raiting system which demotivates people to continue the game .Every TOP player will tell you that raiting doesn't matter at all . mostly titles and games somewhere on higher raiting is a scam and a wintrade. leadboard means nothing.and this MM system works bad because the pvp play few people.so the games you have to lose are terribly unbalanced. few years ago when pvp played a lot of people you got people who had 50 raiting less than you had and you should have lost the game. and u maybe played against a team that had 50 raiting more. perfectly balanced!. now you play calmly with people who have gold and you are platinum against the full platinum team. and only because no one plays pvp anymore and you should have 5 hours queue for a perfect balanced game. so dont blame your team is not their fault for playing against a team that is stronger.a lot of people from pvp are leaving and they go to play gvg in wvw .. and a lot of people completely stopped playing gw mainly because of the stupid leaderboard and raiting. pvp has never been more dead than it is now. I hope ANET will do something about it and do normal rework and remove the single-leaderboard in the team game.

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On 4/16/2022 at 10:56 PM, Carnage.6751 said:

I'm gonna lose my mind with this phase.I can't believe how a matchmaking can be this torture?İts like a nightmare, right I'm about to get promote Im getting such a terrible teammates I rather prefer play with BOTS.Everytime Im about to promote MM says "no F you." I was at 1150 .And After that 11 loss. ELEVEN .You gonna say "Yeah you are bad" .İs it all my fault losing 11 games?What kinda 50/50 winrate pool is this?I've done everything I  soak entire enemy team damage with my shield I heal to my team with my wells ı cc'ed, I peeled and Lost lost lost.And I'm gonna say it İf  being honest and telling  a terrible and bad player what they  are  makes me toxic.Yes ı'm a toxic player.When a dead weight  player is dead weight I can't sugarcoat this.This is absolute torture.When you soak entire enemy team damage and your team mates still dies before you What THEY ARE ? This is absolute terrible pvp matchmaking.This is Absolute rat cycle.F this MODE.

I once memed my qualifiers to get really low for once(just to see what it's like), and I ended up climbing from 1240 to 1650 without losing once. Especially at first those wins were me, and only me. I won 3v1-s on far, and even so we had some close calls, because my teams were absolutely useless(compared to what I'm used to), I couldn't count on them to do anyhting. If they actually managed to pull something off, it was a nice surprise.

And that was 1240, you are a hundred rating below that. My point is, stop having unrealistic expectations. Your current rating is way below of that of an average new player. Your teammates will run around doing random things, sometimes it works out, but mostly won't, well guess what they do not care it's 1150 for a reason. They are just chilling, trying the game out, watching something on the other monitor etc...


If you want to climb out of that super low rating, drop the bunker archetype and start playing something mobile and offensive. Gank the enemy to get kills, decap their far, control the flow of the match as much as possible. Simply being a hard to kill bunker will only let you be the one who gets killed last.

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10 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

I once memed my qualifiers to get really low for once(just to see what it's like), and I ended up climbing from 1240 to 1650 without losing once. Especially at first those wins were me, and only me. I won 3v1-s on far, and even so we had some close calls, because my teams were absolutely useless(compared to what I'm used to), I couldn't count on them to do anyhting. If they actually managed to pull something off, it was a nice surprise.

And that was 1240, you are a hundred rating below that. My point is, stop having unrealistic expectations. Your current rating is way below of that of an average new player. Your teammates will run around doing random things, sometimes it works out, but mostly won't, well guess what they do not care it's 1150 for a reason. They are just chilling, trying the game out, watching something on the other monitor etc...


If you want to climb out of that super low rating, drop the bunker archetype and start playing something mobile and offensive. Gank the enemy to get kills, decap their far, control the flow of the match as much as possible. Simply being a hard to kill bunker will only let you be the one who gets killed last.

I give up shielding to my teammates already .Waiting for coordinated teamplay in solo que like expecting  a camel to play basketball.Change my Mesmer to Pdps an trying out Ranger and Revenant.İts too late for abandoning to PvP.Need to get the Ascension. 😕

Edited by Carnage.6751
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I had a similar experience lately. I played 2-3 games almost every day and had some good times and some bad, but I managed to slowly crawl up to almost plat2. 

Then the matchmaking went completely nuts the last couple of days.

"Here, have 8 losses in a row! Aww... now you are back to gold 3, I'm soooo sorry. Do you know what would cheer you up? Playing with your g3 team against some tournament winners! Enjoy your stay in the world of Tyria!"


I was quite excited to get into the top 250 and gain a title. But almost all of that excitement is gone by now.


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13 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

I once memed my qualifiers to get really low for once(just to see what it's like), and I ended up climbing from 1240 to 1650 without losing once. Especially at first those wins were me, and only me. I won 3v1-s on far, and even so we had some close calls, because my teams were absolutely useless(compared to what I'm used to), I couldn't count on them to do anyhting. If they actually managed to pull something off, it was a nice surprise.

And that was 1240, you are a hundred rating below that. My point is, stop having unrealistic expectations. Your current rating is way below of that of an average new player. Your teammates will run around doing random things, sometimes it works out, but mostly won't, well guess what they do not care it's 1150 for a reason. They are just chilling, trying the game out, watching something on the other monitor etc...


If you want to climb out of that super low rating, drop the bunker archetype and start playing something mobile and offensive. Gank the enemy to get kills, decap their far, control the flow of the match as much as possible. Simply being a hard to kill bunker will only let you be the one who gets killed last.

Bazsi coming in to save the day! ❤️

Taking the wheels in your own hands is the best thing you can do to Climb.

what would you say is the best to carry? a Roamer like Rev,Thief  or more straight up damage like Dragonhunter or Soulbeast?


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20 hours ago, Carnage.6751 said:

Oh what kinda improvement you talking about?Like improve able to win 5 v 1 ?This person absolute troll and still  begging for attention.

can you stop being so hurt? we are talking to you in a nice and calm manner and you are just raging all over the place... Jumping at everyone that doesnt agree with you. It is becoming more and more clear why you cant escape your elo....

People are telling you calmly that you should focus on your own gameplay, because that is the only thing that you can realisticly change about the current situation and you just call people a troll for telling you this.


YES the situation is frustrating. Yes you are stuck with bad teammates. But there is nothing that you can change about that, the only thing you can change is your own gameplay. Choose a good build that you like and improve on it. Have a good attitude towards your teammates and dont rage. If you behave in your games the same way you do here.... This might be a reason you are stuck in deep silver.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 4/19/2022 at 10:52 AM, machkop.7951 said:

You're right for everything is MM .. This MM is designed like this : For a while it gives you better players to the team and you have for example 10 win in a row and then it gives you worse players to the team and you have for example 10 losses . It's because, for example, in the top 10 there is not a player who was lucky and just got a better team .. someone could be mega lucky and get 20time in row good team and then they would be in a good place . So the game wants to avoid it and that's why it gives you that trash in the team. This is one of the reasons why GW PVP is so toxic instead. It's like someone sent you to play the NHL but you never played hockey at such a good level. Your teammates would not be very happy for you and they would probably be toxic for the loss. I have played 12,000 pvp games so I know what I'm talking about . So the only thing you can do to make it happen is to give a big carry to your trash team when you have to lose . And when you have winstrike you can't lose a single game between .. that's the only way to improve your raiting.But pvp is a completely dead gamemode the further the game less people mainly because of this raiting system which demotivates people to continue the game .Every TOP player will tell you that raiting doesn't matter at all . mostly titles and games somewhere on higher raiting is a scam and a wintrade. leadboard means nothing.and this MM system works bad because the pvp play few people.so the games you have to lose are terribly unbalanced. few years ago when pvp played a lot of people you got people who had 50 raiting less than you had and you should have lost the game. and u maybe played against a team that had 50 raiting more. perfectly balanced!. now you play calmly with people who have gold and you are platinum against the full platinum team. and only because no one plays pvp anymore and you should have 5 hours queue for a perfect balanced game. so dont blame your team is not their fault for playing against a team that is stronger.a lot of people from pvp are leaving and they go to play gvg in wvw .. and a lot of people completely stopped playing gw mainly because of the stupid leaderboard and raiting. pvp has never been more dead than it is now. I hope ANET will do something about it and do normal rework and remove the single-leaderboard in the team game.

One word: "Preach." 
Two words: "F***ing preach. 
Why, because that right there is the truth folks. And if Anet doesn't do something about this, eventually even more players will give up till all that's left is people stuck in 30 min que's for one match because of a garbage MM system.  Yay. \o/ 

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I've been there before, you definitely surrounded by toxic players that will afk after dying once mid, you maybe one of them


I've been there at silver 2


pick a build, find a plat+ player streamer, copy paste the play style, after that you should be around gold 2, it worked just fine for me, also read the guides from gods of pvp, vallun has some good videos like rotating, carrying your team.

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On 4/20/2022 at 9:57 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

Bazsi coming in to save the day! ❤️

Taking the wheels in your own hands is the best thing you can do to Climb.

what would you say is the best to carry? a Roamer like Rev,Thief  or more straight up damage like Dragonhunter or Soulbeast?


Roamers are kinda bad since they need someone to take the initiative to be able to gank and when your team is wiping that ain't gona happen, sidenors are good pick but still you rely on the rest of the team to keep another node, we totally leave out supports for obvious reasons so it leaves teamfighters meaning AOE AOE AOE, the more people you can affect for less time the better.

If you manage to wipe the enemy team back to back 2 times the lower tiers usually give up, also it is a good idea to keep your teammates alive somewhat cause they are also prone to giving up after they die even if you are winning . Some of the meme builds that are kinda garbage in g3 and up are quite good to carry lower than that, FT Scrapper, Signet Berserker or Trapper ranger would probably net a lot of kills, the kinda meta ones like trapper DH, Reaper, Vindicator would give more control over the game since you can start the fight yourself, sustain most of the damage and still have enough damage to get multiple kills . 

Harbinger is also good pick even though it is mostly roamer, it has really strong AOE be it Condi or Power, both would be pain to deal with on lower elo, power for two shotting people, condi for slow but sure kills, the condi one is probably easier since it is tankier.     

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