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What is the average player?

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On 4/23/2022 at 8:54 PM, Aridon.8362 said:

To me the average player is someone who is sitting on 500ish gold in their wallet all made from selling stuff on the TP that theyve farmed or acquired in game, and pays for gems to get skins/utilities.


Been here since 2012 I've never hit 500g. Most I ever hit was just around 400 when I sold several hundred mystic coins at once.


I farm T3 Fractals all the time and am usually #1 or #2 in the DPS when I'm on DPS, have the least downtime (unless I get on my guardian which has an advanced degree in Floor Inspection...), constantly tweak my builds, have Ascended gear on about 5 or 6 characters - 2 of which are geared out all the way through T4 of Fractals, have completed ALL of the story, all the dungeons so many times it's absurd, do guild missions often, have multiple characters with builds dedicated to specific game modes like 'WvW roamer, Fractal DPS, Strike Mission, etc, can do almost any jumping puzzle with ease, keep a 13th character slot open for 'lion key farming', and regularly solo various Champion event bosses around the game as if they were normal casual mobs.


But without that 500g, I guess most 'casuals' are more advanced than me. 😛

Then again... what separates me from a lot of 'average players' is that I am constantly SPENDING my gold on tweaking my characters... So maybe you're actually on to something there.



If you can look at the skills and talent points of a character and make a build yourself - then you are NOT an average player.

If you know how to judge what ascended gear you want, and how to upgrade it with infusions - you are NOT an average player. If you know every ring can actually hold 3 infusion slots you're NOT average.

- Those are metrics I know of. There are a LOT of other things that distinguish an average player from someone who's a bit more invested or informed. A lot of it just comes down to experience with things or awareness that goes beyond a beginner guide.



Edited by Kichwas.7152
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8 hours ago, Kichwas.7152 said:

Been here since 2012 I've never hit 500g.

Go to gw2efficiency, feed it your API key, and check your account value and liquid gold.
GW2 rarely, very rarely, rewards you actual hard cash. Most of the rewards is in materials, trophies, skins, etc. 

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15 hours ago, Kichwas.7152 said:


Been here since 2012 I've never hit 500g. Most I ever hit was just around 400 when I sold several hundred mystic coins at once.


I farm T3 Fractals all the time and am usually #1 or #2 in the DPS when I'm on DPS, have the least downtime (unless I get on my guardian which has an advanced degree in Floor Inspection...), constantly tweak my builds, have Ascended gear on about 5 or 6 characters - 2 of which are geared out all the way through T4 of Fractals, have completed ALL of the story, all the dungeons so many times it's absurd, do guild missions often, have multiple characters with builds dedicated to specific game modes like 'WvW roamer, Fractal DPS, Strike Mission, etc, can do almost any jumping puzzle with ease, keep a 13th character slot open for 'lion key farming', and regularly solo various Champion event bosses around the game as if they were normal casual mobs.


But without that 500g, I guess most 'casuals' are more advanced than me. 😛

Then again... what separates me from a lot of 'average players' is that I am constantly SPENDING my gold on tweaking my characters... So maybe you're actually on to something there.



If you can look at the skills and talent points of a character and make a build yourself - then you are NOT an average player.

If you know how to judge what ascended gear you want, and how to upgrade it with infusions - you are NOT an average player. If you know every ring can actually hold 3 infusion slots you're NOT average.

- Those are metrics I know of. There are a LOT of other things that distinguish an average player from someone who's a bit more invested or informed. A lot of it just comes down to experience with things or awareness that goes beyond a beginner guide.



Well, gold doesn't do much if you don't use it anyways. As long as you can easily buy what you need, the actual amount in the wallet doesn't matter too much.

I haven't been above 1k gold since May of last year, though I have very little use for gold besides converting it to gems and sometimes making food.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 4/24/2022 at 12:51 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

By sheer statistical chance, I think the average player is someone who plays for a very short amount of time without ever getting into the end-game or hitting level 80.  MMOs are all like this, with most players abandoning the game after playing it for a bit and losing interest.  

Which means the "average" <whatever> person is usually just a matter of cherry picking whatever statistics supports your thesis.

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On 4/24/2022 at 11:10 AM, yoni.7015 said:

What? HoT and PoF is hardcore content? I never heard of anyone who wasn’t able to solo story missions. They are designed to be played alone. 

Hello there! Now you heard of one. I didn't manage the last mission of Season 2, maybe not the last, anyway, the fight with the dragon where I need to run around like a madman to extinguish fires, do something with blobs and also fight the dragon. I managed to perpetuate the fight, however I didn't manage to clean it up so that I could actually finish / progress the boss.

Got minor help from a helpful random and it was sort of a walk in the park. Not entirely, but.

Core ranger, a wee bit below exotic gear, or so. I don't know whether I could have changed things - I was spending points in druid, so unlikely I guess? - but it's my preferred playstyle anyway.

And, as for the context of the topic, I'm likely below "average", I'm super casual. Play in bursts, now I didn't since about the expansion launch. I like to fiddle around but I tend to shy away from commitments - and I'm just about to do Ascalonian Catacombs story mode. The scar is actually from another game where you'd have random daily quest chains and if you don't do those two hours in one sit, you get nothing.

Technically, I'm a bit demotivated as I'm a bit stuck earning my first Ascended set, which I'd like to craft, but the materials are a bit scarce, or my gold earnings are, anyway. I could possibly sell more from my material bank but I don't know what I won't need. Also not that fond of the daily stuff for two gold. I also have other games mixed with my hobby, I love photographing and screenshotting and I miss a free camera in this game.

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On 4/24/2022 at 1:26 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

I know a bunch of players who never had more than 50 gold in their wallet ever and don't know how to get more. They just hang out in the open world repeating world complete on alts.

This is me, I don't farm content to sell on the trading post, so having 30 gold is a big deal for me. I'm not even sure how I can get gold without playing the market. I play the story, get bored, move on for a couple of months (years), make alts, and do it over again. I run around the open world having fun with the world and killing stuff. I don't have any fancy mounts, or a skyscale, and never will.


I'm willing to bet I'm fairly "average".

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25 minutes ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

This is me, I don't farm content to sell on the trading post, so having 30 gold is a big deal for me. I'm not even sure how I can get gold without playing the market. I play the story, get bored, move on for a couple of months (years), make alts, and do it over again. I run around the open world having fun with the world and killing stuff. I don't have any fancy mounts, or a skyscale, and never will.


I'm willing to bet I'm fairly "average".

You probably have close to a hundred gold worth of mats in your mat storage though. Maybe even more.

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