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Seriously This matchmaking designed for put you in same cycle...


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I'm gonna lose my mind with this phase.I can't believe how a matchmaking can be this torture?İts like a nightmare, right I'm about to get promote Im getting such a terrible teammates I rather prefer play with BOTS.Everytime Im about to promote MM says "no F you." I was at 1150 .And After that 11 loss. ELEVEN .You gonna say "Yeah you are bad" .İs it all my fault losing 11 games?What kinda 50/50 winrate pool is this?I've done everything I  soak entire enemy team damage with my shield I heal to my team with my wells ı cc'ed, I peeled and Lost lost lost.And I'm gonna say it İf  being honest and telling  a terrible and bad player what they  are  makes me toxic.Yes ı'm a toxic player.When a dead weight  player is dead weight I can't sugarcoat this.This is absolute torture.When you soak entire enemy team damage and your team mates still dies before you What THEY ARE ? This is absolute terrible pvp matchmaking.This is Absolute rat cycle.F this MODE.

Edited by Carnage.6751
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9 minutes ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

What is "soak entire enemy tram damage"? If it is what I think it is. Maybe your not doing enough damage back at the enemy. Tanking enemy damage won't win the game. Killing the enemy will.

I tried that way too.Being glass cannon wont pay since mode favors to bunker builds .That's why I switch to condi damage/ chronomancer build.Since my friends in pvp don't enter to game This is what happens in solo que.Absolute gamble.This is happened before  . right before   I'm about to  reach  gold , start losing until 1000.This is what mm is same cycle keeps repeating.

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9 minutes ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

What is "soak entire enemy tram damage"? If it is what I think it is. Maybe your not doing enough damage back at the enemy. Tanking enemy damage won't win the game. Killing the enemy will.

Just killing the enemy also won’t win the game, I can go 23 kills to 0 deaths, scoring 5-6 top stats but it doesn’t matter if the rest of the team isn’t performing at all.

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As incredibly difficult as it can be, you have to keep trying to mesh with your team and stop thinking of them as garbage/a liability. Dividing yourself in any way is just another tool that the enemy will absolutely use to crush all 5 of you. I know it's hard but controlling your frustration and continuing to help your homies and continually doing what makes sense in the match and silencing negativity will help give you the best chances. Quiet confidence and ascend, brother. Gamer DNA.

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No offense but if your rating is 1150 you should probably focus on your own gameplay. If you really want to get out of the rating you dont think you deserve then duo queue or play a carry class in the off hours.  Also, condi chrono isnt that good and adds little value outside of a 1v1 or 2v2.

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12 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

No offense but if your rating is 1150 you should probably focus on your own gameplay. If you really want to get out of the rating you dont think you deserve then duo queue or play a carry class in the off hours.  Also, condi chrono isnt that good and adds little value outside of a 1v1 or 2v2.

Well truth is even you burst down your enemy when they can stick together on nodes your "carry" means nothing.Taking top kills,top defence who cares enemy can hold to nodes more than you.They can mitigate your damage with resilience and  res each others and you have no option but spread out and focus on other nodes and in conquest mode teamplay wins.I went greatsword/sword/pistol pds build too if you can't sit on node and gain points your damage means nothing.

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On 4/17/2022 at 2:19 AM, FrownyClown.8402 said:

No offense but if your rating is 1150 you should probably focus on your own gameplay. If you really want to get out of the rating you dont think you deserve then duo queue or play a carry class in the off hours.  Also, condi chrono isnt that good and adds little value outside of a 1v1 or 2v2.

i think he said in another thread that he is playing support chrono.

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The matchmaker is just useless. I'm in Platinum-1 tonight again and once again getting teammates who don't know basic map mechanics, who clearly just placed in Silver. I literally had a Ranger ask me tonight "what the heck is that ranger" referring to an enemy Untamed, their own class.


The population is too low and it won't match you up to more than a few similar players, ever.


For some reason you also tend to lose more points for losing than you gain points for winning, which can still make players become hardstuck even if they have a 55%+ win rate.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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2 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

The matchmaker is just garbage. I'm in Platinum-1 tonight again and once again getting teammates who don't know basic map mechanics, who clearly just placed in Silver. I literally had a Ranger ask me tonight "what's the heck is that ranger" referring to an enemy Untamed, their own class.


The population is too low and it won't match you up to more than a few similar players, ever.


For some reason you also tend to lose more points for losing than you gain points for winning, which can still make players become hardstuck even if they have a 55%+ win rate.

Because A-net so desperate for fill to mode let people coming to ranked before any training.Legit new players in this game absolute have 0 map awareness.They think they are little rambos and diving 5 v 1 becomes cannon fodder.Rather than protect what they have they want to get all 3 nodes and dies for it.Today I had a team we win 2 nodes and all of them went to far and died and after that enemy focus to secure mid and close and mine died one by one.Like How I can stay chill in this mode?Don't you love your teammates absolute have 0 team play sense and playing like this is a Call of Duty game?Yeah Arena net please suspend me for telling garbage to garbage.I'm at third part of "The Ascension" and already regret to start this mode.

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14 minutes ago, Carnage.6751 said:

Because A-net so desperate for fill to mode let people coming to ranked before any training.

you need to reach level 20 in pvp before you can play Ranked.

Especially in lower elos some people need a helping hand. Try and explain to them how Conquest is played. Some people simply dont understand the deeper mechanics like rotating. Some people dont even understand what kind of Build they are playing. Am i a duellist? a roamer? Teamfighter?  Some people just straight up dont know, because there is no tutorial or anything that tells you about the diffrent roles. Maybe you can teach them. But you should always pay attention that your lesson is not turning into flaming.

But there is one thing... you seriously need to stop coming to the forum and shittalking your teammates. It doesnt lead anywhere. This is like post #10 that is just full of hate for your teammates. Try to improve your own gameplay and teach the people that want to improve. Thats all you can do sadly.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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2 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

The matchmaker is just garbage. I'm in Platinum-1 tonight again and once again getting teammates who don't know basic map mechanics, who clearly just placed in Silver. I literally had a Ranger ask me tonight "what's the heck is that ranger" referring to an enemy Untamed, their own class.


The population is too low and it won't match you up to more than a few similar players, ever.


For some reason you also tend to lose more points for losing than you gain points for winning, which can still make players become hardstuck even if they have a 55%+ win rate.

Also I recommend you do not play with same class.Because of skill rating matchmaking  keep reducing to points you gain for being experienced.I was playing with mesmer for long time and If I win max 12 if I lose 14 ponts then I start to play Ranger and losing 8 points and gaining 20.

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1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Try to improve your own gameplay and teach the people that want to improve. Thats all you can do sadly.

Oh no I'm not focusing my gameplay right?Just pulling  a chair and coaching to teammate right?Also didn't I said I don't care your comments already.Oh yeah definitely  a new player said I want to improve and I didn't care right?You are new in this business I guess.

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29 minutes ago, Carnage.6751 said:

Oh no I'm not focusing my gameplay right?Just pulling  a chair and coaching to teammate right?Also didn't I said I don't care your comments already.Oh yeah definitely  a new player said I want to improve and I didn't care right?You are new in this business I guess.

it was a normal comment... idk.. did i say anything negative? :0

did i say that you dont focus on your gameplay? I just said that everything you can do is try to improve yourself and help the people that want to improve...

no need to get so defensive... wtf ._.           i am sorry i didnt want to ruin your day.... *sigh*

have a good one

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24 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

it was a normal comment... idk.. did i say anything negative? :0 no need to get so defensive... wtf ._.           i am sorry i didnt want to ruin your day.... *sigh*

have a good one

Look that's easy.Be a decent human being and don't come to place you are not wanted.I can communicate all this players and you are the one pointing fingers at me?Don't write to my posts if you don't like my attitude ok?I'll do same thing to you.

Good days.

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52 minutes ago, Carnage.6751 said:

Look that's easy.Be a decent human being and don't come to place you are not wanted.I can communicate all this players and you are the one pointing fingers at me?Don't write to my posts if you don't like my attitude ok?I'll do same thing to you.

Good days.

what is going on? 😵    "don't come to place you are not wanted"  RUUUUDE :C

read my first post again please! i have not pointed fingers at you... why are you so hurt? :C maybe it is language barrier.. but everything i said was ment in a nice way and not pointing fingers at you in the slightest... for real.. dont be so defensive. :C i mean no harm

if anyone said anything against you here it would be Frownyclown :

"No offense but if your rating is 1150 you should probably focus on your own gameplay. ... Also, condi chrono isnt that good and adds little value outside of a 1v1 or 2v2".

and his post is the one with the most "upvotes" here...     think about it.

we derail this topic so i will stop right here.

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11 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

what is going on? 😵

read my first post again please! i have not pointed fingers at you... why are you so hurt? :C maybe it is language barrier.. but everything i said was ment in a nice way and not pointing fingers at you in the slightest... for real.. dont be so defensive. :C i mean no harm

we derail this topic so i will stop right here.

I think the main problem is that some people take this game, and games in general, way too seriously. It's a game. It's entertainment. I suggest people to stop treating every game as an Esport and start treating games as games.

The moment I stopped taking PvP in Guild Wars 2 seriously is the moment I actually began to enjoy the game, even if I lose. This attitude has translated to all the games I played and I began to enjoy all of them a lot more.

Sure, it's nice to win. Everyone likes winning. And yes, loosing can be frustrating. But I notice I've been way less frustrated since I stopped taking it so seriously and simply accept loosing as an inevitable part of the experience.

In the words of the mighty Lemmy Kilmister:

"You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools,
But that's the way I like it baby,
I don't wanna live forever,"
Motörhead - Ace of Spades

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9 minutes ago, FortyTwo.8697 said:

I think the main problem is that some people take this game, and games in general, way too seriously. It's a game. It's entertainment. I suggest people to stop treating every game as an Esport and start treating games as games.

The moment I stopped taking PvP in Guild Wars 2 seriously is the moment I actually began to enjoy the game, even if I lose. This attitude has translated to all the games I played and I began to enjoy all of them a lot more.

Sure, it's nice to win. Everyone likes winning. And yes, loosing can be frustrating. But I notice I've been way less frustrated since I stopped taking it so seriously and simply accept loosing as an inevitable part of the experience.

In the words of the mighty Lemmy Kilmister:

"You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools,
But that's the way I like it baby,
I don't wanna live forever,"
Motörhead - Ace of Spades

The second emotions take over... your Gameplay suffers.

i noticed the same. The second i stopped caring about wins/losses and actually started enjoying the little fights and just generally improving with the build that i play for the day. I started having more fun and even improved my gameplay.

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16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

The second emotions take over... your Gameplay suffers.

i noticed the same. The second i stopped caring about wins/losses and actually started enjoying the little fights and just generally improving with the build that i play for the day. I started having more fun and even improved my gameplay.

Exactly. With this attitude, any game can become enjoyable. And I'm not even a great PvP player. I'm currently ranked in silver 2. I probably suck quite a bit. But I try to do the best I can, learn from my mistakes, and try to improve as much as possible, while still enjoying the game in a much more casual easy going manner. And you know what? My rating has been slowly an steadily improving lately, even though I don't even care for rating at all.

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6 minutes ago, FortyTwo.8697 said:

But I try to do the best I can, learn from my mistakes, and try to improve as much as possible

You said something REALLY valuable!

looking at your own gameplay and figuring out what mistakes you did is the first step to improving. on the otherhand if you think you are playing perfect and are stuck in silver because of your teammates or blame it on some rigged matchmaking... this is the type of players that sadly will never improve. To improve you need to admit that you are doing mistakes.

I am(was i abandoned ranked since EoD) p2 and i am still doing a wagonload of mistakes EVERY GAME.

very good attitude of yours! ❤️

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19 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

You said something REALLY valuable!

looking at your own gameplay and figuring out what mistakes you did is the first step to improving. on the otherhand if you think you are playing perfect and are stuck in silver because of your teammates or blame it on matchmaking... this is the type of players that sadly will never improve. To improve you need to admit that you are doing mistakes.

I am(was i abandoned ranked since EoD) p2 and i am still doing a wagonload of mistakes EVERY GAME.

There's only one major issue with the matchmaking. Too few players. The system was designed with more regular players in mind. So from time to time it happens that you are queued against one  or two high ranked players, simply because the system can't find more players in your rating. And this can be very daunting for new players, as high end players will generally beat the crap out of low ranked players.

But I have also noticed that, by focusing on my own gameplay, trying the best I can, and improve as a player, this hurdle is steadily becoming smaller over time. So while the matchmaking does have some issues, overal your own willingness to learn and do better you will overcome those issues eventually.

People also expect to be really good at games right out of the gate. But this is not realistic. Everyone starts somewhere. Platinum 3 players were once also bronze 1 noobs, getting beaten to a pulp by the high end players of that time.

And really, the only way to fix the matchmaking issues is to encourage more players to engage with PvP. The system itself isn't bad. It just doesn't function as it should with too few players. More players engaging with PvP will fix all these issues. And you do this by being understanding and supportive of your fellow players. Most players are low ranked. Most of those players aren't that great, just like I am not that great.

But I think the main reason people stop playing PvP in Guild Wars 2 isn't even loosing a match. It's getting yelled at in team chat, being told they are garbage and that they should just quit and uninstall. That attitude towards people who aren't that good at the game is counterproductive to the max. If you really want to kill PvP in Guild Wars 2, then that's the way to go.

Because people who aren't very good at the game might actually get better over time. And even if you don't actively try to help people, atleast don't talk down on them either. Even just leaving them to their own to figure things out for themselves is more productive than yelling at people.

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

you seriously need to stop coming to the forum and shittalking your teammates. It doesnt lead anywhere.

Yeah I kinda wonder what people think happens when they shittalk. I turned off team chat years ago in wvw because of that, I didn't even notice it was a thing in spvp. Until I got targeted a few times by my own team. I enabled it to check what was going on (after that one game I remembered there was team chat). And I disabled it again like 20 sec after.

I ruined your game? Oh no. What will I ever do? Yeap, queue again.

In the end what do I care? If the matchmaker puts the same god of the arena in my game, twice in a row, blame the matchmaker not me. Be happy you got in a game, cause there are like 100 players you should be getting matched with on the entire season ladder... gl getting in a game with so few.

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34 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

this is the type of players that sadly will never improve. To improve you need to admit that you are doing mistakes.

Oh what kinda improvement you talking about?Like improve able to win 5 v 1 ?This person absolute troll and still  begging for attention.I'm practicing when I change to new character in unranked I'm looking for guides ,I'm checking to map and cares teamplay.What more? Also did I say I never made mistakes?...ugh

What do you mean dont blame your teammates.Like my teammas are perfect?No wonder  I can't get out from Silver rank.Because in silver rank solo que gives you new players never done to pvp before so what's bronze rank for?People staying afk in base?When I que with my friends we won %90, because we playing as team we defend each others.So don't even talk about "dont blame your teammates" and "improvement". 

And its sad you still going after saying "we derail this topic so i will stop right here." İf you looking for attention maybe try tiktok. 

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1 minute ago, Carnage.6751 said:

Oh what kinda improvement you talking about?Like improve able to 5 v 1 ?This person absolute troll and still  begging for attention.I'm practicing when I change to new character in unranked I'm looking for guides ,I'm checking to map and cares teamplay.What more? Also did I said I never made mistake...ugh

What do you mean dont blame your teammates.Like my teammate is perfect?No wonder  I can't get out from Silver rank.Because in silver rank solo que gives you people new players never done to pvp before so how many people in bronze?When I que as my friends we won %90, because we playing as team we defend each others.So don't even talk about "dont blame your teammates" and "improvement". 

And its sad you still going after saying "we derail this topic so i will stop right here." İf you looking for attention maybe try tiktok. 

You are exactly the kind of person we have been talking about. You are your own worst enemy. Sure, the matchmaking has some issues. But your failure to look at yourself and learn from your own mistakes is what is keeping you locked in silver.

You can't change your team members. But you can change yourself. Try to imagine the possibility that you're not as good as you'd like to think you are. Seek out your own flaws, learn from your mistakes, and you might actually improve your rating.

This is my advice to you. Either take it or leave it. The choice is yours.

Have a good day.

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